Prison Break Help!

Lioness posted on Feb 06, 2007 at 10:48PM
I can't watch anything without it getting stuck every 3 or 3 seconds cos its so slow to load - does anyone kno how i can fix this please??

Prison Break 4 replies

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over a year ago garrettd_69 said…
over a year ago shamibigtime said…
yea da best place is but not at the moment co the movie tkes 2 long to buffer due to to many visitors so if u wanna view smoothly u have to go there at night
over a year ago PBfan19AS said…
or if that doesnt work you can watch it off the PB home site, just click the box when it says fox on demand
over a year ago Archie said…
peekvid is abit dodgy lately. Theres a youtube user called DPOOL that has all the heroes and prison break episodes up the day after they air. u have to add him as a friend though coz his vids are on private.