Random 😎 One fact about you 😎

JetBlack__ posted on Oct 31, 2018 at 11:58PM
Rules are simple : You can post one fact per day.

My blood type is O

I don't know why I said that XD so you guys can say any random fact about you/ don't have to be special xD
Rules are simple : You can post one fact per day.

My blood type is O

I don't know why I s
last edited on Oct 31, 2018 at 11:59PM

Random 369 replies

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Showing Replies 151-200 of 369

over a year ago Riku114 said…
I actually listen to more instrumental music than not at this point.
over a year ago 2ntyOnePilots said…
I have green-mint coloured streaks in my hair
JetBlack__ commented…
Fantastic 😎 over a year ago
over a year ago JetBlack__ said…
I like fishing.
over a year ago SilentForce said…
I love old Barbie movies(meaning the ones from 2001 to 2009) XD
ArcticWolf commented…
old Barbie movies were my childhood over a year ago
PrincessNomy commented…
SAME. XD The Princess and the Pauper was, like, my thing. over a year ago
ArcticWolf commented…
^I got together with a bunch of young adults to re-watch the Princess and the Pauper literally last month over a year ago
over a year ago Riku114 said…
I often find my favorite characters almost off of gut instinct. A lot of my absolute favorites started with an intense strong draw to them and an almost painstaking itch to learn more about them and find out more. While a lot of my favorites I found without it, some of my STRONGEST ones almsot always started with vague information on them and an image or a short appearance in an anime or clip and then BAM! A really POWERFUL baseless draw to them.
ArcticWolf commented…
I'm the opposite. XD I start series a lot based on interest in a specific character but it usually never turns out to be one I really love. Most of my favorites I've discovered by accident xD over a year ago
ArcticWolf commented…
That being said as I've gotten older I've noticed a pattern in the kind of characters I adore the most and I look for series with that same type of character, so discovering favorite characters in the future may not be as a random as it used to be. (And honestly I hope not because the fact that I have a potential favorite out there in the void that I'll never discover because I haven't nailed down my pattern yet actually stresses me out). over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
Currently kind of doing the same thing with Guren Ichinose rn over a year ago
over a year ago Riku114 said…
I have different voices, laughs, and pitches for my fragment / personality states. Honestly just noticed it now and its actually kind of weird. Probably also a good reason why for the life of me I cant determine if I have a low voice or a high pitched voice since the judged material keeps changing.
JetBlack__ commented…
Riku is rad xD over a year ago
ShadowFan100 commented…
You’re lucky. My voice only has 1 setting: Deep. over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
Its kind of weird XD over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
@Shadow. Uuhhhgggg me too over a year ago
over a year ago JetBlack__ said…
I can’t eat a meal without a soft drink xD
over a year ago ArcticWolf said…
I finally found a similarity between my favorite characters.

They're all, like, super masculine. XD And if they're not outwardly very masculine, I still *perceive* them as masculine, just super innocent and I want to protect them.
ArcticWolf commented…
can't believe I didn't realize it years ago because it's so obvious xD over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
XD over a year ago
over a year ago ShadowFan100 said…
I'm honestly very body-cautious. No, I don't worry about it 24/7, but I do tend to avoid places/situations where one might see something they shouldn't. Like how I will avoid using urinals, for example. I can't stand those things, and I'll tell you why: basically 0 privacy. That's also why I think God I don't like sports, or I'd have locker-rooms/showers to deal with. As well as other places where nudity/semi-nudity is OK. I know this may sound weird, but I don't like letting people see me like that. My body belongs to me, and me alone. No one gets a free pass to see what's not theirs.

I'm just very protective of my body, and for good reason. If I can avoid being sexually assaulted/raped, I will do so. I refuse to let someone violate me and the body I'm in. My body is my property--you touch, you die.
last edited over a year ago
I'm honestly very body-cautious. No, I don't worry about it 24/7, but I do tend to avoid places/situa
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Yeah. Relatable. over a year ago
ShadowFan100 commented…
Glad someone gets this, because I don’t understand why people trust others with their bodies so easily. I could never do that, I’m far too reserved. over a year ago
ShadowFan100 commented…
And I know that not everyone wants to violate my body, but still. I don’t think it’s a good idea to let others have access to your body, there’s far too many sickos out there as it is. over a year ago
over a year ago Riku114 said…
A really hard to do but almost sure fire way to calm me down from almost any breakdown and return me back to a healthy calm state is to hug me or hold me and remind me that I'm safe and there isn't a threat.

It sounds simple, but what with how I function and all, that would require you to already be really trusted not just for secrets and stuff but for emotions and what not AND require my unstable / upset brain to not see whatever hug / affection you are giving me to be a threat cos thatd directly go against anything you say no matter how soft or nice.
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Dude same. Nobody thinks of giving me a hug but honestly all that can make the situation better is if I was hugged really tight. But not restrained over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Please refrain from restraining unstable people. It’s a bad idea for everyone usually. I’ve been known to suddenly j7mp up and sprint out to find somewhere I feel safe. Ex: sprinting out of school (not advisable btw) and down to the forest nearby. Yeah. Also my fists are gonna go flying if someone’s restraining me and m6 brain will take it as a threat and I will react fast. over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
XD “mules” love that ass do ya? XD over a year ago
over a year ago ArcticWolf said…
I see ships as I see characters - I can like a ship as an intriguing idea but not in reality, just like I can like a character as a character but not as a person. I can most definitely ship a pairing that I wouldn't approve of irl because I have a very, VERY strong line between fiction and reality. It's so ingrained in me that even in my constant daydreams it's always fictional characters with other fictional characters, or me and real people. It NEVER overlaps.

That's why I'm not bothered by most "problematic" ships. The only type of ship I can't tolerate is an actual prepubescent child with an adult, but everything else I'm pretty chill with. I find the policing of morally ambiguous ships very irritating; not everyone sees characters as real people that deserve a happy ending. Some people view characters as fictional beings on a chessboard, there to satisfy the curiosity of "what would happen if so and so got together on top of their already intriguing dynamic?".
ArcticWolf commented…
However, I understand there's a difference between "these two have an interesting dynamic going on here" and actually trying to paint an abusive relationship as sunshine and rainbows in canon. over a year ago
ArcticWolf commented…
but I feel like the fault lies more on the shipper's ignorance on what is and isn't okay in real life than the ship itself over a year ago
ArcticWolf commented…
that being said I also think people are too quick to call out a ship as abusive/toxic/etc. when imo it really isn't, but that's a story for another day over a year ago
over a year ago 2ntyOnePilots said…
You’ve probably noticed my semi-repeative “dude/man”s. I’m not calling everyone male. If I wa# going to translate myself, I’d probably refer to calling people dude or man as an affectionate term. So yeah, if I call you either of those (in context) it’s usually just because I’m seeing you as a friend. (But no5 If 8m going off on some asshole ObVioUslLy! “Stfu dude” ect)
Specially “my dude/ my man”. Affectionate terms not claiming ppl.
Ex: How ya doing Jet, my dude?
Riku114 commented…
Same tbh XD over a year ago
ArcticWolf commented…
same dude over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
^ saaaame I called my mum one time, and referred to her as ‘dude’ and she was um... confused. I dropped the phone laughing. over a year ago
over a year ago BlueDopamine said…
I'm an agnostic. I think I'm more toward being an atheist. I used to be a theist, though. I wish God existed. I have a theory that someone or more than one person engineered everything... Y'know like they were very very intelligent... So they designed everything so perfectly like designing programs and softwares. Everything is and will mostly go according to design. Like how we are born and systematically growing and all that shit. But, the civilization that designed and engineered everything was not omnipotent or omniscient. They were mortal too and they died.
BlueDopamine commented…
I wish God existed like I wish how anime characters existed. God is so powerful and all that thing they say are too good to be true. It's just beautiful fairy tale. If it was true, God wouldn't have been so apathetic and cruel to avoid and ignore all the injustice that is going on over a year ago
BlueDopamine commented…
How can anyone with all that power does nothing but sit in his mighty throne over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
I am an Agnostic as well though I lean more on the Theist Side !!!! over a year ago
over a year ago Riku114 said…
I have been listening to the Heathers soundtrack on repeat for like... 3 or 4 days whenever Im at my desk or walking or waiting which is like... most of the time XD I have almost all of the musical hits memorized now
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Get help over a year ago
over a year ago GDragon612 said…
I can Dance very well
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
Pluto used to be my favorite Planet of our Solar System when I was little. It kinda saddened me when it got stopped being considered as such !!!!
last edited over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
^ over a year ago
over a year ago EgoMouse said…
From what I've noticed, I get a lot more flamboyant when I flirt with a guy. My body language completely changes so it makes me seem more cute and sexual.
With girls, I tend to just say they're gorgeous and think of them as angels.
over a year ago ArcticWolf said…
I ship mean characters with nice characters because I like redemption ships. The mean character's initial behavior is just the starting line, not the end goal. I'm really shy about sharing these types of ships with other people because a lot of them immediately hop on the "abusive" bandwagon, even when the ships aren't and won't ever be canon. So I keep my ships to myself mostly, which sucks because I'm actually a very passionate shipper.
2ntyOnePilots commented…
^ over a year ago
over a year ago 2ntyOnePilots said…
I actually really like reptiles.
I’ve had turtles before, snakes. And hopefully soon I’ll get my beardie. (Bearded dragon)
I love beardies. They’re Fucking AWESOME. A friend had one and duuude I loved that little guy. I seriously can’t fycking wait to get my own mini-dino
I actually really like reptiles.
I’ve had turtles before, snakes. And hopefully soon I’ll get my
ArcticWolf commented…
Reptiles are great over a year ago
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
I have broken a person's teeth on purpose but made it look like a complete accident !!!!
SilentForce commented…
link over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
^ I suppose it was indeed XD !!!! over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
Holy shit lmao over a year ago
over a year ago 2ntyOnePilots said…
Flannels and hoodies are the sickest.
over a year ago ArcticWolf said…
I've posted this on Fanpop before but I think most people still aren't aware of it.

I've never had a headache before.
Riku114 commented…
... i dont believe it over a year ago
ArcticWolf commented…
it's true tho. I mean once in a blue moon i'll get this weird twinge in some part of my head but it goes away after 3 seconds. it's only happened a few times in my life, they don't even count as headaches. I think I get the gist of what headaches are supposed to feel like, though, but I really can't say for sure. over a year ago
ArcticWolf commented…
but i get stomachaches instead of headaches so it's not like i'm not suffering XD over a year ago
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Dude so fucking lucky... wait. Or not XD over a year ago
over a year ago Blaze1213IsBack said…
It doesn't take me that long to finish a drawing.
over a year ago ArcticWolf said…
Bakugou Katsuki is my spirit animal for the sole reason that we both go to bed at 8:30pm of our own free will.
over a year ago MeiMisty said…
aš nekalbu angliškai taip gerai
2ntyOnePilots commented…
Ei, jokių problemų! Būtent tai naudojama „Google“ vertimui! Taip pat tai įdomu! over a year ago
over a year ago 2ntyOnePilots said…
It’s extremely clear when I transition to “geek mode” here on fanpop. XD Somet8mes I seem perfectly collected and then other times I’m on the Cuss forum. XD
over a year ago 2ntyOnePilots said…
I’ve always been fascinated by cats. All animals are incredible but I could stare at my handsome little boi for a hour, to tbh any cat. They just have such a majestic look and poise about them and every little detail on their face is intricate and perfect. Cats will never cease to cat-ch my eye.
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
Other Instruments that I would love to play are the Flute and the Taiko Drums. Have always wanted to try. Piano is also a close second. Have been told that my long fingers would be perfect for it and the Guitar !!!!
2ntyOnePilots commented…
:) over a year ago
over a year ago 2ntyOnePilots said…
I findeth t rath'r humeth'rous at which hour fusty english is hath used to fig and sc'rn ridiculous daws who is't bethink those gents has't art knowledgeable at which hour those gents art but peasants
over a year ago SmolKitten said…
over a year ago SmolKitten said…
I also love Pickles!-
over a year ago ShadowFan100 said…
I love Japanese mythology, specifically about Kitsune. Aside from the “OMG, FOXES ARE SO CUTE!” aspect, I also generally do find them beatiful and interesting to learn about.
last edited over a year ago
I love Japanese mythology, specifically about Kitsune. Aside from the “OMG, FOXES ARE SO CUTE!” a
TheLefteris24 commented…
^ SAME !!!! over a year ago
over a year ago 4vonlea said…
I was arrested once and I got the number of this hot guy who worked the front desk of the jailhouse.... and never heard from him again.... ̶p̶r̶e̶t̶t̶y̶ ̶s̶u̶r̶e̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶a̶ ̶f̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶n̶u̶m̶b̶e̶r̶.̶
over a year ago ArcticWolf said…
I have a love/hate relationship with Evanescence's music.
over a year ago 2ntyOnePilots said…
I’m going to finally get Phoenix, my bearded dragon, at the end of the month! I’m all prepared... and obsessed..
TheLefteris24 commented…
Noice! That's HYPE !!!! over a year ago
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
Being an Entomologist was one of the very first Professions I wished to do as a kid. Still interested in general !!!!
over a year ago Blaze1213IsBack said…
I believe in ghosts and am a huge geek when it comes to the paranormal. Am not easily scared by them and even at night.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Blaze1213IsBack said…
Am not really a fan of the taste of chicken epecially since I would eat so much.
over a year ago Rihanna312 said…
I don't have a middle name and I've often thought about what it would be if I ever had to choose one. And I've come to a conclusion that none really fits my first name, so I'm kinda glad I don't have a middle name.
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
My first Name can be translated as the male equivalent of 'Freedom'. Likewise, my middle one can be roughly translated as 'God given' !!!!
over a year ago Jet_Black8 said…
I can't live my life without making a daily schedule of responsibilities and things to do.
over a year ago Blaze1213IsBack said…
Before the Kitsune was my favorite in Japanese folklore but now I don't know why I like Kappa.XD ...and I tend to say kappa everything I see it in anime.XD
over a year ago Jet_Black8 said…
I have one sibling and she is my soul.
I have one sibling and she is my soul.
Ranty-cat commented…
<3 ^_^ over a year ago
Jet_Black8 commented…
:) over a year ago
simrananime commented…
Cute >< over a year ago
over a year ago Ranty-cat said…
I love cats
over a year ago J_E_T said…
I Like whole grain foods.
over a year ago SombraLyf said…
The last time someone didn't let me lurk in peace it ended up with them getting hurt pretty severely. :D
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over a year ago J_E_T said…
I have done excess skin removal surgery.
over a year ago australia-101 said…
I'm lactose intolerant
over a year ago MasterChief58 said…
I keep my usual account a secret from my brother, except for my more job-related account.
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over a year ago MasterChief58 said…
There are various times I regret like not doing stuff for my brother properly, but in the end I don’t regret them anymore simply because he goes back to being annoying towards me soon afterwards in an unforgiving manner.
last edited over a year ago