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Sane Twilighters Question

What do you think is the most annoying thing about the way Twilight is being released? (the movies and merchandise)

For me, and I can't really complain other then what I see here on fanpop especially in the twilight series spot, it's the crazy fans! The fans that only like Twilight because it has HOOOOOOT guys! Those who never read the book but think they know everything about Twilight! I admitt that the Twilight Series spot is a cool spot, but when someone ask a question and you answer honestly people start to jump on you! I hate that, most of this people only like Twilight because of the actors and that gets on my nerves! I admit I like the actors too, they are hot but that's not the main reason on why I like it!
What do you think?

PS: I joined the spot and I saw that there wasn't any question, so I thought I would post one! I hope it's ok:) If not tell me and I'll remove it:)
Sorry for any mystakes made, I'm not english so if you see any, I appolagize:)
ashesandwine posted over a year ago
 ashesandwine posted over a year ago
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Sane Twilighters Answers

dont worry about spelling errors it happens to the best of us lol,,, any way i compleatly agree with you that is one of the main reasons i made this spot.

ps thx 4 being the first one to make a ? :) <3
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posted over a year ago 
Thanks:) and I'm soooo happy you made it:) Because the Twilight Series spot (I'm not saying it's bad, I have a nedal on it and I'm happy for that) is cool, but it's toooo much supportive of all the craziness and the C.A.T it's tooooo much of against all the craziness! I like yours because it's neutral:) Team Switzerland:P LOL...eheh
ashesandwine posted over a year ago
lol yep thats exactly why i made it just to get away from all that :)
CULLEN-HALE posted over a year ago
rachaelwsz said:
Well, first things first...
Yes, I kinda get annoyed with some of the Twihards there. It's ridiculous really. Come to think of it... I remember some Twifan saying that she's a true Twilight fan because she loves the Twilight movie. *like I said earlier... ridiculous*

I thought the Twilight movie was horrible. Hopefully, Chris Weitz will save the New Moon movie from disgrace. I really have high hopes for the New Moon movie!

Lmao. The Twilight merchandises.... One word... TACKY. Twilight tampon holders, doorhangers, pads, shower screen, etc. It's obvious that these production companies are making tonnes of profits from these merchandises. Some of the merchandises are... 'reasonable'. But some are seriously weird. Twilight tampon holders? hahaha...

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posted over a year ago 
Ya, totally! And thank god for Chris Weitz, I really do believe that he's going to do an amazing job with New Moon! And OMG the merchandise are soooooo ridiculous! I can't believe that they really have tmpon holders:S LOL
ashesandwine posted over a year ago
there are tampon holder?!?! wtf!
PiiXiiE posted over a year ago
yepp they even have twilight condoms lmao
CULLEN-HALE posted over a year ago
PiiXiiE said:
i have to agree; the fans are absolutely ridiculous. i mean, i am a DIE-HARD fan of Harry Potter (i have been since it first came out) but i would never scream at people about it, or swear at them because they don't like it as much as i do. i mean, i've been chased out of the Twilight spot just for stating that i thought Edward could do better than Bella. (the answer i got: "what, and i suppose by 'better' you mean YOU? IF YOU DON'T LIKE TWILIGHT YOU SHOULD BE HERE!!!" there was probably something along the lines of "EDWARD IS HAWT!!!" too, but i don't quite remember.)

also, i think some of the merchandise is a little over the top.
when there were just "Team Edward" and "Team Jacob" T-shirts, that was cool, but it got to the point where you couldn't buy any NORMAL Valentine's Day T-shirts, becauese they were all about how "My boyfriend is a vampire," or "I only date vampires" and stuff like this took over entire stores!
one of the other things that i thought was ridiculous: pewter keychains of the Cullen family crest. seriously? i don't even really remember them having a crest of importance. (correct me if i'm wrong.)
but i just think they're completely abusing the vampire concept because they know the tweens will buy into it (no offense meant to the SANE tweens).

thank you, that is all. n_n
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posted over a year ago 
You're right! The crest isn't in the books! It was made up for the movies as a way to distinguish the Cullens from everyone else... In New Moon there are the tatoos for the werewolves and the crest for the Volturi! Thanks for answering this, I really do agree with you! They are crazy over at the Twilight Series spot!
ashesandwine posted over a year ago
Lol. I thought the Team Edward and Team Jacob t-shirts were kinda of cool. If you thought Twilight tampon holders were weird... You haven't seen the Twilight sanitary pads... hahaha...
rachaelwsz posted over a year ago
lol isn't it fairly obvious who the Cullens are? i mean, would it be that difficult to distinguish them from the wolves and Voluturi without crests or tattoos?! :P
PiiXiiE posted over a year ago
lilacool said:
There's this gurl Claudia who thinks she no's everything about Twilight just becoz she fancies the (guys) actors.She gets on my nerves a LOT!!
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posted over a year ago 
kitty2264 said:
I completely agree. The stuff about the hot guys get on my nerves so much. And I hate when girls in the first movie were going crazy over Edward and "Jacob....psht" and now New Moon comes out with Jake all buff and crap and they're like 'OMG JACOB SO HAWT!!!!!"

As far as the merchandise goes, I like the shirts and bags and hats. And you have to admit some of the sayings are cute like "I prefer warm and cuddly". But stuff like DOOR HANGERS! That's just too over the top. But I hate when people see me wearing Twilight stuff and go "no another crazed fangirl" and I'm like I wear the clothes because they look cool, not because they say Twilight on them.

And back to the whole Edward turned Jacob fan thing. One time last year I was at the carnival with some friends of mine and one of them saw my Team Jacob shirt and said "how dare you!" A few weeks ago that same friend was talking to someone who said something about Edward and went "I...LIKE...JACOB!" I almost lost it. And another time I came in wearing a New Moon bag that had Edward on it and another friend, used to be total die-hard Edward fan, asks me who that is on my bag (the picture wasn't that clear because the bag was just black and white) and I say Edward. She just goes "I like Jacob" and that's when I snapped. I'd had it. I just exploded at her along the lines of "OMG THE NEXT TIME I HEAR SOME GIRL SAY THEY LIKE JACOB WHEN THEY CLEARLY LIKED EDWARD".

And this is why I say bless you CULLEN-HALE for making this spot. I can finally come to a neutral place where I'm not bombarded with comments of "OMG _______ is SOOOO HAWT!" or otherwise over the top rude comments from antis who mostly just say such things out of ignorance and stupidity.
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posted over a year ago 
missing_99 said:
The fans, for sure. Some of them, not all. But really? There is more to the Twilight Saga than just pretty people. And if they really want to understand it, they should read the books, too.
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posted over a year ago 
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