San Francisco The appeal of Newsom?

harold posted on Feb 01, 2007 at 08:06PM
So, I was wondering if anyone could elaborate on something that has been puzzling me for a few years now: what is the appeal of Gavin Newsom to the residents of San Francisco? As a Bay Area resident who watches San Francisco politics from some slight remove, I have to admit that I and most everybody I know are completely mystified as to the high approval ratings of the city's mayor (over 70% despite various scandals and avoiding public meetings). For myself, he's always seemed, if not crookeder than Lombard street, at least superficial and a wee bit disreputable, like an embodiment of a caricature of a politician.

Many of us were truly shocked and appalled when he won the election against Matt Gonzalez, who to all appearances was the clearly more capable and qualified candidate, back in 2003. But then we are not residents of the city, so there's clearly something we're missing. What is it?
last edited on Feb 01, 2007 at 08:14PM

San Francisco 2 replies

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over a year ago macaddict said…
Care not cash was a big factor. At the time of the election a lot of SF residents were fed up with aggressive panhandlers and the generous municipal cash handouts and Gavin had a plan and Matt didn't (though I also like Matt).

And as for the crookedness comment. You have to remember that Willie Brown was running the show prior to Gavin's 'ascension'. Everything is relative ;-)
over a year ago harold said…
That's a good point. Thanks! How has the Care Not Cash program been working? I understand that it has been providing more shelter for the homeless than was publicly available before, but how is that perceived? Has it made a significant difference, or is it more of a drop in the bucket? I haven't been up to SF outside of SoMA for years, so I don't have a good sense of the effect.