Philosophy Beginning of the World: Science or Religion?

tvluva49 posted on Jun 28, 2009 at 10:52PM
What's your take on the beginning of the world? Do you believe in a science or religious beginning of the world? Put your ideas, scientific or religious below, 'cause I really want to know how the world got started.

Philosophy 9 replies

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over a year ago kENNA said…
i think its the big bang theory its really really possible and it makes way more sense than god creating the universe
over a year ago pinkhopey said…
There are many ways the human race could have gotten started, the best way to try to find out is to just think and imagine, yourself and have an open mind. There are many theory s out there, like the Aztecs believed that the feather serpent,(translated), creates humans, and that there were many tries amongst the gods, to create the world, most of which failed, due to the gods arguing. The Greeks believed a similar method, the gods creating humans out of clay. The Jews and Christians believe that God, being a one god religion, created Adam and Eve out of dust. The Aborigines believed that earth creations are passed away gods. These are many religious beliefs about the creation. You could take a more scientific approach to this question, such as. Carbon dating has traced us back to millions of years, the origin of our presence is believed to come from Africa. Pangaea, is the idea of all of the continents being one a long time ago. If there was a garden of Eden, it would probably be in Africa, near the Tigris River. Evolution is happening right in front of our eyes. It is very possible, I don't care what people say, there is proof, and it is happening everywhere. For example, we as humans, are growing to be taller than the average every year. Bacteria is constantly changing, even to be immune to the vaccines we are getting. Most people beleive that we have evolved from simple bacteria, this is very possible, this couldn't have happened over a short period of time, the earth is very old, gazillions of years old, and such an event could have happened in this long amount of time. The only thing that might disprove this, is that there were different species of human long ago, us being the only current surviving one. The only problem is that we can see where they have originated, but our species, Homo-Sapien, has many missing links, and it seems that we have just came out of no where. Here is where you think for your self.

Oh, and the (big bang theory) is of the creation of our universe, and how the sun came to be, as a star. One day millions of years from now, a solar flare could happen, and we could all die. I can go on and on about the theory s of the end of the world, but I'l spare you the details!
link Hope
over a year ago chagrin91 said…
i believe in the religeouse way of how world started and am a muslim soooooooo i believe in that coz if i dint i wont be counted as a muslim
over a year ago mooimafish17 said…
Science is right, it has to be.
over a year ago katana64 said…
god used science to make the world
over a year ago dreamfields said…
I believe that God created the universe. I beleive he created order that can be measured by science. I disagree with some of the theories science has come up with. I think that at times they have made incorrect assumptions. I think as science ask the right questions, without preconceive prejudice,religion does not seem so far fetched. One more thing, the Genesis account was not written as a scientific thesis, but was writen in a peotic style. That does not mean it is inaccurate, just that there is some room for interpretation.
over a year ago anonymous000 said…
it's up to us what we call to what. the starting of the world is what we call 'science' today. religion is made by humans. concept of god -also by humans. Evolution of yourself is not possible from the thing U have created.
over a year ago vick2075 said…
Basically you are all committing a logical fallacy with this question...because science means knowledge about the physical world whereas religion is knowledge regarding the spiritual realm. If both are correct then it follows that the God created the physical world through physical means from an abundant of "spiritual" energy. However if only the spiritual realm is correct then we can disprove this argument merely by saying that we physical beings are here on a physical world....however on the other hand if we say that the spiritual realm does not exist, then secular science's foundation is seriously flawed as it cannot account for the inception of physical reality or to put it more bluntly the cause for the Big Bang. Since there are so many unknowns, it would be wise to be open to both sides of the argument as we have seen that the one without the other is not possible. And of course the fourth argument that both cannot exist is simply not possible either!!!
over a year ago thetacoman said…
I don't know why there can't be both. Why can't we say God (a god) created the world and then try to explain it scientifically? It would be unbelievably sad to discount either because it would limit our views on life, and doing so would be very boring.