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One Tree Hill Question

Did the "Lucas & Peyton have never existed" policy in season 7 bother you?

I mean - I know Hilarie & Chad are gone. But the way the screenwriters forgot about the bonds they created between core 5 was absurd.
6 seaason of Peyton/Brooke being best freinds, yeah? Then Brooke goes through Alex/Julian & infertility and... Nothing! Not a phone call, not an e-mail scene!
The same goes with Lucas/Haley friendship. Whole life of being closer then anybody and what, absolutely no contact when Lydia dies...?
In real life it doesn't matter where are your friends, you keep in touch with them! Especially when something so important happens in your life & you need them more then ever.
For me the way the screenwriters pushed Lucas & Peyton's friendships away from the show was ridiculous & unreliable.
It's not the matter of liking them or not, it's the matter of keeping at least slightest realism in the show that you create!

Your thoughts?
 VictoriNoRisuu posted over a year ago
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One Tree Hill Answers

oth_leyton_tla said:
I totally agree. I understand that they have both left but they could write a phone call into the episode or something! I mean Leyton would have been a great support for Haley this season considering that they have both lost people close to them, especially Peyton.I really don't know how they will explain why they don't return for Naley's baby and Brulian wedding in season 8.
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posted over a year ago 
Kate1800 said:
your right the show was built on the relationship between the 5 characters and not even bringing them up in confersation in the show just makes it not the same show.
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posted over a year ago 
abs07 said:
Agreed. I've really only seen a couple eppies of season 7 cause I just couldn't get through all of them, but in those couple episodes here and there, I definitely noticed that "policy" in full effect during the tough trials that the core 5 have had to endure...

It's just another sign that mark needs to throw in the towel with this joke of a show :/
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posted over a year ago 
Drisina said:
I totally agree.And honestly in the episode where Haley was calling on her mom's phone and talking my first thought was :wow she is finally talking to Luke but i was disappointed that she was actually calling her mom's cell.
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posted over a year ago 
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