Nichijou Backstories... and questions

kinakomochi posted on Jun 03, 2012 at 10:03AM
Just to consolidate some of my thoughts here, rather than on the Wall... and I realize Nichijou is supposed to be a whimsical fantasy world based only loosely on reality, but it's that little thread of connection that's interesting to me... hope it gets you thinking a bit too! (^- ^ )

-- Nano and Hakase-chan: What are their origin stories, I wonder? On the Wall, I posted about perhaps Hakase-chan (Hc) was an adult after all, a brilliant scientist working on a fountain of youth, which she ultimately stumbled upon then tried on herself. It worked, except she couldn't stop the age reversal, in a sort of Benjamin Button situation.

Before she became too young to care for herself, in a hurry she created Nano and programmed her to be her caretaker. She didn't have the time nor the desire to base Nano on anyone but herself, so she made her in her own image, minus perhaps some negative personality traits (that we see a little bit in 8-yo Hc).

This explains quite a few things in the series: why the Shinonome Factory exists at all, as an 8-yo would probably find setting one up quite difficult, as would a high-school-aged girl with a key in her back. It also explains why Nano is so lenient with Hc, while still obeying common sense -- adult Hakase wanted to be cared for well as a rugrat... and maybe even a bit spoiled, too!

Another couple of other things as well: the school principal's name is also Shinonome. I'm betting that's not a coincidence -- it can explain the care for the Factory, as perhaps adult Hakase was married into the family and it went into the principal's care after the youth potion incident. Also, remember when Hc said 'Nano, welcome home' (Nano, okaeri) twice... that also made me think: what if Hakase is also an android/cyborg? It would explain her vast intellect yet childish personality... something modern AIs are said to resemble. If so, then why? Who made her?

-- Mai: where did she get her love of Buddhist idolatry? And who taught her to carve wood? It's not really something you can pick up on a lark, so someone must've mentored her or at least inspired her early on...

-- Mio and Yoshino: Yoshino is indeed a prodigy at kendo, as she can win national matches with little or no practice, which reminds one of another kendo 'tensai' -- Miyamoto Musashi, swordfighting prodigy himself and author of the 'Book of Five Rings'. But Mio has her own fighting skills, as you see a couple of times in the anime... but because of her inabilty to follow sports rules, she isn't able to match Yoshino unless she's very, very upset. Mio chooses to draw manga rather than fence for this reason... which is kind of funny as Mio/Yoshino are the 'pen and the sword'. (^- ^ )

-- Takasaki-sensei: some of my favorite skits in the anime are the ones with Takasaki-sensei in them, because he's just crazy insane in puppy-love for Sakurai-sensei (they'd make a cute couple!), plus his inability to censor his true feelings is also hilarious. But why does he only grow takenoko (bamboo shoots) at home, and have to buy naganegi (green onion)? Nakamura-sensei is also a teacher but chooses to live in an apartment... does T-sensei have a house? What does he do besides teach and go to the market? And who taught him how to play igo soccer?

-- Nakamura-sensei: as a funny foil to Nano/Hc in the series (and a bit to Takasaki-sensei and Sakamoto as well), she's one of my favorite characters to listen to the Japanese subbed version for, as her seiyuu's delivery (Mizuhara Kaoru) is hilarious, esp in EP25. However, there are a few questions: did she begin teaching at Tokisadame High as a cover for her mad scientist conquest of Nano before the series began, or did she only discover Nano and begin wanting to study her after she enrolled in school? Why does she dress like a shonen (young boy) when out of class? What's up with her wrestling references ("Calm down, Cowboy Bill Watts!")? What does she do besides plot Nano's capture in her off-time? We see she's definitely single... what's her backstory?

-- Biscuit #2: it was curious at first how B2 was so primitive compared to Nano... after all, HC made both. But if you take into account the youth potion theory, that getting younger may also make you forget the adult way of doing certain things... then seeing B2 makes a lot of sense -- it's an 8-yo's work, even if she's an 8-yo genius.


Those are the main questions I wanted to raise about the characters in the series -- again, I know Nichijou is all about fun and whimsy, so this is all just food for thought. (^- ^ )
last edited on Jun 08, 2012 at 09:38AM

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