Robert Pattinson Campaign to get Rob on SNL

gapeach posted on Oct 14, 2008 at 10:49PM
1. Send an email on November 1st to any of the following:
Lorne Michaels himself at" onclick=";retur­n false

If you would like to send emails before the first by all means go ahead but I think if we can get the numbers to exceed a few thousand emails then we'll get their attention. To get those numbers in just one day, they'd be crazy not to listen!

2. Use "Twilight on SNL" as the subject. I think the only chance we have is if they see the sheer numbers of emails coming in with the same subject line and then open a few out of curiosity. If you'd like to expound on the many virtues of Twilight and Robert Pattinson by all means go ahead!

3. If you would also like to cc your local NBC affiliate that would be awesome as well. This is as grassroots as you can get.

4. Spread the word to everyone you've every met in your life! Especially those with Facebook, MySpace and YouTube accounts. Create new threads wherever you can and most importantly....HAVE FUN WITH THIS!

Good Luck out there!

Twilight on SNL
Join the cyber sit-in...We want Twilight and Robert Pattinson on SNL!
Read the Grassroots Efforts thread and join the cause.

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