Picks What do you think would be a stupid reason to leave a really good concert

Pick one:
To go to work again
To go to work again
you can&# 39; t see a think so you leave but you can...
you can't see a think so you leave but you can hear it really good
when you see people you don&# 39; t like their
when you see people you don't like their
Past your bedtime
Past your bedtime
Go to school
Go to school
Your parents made you leave right it got good
Your parents made you leave right it got good
Your favorite show is on so you hate to miss even...
Your favorite show is on so you hate to miss even it a great concert
Someone stepped on your foot
Added by chel1395
It&# 39; s too loud
It's too loud
Added by knifewrench
Idiot friend gets you kicked out for trying to buy...
Idiot friend gets you kicked out for trying to buy beer underage.
Added by DarkSarcasm
is the choice you want missing? go ahead and add it!
 Jameson posted over a year ago
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