Pokémon Pokémon Adventure: Johto!

TAIKAMODO posted on Aug 20, 2015 at 06:44PM
With the battle of the Legendary birds completed and the threat of Team Rocket finally eliminated, the Kanto Region achieved a long awaited time of peace and prosperity, all thanks to a now legendary group of trainers, who scattered across the world, traveling on their own paths until destiny once more calls. Meanwhile, in the neighboring region of Johto, the time has come for another generation of Trainers to begin their journeys, to encounter new allies and enemies, people and Pokémon alike. But with a new threat on the rise in the form of a mysterious and dangerous terrorist group calling themselves "The Disciples", the rumors of a new Team Rocket, and the sudden disappearance of Johto Champion Lance, it seems yet another grand battle is brewing in the world. So where are our heroes? Who will step up to the plate in the Johto region's darkest hour?

Character Sheet









Home Town:

Starter Pokémon:

Pokémon Team:

last edited on Jul 19, 2019 at 05:32PM

Pokémon 426 replies

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Showing Replies 101-150 of 426

over a year ago Nojida said…
Meanwhile, Ara was ignoring them- well, not entirely. She was interested in that battle they were talking about, but she definitely wasn't planning to join them. The Pokemon weren't hers, she didn't have the right to use them in battles. Finally, she spotted her bag lying on the ground, thankfully closed, and hurried over to it. With a huge sigh of relief, she picked it up and checked inside to make sure everything was unharmed.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Hey, the child of prophecy has returned!)

"Oh look, it was lying in that straight line i was talking about! But who could have ever predicted such a thing?" Cloud remarked with his signature sarcasm, returning his Sneasel.
over a year ago Nojida said…
(*Gasps!* Where? Who?)
Ara huffed, wishing to be able to hide in a Pokeball like Pokemon did. Why was she so clumsy today? "Whatever," she replied, turning around in an attempt to hide her red face. "Are you gonna have your battle here, or are we going to the town first?"
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…

(On another note, being a sarcastic jerk is fun! I like Cloud! XD)

"I'd say the town first. You know, since my Sneasel's been protecting you from wild Ursaring and trying to find your bag, he's just a tiny bit tired." He replied, still in a mocking tone.
over a year ago Nojida said…
(I still don't get what that is XP)
(He does have quite an attitude XD)
Finally, Ara snapped. "Hey, I never asked you to help me!" With that, she stomped away towards the town, face still red with anger and embarrassment.
"Uh... right," After a moment of confusion, Chikorita ran to catch up.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Look up "John Cena Prank Call" on Youtube. Funniest stuff ever!)

(Which is why it's so fun!)

"What do you plan on doing once you reach Town? You're still not a Trainer, and you don't have a Trainer's Card! Do you even know?" He shouted after her. She had one of these dumb necklaces as well, meaning whatever was going on included both of them. He couldn't risk her going off hy herself and getting arrested.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(I read the last pages of Legendary Saga over again, *sniff*, and i miss all the old characters now! *sniff*
over a year ago MiraniaTriforce said…
"You guys aren't heading to town are you? Apparently Peoples Pokemon are going missing. I just cant stand by and do nothing so I am going to help them look! "
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(Nostalgia T_T It's like seeing the final episode of your favorite show- oh wait, I'm going to know how that feels in 2016. My only regret is not doing more with Niki, personality-wise)
"Hey, wait up!" Wylie sauntered after them. Meanwhile, his Pokemon continued to search around. All the while, he was thinking, Wow, an official challenge. Usually I'm the one who challenges other people.
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(Hey, quick question, do I get one of those necklaces, too?)
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Ugh... I swear, I forget to reply to this EVERY TIME. Well, whatever, time to do so now. And I really don't know about that, since it's something Taika's planned.)
"I'll find something to do!" Ara shouted back, too irritated to admit that she actually had no idea what she was going to do. She didn't slow down or looked back, arms wrapped around her bag, and didn't even notice that Wylie was following her.
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(I was mostly directing the question at him)
"Okay, you two, come on back," Wylie told his Pokemon, who scampered to his side. "Yeah, my Pokemon are a little tired, too," he agreed half-heartedly, trying to off-awkward things.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(.....Um....i'm back?)

(About that necklace thing...)

Cloud sighed irritably, pinching the bridge of his nose. He was starting to better understand why Pryce had always been especially nice whenever a girl challenged the gym. He never held back in battle of course, but his overall demeanor was kinder than when a guy battled him. Girls were unbelievably sensitive. At least, that's what he thought of Ara. Pryce's wife was like Giratina itself. Pure terror.

Shaking his head, he quickly jogged after her, a scowl still on his face. Whether he liked her or not, that dream he'd had was related to the necklaces she and he both currently wore. As for why the moon and sun were what the necklaces looked like, he was clueless. Both the moon and the sun were connected to the Earth, but what did that have to do with anything? Then he remembered the voice from his dream...

The world is dying...the world is the Earth...so Earth is dying? He thought. But what do the sun and the moon have to with the Earth dying? And why did me and Ara get jewelry out of it?

His thoughts were interrupted when his and Ara's necklaces started to glow again. "Here we go again," He grumbled, quickly getting within reaching distance of the girl throwing her dumb temper tantrum. He grabbed her hand in order to stop her from moving forward as a third one, this time in the shape of the earth, formed and slowly fell around the neck of Wylie.

Cloud stared, narrowed eyed, at their newest acquaintance. "You too, huh?" He muttered, forgetting he was still holding Ara's hand. Had he noticed it, he would've cleaned his hand off with soap for several hours in order to scrub off any stupidity she might've infected him with. Arceus knew how contagious it was.
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Welcome back! We have a variety of great things going on, which include but are not limited to: butterscotch-cinnamon pie-making, human soul-hunting, a drama musical written and produced by a killer robot, and the famous spider bakesale, where all profits go to real spiders!
...I apologize. It seems like I've been watching too much Undertale.)

Ara glanced down at her necklace as it began glowing once more, but was distracted almost instantly when someone suddenly grabbed her hand, causing her to come to a halt. For second, she thought it was Wylie, who had been following her, but was disappointed to find out it was actually Cloud.
"What?" she demanded, but before she could pull away and slap him across the face, a new piece of jewellery appeared out of nowhere -this time a necklace in the shape of the Earth- and landed on Wylie.
"Wo," Ara muttered, eyes wide as she stared at the necklace. "Where did that come from?" She hadn't given those things as much attention as she should've, but now, she was more than interested in them. So interested that she forgot about her brother's ridiculous plan, or that Cloud was still holding her hand.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Oddly enough, i just finished a pacifist run like, yesterday. XD)

(So she we wait for Dragon, or just keep going?)
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Coincidence? I think not. XD And I haven't been able to play it myself, I've just watched a bunch of Youtubers play it. Needless to mention it's one of my new obsessions.)

(I say we wait for her, but I haven't seen her on Fanpop in a while. I could send her a message saying you've come back.)
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Conspiracy Confirmed. *Cue Mystery Music* It's surprisingly addictive, whether you watch or play it. XD)

(Well, if she HASN'T been on, then she wouldn't see it, but it's still worth a shot. Jeez, first Pipi, then misshedgehog, and now Dragon's gone missing. I think you might end up kidnapped next. XD)

over a year ago Nojida said…
(I knew it'd lead to that eventually... And yeah, but what else can you expect from it? Both the storyline and the characters are just amazing. X3 Sadly, my brother seems to believe it's FNAF's rival, so he refuses to watch it.)

(Or perhaps get zapped into another world where all dreams come true? Just my personal preference. XP And well, I know Dragon on other sites as well, so I could contact her via those.)
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(FNAF's rival? They aren't even the same genre. Plus, i thought FNAF 4 was the last one(FNAF World doesn't exist), and i think Undertale's continuing at some point. Well, to each their own.)

(You mean Taikatopia? They sound like the same place. XP And really? Neat. The only other site i'm usually on is FanFiction(i'm an author now! XD). Regardless, sounds like we've got a game plan!)
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Yeah, I honestly have no idea where he got that idea. And, really? Was that actually announced? I have to look into this. XP)

(Oh, I tried to go on vocation to that place, but man, everything was just so expensive. XP And I'll do it tomorrow, if I manage to get off m lazy behind for once and actually start doing stuff. (You're an author now? I'm sorry, have you read all those book-length posts you've been roleplaying with all this time? XD Anyway, if you've written any stories yet (or fanfictions? I don't know, do people post original stories on that site?), I'd definitely like to check them out!)
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Announced? Maybe, not actually sure. But most Indie games that blow up like Undertale has(Ex. FNAF) tend to get sequels. XP)

(Well, if you only had a TaikaCard, then you would've been set. XP And in my defense, i had a lot to say! Blame the RP for being so complicated! XD I actually just started a new story like, yesterday, based off my desire to improve X&Y's story in every way! And no, only Fanfics are allowed on FanFiction. They have an alternate site called FictionPress for original stuff.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Yeah, you're right about that. I really hope Undertale doesn't get a sequel though- I don't want it to end up like FNAF.)

(But where does one get a TaikaCard? XP Puh-lease, the RP is innocent! XD Really? In what ways are you planning to improve it? And oh, alright. I never really looked into FanFiction to know how it works. ^^;)
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(If it got a sequel i wouldn't be mad, but i'd hope that it was somehow better than the first one, even if i literally can't think of a single thing wrong with it. FNAF was a more mystery driven series, so it's sequels served the purpose of deepening the story, but i don't know what an "Undertale 2" would accomplish.)

(Also, i don't know if you've heard of a Youtuber called "Natewantstobattle", but he plays games((used to be just Pokémon, but now it's whatever he wants)) and does amazing music, especially original songs based off of games. He's done like, 12 FNAF songs and 6 Undertale songs, and seeing as though i know you like at least Undertale, i think you should check out the channel. He's got this song called "Ashes" based off the genocide run, and it's awesome.)

(From TaikaBank, of course. Where else? XP And the RP is guilty of all charges! XD I think X&Y has the weakest story of all the games, so i'm gonna add more....story, i suppose. I don't blame you for not looking into it, while there's a lot of cool people and stories, there's also some really sick stuff buried deep in the site. Even I never go there.)
over a year ago Nojida said…
(I guess you have a point about FNAF. And if an Undertale 2 came out, I know I'd be happy, but just like you said, there's not much else to add to the story. Perhaps a few more things could be explained about Gaster, Chara, or maybe even Sans, but other than that, everything else is perfect.)

(Oh, my gosh, YES! I love that guy! I've heard plenty of his songs, especially the ones he's done for Fairy Tail, and, of course, for Undertale. <3 (Huh, that rhymed XD) And I completely agree about 'Ashes', I love every bit of it. Have you listened to his version of Megalovania? It's just amazing.)

(Oh, I've never been there before. How does one get to Taikabank? XP I shall not allow such disgrace towards the RP! XD Does it? I never noticed- then again, I haven't played many video games, so eh. XP You mean the dark, endless abyss of bad spelling and grammar, or the darker, more endless abyss of bad fiction?)
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Gaster...the one who speaks with Wingdings. If there were a sequel, having him be important would be great. But now that i think about it, wouldn't there have to be two seperate sequels, based of which path you took? Would it like, read your Undertale 1 Data to determine which story you get? Or would it just straight up just ask you?...It sounds a bit complicated.)

(A kindred spirit. T.T I'm all warm and fuzzy inside now. XD I actually did a few minutes ago! That song just....it just fills me with DETERMINATION.)

(By going to TaikaTown. It's to the left of Taikatopia. XP And yeah, while it's my second favorite Gen((Gen 5 4 Lief!)), Gen 6 is the worst one story-wise. And unfortunately, both of those Abysses...is that the word? XD Anyway, both of those, plus the sick, vommit inducing fics that slip through the cracks of the rating system and hide behind the M-Rating and "Don't like don't read" slogan.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(I'm feeling nostalgic as heck after reading the first two Adventure Rps, sooo....)

"And...done," Matt muttered as he slowly removed his hands, as if the slightest sudden movement would ruin his handiwork. The wild Furret, which now sported a white bandage across it's forehead licked his hand thankfully, before scurrying off with it's other pokemon friends.

"Haha, you're welcome," He chuckled, watching them go with a grin. Lying back down in the grass, the raven haired boy took a deep breath, closing his eyes. As usual over the past few days since he'd reached Johto, his thoughts wandered to all the friends he'd left behind. Magia, Red, Nikki, Francine, Abigail, Aaron, Daisy, Silver, Leo..

Smiling again, he thought about Magia and Red in Sinnoh, with Magia probably filling up the Sinnoh Dex and Red challenging the Gyms there. Then there was Aaron and Daisy, roaming the Johto region like him, Aaron and himself after the same grand prize of winning the Johto League. He didn't realy know where the others were, but he was sure they were all doing their best to reach their dreams.


Matt flinched at the familiar screeching voice of his newfound travelling companion. He had a really unfortunate nack for running into...erm...eccentric girls. Cracking open one of his eyes, he watched as a girl with lime green hair and matching colored eyes with a terrifying scowl marched angrily towards him.

"Uh....hi, April," He greeted nervously, beads of sweat starting to form on his forehead. She had a nasty temper, and her punches reallly hurt.

"Don't 'hi April' me, you slacker! You were spposed to be back with the firewood ten minutes ago!" She fumed, and Matt sheepishly scratched the back of his head. Maybe she had a right to be mad this time...but that Furret...

"Well, you see, there was this-" His excuse was short by April.

"No excuses! Just hurry up and come back to camp! I almost got killed by a group of Spinarak trying to find you in this psycho forest!" Without giving him a chance to say another word, April marched off, leaving Matt totally speechless. Eevee, who now rode on his shoulder rather than in a pokeball, snickered at it's trainer.

"Vee, Eevee," It chucked, an even though Matt didn't speak pokemon, he had a gut feeling that it was something along the lines of, "She's got you whipped!"

"Oh, shut it!" He huffed, rising to his feet and ignoring the continued chuckling of his brown furred partner.

Only a few days in Johto, and it was already shaping up to be an interesting adventure, to say the least.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(Hey-o! I'm so confused with Fanpop right now, what has happened to this place? What is anything? What is life? XD
And ooh, we're talking Undertale! While we're talking about Undertale songs, have either of you heard Madame Macabre's Under the Veil?)
(Pfft, FNAF getting another sequel after the fourth one? That would NEVER happen. *cough**cough* SisterLocation *cough* *cough*

Stunned, Wylie looked down at the earth necklace that had just appeared. "What the?!" He looked at the other two. "You guys are seeing this, right?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nojida said…
(If I could answer the last two questions, I'd probably be famous right now XD But yeah, the changes were just so sudden- one day it's normal, the next my entire world has been turned upside down XP
I haven't, actually. Hold on, gimme a few seconds to look it up!)
(I know, right? While I don't hate FNAF, I was really hoping the series would end there- though I am curious to find out how the new game would tie to the story.)

Ara nodded eagerly. "That's exactly what happened with our own necklaces! You're one of us now!" She wasn't exactly sure what she meant by 'us', but she didn't pay much attention to the thought.
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(Prepare for the feels!)
(Yeah, I was kinda hoping that, too. Honestly, I do like FNAF. But that's mostly because of what I can do with the animatronic characters. And the theories, they help XD)

"Cool... " Wylie took the end of the necklace between two fingers and inspected it." I mean, it's weird, and kind of suspicious, but you've got to admit this is pretty cool."
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over a year ago Nojida said…
(Okay, I watched it, and I have to admit the song is pretty darn awesome. Also, for some reason, it kind of reminded me of this song: link)
(The theories are pretty interesting, but I'll have to admit, I never really looked into the fandom that much. My brother, on the other hand, is obsessed with the game XP)

"I know, right?" Ara tilted her head and examined Wylie's necklace more carefully. "So yours looks like the Earth. Mine's the sun, and Cloud's probably the moon." The thought of Cloud made her remember he was still holding her hand. Frowning, she pulled away and wiped her palm on her shorts. "I really don't know what to make off all this."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(I'll definitely check out that song X3)
(I don't really blame you. The bad fans tend to stick out like a sore thumb in the FNAF fandom. Don't get me wrong, it's not necessarily a bad fandom, it's just that the rabid fans are really loud XP)

"Earth, sun, and moon... " Wylie mused. "Maybe it's something we're meant to figure out together?" he suggested.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(I'm never around for the cool stuff! XD Welcome back to the wacky world of Fanpop, Dragon!)

(I think Cloud may get a bit meaner. XD)

"Together?" Cloud scoffed, scowling at the mere thought of cooperating with either of them. No way was he going to do that. "As if i need either of you two to play sherlock." He only really needed them for the necklaces, after all. They weren't very competent, at least in his eyes. "You two can be terrible detectives later, for now, i think it's about time we actually made proggress and reached Cherrygrove. You know, since it's kinda the purpose of the route we're on."
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Enjoy the wacky wackiness XD)
(Actually, I just realized the link doesn't work, so I'll just try this again: link)
(Those kind of fans tend to be in any fandom, but I'm glad I haven't ran into any of them so far XP)
(I think these three working together is going to be hard XD)

"Gosh, did you have lemons for breakfast?" Ara huffed. The guy was being too rude for her tastes, and they had practically only just met. Wylie, she could get along with, but she couldn't see herself lasting a day with Cloud. "But yeah, as much as I hate to admit it, you're right- we gotta head to town."
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(I could say the same thing XP And thank you, I'm glad to be back :D)
(Still not working. It just took me to the YouTube home page)
"Oh! No problem. Cherrygrove is just ahead." Wylie gestured in the direction of Cherrygrove. "But let's watch out for more Beedrills," he added.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Dang it, I give up XP Just look up Undertale: Bad Apple- if you haven't watched it already.)
"Oh, if I see any more Beedrills, I definitely won't stay there to let them attack me," Ara assured, starting off towards Cherrygrove.
"That's lame," Chikorita complained, but followed anyway.
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(Oh, okay :) )
Wylie navigated the path easily, checking to make sure the others were behind him, until they reached Cherrygrove. "Here we are! Home sweet home," he announced.
Pidgey fluttered around, chirping happily, and Cyndaquil stuck close to Wylie's feet.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(It'll take a bit of divine intervention for Cloud to willingly work with anyone. Fortunately, divine intervention isn't out of the question....#Foreshadowing)

"Finally," Cloud huffed, eyes surveying the town. "I was starting to think you didn't know the way." Sneasel, who shared many of Cloud's qualities, just nodded, arms crossed as he stuck closely to his trainer's side. "I'm going to the Pokemon Center to get Sneasel healed up, since a certain someone," He gave Ara a glare, "isn't capable of walking down a route without needing help every two seconds."

Looking to Wylie, his face shifted from a glare to his neutral frown. "As for you, i still want that battle. once i get Sneasel healed up, we can battle in the area behind the center. That work for you?"
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(Dun dun duuuun!)
"Sure," Wylie replied, never being one to turn down a challenge. It would be nice to test out his skills against a trainer, something he hadn't done in a while. He just hoped his Pokemon would listen to him.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Because why the heck not add more people...)

Name: Sage

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Appearance: Pic

Personality: Deceptively intelligent given her bubbly demeanor, Sage can be a bit stubborn when it comes to her loved ones, but she is otherwise fairly friendly. She enjoys spending time with her Pokémon, be it grooming or battling, and she gets attached to new people easily. She always tries to maintain a positive attitude, even in tough situations. She easily doubts her own abilities, however, and will often give up on things without much of a fight if she thinks it's beyond her skill level. Her tendency to gibe up before she can fail may help maintain her mindset, but it's also one of the many ways her insecurities bubble up. She overthinks her relationships with people ofte and can have depressive episodes, but she hardly ever lets it show, and instead keeps up her smile and happy attitude even when she would rather cry. "Smile like a superhero", her parents always told her.

Backstory: Born and raised in Viridian City, Kanto, Sage has always lived in the wealthy middle class, going to a private school where she learned just about all she could about Pokemon. Her parents are both famous actors, but rather than follow in her parents's footsteps, she took up writing and fell in love with it, writing several short stories that just about everyone from her old school loved. However, one day her parents informed her that due to a long term movie shoot set in Azalea Town, Johto, they would be forced to move.

She had already gotten her Bulbasaur and travelled a bit before returning to her family to head to Johto, and it was during this time her starter evolved.

Likes: Reading(Especially Romantic Novels), Writing, Pokemon, and sweets. Especially cinnamon buns.

Dislikes: Sage doesn't get upset about much her "Keep moving forward" mentality keeping her smiling through nearly everything. But she does dislike negativity and pessimism, and more than anything she hates to see anyone or anything she loves being put in danger or getting hurt. In fact, that is the only time she will put her foot down. She has self esteem issues and can be very insecure, leading her to dislike herself and not even value her own life in many situations. Oh, and Banana. She hates the taste of bananas.

Home Town: Viridian City

Starter Pokémon: Bulbasaur

Pokémon Team: Ivysaur, HootHoot, Sentret.

Dream/Goal: She honestly isn't sure what exsctly she wants to do yet, but for now she wants to go on lots of adventures and use it as inspiration for an entire novel one day.
last edited over a year ago
(Because why the heck not add more people...)

Name: Sage

Age: 12

Gender: Female

over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(Alrighty! I'll probably have more to add as this goes on)
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(I'm bored. XP)

Day 1 of my journey in Johto Sage wrote into the leather journal in her hand, It still kinda feels like Kanto, except there are a lot less Beedrill, which is a plus, in my book. She glanced up to check on her Pokemon, not surprised to see HootHoot napping as usual during the day, her ball of energy Sentret running all over the place, and Ivysaur chasing angrily after Sentret, clearly a bit upset about something the mischievous normal type had done.

I've caught two Pokemon, and so far, they both seem to be getting along fine with Iysaur, so i think i'm doing pretty good for my first day! Smiling, she gently closed the notebook, placing the pen in her pocket and the notebook in her backpack. She sat on one of many benches in Cherrygrove City, as she decided that a short break before heading to Violet City wouldn't harm anyone...

"Eeep!" She gasped as a Vine Whip nearly smacked her in the face. Before she could ask what was going on, he felt Sentret scampering onto her shoulder, and instantly figured it out. "You two..." Sage sighed playfully, her smile letting them know she wasn't really upset. "I swear, you two never settle down." Both ivysaur and Sentret knew this was true, and didn't even attempt to argue her point. "So instead of almost smacking me in the face with a vine, why don't we all relax together?"

Ivysaur nodded, taking the spot next to Sage and curling up into a comfortable ball. Sentret decided it'd lay atop her head, and HootHoot, who she merely had to whistle to wake up, perched on the bench on her other side before returning to it's slumber. Sage couldn't help but smile at the situation. She was with all her Pokemon, relaxing, and nothing could really be better than that. Even battles.

Today was perfect, and it looked like things were only getting better.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Oh yeah, the plot's supposed to start in Cherrygrove.)

"Sir, the grunts have returned from Slowpoke Well. I believe we found one of stones you were looking for," A man said, kneeling and offering the sparkling light blue stone to a boy who sat in a large chair, chin resting on his hand. The boy's violet eyes examined the stone, before he took it from the man's hand. "Thank you, Siegfried. Inform the other Admins that the Lunaris Stone has been recovered." The man, Siegfried, nodded, rising to his feet.

"Yes, Master Zion." Was all that was said, and Siegfried was gone. Zion closed his eyes, gritting his teeth in pain as a rainbow colored aura briefly flashed around him.

"No...not....now..." He struggled out, and the aura vanished. After a few moments panting for breath, he glared at the wall in front of him, as if it was the source of his pain. "I need you to stay inside me...just a little longer...." He turned to one of the moniters nearby, and on the screen was Cherrygrove City. Zion smirked, fingering the Moon shaped Neckace around his neck. "Brother...i know you are there..." He whispered, "I will take you home....to mother."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago horofox said…
Name- Shadow Bellatrix

Age- 13

Gender- Female

Appearance- Pic

Personality- Reckless, violent, sweet and kind at heart, Stubborn, Energetic, naive, childish

Backstory- She was born in Unova and raised in Kalos, Has been treated like a boy all her life and has lived alone for most her life since her parents had left her at a young age, so she was raised by some men who took her in when they found her in the woods. She still has very little of her life before her " brothers " saved her. But she is set on finding her "Father" that had ran away and blinded her left eye when she tried to keep him from leaving, afterwards she'd had lived with her brothers in a wealthy classed home. She tries to use her blinded eye as an advantage but sometimes its a disadvantage.

Likes- Desset or Candies, battles, ghost and dark type Pokemon, Listening to music

Dislikes- Water, bitter food, bullies, or people who think higher of them themselves

Home Town- Kalos or Unova

Starter Pokemon- Snivy

Pokemon Team- Zoarork, Lucario, Espeon, and Superior

Dream/ Goal- To find her father and prove to him that she is a worthy daughter to be proud of.
last edited over a year ago
Name- Shadow Bellatrix 

Age- 13

Gender- Female

Appearance- Pic

Personality- Reckless, vio
over a year ago horofox said…
Im joining if that's ok?
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Yes, that's fine! Welcome to our semi-active madness! Everyone's in Cherrygrove at the moment, so just jump in however you want.)
horofox commented…
Ok, thx over a year ago
over a year ago horofox said…
Shadow- Zoarork how much farther to those kids? We have to show dad we're worthy * Hides in bushes spying on them *
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Welcome! :D)
(Also, Taika, I have to mention how much I like the way you add sprinkles of magic into the Pokemon world. As a fantasy fan, I approve! X3)
Ara's cheeks puffed at Cloud's remark, her hands balling into fists. However, she managed to restrain herself from talking back, as she figured arguing would only make things even less easy for them. They had to work together in order to figure out what those necklaces were, and to do that she had to find a way to tolerate him.
"So, you two have your little battle. Then what do we do?" she questioned, hands on her hips.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(*Bows* It's pure Taika-Talent.)

"I'm aiming to be the strongest Trainer, so i'm challenging the Pokémon League. I assume Wylie's doing the same," Cloud replied, "As for you, i figured you'd go do something else stupid. You seem to be good at that, at least."
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Yeah, that explains everything. XD)

Ara groaned. Turns out staying around with that guy was going to be even harder than she thought. "Are you always this annoying? Wait, don't answer that. You probably are." Truthfully, though, she wasn't exactly sure what she was going to do. She had the stolen Pokemon with her, but wasn't sure what to do with them. Not to mention that attempting to call her brother would be risky. The thought made her glance at her bag for a moment. Was he okay?
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Indeed. Taika-Talent is the fabric of space and time, the secret behind the most advanced and divine creation in all the land....Cupcakes.)

"That's the closest thing to smart you've said all day," He snickered, "I'm actually impressed." Seeing her glance towards the bag for a moment in what looked like worry, Cloud was reminded of how they'd met to begin with. Her running away, stolen Pokémon in tow. "But since you'll probably just end up being someone else's damsel in distress if i decide to leave you behind, and unfortunately, i need you alive and well to solve our little puzzle," He pointed to her sun necklace, "I guess i'll have to tolerate you until then."
last edited over a year ago