Pokémon Team Galactic Shipping Fics (One-Shots)

SaitoSaturno posted on Apr 01, 2008 at 12:05AM
Well, I know a ton of Team Galactic ships. Here's the ones I support most and will write one-shots about: ConjunctionShipping(Mars x Saturn) PandoraShipping (Saturn x Dawn) AkatsuShipping (Dawn x Cyrus) JovianShipping (Saturn x Jupiter) BetelgueseShipping (Mars x Cyrus). I will be writing one-shots about these and maybe some others (though I doubt it.) Heres the first one, and it's JovianShipping. Please Read and Review!

The Great Red Spot (comedy)

"Oh, mai gawd!" Jupiter's distressed scream rang out from her bathroom all throughout the Galactic commander wing of the Galactic Veilstone Building. "What is this?"
Jupiter, hair pulled back into only barrettes, getting ready for the usual hair-buns, violet eyes wide with shock, and hands clasped to her face, she wailed in agony again.
Was that.... A pimple on her face?
"Oh, mai gawd!" she screamed again, delving into the mirror in front of her. "There is no way I have a ZIT!!!!"
Down the hallway, commander Saturn had been combing his hair to perfection, but stopped when he heard Jupiter wail. His blue comb, nicknamed, "Sally." lept from his fingers and into the sink, where it stood still. Jerking his head around, he messed up his hair, and noticed that little problem almost right away. "Crap!" He picked up "Sally" and furiously combd his hair back into position carfully. He analyzed his sapphire-do and clicked his tongue in affirmation. He put both thumbs up, slicking back his bangs. "Who's lookin' good? I'mma' lookin' good. Who now? Me, o' course, you idiot...." Saturn continued to have an imaginary conversation with himself.
After a few moments of his self-conversing, he exited the restroom, heading into hsi room. He checked to make sure everything was in place, and nodded when everything was. Then, came Jupiter's intelligable wail again.
"No wayyyy I HAVE A.... PIMPLE!!! NO WAI IN THE UNIVERSE!!!" Saturn chuckled to himself. 'Getting pimples a bit late, are we?' he thought. He smiled, exiting his room. "I have never had a zit in my ENTIRE life! How in the world did this happen?" Saturn walked down a flight of stairs, still smirking as Jupiter's distressed wail grew louder and more frantic.
Back in Jupiter's restroom, she finally decided to get dressed. When all of her under and over-garmets had been put on herself, she hastily decided to strap a bandage over her nose, where the "Great Red Spot" jutted out from her otherwise blemish-free skin. She decided it might look a bit strange to have a bandage across her nose, but it was better than the stupid zit that grew on her face.
Slowly, unwanting to leave her room, she exited, despite her worries. Glancing this way and that, she darted down the stairs, not wanting anybody to see her face, more or less her bandaged nose.
She wasn't paying attention, and about halfway down the stairs, she bumped into somebody. "Oooof!" he breathed. His strong hands gripped the railing to ensure he didn't fall, and he angrily turned around to see who had collided with him. "No, touchy! No touch!" he shouted, shooing his collider with his hands. She fumbled up a few steps, face red with embarrassment. Due to the slight change in facial demeanor, it took him a few seconds to realise who it was. "Jupiter?" noting the bandage on her nose, he started laughing a gurgling chuckle deep in his throat.
This resulted in Jupiter's face getting even redder, and she poshly (embarrassed) crossed her arms, not daring to look at her fellow commander. "Don't laugh at me," she said in a choking voice. Saturn did stop, feeling slightly devastated he had hurt her feelings. (This is just how Saturn is. He doesn't mean to hurt somebody's feelings, but when he does, he is completely devastated by it, trying to make it better in every possible way he can, which results in him trying literally EVERYTHING.)
"Sorry," he said in a soft tone. Jupiter looked back down at the blue-haired man, and for a moment their eyes locked. Then, he quickly turned away. "I didn't mean nothing by it."
A smile. "Anything. You mean, anything. You said nothing." Jupiter was quick to make sure everything was perfect, although Saturn was more of a perfectionalist than her. Saturn smiled too.
"I didn't mean ANYTHING by it." He smiled at her, moving closer. He reached up, slowly removing the bandage from her nose.
And uh, the "Great Red Spot" didn't turn out to be so 'great' after all. "Jupiter, the zit is hardly noticeable. The bandage wasn't needed." He tossed the useless bandage off to the side. The zit Jupiter had been so stressed about was hardly classified as a zit at all, it was only a light pink spot on her nose, hardly making an incline on her skin. "It looks much better without it." Jupiter smiled at him.
"How'd you know it was a zit?" she asked smoothly, almost as if she didn't care if he answered or not.
"Heck, the whole building heard you." Jupiter chuckled in response.
"I was that loud?" she asked.
"Heck, yeah." Saturn started heading down the stairs once again, and Jupiter eagerly followed her comrade.
"You really think it's not noticeable?" Jupiter asked once they'd stepped off the last step. Saturn smiled again, and in one swift motion, he pulled her aside, pressing his lips against hers.
At first, Jupiter didn't kiss back. But then, when he didn't pull away, she fell into it. She wrapped both arms over his shoulders, and pressed her lips harder against his.
That would have been the best part of their day, if a certain Galactic Grunt hadn't walked by. He told his friends, and they told their friends, and they told their friends, and soon a large croud of bowl-cut Galactics had formed, watching every moment with either interest or mere disgust.
Eventually, the other commander, Mars, and their boss, Cyrus, had come to watch too. Mars was amused, while Cyrus was confused, as he was still new to the whole love-emotion, or any emotion for that matter, prospect. In that sense, he didn't know it was best to keep quiet, and spoke up, ruining Saturn and Jupiter's "love fest."
"What are my two commanders doing making-out in my hallway? This is unnacceptable and illogical."
"Cyrus!?" Both of the commanders broke their kiss, and squealed in terror at the huge croud that had formed around them. Both of their faces turned deep red, and they glanced at eachother.
"Uh.............Bye?" Saturn raced off, and a group of grunts parted so he could flee. Jupiter rocketed away too, and as soon as they left the scene, all the grunts and Mars and Cyrus started murmering about what they had just seen.
Two days later, Saturn and Jupiter had decided to do their newly found romancing in eachother's rooms or offices instead of in public, which pleased Cyrus to an extent.
They finally felt safe together when they were alone, and that would have been true if only commander Mars hadn't stuck cameras in both their rooms and offices.

Well? What'd you think? Remember, there is more to come, so just stay posted! Reviews are greatly appreciated!

Thanks for reading,

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