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Scene Question

Does being Scene ever get any easier?

I've been at it for about 2 1/2 months and I'm about ready to give it up bc it's really hard to get past my parents' disapproval and the judgements made of me at school. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the whole scene thing and I feel like I've just started to get it down, but sometimes it's hard to keep going on with it when everyone thinks I'm just a freak. Is there anything anybody can tell me to stop me from giving it up for such a stupid reason?
I'm just like you except i can't look a scene my mo doesnt want me to be scene or emo or any thing besides a lawyer she disapproves of every thing i do
Emo_gurl63 posted over a year ago
I'm sorry! I can dress like it but I can't dye my hair or get any weird piercings and my mom always tells me how awful I look and how I need to wipe off all my eyeliner and do my hair differently.
Sprinter23 posted over a year ago
 Sprinter23 posted over a year ago
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Scene Answers

UndeadPanda said:
I'd say keep going. I don't have scene hair because of disaproval by my mom, my dad won't mind. If you love it you should keep going, people who make fun of you are prob jealous because they can't have that kind of hair or personality.
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I'd say keep going. I don't have scene hair because of disaproval by my mom, my dad won't mind. If you love it you should keep going, people who make fun of you are prob jealous because they can't have that kind of hair or personality.
posted over a year ago 
Agreed.Im scene too.(:
vanessa100 posted over a year ago
Freaxxx said:
Psh, people call me creepy all the time, but also call me cute just as much =P I love it enough to never give it up.

And the whole idea of being famous for what I love just makes it better <3
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Psh, people call me creepy all the time, but also call me cute just as much =P I love it enough to never give it up.

And the whole idea of being famous for what I love just makes it better <3
posted over a year ago 
Emmett4ever said:
Im not allowed to get my hair in the scene way but i was allowed to get it cut the same way it does get better. My parents still live in the old days so they constantly disapprove of my choice in clothing and music but they get used to it. Or you can tell your parents that it's your body and that your old enough to decide what to do with it. At school just find people who have the same taste in music as you. Like I'm more of a music type of scene so i listen to all types of music. I found one of my friends who showed me most of the bands i listen to. People will accept you if you find the right people to hang with or friends who dont care what you look like. It gets easier and trust me it will and if it doesnt people will one day regret being mean to you. Have fun! And keep being who you want to be. :)
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posted over a year ago 
LoveMeCrazy said:
Who cares what ppl say or think about you? Being scene is just being different. don't pay attention to what say about you. I'm scene and ppl say stuff but it doesn't bother me, because I'm proud of who I am you should too <3 :)
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posted over a year ago 
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