Random Have You Ever?...(game)

otter888 posted on Jun 11, 2010 at 04:29PM
ok here we go...I will ask have you ever..something and the next person answers yes or no..then they put another question and so on and so on..ok? GO!

Have you ever...lied to a teacher?
last edited on Jun 11, 2010 at 04:29PM

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Showing Replies 401-450 of 1439

over a year ago spunkyonyx said…

HYE got chewed out (Yelled at) for acting Ghetto??
over a year ago r-pattz said…
No. I'm not ghetto.

HYE been to Color Me Mine? :)
over a year ago spunkyonyx said…

HYE Got a song that you hate stuck in you head??
over a year ago mcrkilljoygirl said…

HYE been to a place u dont like?
over a year ago Rohini101 said…

HYE fainted
over a year ago Vishee said…

HYE been to Alaska.
over a year ago Buttercup4evr said…

HYE played baseball?
over a year ago Vishee said…

HYE shouted on your teacher at school?
over a year ago edwardcarlisle said…

HYE broke a door?
over a year ago XxEmolovexX said…
yea :) i ran into it :P

HYE eaten snails?
over a year ago KateDenali said…
No, and I never will.

HYE locked your keys inside your car?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago xXxJDloverxXx said…
No (I don't have a car soo..) ;)

HYE accidentally worn your shirt inside out in public?
over a year ago boardtodeath10 said…

HYE broke a body part of someone else
over a year ago MegieKamikaze said…
no way

hye sang a song about pie
over a year ago Juilet1234 said…

Ever cried in public?
over a year ago spunkyonyx said…

have u ever been so embarressed u turned red?
over a year ago EminemAddict09 said…
No... and I never will... Its pointless and retarded.

HYE got caught doing something sexual with your bf/gf by your parents?
over a year ago piperleoforever said…

Have u ever kissed a taked boy/girl?
over a year ago sisi_st said…

HYE in a life-threatening situation
over a year ago piperleoforever said…
Thank God no!

Did u sleep with someone yet?
over a year ago spunkyonyx said…
no not yet!!

have u ever did something stupid over ur bf/gf???
over a year ago piperleoforever said…

Did u ever got stuck in an elevaton [i did]
over a year ago Alama18 said…

Have you ever spat in someones face
(i accidently did once.)
over a year ago Lol_Cat101 said…
Yes (lol) -who hasn't-

have ever seen sumthing you weren't meant to but couldnt help but looking
over a year ago Darkshine said…
I watched Scream II when I was pretty young.
I couldn't sleep at night dude.

HYE hit somebody in the face accidentally?
(both my friend and I did to each other once xD)
over a year ago Juilet1234 said…
Yes, with a fishing hook. (Eeekkk!) Have you ever ate a spider? (that's gross.)
over a year ago Darkshine said…
Never tried to. xD

HYE fell down the stairs.
(hey, pro klutzies like me do it all the time)
over a year ago LilyLil1809 said…
Yes, though I wasn't badly inured

Have you ever taken ballet lessons?
over a year ago Lol_Cat101 said…
Yup, ive been forced into them since i was 2! (and now im 13)
(Darkshine i did the same thing with The Shining when i was little)

Have you ever gone to an exotic restaurant order sumthing completely weird to find out that you dont like it and order sumthing else? (lol i do that all the time, not on purpose, but it is sorta fun)
over a year ago piperleoforever said…

HYE talked to someone about shawing?
over a year ago Teawanee said…
not unless sending her an :* emoticon counts

Have u ever eaten something raw?
over a year ago i8ab said…

Have you ever looked at...... *dramatic music* your hand?
over a year ago Teawanee said…
omfg! Yes! (I'm so ashamed!)

Have u ever made up own language?
over a year ago NoelleLange-1 said…
yeah... haha lol funnii

have you ever farted durin a class
over a year ago Alama18 said…
No.(i would still be embarrased now otherwise :S

HYE had a crush on two or more different people(even if ur gay)
over a year ago cute20k said…

Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex as you?
over a year ago sapherequeen said…
Yes, but it was on the cheek in case it doesn't count :(

Have you ever gotten into a fist fight?
over a year ago ilovevladimir said…
*sound like phineas* yes,yes i have

HYE kissed someone not on perpus
(srry 4 s*ity spelling)
over a year ago Kiniko90 said…
Nope, never XD

HYE laughed so hard you peed yourself?
over a year ago New_Moon_Master said…
No. I don't laugh very hard.

HYE hit a friend in the face with a fish?
over a year ago sisi_st said…

HYE broken your arm or leg
over a year ago Lol_Cat101 said…
never broken a bone in my body :D

HYE yelled in ur sleep? (i got a friend who does, very annoying at sleepovas. But apparently not as annoying as me singing in my sleep, especially since im a terrible singer)

over a year ago -RandomChick- said…

HYE .... Poked your tongue at a stranger? (Yes :D)
over a year ago Kiniko90 said…
Nope. I wonder why not.

HYE b*tch slapped anyone?
over a year ago -RandomChick- said…
(We were having one of those moments me and a person in another car) I know I answered already but; YES!

HYE pinched someone? :P
over a year ago xDark_Angelx said…

HYE tried bungee jumping?
over a year ago r-pattz said…
Naw. And don't particularly want to.

HYE gotten a detention?
over a year ago Juilet1234 said…
Yep. Have you ever peed in the woods?
over a year ago r-pattz said…

HYE run in an actual race?
over a year ago LilyLil1809 said…
No, and thank god because i'de probably lose O_O

Have you ever eaten food that fell on the floor?