One Tree Hill , The Story

HaleyDewit posted on Dec 04, 2009 at 01:33PM
Okay, people, this is kinda like the storygame, except that I start the story.And there will be no shooting and beating up, or at least not the way it is in storygame. Please feel free to add parts and when the story's come to an end, I'll put all parts together, correct them if it's neccesary and make it a great story. Sorry if I sound arrogant.

here we go!

It was one year later.Peyton and Lucas were out of town.Nathan had his basket ball career.Haley was on a tour.Brooke was the only one who had stayed in Tree Hill, to run Clothes over Bro's, along with Victoria and Millicent who was now pregnant of Mouth's child.
Brooke was leaning on the bar, staring at nothing in particular, when she got an email. She looked at her computer and clicked the email icon.It was an email from Peyton. It read:'Hi, B.Davis!How are things going down in Tree Hill?I hope great, just like it is here.Sawyer is growing bigger every day.She had her first birthday party yesterday and something tells me she didn't really like the cake.Fortunetaly cream Frêche looks good on Lucas.Say hi to everyone and when you see Mia, tell her her new song is awesome!Take care, B.Davis.xoxo Peyton'
Brooke closed the window and let out a deep sigh.The door opened and Julian walked in.He slowly walked to Brooke, who didn't even see him, and clapped his hands in front of her face.Brooke jumped up and looked at Julian, while holding her breast."God, Julian, are you trying to give me a heart attack?" "Bad conscience, huh?What were you dreaming about?"Julian curiously asked."Nothing, really,I was just thinking about Peyton and Haley and Sam.I guess I just miss them"she answered shrugging.
Okay, people, this is kinda like the storygame, except that I start the story.And there will be no sh

One Tree Hill 6 replies

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over a year ago HaleyDewit said…
big smile
"Well,maybe there is something I can do to get your mind off it"Julian said.Brooke sighed."What do you have in mind?"she asked.Julian tapped her nose and michievously grinned."Don't ask anything?I'm taking care of everything.I'll pick you up at 4p.m.Be ready"he said."Who's going to keep the store open?"Brooke asked.Julian shrugged."No one.Just close for today" "I can't just close my shop!"Brooke exclaimed.Julian raised his eyebrows."Really?Watch me" He walked towards the front door and turned over the open/closed plaque in that way that the closed inscription pointed out at the passers.Julian turned around and smiled at Brooke."Anything else?No?Good,see you in two hours"he said and he threw a kiss at her...
"Well,maybe there is something I can do to get your mind off it"Julian said.Brooke sighed."What do yo
over a year ago HaleyDewit said…
Meanwhile in the Red Bedroom Records' studio.
Mia was recording her new song Get it."Well well,baby,what do you know?You turned the tables on me,didn't you?My,my,my,it only serves me right.Now I get it(get it).This is how hurt feels.(I get it,get it)And it's everything they say it is.I get it" She stopped when she saw someone in the recording room.She took off her headphones and stepped away from the microphone."Can I help you?" The person in the recording room couldn't hear her, but she read Mia's lips.She walked out of the room and walked towards Mia.She had a superiority expression at her face and looked at Mia."Do you know who I am?"she asked.Mia nodded."How can I not know you?You're the bitch that once give me the creaps" Victoria waved her hand."Yeah,sorry,about that.Actually I'm here to talk business with you"she said.Mia raised her eyebrows.This sounded interesting."Really?Well,shoot" "Considering we,that would be Clothes over Bro's,have been promoting you ever since you started your singing career,I figured you should return us the favor"Victoria said.Mia rubbed the side of her head with her indexfinger."Okay,so what do you want?Speak English,please" "I want you to wear our clothes"Victoria explained."I already wear Brooke's clothes"Mia said uncomprehending."Yes,but you should make some advertising about it.Mention our company during a speech or something.We could make a commercial about Clothes over Bro's"Victoria said.Mia frowned her eyebrows."I'm really flattered with the offer,but are you okay?It's just that I'm not used to see a friendly Victoria" Victoria sighed."I know my reputation is against me,but I'm trying my best to change my habits"Victoria said. "Really,well,it adorns you.I'm glad for Brooke.It's about time she gets the mother she deserves"Mia coldly said...
Meanwhile in the Red Bedroom Records' studio.
Mia was recording her new song Get it."Well well,baby,
over a year ago HaleyDewit said…
big smile
Victoria scrabbled her throat."I guess I deserved that one" "You're damn right you deserved it"Mia said."And if you want me to promote your company I'm gonna have to talk this with Peyton.She's my manager" "Peyton's not here"Victoria said. "Really?I hadn't noticed it yet.Thanks for filling me in"Mia sarcastically replied."I'll send her an email and I'll see what she wants to do with it" Victoria nodded."Okay,you'll tell me what her answer is?"she asked. Mia nodded.Victoria also nodded."Okay,in that case I'll be off"she said and she walked out of the room."Finally.Maybe I can finish my song now"Mia said to herself and she continued singing her new song Get it...
Victoria scrabbled her throat."I guess I deserved that one" "You're damn right you deserved it"Mia sa
over a year ago xxDUKE30xx said…
Meanwhile Haley was on tour. Her latest stop was in Savhannah and while she was there she ran into an old friend, Jake. He came to one of her shows and she spent some time with him and Jenny. Nikki was no longer in the picture and Jake had full custody of Jenny. One night when Haley was sitting watching a movie with Jake she was snuggled up next to him and they ended up sharing a kiss. Haley got up and told Jake she had to go. Now she was sitting in her tour bus thinking about what had happened. At home things with Nathan seemed to be okay but how long did that ever last. She loved Nathan and had no doubt that she always would. But they have had so many problems was it even worth trying anymore. She looked and Jamie asleep in his bed and thought about Nathan and then Jake and Jenny and the way Jamie and Jenny got along. Her phone started buzzing. "Hello?" "It's me...I miss you and I love you." "I love you too...I'll see you soon." She knew where her heart was with now and who it would always be with.
over a year ago HaleyDewit said…
While Haley was dealing with this new reality, Brooke and Julian were happier than ever. It was Brook's birthday and they celebrated it with a bottle of the best wine and a really great dinner.Julian tasted the rice and looked up. "Who did you inherit this cooking skill?" he asked admiring. "No idea. My mother didn't cook. She had staff for that. Well, until my dad lost his job and we were bankrobbed"Brooke said. "Anyways, I'm glad you can cook, 'cause I can't, in exception of eggs with bacon.You should try the rice"Julian said and he threw the rice at Brooke. "Oh, we're gonna throw with the food, are we?"Brooke said and she threw the tomato parts at him.Soon they found theirselves in a real foodfight. Julian grabbed Brooke from behind and lubricated her face with the jus."No, no, no,no" Brooke screamed in laughter, but it was in vain.
Then her cellphone rang. Julian groaned. "Let it ring" he begged. Brooke looked at her cellphone to check who it was. Even though she hadn't been called by thiss number for over a year, she recognized it immediately."I have to answer this" She picked it up. "Hello?" "Brooke?" a sobbing and crying voice asked. "Sam,what's going on?"Brooke asked.She could hardly understand Sam through her tears and sobs."Sam, calm down.What happened?" "Brooke, I need you to come get me.Something terrible happened"Sam cried. "Okay, sweetie.Try to stay calm and stay where you are.I'm coming to you.Can you tell me where you are?"Brooke asked. Sam told her and she ended the conversation. Brooke looked at Julian."Sam's in trouble.I don't know what happened,but she needs me" Julian nodded."Come on, I'll drive you" "No,I'm drivinh my car"Brooke protested. "Brooke, your way too nervous, you're gonna cause accidents.Let me drive"Julian harshly said and Brooke gave in.
Sam was standing in a phone cabinet.Her face was speckled with tears and her hands and clothes were covered in blood...
over a year ago HaleyDewit said…
Meanwhile Nathan and Haley were lying in bed,but Nathan seemed to be the only one to be fast asleep.Haley was wide awake.She was thinking about what had happened in Savannah.The kiss was real,her feelings were real,but she,Nathan and Jamie had been through so much trouble.They struggled through the difficult years and now they had everything they ever dreamed off.After all the trouble to get where they were now,was she willing to throw it all away for a kiss? She got out of bed and took her cell phone.She dialed a number and waited a few seconds."Hello?" "Hi,it's me.We need to talk"...