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I need help with this guys...please....PLEASE don't flag me for this! I'm being real and honest here, and I need someone to help me!

i need help with my best friend. well....i gues if she was a dog, id say she went into heat o.0
she's talking about thingz she only barely turned thirteen last month, and shes acting like such a little girl right now! she says " i think im going sex crazy" and "i need it" and talking about 'sticks' and whenever she eats something that resembles a 'stick' she makes me look and licks it, trying to look slutty and says "i love my sticks" and after every dirty thing she says she adds in a deep, totally retarded voice ( which i think is SUPPOSED to be slutty) " if you know what i mean" and i'll just nod awkwardly and do something else
i KNOW she lies to me a lot! and i mean a lot! but to take it to that level... she says a LOT of sick stuff, and i sometimes cant even handle it. sometimes i'll teasingly say things but not like that!! thats gross! and i dont get weirded out by just anything! i can stomach a lot, but the fact that my shy-when-in-school bf is talking and being this way is beyond my control over my own sanity. i'm trying to be patient, but...most of the time i view others even older than me as a child.....because i know I am mature. this is so childish and stupid. i can also be childish at times, but never like this.
she also says shes been kissed a ton of times and i know she hasnt had a bf. she claims her " last bfs " name was Dane Warp, but Dan Warp is the company or whatever for like iCarly or something right? she says " i dont care about love" and "you should turn into a whore with me" 0ΣGs!!!! you CAN'T just turn into a whore that way!!!! thats not the way it works!!!
i dont recognise her anymore, and i havent for a while...everyone is beautiful just the way they are. but THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS!!!!!! thats desperate and nasty!
shes my best friend, and im afraid for her well- being...well not exactly her well being but....please know what i mean....i cant put it into words. i camped with her the other day when she said all
I meant to asay sorry for any incorrect capitalization, spelling or punctuations...I was in a hurry, and my battery died right after I posted.
RiderOfTempest posted over a year ago
 RiderOfTempest posted over a year ago
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springely said:
Tell her it really offends you, and that you absolutely hate it.
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posted over a year ago 
rapunzeleah123 posted over a year ago
I think that is what I'll do, thanks. And yeah, that's real helpful Leah -_-
RiderOfTempest posted over a year ago
Tyler47 said:
Let me ask you a question, when you came pulling in here, did you notice a sign in front of the spot that said "Personal Drama Storage"?
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posted over a year ago 
No, as a matter of fact, I didn't, but I did "see a sign" that said "Post anything you want to...It's Completely Random...Pie!"
RiderOfTempest posted over a year ago
Musiquelover said:
I think u should tell her to Stop or else your friendship is over. She is a bad influence. I don't think a friend should tell a friend to become a whore. She is not really your friend if she's telling you to make bad choices which could potentially ruin your life.
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posted over a year ago 
thanks :]
RiderOfTempest posted over a year ago
LUV_4_BIEBER said:
Ask this on the Advice spot. Or the Suicide Hotline. The don't laugh at your problems... As long as my mother isn't working that night.
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posted over a year ago 
i love the last sentence :P made my day :) thanks
selenarox21 posted over a year ago
RiderOfTempest posted over a year ago
adultswimperson said:
That was to long to read and it bored the hell out of me.
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posted over a year ago 
^ ^ lol
coriann posted over a year ago
@coriann, I know right? That story was boring as hell and I've read worse things than that.xD
adultswimperson posted over a year ago
It's not like I asked you personally to come here and answer, and did I not make it clear that I needed help with something before you clicked on the question?
RiderOfTempest posted over a year ago
@RiderOfTempest, And did it not ever occur to you that anyone can answer if they want?
adultswimperson posted over a year ago
totaldramafan96 said:
Really, i cant be stuffed reading that...too long,
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posted over a year ago 
im sorry i would've taken 30 seconds from your life
RiderOfTempest posted over a year ago
Me_Iz_Here said:
1. Like what other people said, tell her that if she doesn't stop, you're gonna walk.
2. Sometimes, behavior like that is normal for kids her age. I'm not saying it's not gross, but sometimes people just act that way. All of my friends are around 13, so I would know.
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posted over a year ago 
RiderOfTempest posted over a year ago
FeelmySwagger said:
Some thing has definitely changed ur frend, but if she isn't changed during ur camping she was only trying to scare you!anyway keep her away from boyz and sticks and anything that will stare up such conversations again!she's too young!
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posted over a year ago 
i'll try :/ thanks
RiderOfTempest posted over a year ago
Aimee147 said:
Tell her that she's being immature and that she's really making you feel uncomfortable.She's only 13,she has plenty of time to realise that sex isn't everything.I'd suggest what everyone else said,to just walk away if she carries on because it shows that you're not going to put up with her "sex obsession".
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posted over a year ago 
thanks for answering :]
RiderOfTempest posted over a year ago
ngweien said:
I understand your situation, I face these too, though at a smaller scale. If she is a close friend and you really treasure that friendship, try talking to her and discussing the situation. Try and make her understand that you feel very uncomfortable about this kind of behavior. Truth is, this is a situation that works by a case to case basis. In my case, I've always made sure my friends understand that I really dislike any kind of "sick" behavior and they respect me and stay clear of these topics while I'm around. That and they're a little intimidated by me when I'm angry... I wish you luck with your friend:)
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posted over a year ago 
I agree. :)
quitepathetic posted over a year ago
ngweien posted over a year ago
thank you
RiderOfTempest posted over a year ago
someone_save_me said:
Everyone that age acts like that, dude. :3
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posted over a year ago 
Not everybody.
ArcticWolf posted over a year ago
not everyone
ngweien posted over a year ago
your half right ;] thanks for answering
RiderOfTempest posted over a year ago
LeatherRain said:
Better question is who DOESN'T act like that at 13? It sounds like she's just trying too hard to be "cool" to me....
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posted over a year ago 
Yeah, exactly :\
quitepathetic posted over a year ago
i never have and never will
ngweien posted over a year ago
i wouldnt act like that! O.O ugh...if you heard her you...sigh....just...just give up :(
RiderOfTempest posted over a year ago
Heartisalone said:
WAIT. So your telling me, that a thirteen year old girl is saying things like, "you should turn into a whore with me"?

Okay, first of all, I know that what she's saying to you MUST make you feel uncomfortable.
You need to tell her,
"Listen, That is gross, please stop saying stuff like that around me."
If she is really bothering you, best friend or not, you need to stand up for yourself and tell her.
Don't ignore the way you feel.

Second, What the hell is a child as young as her doing saying those kinds of things?
You need to tell her parents. That way of thinking can lead to bad behaviour.
Is she is actually saying those things, you need to do what is best for her.
She is young, she probably doesn't know what she's talking about.

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posted over a year ago 
thats really helpful thanks :/
RiderOfTempest posted over a year ago
justleeelee said:
Me and my best friend were like that at 13.... XD A lot of people are.
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posted over a year ago 
hmmmm,,,,,,,,,*blinks*...thank you?
RiderOfTempest posted over a year ago
NomyCake said:
It's hormones, I guarantee it.
Tell her it bugs you and don't worry; she'll grow out of it eventually.
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posted over a year ago 
thank you for your POSITIVE answer :p
RiderOfTempest posted over a year ago
You're welcome. XD
NomyCake posted over a year ago
Seastar4374 said:
ummm................. Wow........ I would tell her "listen I don't feel that way and I am not ready for this kind of thing yet" and see what she says. If this continues tell your and her parents.
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posted over a year ago 
i think her parents already know.... :/ but thanks for the comment
RiderOfTempest posted over a year ago
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