Priyanka Chopra FF News: Omar Abdulla, Priyanka Chopra, and Shar Rukh Khan to feature in Airline Disaster...??

footprints888 posted on Apr 12, 2021 at 11:29AM

Shar Rukh Khan, Omar Abdulla, Priyanka Chopra and Justin Bieber


‘to feature,’ in upcoming Airline Disaster Flick…??

by Alison Kells

(April 2021—Hollywood Now) The King of Tik Tok Omar Abdulla is said to

feature alongside

Hollywood and Bollywood celebrities-Shar Rukh Khan,

Priyanka Chopra and Justin Bieber

this coming fall in what has been nicknamed the

movie of the year, according to movie buffs across the world.

“The plot revolves around the boarding of Flight Mumbai 7867 from Mumbai

International Airport to California World Base, and on board the flight are the co-stars.

As the Boeing 747 is in mid-air, the plane crashes with another plane, mid-air and

crashes into the Atlantic Ocean. Many of the crew and passengers die with

only some members left into the lonely ocean, set to fight for their lives.’

said SA film director, Mr. Anil Singh.

Speaking from his Mumbai home, with his now long hair, Mr. Shar Rukh Khan

bragged that after reading the script for the airline disaster,

he was excited to be part of the airline disaster and was

excited to be working with Omar Abdulla and Justin Bieber.

“I believe there is a romance sequence where when we are

fighting for our

lives in the ocean, someone falls in love, and there is

some dancing and

good music to couple a traditional Indian movie.’

According to The Saturday Star, the outlet read on their website that

The Omar Abdulla Group,

Neflix, Showmax, Dharma Productions and Disney to be financiers of

this thriller movie with some people anticipating a love

romance between

Abdulla and Chopra.

“We are unsure of the details of the love story, but the movie

revolves around a high-speed airline crash, where the survivors are

left for weeks floating on aircraft debris and only

living on fish from the ocean.’

California Superstar, Mr. Justin Bieber pooled that the airline disaster

movie which has been named

“Disaster from hell,’ will feature some of his music

and he plays a cameo role as the pilot of the disaster,

but eventually dies.

“I am all new to Bollywood movies, but I believe some Hollywood

producers are part of the film. My role will include a dance on the

airplane and flight controls of the aircraft.’

Leading the star cast, Ms. Priyanka Chopra wept by saying that when

she read the script of the blockbuster, it reminded her of the sinking

Titanic, as the movie is based on a true story.

“Disaster from hell moved me the moment I read it, and it will be good to

work with the legends Shar Rukh Khan and Omar Abdulla again.’

Concluding his remarks to South Africa Today, Mr. Omar Abdulla

concluded that he was

‘thrilled and spilled,’ to be part of the movie, and warned residents to

‘hold onto their seatbelts,’ for a thrilling adventure, which features

some of the highest paid actors.

“We cannot reveal too much of “Disaster from Hell,’ but it’s a

movie that you can

watch with your six-year-old, or your wife, it has everything

a movie has to offer.’

Shar Rukh Khan, Omar Abdulla, Priyanka Chopra and Justin Bieber


‘to feature,’ in u

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