One Tree Hill What was the first OTH episode you ever saw?

lizisme posted on Mar 22, 2008 at 07:49PM

my first episode was the pilot
last edited on Mar 31, 2008 at 04:10PM

One Tree Hill 40 replies

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over a year ago Leyton4ever said…
The first time I watched OTH wasnt intentional, it was flipping through stations one day and caught a rerun, it was the season 1 episode where keith and lucas get into the car accident...after watching that episode i went back and watched the whole series...since this was a rerun they were already in season 4 before I had seen an episode.
over a year ago la_bomba29 said…
same with me, i just stumbled upon the show one day as i was channel surfing. i ended up seeing Every Night Is Another Story and i fell in love with the show.
over a year ago wildcats13 said…
Actually, when I was watching Smallville on the CW I saw a commercial for "Prom Night at Hater High" and it looked intense. I had heard about the show before so I started watching the series from the pilot episode here! :D
over a year ago inespinto said…
The very first episode I saw was link and I fell in love with it so I watched the other seasons online right after (not all in one day, not actually possible!) =P
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Laurra said…
me and my mum were watching friends and we saw an advert for it sayin it was returning or something like that - we only wanted to watch it cause of CMM <3! i caught the end of the one were brooke made haleys wedding dress and it was the fairytale thing in s3 ... and the first full episode i watched was the naley wedding and the limo crash at the end :P thats what made me fall in love with it ;) so i carried watching it every week at that time along with watching it from s1 on sidereel :P
over a year ago loves-oth said…
since the beginning :):)
im proud. hehe.
just saw an advert for it and cause CMM was in it i thought i'd watch it....
turns out i'm more of a nathan fan.
over a year ago dermer4ever said…
I saw it from the beginning I saw the add when I watching a Gilmore Girls episode so I just watched it after that episode.
over a year ago brucas4ever said…
the first episode i saw was the state chapionship... the one when haley get hit by the car!
over a year ago mtoll4 said…
The first episode I saw was the pilot :D Have seen the advertising and thought it looked interesting, so the sunday that it started, I started watching:D Loved it from the start :D
over a year ago brucasfan91 said…
I started watching from the pilot as well. I can't even remember what made me watch it
over a year ago oogellaboogella said…
it was during the writers strike and i watched I Forgot 2 Remember Forget and then i got sick one time and watched like the whole 1st season and feel in love :)hehe!!!

over a year ago Tygerfox85 said…
I first saw it in season 5 the first episode of season five. My best friend loves the show and I was over her house and so I watched it with her and have been addicted ever since! I can't believe what I have been missing.

I have been on this site now trying to catch up with the past 4 seasons. I'm just really sad now cuz I got to the beginning of season 3 and now no more of the episodes are loading at all! I need to catch up!!!

Is anyone else having this trouble or is it just me?
over a year ago rockandroll89 said…
the pilot loved it then still do ...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago naley_4ever said…
The one from season one when Brooke is wasted in the back seat of the car and Peyton and Haley our in the from seat. And Whitey makes Lucas and Nathan walk home. It was reruns on SoapNet, the first one that was new that i saw was from season 5.
over a year ago Tinna said…
I had nothing to do on a monday night and watched the eppy in season 1 "Every Night Is Another Story" where Nate and Luke are thrown off the bus and Haley gets a ride with Peyton and Brooke.

I didn't start watching it regularly then, I caught an eppy there and there but I think I started watching regularly when I saw the accident eppy (s1 ep13)
over a year ago lucasscott3 said…
ive been a fan since before the show even started...does any one remember the promo commericals for the show...i saw two hot guys one being CMM lol and i was totally addicted to the commercial and loved it from day one pilot show!!!!!<3
over a year ago Othlover1272 said…
the first episode i saw was one in the 1st season but it was like either at the end or in the middle where sheryl crow comes to the cafe!!!
over a year ago Chlarkfan said…
My first episode was season 1 episode 12

i think that is why i hate leyton and dont like peyton cause of that episode!
over a year ago Serienjunkie91 said…
The Pilot.
over a year ago Lila856 said…
OMG lizisme sometimes you just disgust me & @ other times i just wanna force you to sit w. me & watch OTH & convert you to LOVING LEYTON!!!!!!!! cuz i can do that ;)
over a year ago lizisme said…
i feel like if that happened i could convince you to love brucas.... i have conviced most of my friends that watch it
over a year ago ashnicole1 said…
watching since the pilot.....saw that cmm was getting his own show since he'd appeared in DC and GG and haven't stopped since
over a year ago expensive957 said…
I just stumbled upon it. My first episode was the shooting in season 3. I saw that episode and just fell in love. I went out that weekend and bought the first season on DVD, and then went out and bought season two as soon as i had finished season 1(which only took me two Days). I pretty much stayed in bed for four days straight watching one tree hill!!!!!
over a year ago expensive957 said…
Yeah, I have gotten two other friends hooked on the show. They are both seriously in love with it, and just as addicted as I am!!! We have come to the General consencous that One Tree Hill is in the top 3 best shows of all time. Everytime there is a new episode on we sit there texting eachother like, "OMG, did you see that?", "Brookes mom is a Bitch.", "I know!" , "Damn Commercials!!!!"......Its great.
over a year ago Nine00 said…
The pilot. But first i thought "What's the big deal, this isn't so great!". But then i kept watching for some reason. Today i'm glad that i did, because OTH rocks!
over a year ago dancerbabe16 said…
i saw the pilot and liked it but didmt really watch it.
then i saw pictures of you and loved it but still didnt really watch it.
then my mom got into it and i started watching it with her the season 5 and some of then end of season4
so i started watching it on saopnet from the begining.
and finished the other 4 seasons on here:)
over a year ago flyleaf said…
The pilot. I thought it was cool but not exceptionnal and the others episodes made me change my mind.
over a year ago laughingGrl said…
i don't know it was when i was in like 5th or 6th grade...and i just watched it and sometimes i would watch it...but now i <3 it. but in season 1 i wouldn't have liked it i was like 7...or 8...something like that...
over a year ago othbabay said…
I didn't start watching it till the fifth season. i think it was like the 4th episodeand after that i was hooked. but i didn't know much about what was going on since it was the last season so i ended up finding a site online and i started watching it from the first season and im addicted
over a year ago brucasislove said…
the first episode i saw was 119 i saw. when i was in vacation in florida because they didn't show it in canada yet and because they had an article about in the magazine i was reading. after that i started from the beginning when they sowed it in canada.
over a year ago brenna44 said…
To be honest, I never wanted to watch OTH. I hated how the girls in my dorm acted about it. BUT my first episode was actually the season 4 finale. It was our last night in my dorm down at school and a girlfriend of mine invited us into her room for pizza as a last night thing and she was going through her season DVD's and had it playing while we were watching tv. Which then made me realize WHY the girls in my dorm acted the way they did. I'm so happy I finally watched it.
over a year ago tvfanatic92 said…
The first episode I saw was Season 4, Episode 1: The Same Deep Water as You. I was on holiday last easter and only had the freeveiw channels, I'd never watched it before but there was nothing else on so I watched it. I actually found that episode boring! A few months later even though I didn't like the epiosde I'd seen, I wanted a new show to watch, so I randomly decided to watch it so I downloaded them offline. Since then I've been addicted. I'm glad I started watching the show!
over a year ago Sugarlandfan321 said…
One summer day they were playing re-runs on one of our local channels and i was flipping through and saw these people trapped in a school class room with a gun man apparently someone they knew. from the moment i started to watch i was hooked! that was the first episode that made me cry and the first i had ever seen! i love OTH!
over a year ago Eryn6232150 said…
3.16 With Tired, Minds, Tired Souls, We Slept (The school shooting Episode) I was hooked from then on, I now have seasons 1- 6 on DVD
over a year ago Amy-x said…
Mine was a re-run of 5x09, I was confused and really didnt get what was going on, but there was something about it that i liked but i didnt start watching till a while after when they started re-runs of season 1 but i was never home to watch them so i started watching my friends sisters boxsets at her house my friend didnt get into it but i was addicted after the first 3 eps i went home and stayed in bed for about a week watching S1 to half way through S6 and havent stopped since.
over a year ago HaleyDewit said…
the pilot,obviously
over a year ago dalma said…
I think it was 2x01
over a year ago Leytonfan4ever said…
I don't know the exact episode, but i know it was some where towards the ending of Season 2--Beginning of Season 3. I remember watching S2 with the BL kiss, that's how i remember it was towards the ending of S2.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ns_23 said…
4x01 - The Same Water Deep As You ♥

I came across is by accident and couldnt turn it off, Haley was screaming "Nathan" so he was the first character I knew :) ♥
over a year ago Chlarkfan said…
Season 1x12, i hated peyton from that episode onnn. :D