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I'm a mental mess sometimes...

I'm doing better then I've had in a long time but I've gone through alot of mental pain.My uncle died in July last year and the same week I found out my dad had cancer.Next my dog got really sick and our friends mom died.Now I'm trying to deal with that fact I have a crush on my best friend each day I feel I can't say a word to her or risk losing her and some other friends of mine,dealing with her treating me only as a friend feeling trapped in a corner.To top this whole thing off,my brain refuses to give up on the idea my friends are only putting up with me like my mom who's riding me on everything and insulting me by telling me I'm not dresses right or my acne(witch isn't alot at all)would make me look bad with short hair.

Do you guys have anything that's just making you feel like a mental mess?Do you share any of my problems?also might as well talk a feel abit better now to tell the truth
 smartone123 posted over a year ago
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CielXlizzy19 said:
I have a similar problem. :(

Recently, I think I've fallen in love with one of my friends. The only thing is, she's a girl. I always knew I was sorta bi, but it really hit me when I realised I was in love with her. I always love having little conversations with her about various Korean idols, and even if our other conversations are about absolutely nothing, I still cherish them. Everything she says makes me smile like a conplete idiot, it's almost too much to handle. Thankfully, she has a blog and today I sent her an anonymous message telling her how much I loved her and how I never wanted her to change.

But she'll never know it's me, because I don't think I can find the courage to tell her even though she means the absolute world to me.
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posted over a year ago 
That sucks I'm sorry for you I found out I was bi a weird way(like every way I do things in life)
smartone123 posted over a year ago
Aww :)
hetalianstella posted over a year ago
It's cute but sad xox
smartone123 posted over a year ago
SeeUV3 said:
I have years of bullying still with me (about 7 years ) I have lost my grandfather who was my best friend and I loved him soo much. A few members of my family have gone missing,my aunt whent insain. My dad left me and my mom didn't even know my birthday or how old I am and never calls. No one whants to hang with me at school and when I did hang with someone people were teaseing us has a couple but we are not a couple. I fell for my best friend who lives a long ways from me and I barley ever get to see him. all my friends moved away I never see them anymore. I have high self esteem issues I think im fat cause everyone in my class is under 100lbs while im 123 and im the only on in my school who has acne. I got called gross for being bi-sexual . About 10 family members have died in my life time . I saw my cat die in front of me. I am not very good in school so my grades suck and I feel stupid. My mom yells at me when im depressed cause she thinks I am fine. My very best friend tried to commit suicide several times. All I hear from her is how depressed she is. My other so called friend makes fun of my depression sometimes. I can barley sleep at night anymore my mind wont shut up I do have mayjor depression my doctor told me so. I got called to the park once thinking I could make friends that haven't moved away and all I got was your a fat whore ,bitchè, your stupid useless etc.. and once guy in my class said I should die.......
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posted over a year ago 
I left out A LOT of bullying stuff i wish not to repeat all i ever wanted was for someone to understand still waiting
SeeUV3 posted over a year ago
that actually means a lot thanks
SeeUV3 posted over a year ago
Np Xp
smartone123 posted over a year ago
Me-Iz-Here said:
Man, that sounds terrible. I honestly hope things get better for you.

As for my own problems, I’ve been meaning to vent about this for quite a while, though the only site I really could is Tumblr, which the people I’m talking about could easily see, so I never really had a chance to say this. But they don’t have accounts here, and hardly even know what Fanpop is in the first place, so here we go. I’m not using their names, though if you know my friends and I, it’s probably extremely obvious who I’m talking about. But whatever, not using names anyway.

So I have this little group of friends. There are five of us and we’re all extremely close. This this revolves around three of us. Me, of course, and let’s call the others Person 1 and Person 2. I’d say we’re the closest three out of the group. Most of the time when we do Skype calls, it’s the three of us. Anyway, back in, say, late July or early August, I realized I had a lot of feelings for Person 1. They had probably developed over time, or maybe overnight, I honestly don’t know. But they were a hell of a lot more than just friendship. My friends found out that I had a crush on someone, but they didn’t know who, of course. Turns out, Person 1 also had a crush at the time. The rest of our friends kept bombarding both of us with questions about who it was and taking guesses. One day, I was in a Skype call with Person 1 and Person 2, like we did all the time during the summer. Person 2 is one of those people who is very perceptive sometimes and can definitely guilt trip or threaten you into giving things away. Not in the “bad person” way or anything, we’re all just the type of friends who are total assholes to each other and have fun with it. But anyway, Person 2 would just slip in questions about who we had crushes on. It turned into a full-on interrogation. Not only am I a terrible liar, but I also just don’t like lying and I’m bad at avoiding questions, so naturally, she got a lot out of me. Same with Person 1. And somehow, as much as I tried to avoid it, she narrowed down the possible people. Both Person 1 and I had crushes on someone else of the group of us three. This honestly gave me hope. Looking back it was extremely stupid of me to become so optimistic, but hey, I couldn’t help it. There was a huge chance the person I liked could return my feelings. I was still too scared to ask her, though, so I just daydreamed about a possible relationship like a loser and never did anything about it. I honestly, truly thought that this would work out in my favor. Even Person 2 would constantly make comments like “Oh, just admit your love for each other and get together!” Eventually, Person 2 found out about my crush on Person 1. She knew, and thought it was adorable, saying she’d try to set Person 1 up with me. So one day at school, I had finally worked up the courage to ask her out. I would do it as soon as I got home. (finished in comments)
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posted over a year ago 
But when I did get home and came online, I suddenly got too nervous. I decided to wait a few hours. However, I saw the other two friends in our group saying things like “Oh it’s canon!” about some of us, and I was very confused. But then, later in Skype, I heard Person 1 call Person 2 her girlfriend, and that was when things started to get bad. I wouldn’t believe it. I couldn’t. I went through pages of their blogs trying to find where things had happened, and sure enough, they had gotten together that morning and I hadn’t even known. It was extremely devastating, naturally. Not only had I built up all that false hope, but it just HAD to happen on the day I finally had the guts to say something. And even worse, person 2 KNEW how much I liked her. She knew, and she was still acting extremely happy about her relationship like there wasn’t a single problem. It got even worse from there. Not only was I extremely upset about this to the point of sobbing, but I hated myself for it. I hated myself because I thought I shouldn’t be making such a huge deal with this.
Me-Iz-Here posted over a year ago
I had always been the type who thought “Oh, we shouldn’t be getting worked up over relationships when we’re this young. They shouldn’t be a big deal at all.” I still believed that, so I mentally yelled at myself for being so dramatic over everything. I made a few vague posts about it on Tumblr, one of which was saying that I just had to take a break for a while. So for a few hours, I just lied down and watched movies and cried, still viciously berating myself, which of course just made things so much worse. (Also, let me say this: One things that romance movies definitely DO NOT lie about is that ice cream helps. It helps a lot. Seriously if you’re ever sad or heartbroken just eat a fuckton of ice cream like I did.)
Me-Iz-Here posted over a year ago
I'm so sorry for you.I hope you find someone that can help but I don't think they will.....I'll just have to do my best with what I have and forget anyhrongs wrong in the first place but I feel venting really helped just so you disnt feel so alone.
smartone123 posted over a year ago
stellamusa101 said:
I myself am a mental mess when it comes, too…school. Math is my favourite subject, it makes me stress. I don't like school, I hate school. I also have trouble when it comes to my crush, whenever he talks, I blush. U_U
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posted over a year ago 
I get extra nervous around my crush too only a few people know about my crush.Also about my school I get just as bad so don't worry welcome to teen years woot T_T
smartone123 posted over a year ago
megann1992 said:
Everything makes me feel like a mental mess because of the fact that I am a mental mess, no matter how many meds I take. I'm schizoaffective, which isn't something I admit to a lot of people, but since we're having honesty hour here, I might as well, right?
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posted over a year ago 
what dose schizoaffective mean?
SeeUV3 posted over a year ago
Do you know what schizophrenia means? Being schizoaffective means I experience the symptoms from schizophrenia like hallucinations and paranoia , but I also have depression. Schizoaffective is basically like having multiple mental issues all at once.
megann1992 posted over a year ago
Thy sucks I my be psychopathic so you dot have to feel too bad ok Xp get threw it ok!
smartone123 posted over a year ago
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