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guys can you please forget everything i did for now a support me through a hard time i just need well someone 2 talk to

cos ma best friend killed herself cos GoldnSnitch_96 was being a bully 2 her :'(

GoldnSnitch_96 i will never forgive you

OH MY GOD!!!!!!! IM SO SORRY!!!!!!!!
shootingstar13 posted over a year ago
thx 4 ya consern
MrsPinkiePie posted over a year ago
its OK im fine now just depressed
MrsPinkiePie posted over a year ago
 MrsPinkiePie posted over a year ago
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8theGreat said:
Well, to be perfectly honest with you I am in doubt of your situation. I doubt someone would really kill themselves over something so insignificant unless they were already going through tough matters to begin with. And now that you're using it as a sympathy card, I am doubting it even more. Please don't use it as a guilt trip, regardless of it's truth factor... please.

But, I do suppose that regardless of it's truth or not, even so much as lying about it must be the effect of something a bit more painful, either that or you're simply seeking attention which could also be the result of something more painful.

How about, instead of blaming one another and being so quick to throw the stone, we all try to work through this? This is to everyone, not just MrsPinkiePie. C'mon, we can all work through this if we're willing to rather than arguing and trying to guilt one another. What purpose do fights serve anyway?
Come on...
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posted over a year ago 
But I dislike herrrr ;-;
XxKeithHarkinxX posted over a year ago
oh stop it! someone comitted scuicide here! can we show SOME respect????????
Daisy_Shadowgf posted over a year ago
thank you
MrsPinkiePie posted over a year ago
xFluttershyx said:
Hey, bestie! And....

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posted over a year ago 
MrsPinkiePie posted over a year ago
MrsPinkiePie posted over a year ago
xFluttershyx posted over a year ago
springely said:
Legit, man. I totally believe that.
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posted over a year ago 
MrsPinkiePie posted over a year ago
i don't know what you did but all i know is that everyone who cares will forgive you and help you through this hard time
my thoughts are with you babe
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posted over a year ago 
MrsPinkiePie posted over a year ago
egyptprincess7 said:
Seriously? She killed herself because she was insulted and was in an argument with someone she doesn't know,online? Wow. Just,wow. *Shakes my head*
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posted over a year ago 
go to the profile of
MrsPinkiePie posted over a year ago
Teehee. I'm going to take you home and call you Fluffy! ^^
egyptprincess7 posted over a year ago
X3 lol *nuzzles*
seffro posted over a year ago
wantadog said:
After reading what the argument is about....

.....just no....

This is just stupid...
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posted over a year ago 
where's the argument?
luv_warriorcatz posted over a year ago
It's on Egyptprincess's answer.
wantadog posted over a year ago
MrsPinkiePie posted over a year ago
XxKeithHarkinxX said:

and killing yourself over what someone said on the internet is honestly stupid, and sad, but mainly stupid.

Plus I don't believe this, at all.

I know Goldn can be a bitch at times, be he always apologizes, :/

And I love GoldnSnitch_96 ^_^

He's one of mah bestest buddehs C:
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posted over a year ago 
hurtful much :'(
MrsPinkiePie posted over a year ago
TotalDramaDoll6 posted over a year ago
@total, I know the guy that she blames it on quite well, and he wouldn't do anything like that. and I'm sorry I'm a sociopath
XxKeithHarkinxX posted over a year ago
Aqua_Rose said:
They killed themselves because ONE person, on ONE website was mean to them.

You know, most people would just quit the website and leave it at that. Melodramatic much?
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posted over a year ago 
Sorry if this is a little bit harsh, but I find this hard to take seriously.
Aqua_Rose posted over a year ago
guys, this kinda stuff happens all the time. it doesnt matter if its just one person doing it. if they taunt her and wont leave her alone then thats enough to lead a girl to commit suicide! they talk about it all the time in the news! my cousins best friend killed herself because a mean girl online didnt like her and kept taunting her and following her and told her that her birth was a mistake! so she shot herself in the head. so i would say that this is real.
TotalDramaDoll6 posted over a year ago
^ :)
MrsPinkiePie posted over a year ago
luv_warriorcatz said:
Talk to someone close, a real person.

EDIT: Looking at your comments, I'm not sure whether you're trying to play the sympathy card of if you're being a troll. There are so many idiots here that I suspect so many to be a troll, cause I can't believe people would be this stupid. So you're probably faking this and trying to piss off people on purpose.
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posted over a year ago 
MrsPinkiePie posted over a year ago
Not really. I just think you're faking it.
luv_warriorcatz posted over a year ago
read ur edit dushbag
MrsPinkiePie posted over a year ago
Yeah, as I said, I just think you're faking it.
luv_warriorcatz posted over a year ago
seffro said:
I don't believe it
I'm sorry but you are full of it
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I don't believe it
I'm sorry but you are full of it
posted over a year ago 
MrsPinkiePie posted over a year ago
pikakel19 said:
ok so if this is real, then im really sorry but i find this VERY hard to believe, im sorry
i just don't think that ur friend killed herself cause someone on the internet was being mean to her...
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posted over a year ago 
that happens all the time. girls often feel so threatened by cyber-bullys that they kill them selves. my cousins best friend did that, she was devistated.
TotalDramaDoll6 posted over a year ago
TotalDramaDoll6 said:
u have did nothin bad to me just so u no, and im so srry for u! i will report GoldnSnitch_96 for u.
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posted over a year ago 
Goldn, is a great guy seriosuly, he was obviously provoked by them, I know him quite well.
XxKeithHarkinxX posted over a year ago
XxTheBeatlesxX said:
I can kinda believe that happened. Just so you know, that's kinda over-the-top to do just because of a comment online. She had to have been going through more than that. I don't see why people kill themselves.
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posted over a year ago 
coriann said:
um, first of all...just the mere fact that she had a best friend was a reason not to kill herself, i just can't believe that her life was going good all the time and that she was so easily provoked by goldnsnitch that she felt she had to kill herself over it, to me it seemed like your friend had other troubles, i just don't understand how an insult online can cause you to want to end your life on earth, seems a little over dramatic to me don't you think?
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posted over a year ago 
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