Pokémon If Pokemon were to get a new storyline, what would it be?

Kafora posted on Jul 24, 2010 at 02:19AM
It's been the same thing since it first came out, so if it were to start new again what would you want it to be?

*Not sure if this is really a suitable forum topic, but I never use forums so I don't know xD
last edited on Aug 04, 2010 at 12:54AM

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over a year ago twilightrox43 said…
Aquamarine and Peridot Versions

This story begins in the new region of Canndon, where you (your character) lives. No, you don't listen to the professor ramble while you stare at the ceiling and repeatedly tap the A button. The story automatically starts smack dab in the story.
You live in Cloverbush Town, and it's the afternoon of your tenth birthday. Your mom, Alana, is inside, baking a cake for the party that evening. You wander off into the woods, not realizing yourself getting lost. You being to panic, and frenzy everywhere to try and find you way back out.
You eventually give up, and sit down on a log for rest. You look down, and notice three Poke Balls. You choose one to pick up. These are the starter Pokemon Foresfox, a Grass type, Aquamb, a Water type, and Blazino, a Fire type. (NOTE: THE PICTURE BELOW IS OF THE CANNDON STARTERS. BECAUSE I SUCK AT DRAWING, I TRACED OVER A VULPIX, FLAAFFY, AND LARVITAR.)
Suddenly, a frantic man comes running through the woods, and notices you with the Poke Ball you picked up. He explains that he dropped them earlier, and you return them. You then ask him to help you get home.
He guides you out of the woods, and he asks you your name and age. You tell him your name and that's it's your tenth birthday. You tell him your party is that night. He then tells you he works for Professor Pine, and he will pick you up after your party to take you to his lab in Beachside City to go meet him. At dark, you go home, and to your surprise, everyone in Cloverbush Town is there. You have an amazing party, then someone knocks at the door. It's Professor Pine's assistant, and, with your mom's approval, you go with him to Beachside City.
Professor Pine allows you to keep the Pokemon you chose on the condition that you travel around with the Pokedex. You exit the lab to see a fiery girl battling a teenager. She is obviously losing, so you step in to help. Once you win, the girl tells you her name is Alissa, and she can't wait to be your rival. She then runs off. (NOTE: IF YOU LOSE THE 2-ON-2 BATTLE WITH THE TEEN, YOU WILL BE SENT BACK HOME, AND YOU MUST GO BACK TO BEACHSIDE CITY TO BATTLE AGAIN. ALISSA'S PARTNER IS ALWAYS THE WEAKNESS TO YOUR PARTNER.)
You go back home to tell your mom, and she allows you to go. She gives you five Poke Balls, and you set off to begin your new adventure.
Your first Gym Battle is in Moonstar City, against Alice, who uses Dark-type Pokemon. Once you beat her, you will most likely leave after preparing, seeing there isn't much to Moonstar City. Just then, two shady men steal your Starter Pokemon. You give chase, and they eventually give up. They drop your Pokemon, and you continue to sneak behind them. You follow them all the way to a secret base, and you seem suspicious. You sneak inside, hoping you don't get discovered.....to be continued...
last edited over a year ago
                  Aquamarine and Peridot Versions

This story begins in the new region of Canndon,
over a year ago Espeongirl360 said…
ok ...
Ash and Misty are now married and have twins. One girl one boy. Alexa (the girl) wants to follow in her fathers footsteps and be a pokemon master. Sam (the boy named after prof. Oak) wants to be a pokemon breeder. when they turn 12 (my age for pokemon trainers) Alexa gets to prof. oak's lab late and there are no pokemon left. but prof. oak knew she would be late like her father and he gives her an espeon. Now while she is split up from her brother and best friend (i havent chose a name yet but she is a coodinator ) she has to go on a test to see if she will be able to travel across the world by herself. when she's in a forest for the test, some pokemon chase her up a tree and Jason (one of Gary's sons) rescue her. then once they are out of the forest she inturduce him to her bro and best friend and that is how the original team starts. im to lazy to write about the rest.
over a year ago twilightrox43 said…
Soon after wandering in, you begin to eavesdrop on the conversation. The pair that stole your Pokemon begin to talk about how they failed at getting it. Then they start to mutter about how Team Daredevil is going to rule the world. You don't know what they mean, but you continue to listen.
They talk of the two legendary Pokemon Rikabi and Hiraisho. They were the beings of the planet. Rikabi was a Grass-Dragon type Pokemon, and ruled over the forests, trees, wildlife, and the environment. On the other hand, Hiraisho was an Ice-Dragon type Pokemon. Hiraisho rules over the many storms- like sandstorms, blizzards, thunderstorms, and more. They mentioned if they captured Rikabi (for Aquamarine, or Hiraisho for Peridot), they could send the world into chaos! You gasp- which alerts them you are there. They chase you off, and, afraid they had been discovered, the team escapes.
You shake it off, and continue toward the next town, Skydream Town. When you arrive, a boy, maybe two years older than you, approaches you and asks you to save his Pokemon. He leads you to a tiny lake. His Meditite is being attacked by a swarm of Beedrill, and you use your Pokemon to fend off the leader. When you defeat it, it flys away, his group following. He thanks you, and tells you he is the Gym Leader of Skydream Town. His name is Alec, and he uses Fighting-Type Pokemon. You go to battle him, and Alissa stops you before you go in. She challenges you to a battle. When you win, she will storm off, having already earned Alec's badge. You go inside, and, once you defeat Alec, you leave to go to Tenderleaf City. The route is very short, and you easily reach the city. This city has no Gym, but it has a Contest Hall. You decide to go inside and check it out. You meet a boy- the same age as you, standing at the counter. He is angry because he lost a contest with his Haunthound. (NOTE: A PICTURE OF HAUNTHOUND IS SHOWN BELOW. AGAIN, I CAN'T DRAW, SO I TRACED OVER A POOCHYENA.) You talk to him, and you get him to calm down. He says his name is convinces you to enter a contest, so you do. Afterwards, he agrees to be your rival too. You go outside, and Team Daredevil is torturing the town...to be continued....maybe. Know what, this is stupid. You can make the rest up yourself....okay? Bye.
Soon after wandering in, you begin to eavesdrop on the conversation. The pair that stole your Pokemon
over a year ago pokemonyellow said…
A girl walks down Route 110 and gets involved in a Pokemon fight. She doesn't have Pokemon and when she tells them to stop she gets caught in a Solarbeam. She wakes up when she sees a Pokemon talking. The Pokemon tells her she is Mew and that after getting zapped she suddenly understands Pokemon. Mew asks for her name and she tells Mew that she doesn't know. Mew tells her that she has amnesia and can't remember a thing so she names the girl December. Together December travels with Mew to discover her past and memories.