Random *Sniff* ... *Burst Out Crying*

Shadowrednblack posted on Oct 26, 2010 at 09:32PM
My cuz SilverHedgeh0g a.k.a. Princeton Downing just passed about a month ago, and technically it was my fault. It was the day before my b-day and he went to the grocery story to buy stuff to make a cake. When he was there, the store got robbed and he was shot, but the cops didn't get there in time. I'm really gonna miss him, and I'm praying for all of his friends on Fanpop, especially his (past) gf, Mary (Thirddevision). This is the picture we used at the funeral. We did't have any others...

It happened a month ago and I still can't believe it did. And those of you who thought I was lying (but I will not mention any names), I'm dead serious, and I don't joke around with serious things like this.
My cuz SilverHedgeh0g a.k.a. Princeton Downing just passed about a month ago, and technically it was

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over a year ago iluvllllll said…
aw im so sorry ):
over a year ago Shadowrednblack said…
over a year ago ginnyweasleyfan said…
I feel awful!!I'm so sorry!D:(and I think the picture of him is great!:D)
over a year ago Shadowrednblack said…
Thanks, that really means alot. He had alot of friends on here (like 140) and he knew even more people in real life too. I just can't even imagine...
over a year ago ginnyweasleyfan said…
over a year ago Llawliet74 said…
thats so sad....):
over a year ago huddygirl2 said…
over a year ago green6244 said…
(: i'm soo sorry,... idk if this helps, but he was hot:)
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
^^how insensitive.

*hugs* *hugs* *hugs*

please believe me when i say it wasn't your fault. he's nice and wanted to do something nice for you. it's not your fault he was such a wonderful friend.