Pokémon Pokemon: The Great War

wantadog posted on Oct 13, 2013 at 10:47PM
Many years ago, The vast Pokemon World enjoyed a peace like no other. It was a golden time where Pokemon and People lived harmoniously, but that calm existence was soon shattered. A war took place. A brutal war that took the lives of countless people and Pokemon. This war began due to a land dispute between the Kanto and Kalos regions, but soon it began to escalate into one of the most violent conflicts in recorded history. It did not take long for the other nations to be dragged into the conflict. The Johto nation, due to its close proximity to Kanto, was forced to ally itself to protect itself. While in contrast, the technologically advanced Unova region allied itself with the Kalos region. The Hoenn and Sinnoh regions wanted nothing to do with the war, so to defend themselves, they formed a neutral party. Even the distant lands of Fiore, Almia, and even Orre were forced to take up arms. With the death toll rising and conflicts escalating, will this Worldwide Pokemon War ever come to an end? Or will this dark time spell the end of the Pokemon world forever?


1: No Godmodding. This means let your Pokemon faint if they take alot of damage.

2: Keep your Pokemon to their appropriate region. (Kanto ones can't have sinnoh Pokemon and whatnot.)

3: No one liners

4: Use proper grammar. This just means keep it understandable.

5: No legendaries unless you are a very high ranking royalty member.

6: Timeskips require majority approval, but me and Riku can force one if necessary.

7: Only 2 royalty characters per person.

8: Have fun, lest I use splash on you!

Character Sheet





Hometown & Region:

Military, Royalty, or Civilian:

Rank: (if military)



Other Info:

Pokémon 21 replies

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over a year ago Riku114 said…
Name:Ferris Aein

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Appearance: PIC

Hometown & Region: Viridian City, Kanto

Military, Royalty, or Civilian: Military

Rank: Ace General

(Redin) Charizard F
(Zayvier) Scizor M
(Morax) Fearow M
(Kaze) Crobat M
(Dravis) Dragonite M
(Melaza) Skarmory F

Bio: Ferris grew up in Viridian City by two ordinary parents who only had a pet Growlithe. They didnt train or fight. Ferris on the other hand didnt like such a calm happy happy life style. Staying in one place for too long never settled nicely with her. At the age of 8 she sneaked out of her house and was gone for about 3 days to come back with a Charmander and a Spearow. Doing that had gotten her in quite a bit of trouble but she just kept doing it at least once a week for 1-5 days and by the time she was 12 this act wasnt much of a big deal. At the age of 15 she joined the Air Corps and showed great skill. At the age of 17 she became Lt. At the age of 19 she became General

Other Info:
Name:Ferris Aein

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Appearance: PIC

Hometown & Region: Viridian City,
over a year ago wantadog said…
Name: Hiroshi Kuranaka

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Appearance: PIC!

Hometown & Region: Laverre City, Kalos

Military, Royalty, or Civilian: Military

Rank: Marine Captain

Greninja M
Barbaracle M
Lombre F
Dewott M
Simipour F

Bio: He was raised to become the perfect soldier. His experience on and off the battlefield hardened him, turning him into a cold blooded killer. His skills quickly raised him up the ranks but due to his superiors not trusting him, he was not able to go any higher than captain. The only one he ever truly trusted is his partner, Greninja. Together, the two of them are a near unstoppable force. They are known for nobody ever seeing their attacks coming until it is too late.

Other Info:
Name: Hiroshi Kuranaka

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Appearance: PIC!

Hometown & Region: Laverre C
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
can i join?
wantadog commented…
Sure. over a year ago
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
may i join?

name - saphire


gender -female

appearance-wears a red gown and a red hat with golden feathers, red eyes and golden hair

hometown and region - hearthome city ,sinnoh

military,royality or civillian - royality

miss magius

bio-saphire was born in a royal family,brought up as a royal princess, but she enjoyed adventure more than royal life, she always went on adventure when she got a chance to ,but never failed to complete her duties as the upcoming queen.
last edited over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
Can I ask if you read the rules? If shes from Hoenn she cant have all the pokemon below gardevoir. over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
Kanto can have Johto. Johto can have Kanto. Unova can have Kalos. Kalos can have Unova. Sinnoh can have Hoenn. Hoenn can have Sinnoh. Hoenn can not have Kanto over a year ago
pipiqueen commented…
oh well! over a year ago
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
Name: gabbie

Age 17

Gender: female

Appearance: dark born hair blue eyes pale skin wears a homemade dress with ribbons

Hometown & Region: hoenn

Military, Royalty, or Civilian: civilian

Poke-Party: eevee and a vulpix and a poochyena

Bio: always been a sickly person and always moves alot cause her father is in the military so her old friends are her pokemon who she care for
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Name: Shihime Zantoz

Age: 19

Gender: Famale

Appearance: PIC

Hometown & Region: Kalos

Military, Royalty, or Civilian: Royalty

(Ziallia) Mienshao F
(Azure) Aurorus F
(Zabeyez) Noivern M
(Myra) Zoroark F
(Ligorith) Galvantula M
(Senegre) Pyroar M

Bio: Shihime grew up while the war was stuff in full run along side Azure, a Amura that she had grown up with. Because of such, she was grown pretty openly. Not too much time was spent on making her a beautiful princess to rule the lands and overall, she wasnt paid attention to much besides to make sure she was healthy and happy. As she grew up she became quiet a trainer. When she was first brought in to help in war decisions he proved herself to be quiet a strategist. Recently she has been covering in the meetings for her sickly mother.

Other Info:
Name: Shihime Zantoz

Age: 19

Gender: Famale

Appearance: PIC

Hometown & Region: Kalos

over a year ago Riku114 said…
(I would recommend making a character to participate in the war Misshedgehog)
misshedgehog commented…
she will over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
kay over a year ago
misshedgehog commented…
i'm planing her being a healing character like a nurse over a year ago
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
(so how we start?)
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(like misshedgehog said, how will we start?(
over a year ago wantadog said…
Sorry. I'm sick right now so it might not get started till tomorrow.
pipiqueen commented…
okey -dokey! over a year ago
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(Im gonna start it off)

Shihime walked onto the thrown room's balcony where she knew her father always was at this time of day. She walked beside him and looked over at him

Shihime: Updates on the war?

Father: None to really take into bother

Shihime: Alright. What about the region? And mom?

Father: The region is holding out pretty well at the moment. Your mom seems that she might be getting a little better. Just give her some time.

Shihime nodded and walked off. She was going to check up on the soldiers and see how they were doing, epecially the land soldiers. Despite not being a general, she tended to take over for a bit and squash them into shape......
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
gabbie see her father and smiles at him
gabbie's father: sweety i got a gift for you *gives gabbie 2 pokeball holding a eevee, and vulpix
gabbie: thanks daddy i love them i think i'll name them poochy ember and eva
gabbie's father: i hope they will protect you
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Ferris sat on the cliff of a field in Kanto. Her pokemon stood behind her. All 7 of them (counting Ferris) had their eyes closed and were enjoying the wind as it blew through their hair. Suddenly Ferris's eyes shot open and right after her all 6 pokemon's eyes shot open simultaneously. Ferris stood up and turned around to her pokemon who all had a confident powerful look in their eyes. A small smirk was drawn on her face and her voice boomed out.

Ferris: Are you ready guys? Lets go for a flight!

All 6 of her pokemon zoomed past her almost making a triangle, similar that of a shape geese would migrate in. The two that flew out the furthest were Dravis and Kaze. The next three were Morax, Zayiver, and Melaza. Tagging just barely behind but still at an alarmingly fast rate was Redin, Ferris's partner. Quickly Ferris jumped back onto Redin right when they were side by side and easily, Redin caught up and filled the point of the Triangle that lead the group. After looking at the triangle, Ferris turned around and sat down on Redin's back.

Ferris: Do the warm ups.
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
gabbie smiles
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Ah herm....... Hedgehog, you know rule number three says 'No one liners' and what you just posted is THE one worst cases of one liners I have seen in my rping time? A two word post? Seriously?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
gabbie let her pokemon

eva smiles at her gabbie

ember wags her tails cutely

(not everyone can think of what they do next and i'll try to do more then one like if fanpop dont eat it)
last edited over a year ago
wantadog commented…
It's not a big deal. We're starting out slow after all. Just remember that if you can't think of something to post, you can always take your time and plan it. We're in no rush. =) over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
'like if fanpop dont eat it'? What does that mean? over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
Really? I never had that problem over a year ago
over a year ago Riku114 said…
If you dont know what to do, wait until you do and dont post. Also, when you make posts, dont do short choppy 2nd grade level sentences. Your profile says you are 19 so I expect a bit more out of you.

Rather then:

Eva smiles at her Gabbie

I would say make it more detailed and more understandable with something along the lines of: (Im just doing this off the top of my mind)

Eva looked over at Gabbie. So was this her new trainer? She seemed nice so that was probably one good thing. Eva drew a smile upon her face to show to Gabbie.

Or something. Despite those being 3 sentences, they are one liners being they are all separate parts. Look at the last two that I have posted.

Im sorry if Im sounding a bit rude, but I have seen one liners ruin rps and they have grown to annoy me greatly. Also, I, who had put my own input into making this rp with Wanta, dont want this rp to die for something so futile.

All Im saying over all is that I expect some effort in grammar and writing to be put into your posts.
last edited over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
Gomenasai! I had a bit of a short fuse for pokemon rps there. over a year ago
misshedgehog commented…
its ok i understand but go easy on me see typeing can be hard for a disabled person over a year ago
misshedgehog commented…
(and i can leave if you want if im that bad) over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
no no, its fine, just try your best alright? over a year ago
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
saphire, was having a meeting with her subjects as she was listening the problems sinnoh is facing.................................
there were days on which these kind of thing ,never stopped,and today was one such day..............
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wantadog said…
In the garden of the Parfum Palace, a tall man walked back and forth in front of a line of soldiers with their Pokemon either in front of them or beside them. The man was named Hiroshi Kuranaka and he was a captain of the Kalos regions marine unit. He was well known to be one of the most ruthless and coldhearted men in all of Kalos. Willing to go anywhere, to do anything, to pull any underhanded trick necessary to achieve victory. At the moment, he was eyeing the group of newbies he had been placed in charge of. They had been trained and passed, but that was only basic battling skills. One of the recruits gulped and seemed to be producing more sweat than physically possible. Hiroshi stopped in front of the boy, who seemed to be around seventeen or eighteen years old. His Greninja eye'd the recruits partner, an equally nervous Politoad.

Hiroshi: "Is there a problem recruit?"

The recruit gulped. One wrong word and he could be killed. "No sir. Nothing at all sir."

Hiroshi: "Is that so?" He paused for a moment before continuing on to the next recruit.
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
the council was having a heated discussion on the upcoming tournament in hearthome city...........saphire was struggling between the people as she couldn't decide......................she finally decides the tournament to be held,which made many people have a spite on her...................