Rosario+Vampire Fan Club Oh where oh where, has all the merch gone?

WheeGal posted on Aug 07, 2012 at 05:34PM
Why is there such a lack of R+V wearable merch ? All I can find are figurines and costumes and the infamous rosario necklace. Why are there no t-shirts or messenger bags or hats or buttons or any of the other stuff I've seen for other Manga? Don't they want to promote the show?

Rosario+Vampire Fan Club 6 replies

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over a year ago WheeGal said…
Hello? Anyone? That wasn't a rhetorical question....
over a year ago WheeGal said…
Is this even showing? Why isn't anyone responding?
over a year ago darknightshadow said…
I believe the problem is in your question....: gonzo doesnt wanna promote the show. They have a history of being a lazy company and, well, its showing. making another season is already enough of a sore thought for them, so merch probably aint gonna happen till we get a season 3 rolling. keep your hopes up though, we plan on getting season 3, one way or another. :)
over a year ago WheeGal said…
big smile
Thanks Darknightshadow! (If it's a dark night, how can there be a shadow? LOL! Kidding, cool name!) I see petitions, but is anyone doing anything in Japan to promote it?
over a year ago darknightshadow said…
not atm, but if you go to the information forum (all the information related to rosario+vampire capu 3 or whatever its called) and to page 95, youl see my plan :P plus, you might was well just move over to there, the people are nice, we have lots of fun, and we all talk about r+v lots.
just jump right in, make yourself comfy, and start'a postin.
over a year ago WheeGal said…
I'm there too I think. Whee!