Sarah Palin Sarah PAlion doesn't deserve this... :.(

Palinlover32 posted on Nov 13, 2008 at 12:28PM
Have you people seen how terrible Sarah Palin has been treated lately? IF you haven't, she's been blamed for McCain's loss, been called a diva and people has been hating on her cause of all the money the government had to spend on her clothes. Well I don't think she deserves this. She is a sweet, beautiful and loving person.. and she should be treated better. I don't know about you, but I will always support her weither she's the President or not.

Sarah Palin 11 replies

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over a year ago margret4 said…
I love sarah palin too. I named my dog Palin Jane. I can't believe she is being so badly treated latley. Don't Liberals like teen pregnacy.
over a year ago lcriss said…
Just when one thought the jab of hateful and accusing comments have settled, the all great media now has to attack her kids while Obama's are becoming idolized...(like him)

We really need to pray for the Palin family

Notice how anyone who is a Christian is totally bashed when their in the spotlight?
George Bush
Sarah Palin
Thomas Kinkade
Mel Brooks
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lcriss said…
Palin '12
over a year ago Dearheart said…
Sarah's been "im-palin" the liberals! Of COURSE she's gonna get her head chewed off. *rolls eyes* Gotta love those nice, "tolerant" people...
over a year ago lcriss said…
She is just fighting for her and her family. All this crap against her is for sure starting to get tiresome and she is not going to just sit back and continue to let them walk all over her! This is one reason I love Palin! She is a strong and fierce woman who is not afriad to fight back! Now thats a person I would love to see in office!

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MissKnowItAll said…
Maybe the reason she's being 'picked on' is because of all the money the government spent on her clothes. It was an election, not a fashion show.

'Notice how anyone who is a Christian is totally bashed when their in the spotlight?
George Bush
Sarah Palin'

No offence, but those two are both idiots. It is not because they are christian at all.
over a year ago deathtokennedy said…
Comeon, I like Sarah Palin too but please, spell correctly so you don't make every republican look like an idiot. You spelt "PALIN" wrong in the subject title, and in the description you spelt "whether" wrong. I am 14 and am correcting your spelling. Fricken proof read.
over a year ago deathtokennedy said…
@missknowitall, you spelt "offence" wrong. Its offense*. Your name makes it ironic. Again, im 14 and i am correcting you peoples spelling.
over a year ago SkyBendingVee said…
@deathtokennedy- You forgot to put a space between "come", and "on". And about Sarah- I admire her. You don't see someone like her every day, especially in election. Also, she definitely does not deserve all the crap being thrown at her.
over a year ago 2nd2lastsamurai said…
@deathtokennedy proofread is one word and "peoples" should have an apostrophe (') before the s (people's). ;P
over a year ago Joeymars1 said…
Sara Palin is a woman and a half! She has proven to me her abilities to lead!