Resident Evil Create your own Resident Evil Character

hiddennobodie posted on Oct 31, 2009 at 12:42AM
I thought of the people that is sick and tired of using the same character over and over. So this is what you put in about your Character.

Perferred Weapon:

last edited on Oct 31, 2009 at 12:48AM

Resident Evil 95 replies

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Showing Replies 51-95 of 95

over a year ago Turniplove said…
Name: Jake Reynolds

Age: 15

Description: Average Heighted teenager, roughly 5'11 and 146 lbs. He wears a Black, long band shirt with a thin tight black and blue layered jacket, and normal fitting blue jeans with black and blue dual-toned converse. He has Black feather hair always hanging over one eye, Snakebites, and light blue eyes.

Prefered Weapons: Two Machetes with Holsters attached to each of his waist sides, A Silenced Walther p99 pistol holstered near his rear pocket, and a Silenced Barret 50. Cal On his back.

Hometown: Shabby Cabin located in the Arklay Mountains.

Background: He lives alone, in a cabin he found roughly 3 years before the outbreak, abandoned. He attended school until he was in the 12th grade and dropped out 4 weeks before graduation, after an incident with his friends caused him to lose hope in his life. A man ran into Jake in the woods him days before the Raccoon City Incident, In a big hurry, by the name of Oswell E. Spencer, telling him of what was about to happen to the inevitably fated city and how he should get away while he still could, and then the man bolted off. Jake used this to his advantage, thinking about how he could save his friends and gain their trust back to him. He entered Raccoon City 2 days before the first victim of the T-Virus showed symptoms of Infection and began biting non-infected individuals. He continues his search for his friends while he stealthy avoids, and sometimes massacres, the walking dead that now call Raccoon City their Playground.
over a year ago teenytemper said…
**I actually have a twin.**
Jane Doe's Daughters.
Name: Daisy (Doe) Reason
Age: 17
Hometown: Yonkers, New York
Perferred Weapon: Shotguns, Chainsaws, Magniums
Appearances: ACU Uniform for ROTC, (Baggy Camo pants and Camo Jacket(Beige shirt underneath), Camo-hat with a brown low-bun hairstyle, baby blue eyes, 5'5, 180 pounds, pepper on her necklace resembling her heritage (Italian)

Story: Daisy was born on June 4th, 1994. She moved to Raccoon City from Yonkers, New York with her twin Hazel Doe and her parents and brother in 2001. One day, while practicing for drill team, she heard an announcment at school about a sick student running the halls. Soon after, that sick student was a zombie from the T-Virus. The T-Virus spread, and as the infestation got worse, the JROTC had to put an end to it. "What?" Was Daisy's first reply, but after seeing her bestfriend, Codell Reason get killed, she was put in charge and commanded everyone that was wearing an JROTC outfit to load their weapons.
The real commanader of the Squad, Major Short sent the children to the gym as the zombie students walked jaggedly on the once shiney, now bloodied floor. As the last ROTC students swarmed into the gym, a fat teacher grabbed him by the shoulders and ripped out his jugular vein. Daisy, now officially knowing she was in charge, being the Cadet Teacher, ordered everyone to stay quiet. "Guard all of the windows, Cadets." She ordered as the lights went out. Everyone started to scream. The lights switched on twice more in the loud and packet gymnasium. Screams came from the locker room as a Cadet came out with his eyeball dangling from its socket. Daisy Doe shot the Cadet, but noticed a whole horde of Cadet Zombies. "RUN WHILE YOU CAN SEE IN HERE!!" A high shirping voice said as everyone got up and ran. You could hear people gushing from under the other people's weight. "HAZEL, WAIT!" Daisy tried to scream through the screams, just like Daisy did when she and Hazel would fight over stupid things. Hazel turned back once more, before their other two bestfriends pushed her with them. Daisy was alone with zombies. "CADET, HAULT." She told the zombies that were facing the other way. They stopped, and waited for a command. "I am going to save my twin, no matter what." She thought as she stood their, her gun unlocked with her finger, trigger happy. After watching (almost) every zombie movie, and just got finished with Resident Evil 5 and playing Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, she was going to do all she can from saving one of the only things she had left.
over a year ago jordenlamart said…
Name:Jason Hault
Hometown:Raccoon City
Perferred Weapon: DEagle,M1911,M16A4,Combat Knife
Appearances:marines uniform,Combat boots,carmel skin,black curly hair,combat gloves

Story:Jason was born and raised in raccoon city.When he was 19 he makes the decision to enlist in the marines.He was in the marines for 2years and only got to visit home once. during his tour(1 year in the war) he learned that he had a kid. The second time he got a chance to visit home he went straight back to raccoon city to see his little boy but when he got there everything was in chaos. every corner he turns some one was trying to attack him. By the time he got home he finds his girlfriend dead and his kid gone. When he learns of the virus that killed his family (not Knowing if his kid is dead or not) he goes on the search for survivors and safty. Now he is trying his best to survivive and asks himself everday "What did we do to deserve this".
over a year ago nbirt said…
Name:Nick Mason(Nikolaos in greek)
Hometown:Raccoon City
Perferred Weapon:Handgun,SMG,Punches,Greek Sword
Appearances:Black hair,short beard,athletic build,1,85,Brown eyes,Tatto of a Anciet Greek Warrior in his left arm,dark brown camo army trouser,green t-shirt with a american flag in his left arm and the name of the unit he belong in his right hand,black bulletproof and a silver dogtag

Story:Nick Mason born 1991 in Raccoon City Central Hospital.He had a American father and a Greek mother.He is a special trained Lieutanant of the American army who came in Raccoon City to terminate the infected.He and his friend Jo survive from the incoming zombie horde,but at next Jo truned to a infected and Nick kill him.He was searching for answers for all this mess,he met Leon S Kennedy at the Raccon Police Department and he helped Nick to understad what was that attack.After all this he find a army hand-radio and he asked for help but the radio had touched the frequency of the Umbrella.After with a strange talk with a Umbrella guy(he hear and the pain screams of him)he see Nemesis,but hopefully it didn't kill him because was not one of the members of STARS.His next moves was to move into the Raccoon Asylum near the church of Sant George.There he met a girl who called Claire Redfield.She told him about Chris Redfield,for the infection and for Leon when a huge infected enter in the church,Nick killed him saving Claire.At next Leon in the entered into the church and they moved into the sewers and they killed some USF.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago adar said…
Name: Night hawk ( real name jack bowman )
Age: 29
Home town: raccoon city
Current location: unknown
Occupation: ex U.B.C.S platoon captain ex S.T.A.R.S ( special tactics and rescue service ) operative
Current occupation: unknown.
Appearence: green overalls , U.B.C.S vest , bulletproof vest , black steel toe boots , arm pads , knee pads , gas mask.
Weapons of choice: lighting hawk , mob special , ( tommy gun ) and a large knife encrypted with his girlfriends name
Relationships: current relationship is with Jill valentine


Jack was born on the 23rd october 1978. It was a cold October night in the small mountain town of raccoon city and it was on this cold October night that jack bowman was born a living legend omong men. jack had grew and eventually fell in love in this small mountain community with Jill valentine. They had spent most of there life together from kindergarten all the way up to graduation it was only natural that these two individuals would fall in love. But once they left shcool they both had chosen different careers Jill joined S.T.A.R.S ( special tatics and rescue service ) and jack had joined the S.A.S ( special action service ) but they kept in touch. while serving is the S.A.S jack had earned a reputation as a legendary helicopter pilot and also an excellent soldier saving over 300 soldiers throughout his career. Be spent 5 years in the S.A.S before being transferred to S.T.A.R.S alpha team along with brad vickers his longtime friend. A helicopter came to pick them up at 7:00am to take them to S.T.A.R.S HQ it only took him 1 second to realise Jill was in this mission but she had already left for the mission. The mission report indicated there was was a disturbance in the arklay mountains and that B squad had lost transmission with alpha team and that we were going in to find them the team consisted of 6 members me , Chris redfield , Barry burton , brad vickers , Albert wesker and Rebecca chambers. We were dropped of in the middle of the arklay forest about half a mile from the objective all seemed well until we heard rustling coming from a blank dark void in the forest and then a giant rabid dog jumped out and tried to maul me and a couple of seconds later about 5 more showed up so I just told the team to run while I fought the dogs off I killed three before they overun me one even tore a chunk out of my hip so ran and ran until they were no longer in Sight but at that time I felt woozy and passed out. I would have been dead if not for a passing U.B.C.S patrol they found me took me to there base and tended my wounds when I woke up they said they knew who I was and that they could use my skills for there next mission but I said no I need to get to the spencer estate but they told me that there was a giant explosion that demolished the entire area killing any within a 5 mile radius so having nothing else to live for I accepted the mission. The mission was to infiltrate raccoon city and rescue survivers apparently the city had been ridden with infection and disease and there were few survivers so we had to rescue and contain the situation there was about 30 operatives on the mission and about 4 teams I was in D platoon B squad at 18:00 we arrived at raccoon city hospital and we searched for survivers but 20 minutes into the mission we became overun by infected we stayed to try and fight them off but it was no use about 10 of us died and the rest broken up and scatterd in the end it was me and Carlos Olivera we found refuge in a clock tower and to my surprise so did Jill I was extatic I thought she was dead and even better a helicopter piloted by Barry burton was also headed our way but then I saw nicholai my squad captain pointing a gun to her head without thought I charged tackled him out the clock tower taking me with him we both survived and had a small fire fight with him prevailing he shot me in the leg leaving me crippled I thought I was dead but then nicholai fell down in pool of his own blood the helicopter arrived but there was a squad of U.S.S ( umbrella security service ) soldier coming for us I told Jill and carol to run
Before they left I kissed Jill and coverd them from the U.S.S Jill and Carlos got away safely and I managed to get away stealing a U.S.S helicopter and getting away to safety.

Im now working as a mercenary trying to expose umbrella and finding Jill .

To be continued.....
over a year ago animefanGRL said…
Name: Victoria Hernandez
Age: 15
Hometown: San Antonio, Texas
Current: small town called Cuero,Texas. With best friend Drew Anderson looking for survivors, and supplies.
Occupation: Survivor of zombie apocolypse, and sniper specialist.
Apperence:short black hair(up to her shoulder-blades), gold brown eyes, lighlty tanned skin,usually has hair in pony-tail.
Wears: tennie-shoes(Reebok), blue jean pants(slightly tattered), T-shirt with The Hunger Games logo in it w/ the Mockingjay, and ALWAYS wears a Pray for Japan dog tag on(her family was stationed in Japan because her dad's in the military).
Weapon Preferences: Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, handguns, and swords.
Personality: crazy(good way), always cheerful, tom-boy, some-what hot temepered, loveable, kind, cautious around other people, loves to play videogames, hates seeing people die, being told what to do(when she's not willing), and is real rpotective over the people she cares about or loves.
Story: Victoria met Drew in high school at the begining of the year, and had soon became great friends. They hung out at the local park after school one day and saw a strange man limping across the field to them. "What's wrong with him?" Drew asked. Victoria noticed that the man had a emptyness in his eyes and fresh blood coming from his mouth. She grabbed Drews' arm then high-tailed it out of there.
When they reached Victorias' house, she immediatly turned on the news. She stared in shock, an outbreak had occured in Raccoon City.... That's where she moved from a few years ago...
"Victoria, we need to get outta here...Now.." She nodded in agreement, "Right, let's go and get some supplies then leave."
Drew smiled, he never seen a serious expression like that on her before, and it really didn't fit her. But he really didn't care she was a really good person plus he was with her too! And that's all that mattered to him...

over a year ago adstar said…
Name: Carlos dewinter
Age: 19
Preferred weapon: samurai edge with name engraved and PP90M1.
Occupation: ex S.T.A.R.S current B.S.A.A.
Appererence: 5"7 175 lbs athletic build short brown hair blue eyes large scar on his arm from saving Claire from a
B.O.W attack wears a black sleeveless shirt under a bulletproof vest with the B.S.A.A logo imprinted on it also wears cream combat trousers with black combat boots also on the outside of the right bootis compartment wearable knife can be kept also wears black fingerless gloves.
Status: in a relationship with Claire redfield.

Story: Carlos and his squad were ordered to infiltrate the spencer estate to investigate a series of bizarre murders in the arklay mountains. The mission was to go search for survivers and get it seemed simple and under the influence of captain weaker we couldn't fail. We arrived 1 mile from the objective at 18:00pm and we're due to arrive there at 19:00. all was going well until we heard a noise coming from a large bush so me and Chris went to investigat then it stopped so we backed off and continued walking. And just at that point a giant rabid dog jumped out and attacked me I killed it but then 4 more jumped out and lunged for me so I told my team to run if not for my trusty boot knife I would've been dead for sure. So I ran and ran and ran until I reached the spence estate so without hesitation I ran inside to find my squad. I searched for hours but i coIudnt find any body but then I got a signal on my radio it was from Jill she said there was only four of of us left and that they had found a secret lab down in the cellar and that she was coming to get me so waited. 20 minutes later she arrived and took me to the team they were all surprised and over joyed that I was still alive but we had a mission and could celebrate later. But at that moment wesker showed up with Barry we said we found a secret lab and that we should investigate but wesker and Barry just opened fire so we ducked for cover it was clear wesker and Barry were both traiters.After they finished Barry turned on wesker and said this isn't right there my friends and then went to punch wesker but wesker dodged his jab and knocked Barry out and sprinted away. Without thinking I chased wesker right to the lab until he was cornered and out of ammo I thought I had him but then out of a giant metal container emerged a creature of great size stature and strength wesker said it was called a tyrant. He gave me a long speech about how it was the future of the human race and that I was a meare bug compared but then he stopped and the creature smashed out of the cage killed wesker and lunged for me. Luckely I dodged it and ran for my team but they weren't there so radioed Jill and asked where they all were she said on the roof at the heli-pad so I sprinted upstairs and bolted through the door to warn them about the tyrant. I said what will brad be here with the helicopter here they said 10 minutes I said not enough time everyone aim for that door. About two minutes later The tyrant arived we started to shoot but nothing worked but then I saw a rocket launcher about ten feet away. I dived for it picked it up loaded it and fired the tyrant flew off the building we were safe and then brad showed up to pick us up. We were safe and ready to strike back at umbrella when we got a radio transmission from the raccoon city police department about an emergency. Apparently the city had become ridden with disease and infection and they needed our help to clean it up so me and Jill collected ammo and weapons and set off for raccoon city

To be continued.......
over a year ago Danny95Akmal said…
Name:Danny Akmal
Preferred Weapon:Desert Eagle,Combat Knife
Occupation:Best Handle Handgun,Street Fighter,Combat Knife Specialist
Hometown:Los Angeles,California
Apperence:Black Spiky Hair(Anime Style),Brown Eyes,White Skin,Anime Face
Wears:Red 'Arsenal' Cap,Black Sweater,Black Jeans,Half-finger Gloves
Status:In Relationship with Claire Redfield


1998,Danny's Father(Akmal Johnson) was a Special Agent From Washinton DC.Danny had to follow his father because he is only his father hope to destroy the Umbrella Coperation.Danny And his father was went to Racoon City by helicopter.Danny's Father had land at Arklay Mansion to figured about Umbrella.When Danny reach at Racoon City his helicopter be shot by RPG.He managed to survived the helicopter crash.When he woke up,he try to get out the city.He met with the infected(Actually first time met the infected) when he on the way to Racoon Police Deparment.He fell worried to shot the infected so Danny ran away from it.When it get closer Danny had no choice to shot it or be eat so Danny shot the infected right to the head.Danny keep ran away from the infected.When he ran away,he saw a police cruise(Police cruise that leon drive) drive like taking drug.Danny fell weird and chase the police cruise.When he chase,he saw a fuel truck hit the police cruise and blow up.He try figured who drive that police cruise.When he figured,he saw nothing in that cruise.He know that some one inside the cruise so he try to find up.He met with Spec Ops team and help the team.Danny had to split out from the team because he need to find Sherry Bilkins.He met Claire Redfield at the Racoon Police Deparment.Danny and Claire had to survived from the zombie apocalypse so they had to find Leon S. Kennedy.When Danny met Claire,he fell blush on his face.He met Leon at the sewer.Umbrella Coperation special team try to kill Danny,Leon and Claire.Danny safe Claire from be shot by Specter(One of Umbrella special squat)Danny be shot at the shoulder.He fell dizzy and sick when be shot by Specter.Claire and Leon safe Danny and went to the Umbrella Coperation basement.Leon and Claire has found Sherry Bilkins.Danny had to explain to Sherry about him.Danny had to go one of the umbrella lab.Danny found nothing inside the lab so he back to shack.When he back,he saw no one inside the shack so he try to find Claire.He saw Sherry at basement he try to safe Sherry but he could.About a hour,he saw Leon was injured at his right hand so Danny speak to him.Leon say nothing to Danny.Danny had to split out from Leon And Claire.So he when to cam rooms at the basement.He saw Leon be hit by B.O.W so he hurry to safe Leon.When he went,he saw a strange girl kiss Leon on the lips.Danny,Leon,Sherry and Claire had to went to train station there where he try use Dragonav(One of sniper names) to protect Leon and Claire from be killed by Umbrella Coperation special team.He saw Leon be caught by the team.He had no choice to shot or let it go.So Danny let it go for a while.He saw the 2 special squat help Leon.After the squat help Leon,they gone just like that.Danny aim the desert eagle right to head one of umbrella special squat and Danny want to know the true about umbrella so he listed what the squat say.Danny went to the train with Leon,Sherry And Claire.They managed to survived but one of the monster try to kill them inside the train.Danny,Leon and Claire shot the monster until out of bullet.Before the train blow up,they managed to get out of that tunnel alive.Before Danny split out from they,Danny kiss Claire right the lips and gone like a ghost.

Hope you like the name
last edited over a year ago
Name:Danny Akmal
Preferred Weapon:Desert Eagle,Combat Knife
Occupation:Best Handle Handgun,
over a year ago animefanGRL said…
that's a great pic!!! How'd you get it?????
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dollarfordonut said…
Name: Cpt Derek MacTavish
Callsign: "Deuce"
Age: 28
Preferred Weapon/s: M4A1, Barrett .50 cal, CZ75, SPAS-12, Two Revolvers with extended Barrels
Hometown: Las Vegas but moved to Racoon City
Occupation: Delta Force Operative
Unit: AFO Wolfpack
Unit members: Sgt Tyler "Swordfish" Wells, Pvt Abigal " Case" Ashford, Cpl Dimitri " Reaper" Richardson (Dead)
Status: Alive
Story: On Dereks last mission he lost his closest friend Cpl Dimitri Richardson to C4 in a Falling building
Name: Cpt Derek MacTavish
Callsign: "Deuce"
Age: 28
Preferred Weapon/s: M4A1, Barrett .50 cal, CZ7
over a year ago thatoneguy18 said…
Name: Roland Stone

Age: 39

Hometown: Raleigh, North Carolina

Perferred Weapon: Blued Taurus Judge, modified Ithaca shotgun(Semi-Automatic, Double chamber, formatted to take in .330 Winchester Magnum shells, cartridge formatted to hold twice as much ammunition, shells eject from upper left side of barrel for maximum power, barrel 5 inches longer) Twelve inch military combat blade compatible with Ithaca shotgun, Custom Samurai Edge(Green finish, lower frame replaced with blued Inox, skeleton hammer, only compatible with .357 Magnum rounds, S.T.A.R.S. symbol etched out, trim redone red)

Appearances: Stands Six foot Eight inches, light brown hair, scar from bottom of eye to cheek, bright green eyes, crew cut hair style, combat boots size 23, gray and blue military pants, white T-Shirt, bullet proof vest, knee guards, and shoulder pads, one and a half inch restraint gloves, sunglasses

Story: Born in North Carolina, to Patricia Stone and Joseph Stone, he had a wealthy two years of life, before his family was brutally murdered by Donald Blaze. He was then put up for adoption and wasn't adopted for five years. His adopting family was abusive and cruel, teaching him how to be resilient and emotionless. They beat him until his twelfth birthday, when a offer they couldn't refuse showed its self. The Umbrella Corporation needed young children to test "medicine". The family quickly allowed Roland to be a test subject. Unbeknownst to them , the Umbrella Corporation needed to get rid of any evidence that Roland had existed, so they released a small strain into the families water supply and they quickly quarantined and terminated the family. Roland was then subjected to many physically demanding tests in which, used all muscle groups to create the best soldiers known to humanity. Roland exceeded the tests and became a test subject for a virus refereed to at the time as Virus X. The virus that would be used on the Wesker Children, to create the beings that would start the third stage of Spencer's plan. While most of the subjects became mindless creatures with extreme strength, Roland showed signs of increased cognitive ability and increased muscle development. It became evident that he was immune to the T-Virus and G-virus. The only two options Umbrella had to deal with Roland, was to dispose of him via a thermo-nuclear heat implosion, or induct him into the U.S.S. They chose the latter of the options. Roland quickly showed his leadership skills and weapon skills in tests conducted with other U.S.S. recruits. He was put into the group refereed to as the "Last Thing You'll Ever Need". He took up the mantle of leader. He showed no emotion when his whole entire team was slaughtered by a group of Cerburi. Umbrella soon realized his attitude was matched by another individual by the name of Aaron Stone. Not related but formed a brother bond with each other. Their group was always called in to handle incidents that Umbrella couldn't show itself without revealing its part in B.O.W. research. They were called to a laboratory in the Arkay Mountains. Their mission eliminate any loose ends knowing of the"Mansion Incident"When they arrived to the Mansion all of the main B.O.W.'s were destroyed and the laboratory was decimated because of a self-destruct removing all evidence of Umbrella. They then went to the Training facility where all of the B.O.W.'s were also all destroyed. They then contacted Umbrella on what they should do. The H.Q. told them to eliminate William Birkin and Albert Wesker to remove all evidence of Umbrella in Raccoon City. They began to believe that they were targets because Albert and William were head researchers, and it was a setup. They then decided to disband to allow enough time to hide each others presence. They all faked their own deaths and decided to stay in Raccoon City for awhile. Then, the "Raccoon City Incident" happened... The team, familiarized with Zombies and Cerburi, believed that they could handle them. They were not familiarized with the B.O.W. called Nemesis who targeted the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members and their team. Roland told his team to leave the city via their chopper that they left in the remains of the Umbrella Training Facility. They prepared to leave Raccoon City, but the Nemesis attacked and quickly wiped out half of the team. Roland then understood that they wouldn't survive unless something stopped it. He then decided to distract it long enough to let them escape. He told them the plan and they persisted that they stay, but he convinced them to leave. He left the apartment and began hand to hand combat with the B.O.W. and held his own thanks to the X Virus he tested all those years ago. He slowly got the upper hand and destroyed the main control unit on it making it go insane and attack all and listen to no one.He barely managed to get away, he did it though. He continued through the mountains of Arkay and found the Training Facility destroyed and no team. He believed that Umbrella had found them and wiped them out. He then began a journey to a safe area with food. Instead he found military soldiers holding crowds of people back. He then figured that the U.S. government was going to nuke Raccoon City, he questioned whether he should have stayed and died with his team. He pondered this for fourteen years until he had a message in his phone recruiting him to go to a oil rig possibly having the T-Virus on it. He left in a matter of minutes knowing that surviving would keep millions of people alive and away from t the the T-Virus that destroyed his team. He got to the oil rig and found he wasn't the only person hired for this mission. There was a Jamaican soldier who was a master detective, an assassin who refereed to himself as Shadow, a junkie named Niko Frost, a smooth talker named Wasalu, and two brothers named Markus and Shaun. And a familiar face, Aaron Stone. They got a message telling them that the Bio Terrorism organization known as the Mavericks. Their mission was to eliminate the leader of the of the organization named Donald Blaze. Already knowing of this man, Roland had revenge on his mind. The group explored the oil rig and learned of a new virus that created tyrants that could enter society without mutation when damaged. They then put off their mission to destroy this new virus and all of the infected. They became the first test subjects of these new tyrants, but they escaped with their lives. They then figured that they couldn't beat the new breed of tyrants with their own fire power and decided to destroy the facility and everything with in a two hundred mile radius. The controls to do this however, were in a undisclosed area in which they had to find or the fate of humanity would be destroyed. It was found that the controls were in a data pad that Donald Blaze had. They knew exactly were to find Donald and the data pad. He had terrible health and needed to be injected with a cure that the Mavericks had created. Which would be in the medical wing of the oil rig. They went there and found out that the cure was a special strain of the new tyrant virus and would make him ten times stronger and ten times faster. The group infiltrated the medical wing and fought against the new and "improved" Donald. The victor being Donald until Roland stabbed him with his combat knife in his sternum and recreating how his father died. Roland and the remaining group destroyed the oil rig and decided to join the B.S.A.A. to fight any and all threats that used any form of the T-Virus.
over a year ago SammyFearest said…
Name: Abby O'Riley
Age: 21
Hometown: Manchester, England
Perferred Weapon: C3A1 Sniper Rifle, Kitchen Knife
Appearances: [url]link



Story: Abby moved to Raccoon City from Manchester in 1998. She escaped the city during the outbreak and before the city was blown up. She travels the world with her little sister, Danielle, but she arrived in Japan at the wrong time. An infection had hit and now she is trapped within the country with her little sister, fighting for her life.

"If you want to survive, it's better safe than sorry but with your little sister, it's different. You don't love and leave your family behind."
over a year ago secretmusician said…
Name: Robin Liddell
Age: 23
Hometown: Raccoon City
Occupation: B.S.A.A.
Preferred Weapon(s): Shotgun,Rifle,Scythe
Appearance: 172 cm, 56kg,Pale Skin, Dark Brown Hair cut to the shoulder with bangs, Wears a hipster headband,An American Eagle jean jacket, Blood red shirt, A black skirt (Couple of inches above the knees), Classic Military black boots (shin boots), Wears eye liner, Alice Madness Returns' Necklace, Skeleton hand ring bracelet
Story: Born and raised in the outskirts of Raccoon City, Robin lived a poor life and struggled with her family's "Business" with Umbrella. Soon, Robin and her whole family were used as test subjects for Umbrella. The members never injected Robin with the virus for she was just too young and just an 'extra'. Not too long for her whole family died from the virus. The workers no longer wish to keep Robin, so they let her free. Robin only stayed in the city for two days only because of the Raccoon Incident. She thought fast and decided to break into a weapon store to take some protection with her as she escapes Raccoon City. On her way out,she saw the S.T.A.R.S (Alpha Team) past her way.Robin had the feeling she wanted to go back and help people that were in grave danger. But how could she? She was too young to join those kinds of people. Robin bravely went back and sniped the zombies from above without sound and with caution. Years past, and Robin couldn't decrease the population of the infected. She needed support. She knew she had some talent for killing in her. The problem is she needed the most knowledge and skills she can get. Robin joined the U.S Army in a training program. When she finally finished, she still needed one more thing to do. To stop terrorism and save lives. She was noticed by the B.S.A.A. and decided to take her in. Since she was just a new member, they gave her small missions to make sure she was in top form. She devoted her life fighting the terrorists and the populations full of zombies. They finally gave her the big break to head secretly to China, from there her world is just going to get a little bit interesting with the new virus.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lt_Ghost21 said…
Name: Lt.Recon ( Real Name Rhys)
Age 21
Hometown Melbourne, Australia
Preferred Vehicle The Harley Motorbike That Jax Rides From the Sons Of Anarchy
Preferred Weapons Combat Knife 9mm Pistol Assault Rifle Sniper Rifle Elite Combat Fighter Assault Shotgun.
Occupation: Australian Secret Services Solider
Appearance: 6"3 205 lbs, Athletic Build. Blonde hair nice and short. brown eyes. Scar across his ribs war incident. Australian flag tattoo across his right arm a dragon tattoo on his left arm. Skate Shoes. Black Baggy Jeans. White sleeveless bulletproof knuckless gloves. war dog tags.
Story:when the first virus broke out Lt.Recon found a group of survivors and tried to get them out of the country but they got killed by bunch of bows and Lt.Recon Tried to Save them but he couldn't get to them in time so he got out of the country and had to live with the guilt of those survivors deaths and didn't say a word to any one and joined the BSSA and got Trained under Chris Redfield before he left the BSSA Lt.Recon got Sent on a Secret Mission to Australia when he got there everything was gone the people the towns everything.Deep in the town Lt.Recon and His Team found a secret umbrella base when they got to the base thinking it was safe this was the place where Lt.Recon found those survivors. all of a sudden they got attacked by zombies and they run to the elevator and while the elevator is going down one of Lt.Recon team mate was infected and HQ told him to kill and he disobeyed his order and his other team members killed him and said to Lt.Recon why didn't you kill him and Lt.recon said Shut up and lets Continue our mission. while going deeper into the base the more of Lt.Recon's team mates disappear and he said to his team mate Ryan Where the rest of the team and they heard screams and they ran to where the scream came from and found the team members dead and Lt.Recon said no no not again not again. Ryan said sir whats going on here Lt.Recon said few years ago i tried to save a group of survivors from here they died by bows and i couldn't save them. Ryan said you say its your fault but you did what you can to save those survivors and Lt.Recon said get out of here before it happens to you to and Ryan said no i'm staying Lt.Recon said in an angrily voice i'm giving you an order solider and Ryan Convinces him to stay and continue the mission they found what they where looking for and found out it was a trap left by Carla before she died.they fought a strong bow and after the fight was over Lt.Recon realized the Ryan Got Infected he said Sir get out here Lt.Recon said no i'm getting you out of here Ryan said i'm done and grabbed Lt.Recon's gun and shot himself Lt.Recon grabbed his gun back and left and reported back to the BSSA his boss said wheres your team solider and Lt.Recon held him against the wall and said they died because they wanted to save the world from this virus and i'm leaving the BSSA after Lt.Recon left he went into hiding for half a year and while on the hunt for his Trainer Chris Redfield his meets Ada Wong she agrees to help Lt.Recon find Chris if he helps her find what she's looking for so he agreed and while helping Ada they developed feelings towards one another Lt.recon found what Ada was looking for and they went back to Lt.Recon's Hiding place and they ended up sleeping together and next morning she left a note leading to the exact Location to Chris Redfield's Where about his and so Lt.Recon got Dressed and left to find Chris four Months Later he Found him and they teamed up and then Ada Found them and telling Lt.Recon She's Pregnant to his child and Chris said to Lt.Recon you have to leave and take care of Ada and your kid and Lt.Recon said i cant you trained me and it took me four months to find you and Chris said I'll be Fine and Lt.Recon said Okay i'll go but here takes this and Chris said whats this Lt.Recon said this will take you to your sister Claire i found her while i was searching for you and she fines and after explaining to Chris how he Found Claire He Left with Ada 6 years later Ada and Lt.Recon are on a plane back to Australia with their son Jake and has been working with the BSSA again.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago FearGuns123 said…
Name: Candice Foxwell
Height: average
Preferred weapons: desert eagle
Status: Deceased
Age: 22
Appearance: thin, attractive, dark brown hair in a ponytail, pin striped polo shirt, black low cut vest, a white mini skirt and black high heels
Bio: Candice worked at J's bar and had a persistent friendship with Cindy Lennox, after being laid off she was desperate to find a waitress spot and eventually started working at the Apple inn. After a few days she started noticing some strange differences to customers who she thought were drunk or tired. Even some of the staff were calling in sick, she and another waiter named Brad( who had a crush on her) were the only ones working and at this point she was filled with hysteria thinking an epidemic of the flu was spreading throughout Raccoon City. She called her family in Miami saying that she'd be moving back there after a few weeks and then called Cindy asking if she was alright. Cindy said she was perfectly normal and asked why, Candice then told her to turn on the news. "Breaking news, reports of fevers, cannibalisim, and theft have been spreading through the city". Cindy then said she going to stay put and talk to her boss. A few days later after initial outbreak of the T-Virus she was searching for protection so she headed to the RPD station for police only to discover that the station was overrun by zombies. She went into hiding until she found a gun and started to try to escape, however she didn't get far until a licker startled her and ripped out her throat.

If Candice was in resident evil outbreak file 2!

Candice's corpse can be seen in a office which the player can take her Desert eagle in Desperate times scenario ( also if the character is Cindy she will mourn over her best friend and claim her death will not be in vain)
over a year ago EvilNathan said…
Name Logan Coen
Born 1965 Age: 50
Home Town New York
Occupation Biker
Status: Alive
Preferred Weapons Beretta 44 Magnum Sp12 gauge Machine gun.
Logan is an older brother of Billy Coen

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over a year ago GamerGirl92000 said…
Name: Nicole Krauser (Resident Evil 6)
Weapons:Evolved Mutations, Desert Eagles(One black, one silver)
Occupation:Former test subject
Appearance: 5'9, 109 lbs, short black hair, brown eyes, gray sleeveless hoodie, black leather jacket with red insignia and 2 white stripes on one arm, gray jeans, and black boots.
Story: Nicole is no ordinary 15 year old. She was born with a virus, her mother was murdured when Nicole was only 6, was injected with the T-virus which enhanced her birth-virus, then 6 years later forgave the man who aimed and pulled the trigger of the gun at Nicole's mother. That man was Ricardo Irving and Nicole's potent blood actualy saved Irving who's suppose to be dead. She called it "Irving's alternat fate..." but turns out Irving had already been infected by Nicole's blood. When she was 6 a shard of flying glass had cut her hand and had some of her blood on it. That same shard had hit Irving leaving Nicole's blood to spread throughout Irving's blood stream. It wasn't to be noticable but another Evolved changed that, infecting Irving even more while his mutated body laid in a pool of blood, on the patrol boat. That was a miracle for Irving's girl friend Marelyn Wright Mikeal. For Nicole it was shock, then Irving told her Wesker had used him, by using the same mind control device used on Jill Valentine. Nicole couldn't believe why Wesker would do this. Mare explained how she overheard Wesker talking about how Nicole and her mother were to much of a threat. Three years passed since Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar killed Wesker. Nicole had started working for the new CEO of Tricell,America(Irving) , collecting old data from abandon Umbrella fasilities and "tighing up loose ends". Nicole could hunt, kill, and consume.

To be contiued...
over a year ago rudy101 said…
shawna brown 20 shawna wears a pink jacket blue jeans and snikers shawna has a brother named dwane brown friends with claire handguns
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over a year ago katieredfield said…
hey guys here is my charetar katie redfield daugter of the chris redfield eheh leave me a coment
Ayaka commented…
Chris and who? :> Jill Valentine? over a year ago
over a year ago katieredfield said…
big smile
she wears two fingered gloves, a black lether jaket , white kombat boots , a white t-shirt, and a black lether mini skirt.
over a year ago katieredfield said…
and her boyfriends piers nivans and she is best friends with rosemary(kid) and jake wesker here is her story well she was walking down the street with her boyfriend piers when they stop piers brought out a metal jewlary case she asked why he had brong it he did not anwser he just knalt down and said katie will you marry me she said yes grabed peirs and kissed him a year later they had two kids named jay and bonnie then chris called katie telling her yhey needed piers to come to china a month later chris called katie was doing a mission with rebecca and jay picked and said hi grandpa chris chris said jay will you put bonnie on the phone jay gave bonnie the phone and said hey grandpa whats up bonnie jay your father is dead and i want you to tell mom ok yeah sure gandpa love love you to bye jay bye papa love you to ok bye bye jinks they told katie she was devistated but she was thankful that her father was still alive to be contined
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Cy_Ry said…
Name: Ryan Stead
Age: 17
Hometown: Warrington (Moved to Orkney in 2003)
Preferred Weapon:Assault Rifle for Special Tactics, Nine-Oh-Nine, and a Combat Knife
Appearances: 5' 9", short brown hair, hazel eyes. At first Ryan wore 95 British DPM trousers, Black patrol boots, PLCE webbing, a black polo shirt with his old cadet unit's logo, and a black beret with his old cadet unit's cap badge. Now Ryan wears B.S.A.A gear with the B.S.A.A Europe Branch's Badge and an SOU Badge.

Story: Ryan was a member of the Lovat Scouts cadet unit where he learned basic military skills such as : Marksmanship, Fieldcraft, Skill at arms(Cleaning and maintaining rifles) and discipline. When the C virus reached Orkney Ryan didn't hesitate in putting his Cadet skills into use. Ryan banded together with his family and some survivors in the area. Instead of running for the ferries Ryan led the survivors to a nearby hotel/restaurant wear the camped on the top floor and made barricades on every flight of stairs. Ryan commanded the survivors and dad by dad began to take Kirkwall back from the undead. When the Army and B.S.A.A showed up with political figures(as Orkney is a set of islands with a low population, and the B.S.A.A training grounds are in Britain) Ryan handed them over the hotel for use as a command post and a block of houses all cleared and fortified for accommodation outside the hotel. The B.S.A.A made him an honorary member and gave him a small squad to command as he knew the terrain and could cleared it with untrained civilians. Ryan was a key member in the liberation of Orkney from the undead the the British army and B.S.A.A he cleared the area with an SA80 and defended the area with the L115A3 Sniper rifle. After Orkney was cleared and B.S.A.A Europe had a Staging area Ryan Signed up with the B.S.A.A who under the circumstances let him in without going through basic training and made him Second in command of a squad clearing out Britain working down from Thurso to Land's End clearing out the undead.
last edited over a year ago
Name: Ryan Stead
Age: 17
Hometown: Warrington (Moved to Orkney in 2003)
Preferred Weapon:Assault R
over a year ago Ayaka said…
Name: Evie Price
Age: 23
Hometown: London but moved to Las Vegas
Perferred Weapon: RSAS sniper rifle and g36C assault rifle, some knives
Appearances: Dark brown hair with silver eyes, she has fair skin and she's 5' 6 i height. Navy blue pants/slacks, army boots and a black t-shirt. She hangs a British SAS vest around her neck and she has cut off gloves,
Story: From London, she retired as a captain of the SAS and returned to LV but she was surprised to see that everyone was literally walking dead. Now she has to find her fellow Mercs in the city and in the world to survive this wasteland. (will think of more soon)
over a year ago kenny12372 said…
Name: Kim Lee Yeong
Age: 19
Hometown: Racoon City
Perferred Weapon: Desert Eagle, mp5
Appearances: 5'8", 190lbs, kinda slim, black short spiky hair, darkbrown eyes, scar on left side of his cheek durning a knife fight in South korea, black combat boots, gray chargo pants, black tanktop, gray tactical vest and black fingerless gloves, earrings on both ears.

Story: Lee have trained Martial art with his father since he was 10, he joined S.T.A.R.S 1 year ago and had a mission to join some other team mates to check in Racoon city for survivors and the G-virus sample, he and the other members checking an old building to look for survivors, sadly while they where in the building they got attacked by some kind of monster, everyone died except Lee... Lee was by himself looking for the G-virus sample, when he finally arrived to a lab there he found the sample, he found out he is not alone and did meet nemesis for the first time, he tried to hurt nemesis but he couldnt, he could only grab the sample and run away from there...
ever since that Lee knows alot about Racoon city, He is one of the few S.T.A.R.S members that survived durning the nightmare in Racoon city
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over a year ago enzo34 said…
name: Nick mercer
age: 31
hometown: Raccon City
preferred weapons: Sig p226 with laser pointer ,double pump shotgun, m16 modified, combat knife
Apperance : dark brown patterned long leeve polo, brown hair , gray pants, black shoes
status: alive

story: nick was a survivor in the Raccon city incident after escaping the horrible nightmare 3 months later the government recruited him for his survival skills and assigned nick to the CIA then nick trained there for six months now he wants to get out there for a mission

to be contined
name: Nick mercer 
age: 31 
hometown: Raccon City 
preferred weapons: Sig p226 with laser pointer
over a year ago meghanjayne said…
Name: Dr Hannah HaagenDas

Age: 20

Hometown: Tall Oaks but relocated to Umbrella facility at a young age when she joined umbrella. After she quit she then relocated again to a laboratory of her own to continue her experiments.

Preferred weapon: At first she is not much of a fighter and uses her experiments to fight off any zombies but she is quite secure in her lab. She joins thee BSAA and is trained to fight and use weapons. She prefers either a sniper rifle or two pistols and is quite skilled in physical combat.

Appearances: She is of average height, no more than 5 foot 11. She is slim and dainty. Her skin is pale and she has chocolate brown hair and chocolate brown eyes that have hints of green. Her hair is at first styled in plaits and bunches, but after she joins the BSAA she always has her hair in a high ponytail. Her hair is also much shorter after she joins the BSAA. Before the BSAA, she would always wear lab coasts with a plain top, jeans and trainers. After the BSAA, she only wears her uniform. At first she is very bubbly and happy, but after an incident she becomes somewhat negative and hard, but remains very loyal to her friends.

Story: At just 13 years of age Hannah HaagenDas got her doctorate in science. She mainly focused on viral studies but did other stuff as well. At just 14, Umbrella recruited her in their science division. After the raccoon city incident, she wanted nothing more to do with umbrella and quit, but not before taking a lot of samples of the virus and the anti-virus. She found an abandoned lab and set up her research there where she focused on trying to find a cure for a virus. She found nothing for many years, until Dr Isaacs research appeared when she was 20. He had been working on the same project, but not for the same reasons. Hannah wanted to help the world, Dr Isaacs just wanted glory. Hannah continued her work based on his research and, with the help of Alice's blood (from one of her clones), created a cure. She tested it on a zombie that was being held captive in her lab, and it worked. The zombie's sole, memories, feeling, etc. were all returned. The only thing she hadn't managed, was to undo the mutation and make him human again. His name was Jamie and she quickly fell in love with him. Of course, not long after the cure was produced, word got out about it and Dr Hannah HaagenDas quickly became a target. Helena Harper and Sherry Birkin were put on protective detail and were ordered to take Hannah and her equipment to another, safer laboratory. This was while Chris Redfield and his new partner were fighting bio-terrorism and Leon S Kennedy and Jake Mueller were chasing up a lead on umbrella, who, they thought, had been disbanded for a while now. Sherry and Helena succeeded in this task and left Hannah to her research. Almost a year later after that, someone took Hannah's cure and spread it over a city airborne. It had the effects of making the zombies 'civilised' so to speak, but it also had the effect of turning the humans into zombies. Millions died. Hannah was horrified. She blamed herself for it. Also, her love, Jamie, had been shot. Hannah became depressed and would never been the same person again. She abandoned her research, thinking it evil, and went to join the BSAA.

She joined the BSAA and trained under Chris Redfield. He did not know who she was and did not know about her research. Hannah acquired all the skills she needed. When Chris' partner became infected, she quickly became his new partner. Together, they had to work to beat his old partner, who was now infected and power mad. In Hannah's opinion, this was one of the worst types of infection. The type where you kept your soul and thought yourself a god. She and Chris defeated him together, and along the journey she told him about her past and he told her about his. After almost a year together as partners, Hannah realised that her place was in the lab and she went back to her research.
FearGuns123 commented…
Totally Adding u to my new character :D over a year ago
over a year ago Krauzer411 said…
Name: Kevin Krauser.
Preferred Weapons: TMP, RPG, Las Plagas Arm, and a Crossbow, and a Knife.
Occupation: Assassin.
Appearance: 6"6"220 lbs, Build Strong, Fast, and He is Bald, he wears a vest, blue eyes, Combat Boots, Red and Black camo Pants, and a Red Beret, and a Skull tatto on back(sometimes shirtless).
Story: Kevin is a desendent of famous Jack Krauser, who Leon killed, and he is hunting Leon to take revenge, he was made from some of the remains of Krauser and was called a desendent. His Military abilities are limitless, and like Krauser, he gets a Las Plagas Arm after they experimented on him. He is one killing wreaking machine, he has killed hundreds of people and half of BSAA, now he is after Leon Scott Kennedy.
Krauzer411 commented…
no one really knows much so thats why the story was short. over a year ago
Krauzer411 commented…
I will make another RE character with a longer story. over a year ago
xSweetEmma commented…
Your my brother in the story. :p over a year ago
over a year ago qwerty234 said…
name: Jason Monroe
Age: 32
Preferred weapons : Costomized Famas ,B23r pistol
occupation : BSAA (north american branch)
Story: Jason trained in the BSAA for 5 years.after 5 years he was sent out for a mission to go to
Oswell E. Spencer's European hideout from there With the intention of capturing Spencer, Chris and Jill and Jason were dispatched to the mansion later that year. However, the mission did not go as planned. Upon arrival, Chris and Jill and Jason encountered Spencer's dead body guards and many B.O.W.s called Blobs. They eventually found Spencer lying dead, murdered by Albert Wesker. After a one-sided battle, Jill tackled Wesker out the window to save Chris, and the two fell into the rocky chasm below. after 3 more years of training Jason,chris and peirs go to tall oaks

to be continued

last edited over a year ago
name: Jason Monroe
Age: 32
Preferred weapons : Costomized Famas ,B23r pistol 
occupation : BSAA (n
xSweetEmma commented…
Your in my story :) over a year ago
over a year ago Krauzer411 said…
Name: Mike Drazin.

Age: 25.

Hometown: California.

Preferred Weapons: AN-94 assault rifle, Beretta, Bowie Knife, Grenades, Riot Shotgun, and Machete.

Occupation: Raccoon Police Department(RPD).

Appearance: 6'3" 212 lbs, Athletic built, Black Hair like Barry Burton, Blue Eyes/Red when mad, eye patch on right eye, skull tattoos, scar on head, swat suit with helmet, tactical vest, black hunting boots, and black gloves.

Story: Mike grew up poor but had a gift because poor as he was, he could take down almost anybody, one day when he 12 years old, he played pro football with the big leagues and won every game. When his mother died in a crash, his dad sent him to military school and cop school. Long after that he began body building and got more stronger then he was already. At age 16 he was recruited as the first mid teen on the RPD (Raccoon City Police Department) and he was as good as ever, at 23 he became top of his class, When his father died of a bite wound he was put down. A year after that the virus spreaded and Mike set out to find out what was going on. Trained by Leon, he met him at the town square and Leon said what all happened and if he found out what did this and how to stop it, Leon will inform the president and he will have the RPD to skip Mike up to the Elites. Mike was happy with this offer so he set out, accompanied by Leon, to kill any infected and find the source, but when he got bit the virus bonded with him and he and Leon had found the source and after the nuke hit, Mike Drazin was now an elite officer of the RPD, but more infected are in different continents and when it is time, Mike, with Leon, will end the world and create a new one ruled by the human race. THE END!

Name: Mike Drazin.

Age: 25.

Hometown: California.

Preferred Weapons: AN-94 assault rifle, Be
Krauzer411 commented…
Sorry i forgot the eye patch, so he was in an explosion and lost his eye, so yea there is that part. over a year ago
xSweetEmma commented…
Your in my story :) over a year ago
over a year ago lolerz21 said…
name: jason price


hometown:middle east

Preferred weapons: nine oh nine like Jake's , combat rifle ,
hand to hand combat

personality: selfish,selfcentered,and trusts in the power of money

occupation: mercenary

apperance: black t-shirt,black leather jacket,navy blue jeans,leather boots ,fingerless black gloves,
and long hair

story:Jason was a poor kid and his dad took off when he was 6 months old when Jason became 18 his mom got sicker and sicker so Jason got a job as a mercenary to make money to send his mom to a hospital and after two years his mom died and he felt alone in the world and he went on as a mercenary and he has a special blood type that can fight of any virus
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago FearGuns123 said…
Name: Crystal Allen
Age: 22
Hometown: Raccoon City
Preferred Weapons: 2 Silver 44. Colts, A short Wakizashi and a sawn off Shotgun.
Appearance: Short Brown Hair, Grey eyes, black Leather leggings, Knee high Brown Boots,
White Jacket and Black fingerless gloves.
Bio: A Survivor of Raccoon City And Former Umbrella UBCS Member, Crystal is proficient in her two colts and had extensive training with the traditional Japanese weapon Wakizashi. She is also trained with her sawn off shotgun. She is Currently Hunting down Neo-Umbrella
over a year ago xSweetEmma said…
Name: Cierra Hughes/Wesker

Age: 20

Hometown: Tall Oaks, U.S.A

Occupation: BSAA Agent, and Mercanery.

Personality: Charming, and or Serious.

Traits: Hoarder, vegetarian, virtuoso, technologist, and caustraphobic.

Perfered Weapons: Picador (handgun) and a MP7. (MG)

Gender: Female

Family: Jake Muller (brother)
John Hughes (brother)
Albert Wesker (dad)
Un-named father.
Un-named mother.

Appearances: Her hair is shoulder length, dark chocolate hair, light skin, green/grey eyes. 5"6 - height, and her weight is 134 lbs.

Outfit - Grey knit shirt, rose diamond ring,leather short jacket, black tights, and brown country style boots. A black choker, S.T.A.R.S Outfit. casual wear a white sweater, grey sweat pants, boots, and white fur outlining it, or a Pink Buisness Suit, with a lace undershirt and black stalkings. (See Below)

My name is Cierra. And I must confess immediately, I'm not the one who seem at first glance. It all started a long time ago, and those who were the instigators, have long ceased to exist. All of them were killed by the most dangerous and powerful weapon that humanity has. I'm not talking about bombs or something like that. At first, it corrodes soul and mind, and after that, body. And it's power. Power in its original form.
At one time they were lucky, lucky that they had something important, important for the world and themselves. But they decided to destroy the world, or rather subdue it. And the power, the power that they were so anxious to get in their hands tightened them to the bottom of the abyss.
When I woke up, the world only came to the senses after another attempt to seize power. Came to themselves and those who led an invisible for ordinary people the war, trying to save the world for what it is - free. But at that time it went the wrong way. And my awakening made a new fight closer ...

I couldn't believe it when my brother told me I had a infection running through my veins. It wouldn't kill me, or even harm me. But, I'd have powers, be able to things a normal human beings couldn't. He said I was like my second cousin Albert Wesker. But only me and him knew about him. He said - "Go, stay with him, you need to be taken care of." That night I was unstable, and left right away.

When I arrived at Westport, I sprinted to Albert Wesker quickly, where he took me to his mansion, and told me the truth. He told me I would be the same, and I needed to take this yo keep my power stable. I grabbed it, turned it over and read - PG67A/W. I said, - "You can't give me this! This is a unstable version Nolious Tri'd Pharol Gue 6 7 Acaska/ Warlef (PG67A/W), it will kill me!" He slapped me, throwing me across the room saying, "Cierra, Cierra, Cierra.. I told you." (Injecting me with it, then kicking me too the other side of the room.)

A man, and woman came barging in shooting at my cousin. The woman came over and said, - "Are you alright?" I didn't know what to say, so I told her "He, he is my cousin."And I ran out the estate to the lake. Moments later I see The woman falling falling out of the mansion with my cousin into a rocky chasm. I used my power from the shot he gave me to run and do back-handspring (which springs me into the air and grabbed the woman. Jumping down from the chasm I told the woman I was Cierra and I was his cousin. Before she could say something, Albert had whipped her into the chasm's wall and kicked her then placed a bug on her chest.

When He acquired a new partner funding him named Excella, I hunted her down but when I found The man from the mansion and a African lady. I just stood by, and then realized what the patch the lady wore meant. BSAA, African Branch. She was a Agent for the BSAA, SOA. I read her ID Number and scanned it.. It came up as Sheva Alomar, but moments later it switched to someone named Adrianne Vascini, she was pretending to be Sheva. I told the man but he ran to quickly then Ms.Gionne transformed slashing my leg open. Wesker jumped from the balcony, helping me then he told me - "I'm your dad" ,but then he disapeared.

I limped away where I got help from Jake Muller (my brother.) I looked into his eyes and said - "My dad is Wesker, a evil chemist and some type of.. I don't know your powers, are from him your my brother." In a grasp for air, he didn't know what to say. I dived off into the water, knowing i've done my part. I go around helping people, even without my father's permission. I got a another PG67A/W, I didn't know what do, I snapped it.

..Too Be Continued..
last edited over a year ago
Name: Cierra Hughes/Wesker

Age: 20

Hometown: Tall Oaks, U.S.A

Occupation: BSAA Agent, and Me
over a year ago xSweetEmma said…
Someone needs to make a new one!
over a year ago FearGuns123 said…
I Have an addiction to this stuff O.O Anyways Hope everyone is okay with it :D

Name: Kai Leonoris
Age: 23
Race: Caucasian
Nationality: French-Canadian
Weapons: 2 Smith and Wesson 44. Magnum Revolvers, A Katana and a M58B Shotgun.
Appearence:Dark Brown Hair, Pale Skin, Well Built and hazel Eyes.
Hometown: Toronto, Canada
Personality: Hot-Headed, Outgoing, Quick to judge but also caring and a good leader.
Bio: After Going To Raccoon City To Join The Fellow S.T.A.R.S Team, Kai Soon Learned the city was overrun. Hell Bent on getting out he meets Dr. Hannah Haagendas, But Can He Trust her...
I Have  an addiction to this stuff O.O Anyways Hope everyone is okay with it :D

Name: Kai Leonoris
over a year ago WondersSoExotic said…
Name: Aaliyah Essayed

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Alliance: Mercenaries

Ethnicity: Syrian

Appearance: Aliya's eyes tips' are low, similar to a Caucasian woman, her skin is dark/tan, her hair is a dark brunette color.

Uniform: Something like this - link But not her HEAD and FACE.

Personality: Determined, yet flirtatious.

*Favored Weapon: Silenced Pistols/Sub-machine guns.

Definition: Being a young bartender left her vulnerable, she is not owned by any man, but shows her equality by living the forests with a younger sister named Titania who has a disease. The only thing keeping Titania alive is Aaliyah's herbs. She will pass soon, but Aaliyah wants to spend as much time with her as possible. When Titania passed, Aaliya took it hard. She buried her next to her parents, and put flowers on their graves everyday. She decided to go to the city, where she lived with her Aunt. She had time to go out now, her sister took up a lot of her time. She met an BSAA Agent named Laurie, they became good friends. She told Aaliyah her true identity, and Aaliyah was recruited into the agency. When her Aunt was lost to the apocalypse, she swore for revenge.

City: Albany, NY.
Name: Aaliyah Essayed  

Age: 21 

Gender: Female 

Alliance: Mercenaries

Ethnicity: Syrian
over a year ago Karina-- said…
Name: Karina Prentiss

Age: 22

Race: Caucasian

Nationality: American - Australian

Occupation: Tour Guide/Therapist/Aerialist

Weapons: Shotgun - Wind-helm LXK5 (I made it up.)

Appearance: Blond pony-tail, woven bracelet, and ranger uniform.

Hometown: Sydney, Australia.

Personality: Quick witted, focused, and merciful.

Hobbies: Adventuring, painting, and yoga.

Biography: Karina was doing yoga with her sister when zombies broke in through the window, killing their instructor. They ran to the back room and pushed a cart in front of the door. Buying them time to escape. Karina opened up the window, and let her sister out first. The zombies broke in and she didn't have time to climb out of the window. She hit one of them with a 2 x 4, and ran into the basement. She locked the door, and climbed out of the ventilation unit. She pushed out the grate and was on the roof. Looking she could see her sister (Corine). She saw zombies behind her and yelled "Run!". She climbed down the fire-escape, and killed the zombies. But her sister was no-where to be seen.
Name: Karina Prentiss

Age: 22

Race: Caucasian 

Nationality: American -  Australian

over a year ago Its_EAster0 said…
Name: Pvt. Michael Lee Easter UBCS Bravo Team 3 Member

Age: 21
Hometown: Somerville, Alabama
Preferred Weapon: Beretta M92F (9mm), M4A1 (5.56mm), Combat Survival Knife
Appearance: Height: 6'2
Weight: 205 lbs.
Red Hair, Brown Eyes, UBCS Tactical Military Uniform, Black Magnum Combat Boots,

Story: Michael was born in a small town on the northwest corner of Alabama. Not much is known of his guardians, as both his mother and his father were killed in a head on car collision with a drunk driver when Michael was an early age. With no known family members still alive, throughout most of his childhood, Michael was in and out of orphanages. Due mostly to his behavior, of course. After managing to complete high school, he decided to leave his old life behind in pursuit of something more meaningful. In January of 1995, he volunteered for the U.S. Armed Forces and after 9 weeks of basic training, was shipped to Eastern Iraq as a stand-by unit for the U.S. Air forces SOW-T task force (Special Operations Weather Team). Due to unknown circumstances on a weather intel op in 97', Michael was dishonorably discharged from the Air Force and sent back to the states for a court marshal. Though this court marshal would never happen, as the Umbrella Corp. founded a new task force and was looking for new recruits, finding those who had been let go in various military suits. Seen as a proper candidate for their new task force, Michael was assigned to UBCS Bravo Team. On September 26th, 1998 UBCS teams were sent in to Raccoon City by Umbrella. Michael’s team’s objectives were to rescue any civilians and personnel, move these civilians to an undisclosed extraction point, and eliminate any hostile threats in their path. It took a mere 3 hours for the monstrosities of Raccoon to take down a large portion of Michael’s team. Down to only his Beretta and a few mags, Michael was close to making the final call on himself. That is until; a beautiful red headed woman saved his life from a group of undead about to finish him. Her name was Claire and in return for saving his life, he made a vow to help her escape the nightmare at all costs, even at his own life. Making his way through the desolate streets of Raccoon City, Michael would run into Claire on occasion and throw in a helping hand to the current situation. This is where he met rookie police officer Leon S. Kennedy. With the trio now all working together, they were able to uncover who was actually responsible for the outbreak in an underground umbrella facility. Questions arose towards whether Michael could be trusted or not, but after telling them that he had no affiliation with the company directly, he gained their trust once more and they set out to escape the city. In a desperate search to find a missing girl, (who Claire claims is still alive) she is found and her name is Sherry Birkin, the daughter of the umbrella scientist, William Birkin. In the lower levels of the underground facility, the group splits up, Michael and Claire searching for the cure to Sherry’s G-virus embryo infection; And Leon is in search of a woman and red. The three finally meet in the emergency railroad bay and are nearing escape, until a mutated level 4 B.O.W. (William Birkin) arrives for one final battle. Michael is injured by a metal pipe smacking him in the sternum, and sending him flying towards a sheet of stainless steel wall. Claire, in tears, grabs Sherry and escapes the train to run straight for the train tunnel entrance. Leon, still onboard the train, grabs Michael in a last ditch effort to evacuate and nearly gets killed in the process. As the final seconds tick away for the train’s emergency detonation countdown sequence, Birkin is eliminated and our heroes lay in exhaustion. Upon the U.S. Government taking the 4 into quarantine, Michael is given the choice of two options: 1. Return to his home state and live out his life 2. Volunteer for the newly formed government agency “FOS”. Michael hastily chooses the 2nd option with a look of discipline on his face, not seen in years. After 2 years of intense government training, Michael is now a seasoned FOS field agent alongside his lead and partner Leon S. Kennedy. He still maintains a good connection with Claire via E-mail, and hopes that when the fight with Umbrella Inc. is over they can be together one day. After a long flight back from a mission in Australia, Leon and Mike receive word that the president’s daughter has recently been missing and are tasked with locating her….
over a year ago UltimateSlash said…
Name:Samuel Miles"Project Sam."
Description:6'10, 212 pounds of muscle, scar on right eye.
Preferred Weapons:Plasma Ray, Twin blades, minigun, cannon.
Dress:He wears blue jeans with cowboy boots and belt, he has a rattle snake skin shirt, a cowboy hat, and an eye patch.
Story: Samuel Miles was a great cop and expert in military and marine enviroments, one day during a fire fight, Sam lost his leg, and nearly his life in an explosion, he was near death and the military left him, so umbrella found him and transformed him into Project Sam, which Sam was human on one side, on the other he was evil, a devil creature, he has charm, even with his undead mutated side he can still reel in the chicks. Sam was given super strength and super speed, and very effective tactic skills, His left arm has a built in plasma ray, and he has a minigun on his back sometimes, or a cannon, and he carries the twin blades on his side. Sam had one mission, destroy those who left him, in the end Sam betrays his creators and runs away with a group of survivors, Sam was being hunted by both the Military, and Umbrella, will he survive. Details of his other side are bad ass, he has instant regeneration, only for the undead side though.
over a year ago eater123098 said…
Name: Kaito
Age: 21
Hometown: Racoon City
Perferred Weapon: Katana
Appearances: Red spiky hair , black tank top with dog tag , black leather gloves , khakis pants with black belt (tucked with black tank top) , white socks with black magnum boots (tucked with khakis pants)
Family : Smaru (Younger brother 7 y.o) , Miko (Female cousin 19 Y.o) , Oboro (Male cousin 18 y.o) , Mamoru (Male cousin 7 y.o)
Personality : Kind , full protective with his brother & cousin , always got an odor on his body especially on the foot & armpit
When kaito and smaru sleeping , at the midnight smaru see a something on the windows. He open the curtain and shout , kaito surprise then he woke up. The zombies broke the windows. Kaito grab a katana then kill the zombies. After that , kaito say to smaru "let's get out on here" smaru nod then they ran to the outside. But there's another zombies at the outside. Suddenly there's a helicopter , then the helicopter take out the ladder. Kaito tell to smaru to climb the ladder first. After smaru successed climb the ladder into helicopter , kaito climb the ladder but suddenly a zombie grab his shirt. Then he take off his shirt then climb the ladder into helicopter (this is the reason why kaito wear a tank top). After that the helicopter fly with high speed. Kaito realize that's his cousins helicopter and thanks to his cousins.
After that , oboro tell to kaito and smaru what happened with their hometown. After telling the reason. They go to sleep again.
After they sleeping , they woke up and suddenly the helicopter crashed and lading on the unknown castle. Oboro say that he need something to repair it and ask kaito to go into the castle and find what that can fix the helicopter. Kaito agreed. Smaru beg kaito to go with him but kaito refuse , because is too dangerous. Smaru doesn't care. Then kaito agreed and said "okay , just follow brother at behind"
After that , kaito and smaru enter the castle and suddenly the castle door force close.
Kaito try to open the door but it doesn't even budge. So kaito and smaru start investigative the castle. But suddenly they fall into a trap. After that kaito and smaru woke up and suddenly there's a human at their front. Kaito surprise then fight again the man , but the man surprise and say he isn't enemy. The man introduce himself , called ahu. Kaito then explain to ahu what the reason he come to here. After that , ahu give a tips to kaito "there's a ancient gear that you can fix your helicopter. But to reach there , there's many zombies at there and you must cross from the sewer too. Also the sewer it's too stinky." Kaito reply "i don't care , i need to fix the helicopter." Then ahu reply again "okay .. Then you two please follow me , i can help you to kill the zombies too." Then the adventure begin. Kaito , ahu , and smaru finally reach the sewer. The zombies notice them and try to kill them. Kaito and ahu quickly to kill the zombies. After that they run fast cross the sewer at the sewer water. And they continue to cross until they're reach the sewer outside. Then ahu say to the brothers "it's safe on here , let's rest first." Kaito and smaru agreed , and then ahu set a tent. After in the tent , kaito put off his boots and socks and say "damn .. I got an odor on my foot again , it's too stinky !" Ahu then pick up kaito socks and smell the socks. The he say "man .. That's very stinky , but mine is very stinky than this." Kaito reply "are you sure ?" Ahu then put off his black boots and give his feet to kaito. Kaito smell it and then say "man ! That's totally stinky !" Ahu laughed. Then they start to sleep. Smaru sleep at his brother beside and noticed his brother is sweating. Then smaru speak to kaito "brother , you're sweating." Kaito reply "yeah .. It's okay." Smaru reply again "but i smell a stinky again . Is your armpit sweating?" Kaito reply "yeah , i'm also got an odor on my armpit too." Smaru reply "there's something long and black in your armpit , what's that?" Kaito reply "that's my armpit hair , you want smell it? Hehehe." Smaru try to smell and respond "so stinky ! Do you got an odor on your foot and armpit?" Kaito reply "yup" Smaru tickle it "but it's so fun!" Kaito reply "hey !! Stop tickle my armpit!" Smaru then hug his brother "brother.i love you." Kaito smile then both sleep.
After that , they woke up and continue their adventure. When ahu and kaito pick up the tent , suddenly a shadow chase and caught smaru. Smaru shout and crying "help !! Brother !!" Kaito and ahu surprise then say "Smaru!!". Kaito angry then say "we need help smaru !" Ahu reply "but about the ancie..." Kaito quickly reply "i don't care about the ancient gear !! I need help my little brother first!" Ahu agreed then they go to the direction where the shadow caught smaru. After they arrived , the shadow transformer into scary monster and smaru was trapped in the cage. Kaito then shout "Smaru !!!" Then he go ahead to defeat the monster and say "Leave my brother alone !!" Ahu say "Wait kaito !" But it's too late. The monster caught kaito and gripping kaito."Ahhhhhhhhhhh" kaito feel stertorous , ahu then try to attack the monster but it doesn't even work. Then he realize the monster heart is the weak point. Then he try to shoot the monster heart and is success. The monster falling down and kaito quickly destroy the cage to save his brother. After the cage is destroyed smaru cries and hug his brother and say "brother , i'm so afraid!!" Kaito smile and reply "don't worry , it's safe now." Then ahu saw an ancient gear on the monster heart. And he run then he pick up the ancient gear then give it to kaito. Suddenly there's a earthquake and ahu realize the castle is going falling down soon. Kaito and smaru was panic then ahu ask them to follow him. After that they success exit from the castle. Kaito want thanks to ahu but suddenly he disappeared. Kaito and smaru run to the helicopter and give the ancient gear to oboro. Then he ask kaito and smaru to wait in the helicopter to rest. After that smaru say to kaito again "brother , thanks for helping me.." Kaito reply "it's okay .. You're my little brother so i should protect you." Then smaru reply again "hehehe , you're sweating again aren't you?" Kaito reply "yeah .. But this timr don't tickle my armpit again!" Smaru laugh. Then kaito say again "did you not realize i'm stinky?" Smaru reply "yeah.. But even you're stinky i still love you brother." Kaito laugh. After that the helicopter is 100% fixed then they go home. They realize their hometown is back to normal again.
over a year ago ZonePoP said…
hiddennobodie, here is my character:

Name: Rookie
Age: 9
Hometown: City of Tallahassee
Perferred Weapon: PREDATOR (from Walmart)
Appearances: Default

Story: Rookie is helping anyone of the city, where he could do what if no solves required. One hour later, it was the dead body of Sonic so he could save the city. After he takes Sonic into Big Oak RV Park, he was scared of the night. After did he?! Well hope this is not the thing or any scariest thoughts.
over a year ago TheWarKid said…
Well, heres my character.

Name: Derek
Age: 27
Hometown: Raccoon City
Preferred Weapons: L. Hawk, Blacktail, Mini-Smg, Assault Shotgun
Appearances: Black Medium shaggy hairstyle, Left eye blue, Right eye red, White T-shirt, Blue puffer vest, Light blue Jeans, Running shoes, Blue trucker hat

Story: Derek was always one for wanting to do something, but he always had regards for other people, and often helped others if it meant something to do to kill time. One of his most notable feats was the ironically the first time he killed something. He was a local resident of Raccoon City, and always often hiked out of the city and saw nature a lot. When he was out hiking one time, he heard an explosion out in the city, after about 12 hours of slow hiking. He jogged back, knowing he probably wouldn't do much, but still wouldn't mind going to check in to see if he can. Once he got back, all hell had broken loose, and, well, you know the rest. During this, he saved a family of 5 from the horde and a few Umbrella 'Clean-up' crews. He didn't stick with the family, he gave them some supplies, and then headed off, found a dirt bike, a L. Hawk, A Blacktail, and rode off into the sunset. After these events, he was contacted by both the BSAA and D.S.O. Though he refused both, he works in conjunction with the two whenever he can, aiding in a few major battles. (this includes the entire China operation in 'RE6', A lot with Leon's mission in 'Degeneration', very briefly with 'RE:R1', and briefly in 'RE4', and a lot, yet secretly, in the entire operation of 'RE5') He has also been called by both from time to time to do off-the-books missions that if failed, it wont result in anything bad towards themselves, but would otherwise result in heavy moral loss if they sent in one of there own. After a good few, he asked both of them the same favor: Who was behind the Raccoon City incident. After hearing them both say it was Umbrella, he has set himself a personal goal to try and erase anything left of umbrella, making him work more often then usual with BSAA and D.S.O on missions that could lead to Umbrella findings.

There he is, hope he's alright.
over a year ago Master_Maxxer said…
Name:Jackson Earl Morrigan
Hometown:Raccon City ( now lives at the S.T.A.R.S. off shore plant in the atlantic ocean).
Appearance: Blue t-shirt covered by a zipped up black hoody, blue wrangler jeans, fingerless gloves, and steel toed combat boots
Weapon(s) prefference: a Silver 5.7 pistol, a customizable umbrella corp. 12th edition assault rifle, and a steel sword found in a pawn shop.
Backstory: Jack was born on april 12th 1979 to Margrate Maddison Morrigan and Jhon Vake Morrigan, the family was not wealthy nor in poverty, just an average everyday family. Jack went to racoon high school and won the cross country championship at scond place. And as fate would have it, on june 22nd 1996, the T-virus that was secretly developed by umbrella corp. (to socalled cleanse the earth and start anew) has been released. It started at the main facility in the center of racoon city and spread from there in every direction. Jack barley made it alive to his house only to find his parents dead and mauled apon After that, Jack was rescued by a group known as the S.T.A.R.S. and was recruited by none other then Leon S. Washington. Leon took Jack as his personal trainee and as Jack trained, his ranking grew. For three years Jack wanted revenge on what the infected did to his parrents, and he knew there was only one man to blame for the outbreak, and that man is Albert Wesker.

over a year ago umbrella_corpse said…
Name: Alec Prescott
Age: 38
Hometown: Auburn, Alabama
Weapons, 12 gauge pump action shotgun, hatchet
Clothing: Officer uniform w/ deputy's jacket.

Story: Auburn, Alabama. Rural, quiet, and almost no crime. Alec Prescott was living a police officer's dream. That was soon to change. The quiet city of Auburn was not only quiet, but it was the perfect place to test, hmm let's see..., oh I don't know, a BOW made from the T-Virus? Alec's dream was soon turned into a nightmare. Soon, fellow officers started calling in sick. Then came the reports of cannibalism in the urban back alleys. Alec had just become an Auburn Police Department deputy. It was when he investigated a cannibalism report that his life changed. Alec and his superior officer, Preston Barker, showed to a horrible sight. Bodies open and torn apart. Blood everywhere and a homeless man feeding on them. They quickly neutralized him or in this case, it. Alec went back to his cruiser to request backup when he heard a scream. Alec quickly loaded a 12 guage shotgun and went back to the scene. Barker was nowhere to be found and a trail of blood led back to the police car. It was gone. Barker had left Alec behind. Alec looked behind himself and heard a moan. The corpses the hobo was feeding on had got up and started walking towards him. It didn't take an idiot to figure what to do next. Alec had aimed his shotgun and took them all down. He then heard a helicopter and an explosion. He walked out of the alley and Alec saw the city in shambles. A news helicopter was crashed in the distance. People were running and everything was on fire. Monsters were eating people and moaning. The nightmare had begun.
over a year ago MissingSoul said…
Name: Chris Anderson
Age: 39
Home Town: Racoon city
occupation : S.T.A.R.S
Appearance: brown hair, black leather gloves, black jacket with S.T.A.R.S badge, blue jeans, white shirt, leather boots knife holder (on chest)
weapons: pistol, butterfly knife
Story: his childhood started during the nightmare of Racoon city young Chris Anderson got to meet sherry, leon and ada during the nightmare then he met a girl named Ashley he had to leave them behind.
he got a butterfly knife from a store and here his zombie life begins he never escaped Racoon city
but, saved Ashley then she got kidnapped many years pasted he tried to her in this hole of nightmares 12 years later,..
he met the man of the outbreak he hood behind a hall chris (from resident evil) took the shot a killed him the one who did this.. Ashley unknown...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Squidman said…
Name: S-15(Sid M. Mosher)
Age: 18
Hometown: Raccoon City
Weapons: claws, fangs, tendrils, and acidic bile
Story: being raised in an unforgiving and cruel world Sid one day
Thought of how his life could be any worse, then next thing he knows
He's fighting hordes of undead freaks and dogs that look like they
Had the worse case of rabies, when one hits him right in the gut and
Knocks him down leaving him wide open to attack, and another bit
him Right in the arm causing him to freak out, he blacks out and after
wat Was hours find himself being blinded by lights, poked, and
prodded at While listening to a person with shades telling about
transcending or Something and how he'll be the second God to rule
the new era. He Helped Sid off of the table and told him that he was
now perfect and Was given the designation S-15, Whatever that
means. But suddenly He felt pressure build up and tendrils started
forming out of his right arm And completely engulfed it, his body
grew larger and more muscular, And his right hand started forming
claws that looked like They'd reduce anything to shreds. The man
introduced himself as Albert Wesker, and told him something else
the guy could do, and Pointed to a cell holding a few of the scientists
who have succumb to The virus, and told him to focus and think of a
command. Sid thought Mentally commanded the infected to move to
the center of the cell And as if they could read his thoughts they
started shambling to the Center. Sid stepped back in shock and
Albert smiled menacingly While nothing the word yes over and over.
He moved towards a Control panel and pressed a series of buttons
which seemed to open 4 other cells around them, and out of them
different monsters appeared, ranging from the dogs he called
hellhounds, to giant frog looking monsters he called hunters, and
even semi humanoid quadruped creatures with long tongues called
lickers, "but the one that fascinated me the most" thought Sid was the
giant snake he called the adder, It was so beautiful to him that he
asked Wesker if It could be his pet, and Wesker said sure, but told
him to do the same Thing he did with the other infected to these me
ones and so he did, And all the creatures stood in front of them as if
soldiers in a war and awaited their next command...