Pokémon Pokemon Dusk: A Shadow Pokemon RP

GMRSUnoted posted on May 09, 2014 at 11:48PM
In the Melanite region where the residents don't have any gyms nor has a very big population, the sinister organization known as C.O.H (Corruption of Hope) works to dominate the world with a great and powerful power called the Shadow Pokémon. They take what Cipher aimed for and expanded. They did not only wish to have a shadow Pokémon that was unpurifiable but also one that was truly shadow. Also, they did not only wish to make one of these. They wished to make a multitude of them.

Rather than closing the heart, they crushed the heart and destroyed it with the power of a Yveltal that ruled over destruction which becomes the main shadow legendary of the team along with a few others. Though with this, it is a long process and rely on the basic shadowfication while they work.

The only chance to stop them is within trainers who are proven worthy of the task. Are you one of the Cleansed? Or are you one of the Impure?



1) No Mary/Gary Sues (This means brats or stubborn people who can’t lose)
2) Two Pokémon Right of the bat (No more and no less)
3) No Legendaries or Multiple Shinnies (Unless ok by Me, though I shall allow one Shiny.)
4) Respect the other Rp-ers, please…
5) You should stay within the game’s rules, so no deaths or any mature content (Sorry, I must put this here.)
6) Use Grammar and Spell-Check Please!
7) One character per side unless you want only one.
8) No one-liners.
9) Times skips unless approved.
10) Starting Pokémon must between 5-20.
11) No body shall be a hybrid (Example: Half human, half Mew)
12) You can only have ONE Mega Pokémon and your Mega Ring has to be earned by the Professor aka Me.
13) Minimum of two Pokemon per trainer starting off (This is because all battles will be double battles and this is optional for Pokemon Professors)
14) Anything else? Just comment on my page.

Character Creation Sheet:


Alias (If need):

Type of Trainer (?): (Be Creative Here)

Appearance: (You can write it down or post a photo if needed)



Anything else (?):


Pokémon starting Off:


Amethyst (Neetz/GMRSUnoted)
Akine Ren (Riku)
Azure (Neetz)
Rafa (Neetz)
Garnet (Neetz)
Jaden (Riku)
Amber (Wanta)
Kashina Rose (Riku)
Ziallie Tayu (Rkiu)
Kamine Lay (Riku)
Clifton Anastas (Wanta)
Ayumi (Riku)
last edited on Nov 02, 2014 at 05:03PM

Pokémon 322 replies

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 322

over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Midnight: A what?! Ok I just had enough of you! *Tries to jump off to get Alin, but Amy grabs her* Amy!!
Amethyst: I'm not fighting just yet. You can beat up birdy over there later, but not by a Center. *To Akine as she has Midnight back onto her shoulder* Sorry, she is usually like that to strangers.
Garnet: Not the heat~!
Azure: Too bad; this is the tip of the iceberg of the heat.
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
At the Lab entrance... (Yeah I'm lazy for this part)
The place they went to was indeed in the middle of the desert and the outside looked like some old manor that was decaying/fading away. The weirder thing was the gates were all scientific, which didn't match the manor at all. Amethyst had her hat over her face.
Garnet: So you're saying this weird manor in the middle of the desert with high tec IS his Lab?
Azure: Yep, though as for the old manor look, I still have no idea why he had it designed like that.
Midnight: Huh? What's that in the sky?
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Alin: *looks up* Probably noth- Akine! Akine! Akine! Akine!

Akine: What? *looks up* No way!

Within a moments notice the man-sized bird that was in the sky had landed really close to the group. It came to a sudden stop just an inch before the ground and to come to the stop, it had thrown up a cluster of sand into the air. Red, black, tan. This bird was none other than a well raised Braviary. On the Braviary was a young woman with long black hair and redish brown eyes. Like Akine, she was wearing a fur coat despite the high heat. This was Kashina otherwise known as Professor Rose. She got off of her Braviary and almost instantiously after, Braviary stretched out its neck and gave a powerful flap of the wings which cleared out the sand in the air and some of the sand that laid on the group. The blue eyes of the Braviary looked over and noticed Alin who's hair do was sticking out from behind Akine's back.

Braviary: LITTLE ALIN!!!!!

Alin: Crap! *pushed off of Akine and darted into the air, Braviary coming to chase after him*

Braviary: Come on Alin! Let me preen your feathers!

Alin: You always mess it up when you do it! My feathers are fine!

Kashina on the other hand looked as Braviary flew off after Alin. It was all to odd, Braviary usually cleaning Alin against his will once a week and Akine hadnt come back anytime recently so it was natural for Braviary to act like that. Kashina smiled and roughly through her arm over Akine's shoulder.

Kashina: Long time no see Akine!

Akine: Gah! What are you doing here and why are you wearing a coat in this weather?!

Kashina: I can asks you the same questions and our answers would match. What kind of Professor would I be if I sent my pupil out to do chores of my old teacher and not come myself?
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Azure: Wait, do I know you? I don't remember ever seeing your with my Uncle before.
Amethyst: Traveling with a Braviary? Now that's interesting for any Professor.
Midnight: Same as with me!
Amethyst: I know that Midnight. So, I'm guessing you sent bird-boy to come with us?
Garnet: She did say he was her pupil.
Amethyst: Like I'd miss that. *looks up at the two birds in the sky* Well that outta be fun for those two birds.
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Kashina: Well I was on my way to research the caves down east before coming on over here thinking it would take longer but then Braviary noticed you guys and I didnt want to miss meeting Rafa again. *looks over at Azure* Really?

Akine: *looks up at Alin and Braviary* We should get going inside while those two "play" with eachother.
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Garnet: Funny how you say that, cause after here we were about to- *hit by Amy* OW!
Amethyst: Forgive me, but he has a habit of doing that. Though Azure, isn't she the girl you though was your Uncle niece or something?
Azure: Um.... that might be; I don't recall remembering her.
Garnet: Didn't you also hit your head a lot?
Azure: That might be why.
Amethyst: Let's go inside before we all burn to a crisp besides Azure.
With that the three enter the manor and find themselves still all alone.
Garnet: So, which way do we go?
Azure: *Is in deep thought*
Amethyst: Hold on, Midnight, care to help?
Midnight: With pleasure! *uses Iron Tail on Azure*
Azure: OW!
over a year ago wantadog said…
As expected, Amber arrived at the caves in plenty of time. She could see a big house or something off in the distance but it didn't really mean anything to her. Instead, she withdrew a flashlight from her bag, let out Chatot, and walked straight into one of the caves.
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Azure: Ok, I think it should be in h-!
???: Oh my dear~ sunny poo~!
Amethyst: *Covers her ears* I think that's the Professor. Azure, care to get him to stop before I give him a beating?
Azure: *Covers his ears as well* I really hope I can... Uncle Rafa! Can you please stop!!
Rafa: Oh~! Sweet Hannah~!
Garnet: *Covers his ears* Can anybody get him to stop?!
Midnight: *Trying to cover her ears* Please make this stop!!
over a year ago wantadog said…
(Did you know if you press alt+1+3, it makes a music note. ♪♪ Just mentioning it. Well it does for Windows. I have no idea what type of thing you are using.)
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Kashina sighed and let go of Akine and walked over to Rafa.

Kashina: Professoooooorrrrrrrrr. Act normal for once. *flicked his forehead*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Rafa: Huh? *Sees Kashina* Oh! Kashina! How's my lovely niece d-! *Gets hit by Water Gun by Azure's Snow Puff/Spheal* ...Kashina! Well today is full of surprises! How are you doing? Research doing well?
Azure: *Has Snow Puff in his arms and shakes his head* I swear Uncle, you still act the time.
Snow Puff: I wonder why he acts like that...
Midnight: Did he get hit by a Giga Impact or something?
Amethyst: *To Midnight* Not time for jokes. *To Azure* Well, I think this helps us a little... *anime sweat drop*
Rafa: Ah! How's my nephew doing? *Rubs his hand though Azure's hair before seeing the group fully* So Kashina, did you tell them why I asked them to come? Or did I tell you to keep it a secret?
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Kashina: It slipped my mind. *ruffles Akine's hair* This is my little boy that had sent to help you
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Azure: So Uncle, why did you ask us to come here?
Rafa: *To Akine* So this is the one you spoke of, he's really cute for somebody her age.
Amethyst: *To Azure* Is he this blind?
Azure: *To Amy* He jokes around a lot, and he can tell if somebody's a girl or boy, but like to see there reaction.
Rafa: Anyway, I think before we continue you should introduce each other before I explain the task ahead.
Garnet: Fair enough. I-
Azure: My name is Azure, and this is my best buddy Snow Puff; Say hi!
Snow Puff: Hello there! Hey he has snow hair!
Amethyst: My name is Amethyst, but please call me Amy. If not, you're in for a beating. This is my younger brother Garnet and this Shiny Umbreon is my partner Midnight.
Midnight: Great, are we stuck with Bird Boy?
Amethyst: Quiet Midnight; I got a special hearing for my team; so, what are your names?
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Akine: I am Akine. Alin is the one being chased around by Professor's Braviary, hes my partner

Jaden: And Im Jaden, just tagging along to go to the caves

Kashina: And I am Kashina, an old apprentice of Rafa. Braviary there is my partner


Name: Ziallie Tayu

Type of Trainer (?): Shes a rising grunt that is close to admin Kamine

Appearance: PIC

Side: COH

Anything else (?):

Bio: Ziallie just joined the organization about 3 months and since had Kamine liking her and tutoring her starting with getting her first pokemon and raising them up a bit. She wants to become a good member of the organization and impress Kamine while achieving greater power.

Pokémon starting Off:

Name: Kamine Lay

Type of Trainer (?): Admin of COH

Appearance: PIC 2

Side: COH

Anything else (?): She took a liking to Ziallie and despite her being a rookie trainer and grunt, takes her on most of the missions

Bio: Kamine joined the organization after being recruited by the boss. She liked the idea of shadow pokemon because they were stronger and it took power for change to occur. Kamine believes that this region (and world) is not beautiful enough and when the shadow plan is made, she plans to create her vision of how it should be

Pokémon starting Off: Team will be seen later, for now the only pokemon that will appear is her Gardevoir

(Im not going to be making individual grunts, only the ones that are notable. Also there will be more members coming besides just these two in the upcoming scene.)
Akine: I am Akine. Alin is the one being chased around by Professor's Braviary, hes my partner

over a year ago Riku114 said…
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Garnet: Really? You have a Braviary? Then why doesn't Rafa have one?
Azure: Well... that's a long story. So Uncle, why are we here?
Rafa: Well, I actually need you to go to the Caves and go to the act.
Amethyst: Act? Does that me...?
Azure: ...He wants us to check out the hot spot...
Midnight and Snow Puff: *Sigh*
Rafa: You must see the Act and gain the autos of those actors!
Amethyst: Really? Do he mean to go get information about the Hot Spot?
Azure: Pretty much. *sweat drop*
Rafa: Of course you need to! Get me those charts from that movie shoot and bring them back here to study.
Garnet: Um...?
Azure: We need to get going before this get worse. *slowly walks towards the door.*
Rafa: Oh Boy~! Here! *tosses something for Azure, but Amethyst caught it* That should get the data for me. Amethyst, I need you to take this for now. *Hands her some weird machine that attaches to her left arm* That is something I'm still developing. Just take this to the cave, ok?
Amethyst: Um... ok then. *Midnight looked at it*
Midnight: It looks weird.
Snow Puff: No kidding.
Azure: Here, I'll take the flash drive *takes the flash drive that Amethyst gave to him* Now let's get going; you coming you two?
Midnight: Oh please not Bird Boy.
GMRSUnoted commented…
Note: Amy gets the Snag Machine first before the others, but this is only for my trio since they'll get this later. Also they don't have any clue what it does yet. over a year ago
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Akine: Of course I am going.

Kashina: I think Ill stay with Rafa and review over somethings though Braviary go off with them

Akine: We dont need Braviary Professor. We are all proper trainers.

Braviary: *holding Alin down under a talon, preening Alin's feathers. He raised his head* Nah. Its fine Akine. I wouldnt mind. Anyways, I finished cleaning up Alin's messy feathers

Alin: Wait! I have to go with not only foxy over there but mr.preen your feathers here too?!

Kashina: Its fine Akine. Braviary doesnt mind down do you?

Braviary shook his head

Akine: *sighs* Then lets go
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
At the Cave Entrance...
Azure: *Looks at PDA before putting it away* So this is where the Hop Spot is suppose to be.
Garnet: Hey Sister, do you think they have more showing up there?
Amethyst: Who knows but to go searching inside.
The three start to walk inside, but Amethyst stops by the entrance and looks at Aline.
Amethyst: You coming Bird Boy? If you don't hurry with your buddy we'll leave you behind. *continues to walk in with the group*
Midnight: *To herself* If I have to deal with Alin one more time, i'm fighting him whether he likes it or not.
over a year ago wantadog said…
There were loud sounds coming from deeper in the cave. it sounded like something big was rampaging around in there. After awhile, it seemed to quiet down for a few seconds before a loud female voice shouted. "DUCK!" followed by a bone zooming into view and heading straight for Amy's head.
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Amethyst:*turns and sees the bone* Wait the-!
Midnight: Go AWAY! *Midnight jumps and sends the bone back using Iron Tail as Garnet falls to the ground*
Garnet: Wha-! What was that?!
Azure: Are you ok Amy?
Amethyst: ...I bit startled, but what exactly threw that? Midnight, let's go! *Runs into the cave following the bone.*
Garnet: Hey!
The two boys run after her into the cave.
over a year ago wantadog said…
(We need an anti-hero.)

Name: Clifton Anastas

Alias (If need): Cliff

Type of Trainer: Poison Type trainer

Appearance: PIC

Personality: Jerk, Cocky, Arrogant, Mean Spirited

Side: Sort of on the Protagonists side, but with his attitude, you wouldn't think so.

Anything else: He is pretty darn good at tricking people who don't know him into thinking he is a nice guy and is skilled at finding the right points to poke at to make them mad.

Bio: Cliff was never a nice person. He found deep pleasure all throughout his childhood in duping people and messing with them. As a teen, this has only gotten worse because he is all the better at it. Nothing really motivated him to start training Poison Types. It was just one of those things that happened. Why he happened to be passing by the Professor's lab is a mystery.

Pokémon starting Off:

Trubbish (Male) Lvl 19
-Acid Spray
-Toxic Spikes

Grimer (Male) Lvl 15
(We need an anti-hero.)

Name: Clifton Anastas

Alias (If need): Cliff

Type of Trainer: Poison
GMRSUnoted commented…
Pretty neat; I wonder how Amy is going to react meeting him... over a year ago
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
(I'm doing this just cause I can)
Amethyst and Azure followed the flying bone until the two stopped seeing a girl all too familiar.
Midnight: Hey, isn't that...?
Amethyst: *To Amber* Hey, aren't you the girl from the Pokemon Center?
over a year ago wantadog said…
(I'm waiting for Riku.)
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
(Me too, though I want to see her character's reactions the my group leaving them. Also I'll try to get Riku.)
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(Aint no one gets me immediately from my manga XD

I dont think Wanta could even do it)

Akine: So Cubone really are here.........

Jaden: Something probably is irritating them.
over a year ago wantadog said…
Amber was on the ground, covered in dirt from whatever it was she was fighting. "Ugh. Ya I'm okay. I was in here looking for a Cubone when I ran into one...unfortunately that's not all I ran into. Ow. So why are you guys here?"
wantadog commented…
So nobody jumps to conclusions....it's a Marowak. over a year ago
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Garnet: Looking around and getting data, why-! *Hit by Amy* OW!
Amethyst: We can talk around that later, Right now we need to find out what's going on here!
Azure: From what I recall, finding Pokemon is rare, but them literally attacking people, something must be up.
Deep within the shadows of the cave by the group, a Misdreavus appeared and from the shadows and used Astonish on Garnet from behind. Going back into the shadows, she giggled as Garnet got up from the ground.
Amethyst: Garnet! Are you getting scared already? *Laughs*
Garnet: *Gets up* I-I'm not scared.
Midnight: I beg to differ.
The Misdreavus giggle and then faded back into the shadows.
over a year ago wantadog said…
Amber: "That's not gonna stop me." *Looks at Chatot* "You okay there?"

Chatot: "Ready to go! Round two will not go the same as the first one did!"

Amber: "That's the spirit! READY OR NOT CUBONE, HERE WE COME!" *gets up and runs deeper into the cave with Chatot, quickly disappearing from sight.*
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Midnight: Hey! Come back here! *runs after her*
Amethyst: Can that girl stay still? Midnight!!! *runs off after them*
Garnet: Sister! Oh not again! Lucas! *throws his pokemon to reveal a Growlithe* Can you find them?
Lucas: *sniffs a bit* Got the scent! *runs off*
Garnet: Come on Azure! *runs after Lucas*
Azure: I-! Fine! *runs after them as well*
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Jaden: Reva! *threw a pokeball letting Reva, his Servine out* Lets go search the cave! *runs off with Amy, Garnet and Azure*

Akine sighed. With the exception of Zubat, not many pokemon can fly inhabit caves. Though he was told to help these guys so he would.

Akine: Alin are you okay with the darkness? *Alin nodded* Alright then, Ill let you stay out. Rigoru, be ready to battle if needed. *let Rigoru out* Hey Braviary, you dont need to help.

Braviary: I know. I just wanted to tag along. Im only an emergency route. Go on. Ill be there.

Akine: I DONT NEED YOUR APPROVAL! *runs off his two flying types tagging behind*
over a year ago wantadog said…
Amber continued running deeper into the cave until she reached a fork. At this point, the flashlight was lighting the place up a little bit, but everywhere else was pitch black. Amber gulped. "So uh...which way?"

Chatot: "Left?"

Amber: "Well I am left handed so might as well." *begins walking down the left-most path.*
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
The group continued to go deeper into the cave's dark maze, trying to locate Amber without getting lose as well. It didn't take long for the Amethyst and Midnight to reach a fork in the road. The darkness kept the place pitch black in front of your face, but Amethyst fumbled in her bag to find a flashlight or something to light of the room as Midnight's ears twitched trying to locate the sounds of Amber or something similar to that.

Amethyst: I wish you had Flash right now. *to Midnight*

Midnight: Well we never got that TM for me, you know?

Amethyst: *finds the flashlight and turns it on* Good thing it has full battery. *notices how little the light shines the area, only to reveal the fork in the road for them* Now which way do we go?

Midnight: Huh? *looks around while her ears twitched* Where did the boys go?

Amethyst: What are you talking about? They are right-! *notices that the boys were gone* Don't tell me we got separated from them...

Midnight: They can handle themselves right? Then let's go left; I'm hearing more noises that way.

The two nodded and ran to the left of the road, but in the shadows a faint laughter was heard before it faded away.
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(Ha! *snaps fingers pointing with thumbs up* Just like that GMRS! *shivers* You handle constructive criticism so darn well............ Im used to annoying people who either make a huge deal about it, tell me to suck it up and deal with it, ignore me, or say they will but never do.......... *thumbs up* ~♫~ I like it! ~♫~)
Riku114 commented…
I had originally planned on posting this a few hours ago, but totally got side tracked over a year ago
GMRSUnoted commented…
Well, for my stories I go off of what my reviews say and improve every time. It's part of writing a story. over a year ago
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Akine looked around. It was dark now and as they were in the middle of it. The exit was plenty of far away down now and could not be seen any longer. In fact Braviary was out of sight as well. He sighed and looked over to who stood over next to him and to his right. Jaden. Of all people, Jaden. Maybe they could have planned a bit better and actually brought some lighting device but then again, he hadnt expected to split up from the rest of the group and even less to get stuck with Jaden. It didnt help that the pokemon between the two of them they only had day time pokemon with average smell. Well there was Reva, a Servine, which had somewhat good night vision though it wasnt anything to be notible of in this darkness level.

Akine: So now what *leans against the wall of the cave* Its pitch black and we have no light to show where we are going. The exit is now out of view and nothing to lead the way for us

Jaden: Wow, you are unprepared.

Akine: SO ARE YOU! *there was an echo*

Jaden: Echo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o.

The two were silent for a bit thinking.

Jaden: You know with the echo we could probably get Braviary to come over. He would probably find his way with the sound.

Akine. Two problems with that. Firstly, there is no way in hell I am getting Braviary's help. Secondly, Braviary wouldnt be able to help much. Hes a daytime bird as well

They go silent once again thinking.

Akine: I got nothing.

Jaden: Scream for help?

Akine: Hell no. I got pride you know?

Alin: We could try replicating some for me echolocation.

Akine: We dont have Zubat or any echolocation pokemon Alin.

Jaden: Well it is true that it IS possible for us to be able to do echolocation but it usually takes training that usually includes us not being able to use our eyes for adaption. Ears can see naturally just as well as eyes can if you are trained.

Akine: Well we arent

Jaden: Its worth a shot.

Akine: ..........

Jaden: Do we have any other ideas?

Akine: *sighs* Fine. Hey Staravia, can you try doing the hearing part? Out of all of us, you being a bird, can hear the best.

Staravia: Give me a bit of practice and time though

Akine: No it doesnt really matter yet. We just need to know where there are forks and enemies so you have plenty of time to get a grip of things

Jaden: Lets just hope this doesnt wake any sleeping bests though.
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Azure and Garnet were wandering in the cave, lost in the darkness only with their two flashlights and with the Flamewheel from Lucas. Snow Puff was having a hard time seeing and causing Azure to have a hard time holding the flashlight. He kept fumbling with his flashlight until they stopped to get some rest by leaning against the wall.

Azure: I can't hold this flashlight with you in my arms Snow Puff.

Garnet: Hey Azure, could there be another way to light up this place?

Lucas: *sniffs the ground* Huh? I lost Amy's scent!! Garnet! Where are the other two boys?

Garnet: Um... I don't know-! Where did they go?!

Snow Puff: I think they got lost earlier on.

Azure: Great, now we're all by ourselves.

Lucas: Huh? *looks up upon hearing flapping noises* That... sounds like... wings flapping... Could that be them?

Garnet: Let's hope they have Amy with them.
over a year ago wantadog said…
Amber: "We just HAVE to catch that Cubone, Chatot. It's the only reason we came to this town."

Chatot: "I'm with you, Amber!"

Amber smiled, but a second later, the lights went out. Her flashlight had died. "WHAT? No way. It must have gotten damaged in the fight earlier. Now what are we going to do?"

Chatot: "What we always do?"

Amber: "Good call....HEEEEELP! HEEEEELP!" She suddenly shouted, the echo blasting her voice all the way to the entrance. Chatot, a Pokemon capable of mimicking her voice perfectly, copied it as well.

Amber: "HEEEEELP!"

Chatot: "HEEEEELP!"
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
A girl's scream was heard, causing both Midnight and Amethyst to stop and cover their ears for a few seconds before it stopped echoing within the cave... until it started again. Midnight's ear were down and Amethyst covered her ears once again as the two were getting really annoyed of the screaming.

Amethyst: *anime anger mark* Will whoever is screaming SHUT UP!

Midnight: Ok! I had enough! *Anime anger mark* I'm going to make that girl shut her trap; whatever her name is! *Runs off and soon tackles a small bird* You got at least three seconds to quit screaming or I'm beating you into a the ground!

Amethyst: *runs up and finds Amber scared and Midnight having Chatot underneath her strength* Release the bird Midnight; I know we're lost and irritated but that doesn't mean beating up on some bird. *Looks up to Amber with her flashlight shining as Midnight releases Chatot* Why were you even screaming that loud? I could have gone death with my partner.... Man my ears are still ringing...
over a year ago wantadog said…
Amber winced at the sudden brightness from the light, but beamed nevertheless. "YAY WE'RE SAVED! WOOHOO!"

Chatot bit Midnight's leg to make him let go then flaps up to Amber's shoulder.

Amber: "Heh. Sorry about that. It's just that our flashlight suddenly died and you try standing here in the dark with no way out and surrounded by wild Pokemon."
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Akine was using Rigoru and Alin to his best work. Aerodactyl could make some pretty loud caws and screeches while Alin had the ears. Rigoru roared, like he has been every minute or so for Alin to practice a bit, and Alin pulled to a stop. He was getting used to it.

Alin: We found some people

Jaden: *cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled* HEY! WHOS DOWN THERE?!
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Garnet and Azure came out from the darkness still reeling from the loud noises that the others boys were doing. Lucas stopped seeing Rigoru and Alin, causing him to bark at them while Snow Puff was confused seeing the two. The other boys, however were surprise to see Amethyst not with the other two boys, yet confused until Braviary came from behind them as Garnet rubbed his left shoulder.

Garnet: I'm guessing you lost this bird. *referring to Braviary* You know you can just call for us and not make crazy noises right? I just got over a girl's scream before Breviary tried to attack me. Lucas was the one to get me out safe.

Lucas: Huh? Where's Amy and Midnight?

Azure: Don't tell me you lost them as well....

Snow Puff: ...This isn't good. *anime sigh*
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(Braviary attacked them?)
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
(Garnet thinks that, but Braviary got lost and slammed into Garnet in the darkness. Lucas was able to get Braviary off of Garnet though since he dropped his flashlight, Garnet couldn't tell if it was an attack or not.)
over a year ago wantadog said…
(I'll wait for a response from Amy XD. I have a nice little event planned for my next post.)
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Amethyst: *sighs and shakes her head* ...Fine, but next time can you tone your voice down a bit? You can cause somebody to go deaf you know.

Midnight: Yeah, but why did you bite me bird?

Amethyst sighs and picks Midnight up up before she could attack Chatot and places Midnight on her shoulder. Midnight sighs and bit as her ears flopped down a bit. Amethyst goes through her bag and hands over a flashlight to Amber.

Amethyst: You can have this one; I got more than I need. *To Midnight* I know you hate birds, but I'm not losing this little girl again ok? *Back to Amber* Say, did I ever get your name?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Akine: More like he lost us.

Braviary: And I did not attack you!

Jaden: Anyways, we didnt have light so we were attempting some echolocation.

Akine: Since we have some light now though you can take a break *returns Rigoru* I was hoping you had Amy with you. anyways, are you lost?
over a year ago wantadog said…
Amber: "Awesome! Hmm? Oh I don't think you did. My name is Amber Drake and my team and I will become the world's greatest Pokemon musicians!"

Yet again her voice reverberated all around, but not quite as loud this time, but even so, them moment her voice faded, there was a rustling sound from above.

Amber frowned and pointed her new flashlight up at the ceiling to reveal a very large number of Zubat. The Zubat, assaulted by both sound and light, took off in a frenzy, flying around the cave in a massive jumbled mess. Amber gave a small scream as the overwhelming number of Zubat flew around in a craze. That only served to agitate them even more.
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Azure: Well, we thought Amy was with you guys... *anime sweat drop*

Lucas: *to Braviary* Well we'r sorry; couldn't really see that well.

Snow Puff: I assume that, but I'm guessing they over-reacted.

Garnet: As for getting lost.... we're as lost as anybody could be, though as for my sister, we lost her someplace earlier I guess...

Azure: So, are we completely lost now?

Azure thinks for a bit before Garnet looks at him confused.

Garnet: Azure, what are you thinking about?

Azure: Amy is usually the one to travel in the dark, so she has been in the dark before right? Well I think I know exactly how to find here.

Garnet: Well, she does Midnight, but she doesn't have anybody with Flash, so why-?! No, just no. You know what will happen if you say that.
over a year ago wantadog said…
(Her Ames sense is tingling.)
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
(I'm waiting for Riku and then the forbidden nickname shall be said and we'll find out why she hates that nickname)
over a year ago wantadog said…
(In that case, let me make a quick post.)

While everyone else had been running wild in the caves, Clifton had calmly made his way over there and was standing outside the caves. He could hear their voices all the way over here. What fools. Still, the cave itself seemed interesting, even if it's occupants were a bit loud. With that in mind, Clifton withdrew a heavy duty flashlight and entered the cave.