Ruby & The Rockits Show has tanked

MOM27 posted on Aug 19, 2009 at 01:52AM
Am I the only parent who was shocked by tonight's episode? The explicit language and adult subject matter was much more than I wanted to introduce my 8 year old to. Ruby and the Rockits is now deleted from our DVR schedule!

Ruby & The Rockits 5 replies

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over a year ago sarabeara said…
Well, I'm not a parent (I'm a 16 year old girl), but yes I was surprised at some of the content in this episode. One of the things I like best about this show is that it isn't sexed up and dirty, but instead is a family show. But some things in this episode were inappropraite (including Jordan coughing "asskisser" and a few other things I can't remember now lol).

But here's my advice (I know you probably don't want advice from silly little 16 year old, but whatever), don't write the show off just like that. I'm sure you know that different writers write different episodes. So maybe this episode was an experiment and the show could very well have a less dirty episode next week as a result of it coming from a different writer. So maybe just you should watch the show now without your child and see if the explicitness lessens in the next few weeks. Don't judge from just one episode, at least give it one more chance :)
over a year ago MOM27 said…
I appreciate you well thought out answer. I may watch another episode and give it another chance. Hopefully ABC Family has been hearing from other parents like me. It is so hard to find quality TV that is appropriate for all the members of my family to watch together. Sad, really, because when I was young there were great shows like The Cosby Show, Family Ties, Growing Pains, Wonder Years etc. All of those very entertaining shows also dealt with serious subject matter, but managed to do it in a way that was thought provoking and that my family and I talked about after the episode was over. Those shows were a spring board to some very meaningful conversations. Sadly, last night after watching Ruby and the Rockits I was so dumbfounded that I didn't even know where to start. I wish the people who wrote shows for families would have the creativity to write scripts that would entertain as well as enlighten.
over a year ago sarabeara said…
Agreed. It seems like all it is nowadays is sex, sex, sex or violence or cussing. That's why I like Ruby & the Rockits. It's usually appropriate for even little kids, excluding Jordan's incestuous (is that even a word? lol) crush on Ruby. However, I do think this show has potential and sometimes writers try to push the envelope and see how far they can go in an episode while still getting away with it. If enough people go on the abcfamily website and complain, they'll hopefully learn where to draw their limit. I honestly do hope this show changes back to the way it was in the first 4 episodes, cause I love watching this show with my mom and not having to deal with the awkwardness when sex is mentioned (like in most other shows). This show was different than all the others. I'm really really hoping they don't let it get any more vulgar than it was last episode.

Btw, have you noticed that Ruby's outfits keep getting more risque and showing more clevage? That's never a good sign :/ Oh, and I just remembered the one line that shocked me "It was a misdemeanor you bitch." I was like "WOW!"

Oh no. I just saw the promo for next week (I usually buy the episodes on itunes so I don't see the promos for the next ep) and it's not looking hopeful.
over a year ago MOM27 said…
After your comment about next week's promo I sent an email to ABC family to express my displeasure with the turn the show has taken. Maybe if more parents, and young viewers, would voice their opionions then these productions companies would listen and support more family friendly entertainment.
over a year ago sarabeara said…
Well, I guess the show isn't being renewed. Oh well. The show lost it after the 4th episode.
It just got too sexual. "Tyrannosaurus-sex" I mean, GEEZ! I thought this was ABC Family!!! Guess family standards have changed. Man, I miss shows like 7th Heaven. :(
It's too bad though. I really love all the actors. I wish them the best of luck in the future.