Pokémon Pokemon Black and White: Worth it?

SacredDawn posted on Jul 03, 2010 at 10:56PM
Hey everyone! i just wanted to get your opinons and thoughts about the new Pokemon Black and White.

What do you think about the new starters, Tsutaja, Pokabu and Mijumaru? What about the Isshu Region?
Or the fact that the main protagonists are older teens unlike the past games?

Pokémon 13 replies

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over a year ago arcaninegal123 said…
It's ok, I guess.
over a year ago slushy said…
i thik itll b great,i already see 2 pokemon i must have.the chinchilla and the desert crocodile.if u havent seen them yet they can be found on serebii.net.the 3D is great and now the pokemarts are IN the pokecenters.EPICNESS.and i like the trainer avatars too
over a year ago arcaninegal123 said…
The trainers = awesome, the starters, not so much.
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
Thanks guys, I was just wanting to get your thoughts on it :)
over a year ago orochimarux said…
I just think that the starters are so ugly especially tsutaja and mijumaru What on earth the desighners are thinking about? I am disappointed of the lack of cuteness and beauty of starters
over a year ago Penguinangel said…
I'm just dissapointed in most of the new pokemon. Some look like rip-offs of older pokemon, and some just don't even look like pokemon, such as the legendaries Zekrom and Reshiram, who I think look like they just stepped out of an episode of "Yu-gi-oh!".
As for the trainers, I do think it is kind of cool how they are using older teens as the main characters, and I can't wait to see how the 3D aspect of Black and White turns out during actual gameplay.
over a year ago arcaninegal123 said…
The trainers are really cute. But like you said, Zekrom and Reshiram look like Monsters.
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
I do like that the trainers are older :D I thought some Pokemon look like a cross of a digimon and a yu-gi-oh monster XD
over a year ago ellamcewenasker said…
I love the new pokemon, but not the starters.
over a year ago boltlover said…
big smile
hmmm, i have ideas, do you guys now the new pokemon "Shimama"..?
Well i made the evolution for it, tell me what you think, also go to my fan site fore new pokemon type in on search "New Pokemon"
Here is a pic :D vvv
hmmm, i have ideas, do you guys now the new pokemon "Shimama"..?
Well i made the evolution for it, t
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
That's a pretty cool evolution boltlover! :D
over a year ago arcaninegal123 said…
Yeppers, but Pokemon is seriously running out of ideas.
over a year ago SacredDawn said…
I agree, I think they should take a break and then think about some new pokemon XD