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What are some funny/embarassing moments that happened @ school?

I'll give props to the best stories!!!! (:
What are some funny/embarassing moments that happened @ school?
 codecracker3 posted over a year ago
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Heartisalone said:
Embarrassing school moment for me:

Did I ever tell you guys how much I hate my math teacher? Yes? No? Well, now you know.
One time, there was a rumor going around the school. The rumor being Mr. Bauer (my math teacher) was gay.
So, one day, me and my friend were walking up the staircase to get to math class when she tells me the rumor. Like the idiot I am, my reaction was yelling out loud, "MR BAUER IS GAY!?!?!?"
Well... it turns out he was right behind me when I yelled that.

Hurr Durr.
Strangest thing, he didn't yell at me, or get me in trouble or anything. He just... stared at me, then left.

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posted over a year ago 
kaboomgirl said:
*has said this a million times*

I was in the commons hanging out after lunch, and Taylor ran up and poked my shoulder. I raced after him, and poked him back. He ran after me and found me hiding behind a corner, and punched my shoulder. I ran after him up the stairs, and he jumped over the last step. I tried to do the same, but epicly failed. I fell flat on my face, UP the stairs. I was wearing a skirt that day. My skirt was almost up over my head. My Powerpuff Girl undies were showing. To make it worse, my crush was standing behind me as it happened.

Damn school.
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posted over a year ago 
Jeffersonian said:
I was quoting a funny scene from The Sopranos to my best friend Andrea...anyway, one of the words in the quote was "shitless". Just as I say "shitless", this one teacher, Mr. Moore walks by and hears me...he kind of looks at me shocked because he's one of the teachers that thinks I'm quite naive and innocent.
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posted over a year ago 
Ilovesonic47873 said:
Funny: Their Was A Spiders On The Ground And Meredith Got Her Book And Kept Hitting People In THE FOOT :D

Embarrassing: WE Watched A Movie In Class I Sat Next To MY Crush And I Put My Hand Down Then He Did And We Holded Hands For A Minute ^ ^

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posted over a year ago 
AlexSelenaRules said:
So in language arts class we were reading a "scary" story. The teacherwas getting to the grossest part when a guy's phone goes off.

His ringtone was Dun Dun Dun... And we he checked his phone he said "Oh grandma"

But it was actually a chickthat was IN the classroom
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posted over a year ago 
214 said:
Prepare for the most epic school story you've ever heard. (Actually it's a bunch of stories.) And don't go all TL:DR on me.

1. So in Science, two guys named Mateo and Jeffta were leaning in and talking while our teacher Ms. Burger (she's a vegetarian xD) was talking. It was at a weird angle so Ms. Burger said "Look, I know you two have feelings for each other and I support that, but please, no making out while I'm talking." And it was hilarious because she's a no-nonsense, serious, strict teacher. xD

2. Jeffta started calling Ms. Burger "Pregnant Woman" so she started calling him "Puberty Boy."

3. Last year in Health, we had a sub named Mr. George. We were learning about stuff like herpes etc and this kid named Matt kept making weird noises. So Mr. George said "You make those sounds when you have it!"

4. So we had the same sub and he was telling us about how makeup hurts our skin (lol idgaf about it tho) and he told us that makeup isn't even necessary. Then he paused and said "Except Matt. He needs it. Even though I know he already wears it."

5. Our Humanities teacher Mr. Brown got permission to bring in katanas to show us because we're studying feudal Japan. So these two high school kids were cutting class and making noise outside the classroom (no sexual innuendo intended) so Mr. brown grabbed the swords and ran outside, scaring the SHIT out of them.

6. The other Humanities teacher, Mr. Denton, was explaining rules of a game we were going to play. One kid said "But Mr. Brown said (different rule)" so Mr. Dention said "Well Mr. Brown is on crack!"

7. There are rumors about Mr. Denton (he's bisexual) secretly dating this boy no one likes named Chad. It's pretty believable because in class he's always holding his hand and talking to him and being near him. And he's also one of the PE teachers and during PE, Chad sits in between his legs and leans on his shoulder and it's just fucking disturbing. O_O

8. I picked a lock in front of a teacher. And I didn't get in trouble. x)

And there you have it. My fucking EPIC school.
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posted over a year ago 
thats pretty funny! Thnx for contributing! xD
codecracker3 posted over a year ago
Axel1313 said:
Well, one time in my French class(which is always crazy), we were playing pictionary at the board. Some of my classmates started rolling a marble back and forth, but it was soon confiscated by the teacher. So she showed us her confiscated bouncy ball stash, big mistake, because while she wasn't looking they raided it and started bouncing them back and forth. After a while she caught on. The funniest thing that happened next was that one of them rolled out to the middle of the class room. My french teacher went for it while one of my classmates dives out of his desk and pretty much collides with the teacher. He got the bouncy ball and the whole class bursts out laughing. The teacher next door had to come ask us to not scream so loud.
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posted over a year ago 
Thats really funny! (:
codecracker3 posted over a year ago
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