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Percy Jackson vs Harry Potter Question

Which enemy is worse, stronger, and more evil - Voldemort or Kronos?

 harrypotterbest posted over a year ago
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Percy Jackson vs Harry Potter Answers

vylanaga said:
Kronos, being a Titan, is more powerful, but I personally think that Voldemort is more manipulative and intelligent. He comes up with complex schemes, and does a fair bit of brainwashing as well.
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posted over a year ago 
Annabeth1997 said:
Kronos because he cant die
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posted over a year ago 
Horcruzes (i think i spelled wrong)
harrypotterbest posted over a year ago
True, but Kronos is a titan, which is pretty much another word for god. He can't die, there's no way to make it so he can die.
Eternity137 posted over a year ago
You need to brush up on your mythology, because Kronos did have a life story.
diyedas posted over a year ago
ArcticWolf said:
I love Harry Potter more, but Kronos just creeps me out... Voldemort is trying his hardest not to die, but Kronos ALREADY can't die or something... it's hard to explain. If I could choose one to fight, it would be Voldemort, because there would be a VERY VERY VERY SLIGHT chance that I would survive. (He WAS the Man-Who-Let-The-Boy-Live, after all!)
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posted over a year ago 
GemonkDruid said:
Kronos. He's a fucking god (well, Titan).
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posted over a year ago 
wisegirl2000 said:
i think its kronos cause he is a titan and he cant die even with th avada kedavra.he is always trying to get the power
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posted over a year ago 
AlohomoraCloak posted over a year ago
DASDV said:
So my choices are a leukemia patient who played "got your nose!" to the max or a villain who got defeated by suicide (in a way)and has family issues (I mean his own children raise their children to defeat him). Well the most reasonable choice would be Kronos (he is still in Tartarus and will someday come back he just can't accept his grandchildren don't like him and I can see why he doesn't give them presents. The least he could do is give them candy even evil candy just to show he cares.) but then again if Voldemort had a nose (all he needs is an appointment with Pinocchio)he'd be more evil. I think?
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posted over a year ago 
o my gods Kronos obviously he is the frigghen lord of time whereas voldemont is just some white retarded mortal with slits for noses and a stick that shoots death bombs
percyjackson48 posted over a year ago
Toying with Leukemia? The fuck's wrong with you? Anyways,Voldemort.
AlohomoraCloak posted over a year ago
seanwebb said:
If both world's were brought together, Voldemort would not be as powerful as Hecate, the (minor) goddess of magic who is no where near as powerful as the Olympians with whom Kronos' is comparable. Kronos is immortal by the way, not Horcruxes immortal, just pure immortal and time-bending. All in all, Kronos is more powerful. The question of more evil, I'm still not sure of; both are manipulative, both have names that people prefer not to call, Voldermot is an avid wielder of the Cruciatus curse but then again Kronos swallowed his children which is stone-cold evil. Really close call and my deciding factor is their stance on "muggles/mortals"; while Kronos just goes after the gods/demigods who are threats to him (mortals are collateral damage at worst), Voldemort has a hatred for "mudbloods." The ones who fall as collateral damage are the lucky ones. I shudder to think what he would do given Kronos' powers.
Stronger: Kronos
More evil: Voldemort.
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posted over a year ago 
AlohomoraCloak said:
Voldemort. He has more backstory; we know he was conceived under a love potion, we know he was an orphan. He's actually similar to Harry--both orphans, both extremely distantly related...

Voldemort's ambitious, intelligent, and sly. He actually thinks through his plans. Plus, he's an original character. Not someone derived from a myth, then changed a bit. Kronos in the book isn't scary at all. He didn't make me jump or gasp. No. Voldemort, however, did, with his scheming, and surprises--SPOILER--remember him creating a fake memory in Harry's mind in the book and movie? And in the movie, he possessed Harry?
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posted over a year ago 
The powerful one is konors cause he is immortal
firebloom120 posted over a year ago
vianovel said:
Kronos of course! He could kill anybody with just his thought even though he won't move a finger. And he lives for eternity. :)
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posted over a year ago 
RemusLupin said:
Well to make an educated guess u have to examine their powers weapons and skill to see...WHO WOULD WIN IN A BATTLE!
Lord Voldemort
·Had 7 years of wizard training
.Voldemort has a WHOLE Army of Death Eaters
.Even though the Killing Curse cant hurt Kronos theres always the Torture Curse wich would be able to hurt Kronos since immortal can feel pain but cant die
.Evil-wise Voldemort has these thought out plans plans like sending a guy in disguise into the wizard school,ordering to bring him Harry Potter and using Harry so he could RETURN!Also he was 17 and he was thinking about how to become immortal (Horecruxes)
.If it were an underwater battle (Voldemort wins since he has no nose :D)
. Kronos is Titan of Time well,Voldemort can steal a Time Turner from the Ministry of Magic.
.Voldemort can use Leglimency (Reading minds and and is powerful enough to give him fake thoughts) Kronos
.Titan of Time
.Immortal,but can feel pain
.On a creepy level maybe a 7 since he has golden eyes while Voldemorts appearance is in black old creepy voice,red eyes
.Kronos has a giant scythe
.Kronos had 6 titan brothers and 7 titan sisters
I want a clean match ok?
Voldemort:Who r u muggle to order me? Leave before i Torture u insane!
Kronos:Ill go bk in time and make sure u werent never born if u dont leave
Me:Okay okay okay
(Voldemort and Kronos face each other)
Kronos:Ill beat the sht out of u lukemia patient
Voldemort:Thts sad u couldnt make something smarter?R u gonna run to your mum bk in time?
Kronos:(Swings giant scythe)
Voldemort:(Makes Time Turner go bk 5 min)
(5 min earlier)
Me:Okay okay
Voldemort#1:Who r u?(Points at Voldemort)
Kronos:HA HA HA HA 2 leukemia patients?
Voldemort1 and 2:2 head r better than one
Kronos gets into their heads (In The Lightning Theif it says Kronos gos into mens dreams and drives them insane)Kronos makes them lose concentration Voldemorts r taken aback but not scared
Voldemort#1:Copy cat!
Kronos swings his Scythe at Voldemort #1)
Voldemort:Ik u gonna do tht i used Leglimency
Voldemort1and2:Put fake memory in Kronos mind
Kronos:i wann go to K.F.H (Kentucky fried humans)
Voldemorts:Uh no what?
Kronos punches Voldemort 2 killing him
Voldemort:Cr ap
Vodemort:Focuses all his might (The memory is tht in the UnderWorld,Tarturus theres free human)Kronos thinking this is real go there and lives painfully to this day and dont worry Lord Voldie died to
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posted over a year ago 
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