Pokémon Create a region!

TAIKAMODO posted on Sep 16, 2013 at 02:22AM
This is where we'll create the awesomest pokemon region ever!Please before saying an idead you clarify what it;s for.Understanding things is neccisary.

Pokémon 124 replies

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over a year ago Nojida said…
lol Let's hope it'll be awesome XD Making a region is kinda hard.... Anyway! XD
I think maybe we should create some legendary Pokemon first... I mean, every region has some! And we should also place the region somewhere.
Example: Kanto: Japan, Kalos: France, Unova: United States

So, yeah. I think that's what we need to think of first ^^
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
So location and legendaries....how about somewhere in......uh.....trying to think of a place.....um.....how about....europe?
TAIKAMODO commented…
No....that won't work.... over a year ago
over a year ago Nojida said…
Well, Europe has interesting places. I also couldn't mind less cause that's where I live XP
So, Europe works for me! We should pick a counrty that has some unique places. For example, they placed Kalos in France which has the Eiffel Tower.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
Well you live there,where's a unique place for a region?
over a year ago Nojida said…
Hmm... London is a nice choise cause it has the Big Ben. We also have the Parthenon in Greece and the Colosseum in Russia. I don't know how you spell the other sights in english... Anyway, if you have any other ideas you can say so.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
Okay,london it is i guess.About the legendaries,they'd have to be based off of something,like in black & white,their legendaries are well,black and white.So,they'd need so kind of base to create them from.
over a year ago Nojida said…
Yeah... That would be more difficult. Are you good at drawing Pokemon? Maybe we can start of making sketches of them... OR we can search on the internet and find the rarest animals in London. Now, how many legendaries will it have? 1? 2? Other legendaries that protect this 1 (or 2, 3...), like in Pokemon DP? They also need to have a story like, for example, they made this region or something... This can be for the main legendary Pokemon. There can be others that protect a city, or an island or something...

I think I'm gonna seatch Google now XD
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
ah,google is truly a human's best friend.And i think two will do,considering that two opposites are easier.
over a year ago Nojida said…
Yeah... Have you fugired out what animals are we going to base them on? I searched google and all I could find was tiny monkeys XD
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
in my opinion, legendary Pokemon should be a totally new mixture of types..........................like fire /electricity or 2 types weak to each other ( if that is possible XD )
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nojida said…
Sure you can help ^^
Yeah, I don't think that's possible XD All I can think of is one of them can be Poison/Ghost-type and the other one can be Psychic... OR they can both be Ghost-types and have different moves! XD
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
nojida, u r right, maybe one psychic and other ghost?
over a year ago Nojida said…
Yeah, how about we make it a Psychic/Dark-type! Then it can defend against the other one. Wait, I'm gonna make type combinations XD
(Don't ask why I just want to help plus I'm bored XD)

Steel/Ghost Ground/Psychic
Dark/Water Fighting/Fire
Ice/Rock (I have a cool design for this one)
Electrik/Fire (like you said) Water/Flying

That's all the oppsites I can think of XP
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
stay online for a while will u? then i will get a company!
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
we'll make it electric /fire + fighting and fire, atleast they have something in common XD
but we need to get the opinion of taikamodo first...................................

so let us discuss name of the region....................................­...­...­.
over a year ago Princess_CitCat said…
i once designed some starter pokemon out of boredom in maths class, if that helps
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
cool! could u post it, princess cit-cat?
over a year ago Nojida said…
Right, we need to think of some starters first... Would you mind uploading your designs? I would be really usefull!

Now, for the name. This new region is based off London, then the name has to be something royal, since they still have a King and Queen.
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
kay! how about .....................jewel region? ( just kidding)
any more names?
over a year ago Nojida said…
Hmmm... The jewel thingy was a great idea, since they have the wolrd's biggest diamond there... We just have to say it in an other way.


MAN why is it so hard to find a name?!
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
jewel-gem-ruby-saphire-emerald- stone-gold-diamond........................­...­...­...­..
cammon none suits.........................
over a year ago Nojida said…
How about Raithen?
lol I know it's really random, but that's all I could think of XP Here's how I thought of it:

My brother said he found a funny video on YouTube and forced me to watch it. It was about a Pokemon using Rain Dance and then surfing on a giant wave, then hitting another Pokemon. I don't know how he found it funny, but that's not the point. The Pokemon's name was Thenken and then I remembered that there are many rains in England so I thought:

Kinda weird but that's my idea XD
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
raithen doesn't sound bad, so let us see if we can find anything better, if not let us fix raithen..................

yesterday i was thinking about this and got another name...........ondiu *laughs* its random........got no story behind it, just that there is a place called diu ( not in England,near India)

and then i thought of a fire type Pokemon and their evolution- everhot, merehot and clawhot, design is ready on paper , but mu stupid computer does not allow me to scan it in! so let me see if i can do it on paint ! shall post it soon!

and i 've got names of cities and towns.....(its easy ......just babble and u get names!)
over a year ago Nojida said…
lol XD
I don't blame you! It's so hard to draw on Paint! I drew some starters yesterday too (when my mom got me 200 pages blog and I felt like drawing something XD)
My Grass-type looks like a tiny denasaur, the Fire-type looks like a lion/kitty and the Water-type looks like a little dolphin with legs XP I'll try to draw them too I finish fast. JUST KIDDING it will take me an hour! XD

You could download another drawing program on your computer like the Gimp I'm using and try to re-draw them. They might look better that way cause I have tried to draw on Paint and I messed everything up XD

Anyway! We will design the main legendary Pokemon latter after we get everyone's opinion about what their types will be. I think that two opposites are easier to draw. I drew some other legendary Pokemon yesterday, but I don't have a scanner and it's impossible to draw them on computer XP So I'm just gonna write how they look like. (PS. haven't found names yet XD)

One is a Rock/Ice-type. He looks like a spider and it has some big diamond thingies on his head. It leaves in caves that have gems and diamonds inside. Something like Sableye XP

The other one is a Dark-type. She looks like a Liepard with blue marks on her body. Her fur is as black as the night sky. Her ears are big and can hear from miles away.

Then I drew two other guys! These two are brother and sister and they live at the top of Big Ben looking around the city. They are a little hard to explain but I'll do my best.... First of all they are Psychic-types. They both have a big crystal on their heads. It's said that you can see the past and the future inside of it. They wear some odd clothes given to them by their old trainer, who is now dead.

That all I have to say for these guys! I'll try to draw the starters too and see if I can come up with a name XP
last edited over a year ago
Nojida commented…
I'm working on it right now XP over a year ago
pipiqueen commented…
cool! i will download gimp! let me see if i can think of some minor legendaries like meloetta and manaphe...etc! over a year ago
over a year ago Nojida said…
Okay I finished drawing the three starters. The two guys next to them are the legendary twins I was talking about before. This damn thing took me 5 hours T^T

Anyway tell me what you think! Here's their Pokedex entry:
Stoleaf: The stone leaf Pokemon. Stoleaf hides in rocky places pretending it's a rock, hiding away from it's enemies. Then it attacks them by throws the leafs on it head.

Flamkit: The pride Pokemon. They like to walk on the roads and forests showing off their tail and the fire symbol on their head. These two must be fiding some mysterious power.

Dolfain: The dolphin Pokemon. Their legs are really small so being unable to walk very well, they travel with their parents in the oceans until they evolve.

Now for the twins:
Lunar: The future teller Pokemon. The crystal on her head has the shape of the moon the Big Ben is facing. It is said that, looking into the crystal, you can see the future.

Luner: The time recorder Pokemon. The crystal on his head has the shape of Big Ben's clockwises (did I spell that right?!). It is said that, if you look into the crystal, you can see the past.

So that's that for now! XD
last edited over a year ago
Okay I finished drawing the three starters. The two guys next to them are the legendary twins I was t
pipiqueen commented…
your designs are awsm! but just that dolfain look a bit like it is an ice type, and stoleaf looks like is in second stage of its evolutionary line.......but they r way better than mine! over a year ago
pipiqueen commented…
on which programme did u make these pics? over a year ago
Nojida commented…
I was just thinking about Flamekit's evolution names. Something like Flamekit= Flamecat= Flamelion. Flamelion's form is, well, huge and it looks like a lion XD over a year ago
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
and now , the name! raithen? fixed? or ondiu?
over a year ago Nojida said…
Ughh... We could just take a name of a city in London and fix it a little XD
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
kay.................here some city names-sutton , harrow,islington,hounslow,croydon, bromely , brent
so how about isling region!* giggles*
over a year ago Nojida said…
Man... This is pretty hard so let's wait until we make up all the other things XD

So, have we figured out what types the main legendary Pokemon will be? We must base them on something too. I think that two opposites are fine...
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
here is a theory on the legendaries...............................­..t­he rock/ice one is what guards the land resources of earth , large huricanes occur when this guy is angry and glaciers begin to melt and destruction spreads............!!!!!!!!!! he presides in a narrow lane between earths core and the top soil/top part of soil

the dark type one is said to be the one which controls the contact between human world and spirit world, it prevents the dark world( the world filled with dark types and yeah kind of darky-darky) from ruining the earth.she is said to preside in the skies between the sky and the space.....................

here is a minor legendary.......................steel/dark type.....................
here is a theory on the legendaries.................................the rock/ice one is what guards t
pipiqueen commented…
the legendaris live exactly opposite way............... over a year ago
pipiqueen commented…
anyways what is thier name? over a year ago
over a year ago Nojida said…
Now this is a great theory! I have no idea, really XD I'm not very creative on the names area...
By the way, the Steel/Dark-type looks pretty cool! Too bad I can't see it clearly XP Where should this guy live?
pipiqueen commented…
good question! i never thought about it! over a year ago
pipiqueen commented…
let's just say his place has never been revealed! XD lol! over a year ago
Nojida commented…
lol XD Let's just say you might see him all around the something region! XD over a year ago
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
names..............!!!!!!! let us not think about it now!
so ....let us think about gym leaders , their names , the types they use, appearance, and their city!
over a year ago Nojida said…
Easy! Wait. Should this region have new Pokemon?
Anyway! Here's some I'm gonna come up with right now! XD

Adam. Type: Ground. City: Salford city

Barclay. Type: Grass. City: Sarumian city

Cadman. Type: Fighting. City: Ripon city

Darcy. Type: Dark. City: Hereford city

Edan. Type: Fire. City: Exeter city

Jennifer. Type: Water. City: Worcester city

Kacey. Type: Flying. City: Sunder city

Sibyl. Type: Psychic. City: Wakefield city

Carroll: Champion

Can't think of appearence right now XD
last edited over a year ago
pipiqueen commented…
thats fixed ! over a year ago
Nojida commented…
I just took some english anmes that match the types their using and placed their Gyms in real cities in London XP over a year ago
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
so let me try the appearence...........
adam - brown hair ,kinda spiky, a coat ( more like ash's red winter coat) over a light yellow shirt and black jean yellowish eyes.
barclay- ( girl or boy?so i am leaving it)
cadman-black hair with bangs, a light greenish shirt , a costly belt and blue trousers,black eyes
darcy- dark blue hair tied in a high ponytail. black frock with blue stripes (resembling that legendary)dark blue eyes
edan- flamy hair(more like chim charr's) , a long red coat , and an orange pants.
jennifer-wavy light blue hair,a gown with wavy structures made of velvet ,light blue eyes.
KACEY- white hair , a blue sweatshirt with a symbol of two wings in the front and red pants,blue eyes.
sibyl-green hair(looks like paul's) light pink shirt with jewel like structures(like the one in espion's head) and green pants.green eyes.

i don't know how crazy they will look!
over a year ago Nojida said…
lol It's ok if they look crazy! I like them! Remember! Life's joy is craziness!! XD

By the way, Barclay is a boy, so I'll write his appearence XP

Blonde hair and green eyes. Green skirt with yellow stipes and brown pants.
Kinda like this XD So, what do we have to think of next?
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
I'm back with ideas exploding for everything!

Region name-How about Haron?(Pronounced hair-on)It sounds like something peoiple could just say y'know,just sorta sounds like it fits.

Starters/legendaries-i kinda like nojida's three starters,plus the two time pokemon things,they kinda remind me of plusle and minun in like,how they relate.
The legendary with ice and rock who guards the earth's resources can be called.....Stratian,and the space onecal be called....galllatin?(Pronounced gal-uh-teen)

Gyms/cities-i like them,but there are some cities that don't have gyms that we'll have to make.also,we need to create names for the badges.


I think though,we should try to work on the name of the town you begin in!Every region has a place where the new trainers start off!
pipiqueen commented…
haron? not bad! not bad at all! over a year ago
pipiqueen commented…
is int there a city named staiten in unova? over a year ago
over a year ago Nojida said…
I'm fine with any name! Seriously I'm fine with everything! XD So, don't count on me to create the badges! Cause I am NOT good with names XD

Now those cities that don't have Gyms can be small and in one of them you might meet one of the legendaries. You know like always XP Now, for the first city.... Marlow? XD Sorry that's all I could think of. Maybe I was thinking about murshmellows or something XP
pipiqueen commented…
marlow is a great name! over a year ago
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
would carnadian do? it is mixture of carnation and canada! lol XD
the badges.......................um...........­...­...­...­how about the flame badge for the fire gym?and wave badge for the water one?
over a year ago Nojida said…
Flame badge and Wave badge... I don't think they're bad, only that the Wave badge is from Unova but OH well XD

Anyway here's what I can think of:
Grass: Meadow badge
Dark: Night badge (lol)
Flying: Sky badge (???)
Psychic: Mind badge (couldn't think of anything XD)
Fighting: Warrior badge

The badges kinda match their names so it was kinda easy.
pipiqueen commented…
sorry about the wave one, i did not know it................ over a year ago
Nojida commented…
it's ok. I think there's another Mind badge somewhere, but i don't remember where... over a year ago
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
so instead of wave badge-oceana badge(lol)
your names are great!let us stick on with it!
over a year ago Nojida said…
Ocean badge sounds great! Let's stick with that!
Ok now. We still have the Big Ben. Where do you think we should place it? I say it should be in a city that has no Gym and be the last city you visit (after you defeat the League).
pipiqueen commented…
it is ocean-a badge ,it could be ocean if you think it is better! over a year ago
Nojida commented…
it depends on what oceana means XD Jennifer means "White Wave" so I think it should be called Ocean badge over a year ago
Nojida commented…
i didn't stick with Wave badge (although it suits her) because it's from Unova. If you find out where the Mind badge came from, then I will change it XD over a year ago
pipiqueen commented…
its alright, but let it be ocean badge itself............... over a year ago
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
um......marterior city?
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
and will it be called the big ben itself?
over a year ago Nojida said…
I like Marterior city! Uh... I don't know. It is a big clock so I can't find another name XD But you can say if you have something else in mind.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
"How about we put the clock,which i shall name marterior,what the city's named after by, in marterior city,and those two past and future minor legendary ones be there somewhere?Like inside the clock or something?

And as or the staring town,how about........uh..,.....uh........greenhorn town?sorry,i couldn't think of anything.Lemme think of a better one....
over a year ago Nojida said…
I was thinking the minor legendary could liive inside the clock and sometimes come out in the city. So when you reach that city, you could meet some people that have seen these two and maybe see them yourself before going and explore the clock. lol this sounds more like a game walkthrough XD Anyway, let's name the clock Marterior! Suits it anyway XP
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
Yeah!Now for the starting city name.I don't think greenhorn town'll work.
over a year ago Nojida said…
Maybe not. Umm... It is based of London so... Wasthorn town? idk Many cities in London have the -horn thingy in them XP
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
wasthorn city is not bad ! so.......i guess most of the preparation is complete , now all that is left are the rest of the pokedex........................and other attractions of the region.......................