Roswell I AM NUMBER FOUR!! (may become the next Roswell/Twilight)

ForsakenMoon19 posted on Jul 08, 2010 at 08:56PM
From…The Next ‘Twilight’: The Search Continues At BookExpo America:

Mega-successful books series like “Twilight” and “Harry Potter” don’t come around every day. The flowery tales of Edward and Bella and the fantastical adventures of Harry and his schoolmates have entrenched themselves in the hearts of loyal followers, leaving room for little else. But the June 5 release of Stephenie Meyer’s “Twilight” spin-off novella “The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner” marks the end of an era. That’s why the publishers, authors and booksellers at BookExpo America this week were eager to tout their upcoming releases as the next big thing.

“I Am Number Four”

What It’s About: A group of young aliens land on Earth after their own planet is destroyed, secretly integrating themselves into society where they slowly learn they’re developing powers. When those responsible for blowing up their planet track them down and begin killing them in sequential order, our hero John Smith (otherwise known as Number Four) vows to dish vengeance on the bad guys, all while juggling a hot and heavy love triangle involving his fellow extraterrestrial Sarah (Number Six) and a human girl.

What Could Make It the Next “Twilight”: The book by “Pitacus Lore” (the pseudonym of James Frey and Jobie Hughes) doesn’t hit shelves until August 17, but that didn’t stop Steven Spielberg, Michael Bay and the creators of “Smallville” from teaming up to produce a big-budget film that’s set for a 2011 release. Alex Pettyfer of “Beastly” and Dianna Agron from “Glee” are among the stars already attached. That alone could help the book shoot to the top of the pile, but at its heart the title is about one young man and his quest to discover himself, get the girl and take down the enemy.

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From…The Next ‘Twilight’: The Search Continues At BookExpo America:


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over a year ago VMars4ever said…
I love Roswell and all, but it was never it's years Twilight.