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Shadow The Hedgehog Question

Do you have a pet?

I was just wondering. I have a blck labrador (It's a dog) named Hudson. He's almost nine months old and is super cute!

This is the info of Hudson:

Hudson- Black labrador with brown eyes. He loves to play in the snow, and is a HUGE almost nine month old. He's very protective of me and my family, he'll bark all the time, and loves being around people.

The picture is what he looks like. Yep that's him! Isn't he cute?

Please, if you have a pet, get a photo, or a picture that looks like him/her, and put it down. Then, tell the personality of your pet, and that's it!

Have fun! X3

Do you have a pet?
And it's an english labrador. The difference between a english lab and an american lab, is that english labs have big, blocky heads, and are more muscular. They are the labs that are in dog shows. The americans are bred for hunting, and they have narrower snouts, and they are fast, and doesn't have that much muscle. So, yeah. I know a lot about dogs! Lol!
segafan posted over a year ago
keirathewolf posted over a year ago
Why is this on the Shadow spot though?
animegrl52p posted over a year ago
 segafan posted over a year ago
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Shadow The Hedgehog Answers

Shadowheart said:
yes i have two annoying dogs
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posted over a year ago 
and their names are Sam and Roxi
Shadowheart posted over a year ago
one's a maltees and the other is a shcnouser
Shadowheart posted over a year ago
annoying dogs ar cute well all of em ar cute
keirathewolf posted over a year ago
pufllys said:
Yup! I do! I have a Snake, 2 turtles, a fish, and a dog!

My dog's name is Lady. Mainly because she looks like Lady from Lady and the tramp. She is part Papillon, part king charles spaniel. She is usually hyper and gets excited really easily. She loves attention (like most dogs). She barks at pretty much anything that moves. She is vert protective over my sister and I, and hates when other dogs come near us!
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Yup! I do! I have a Snake, 2 turtles, a fish, and a dog!

My dog's name is Lady. Mainly because she looks like Lady from Lady and the tramp. She is part Papillon, part king charles spaniel. She is usually hyper and gets excited really easily. She loves attention (like most dogs). She barks at pretty much anything that moves. She is vert protective over my sister and I, and hates when other dogs come near us!
posted over a year ago 
segafan posted over a year ago
i hope u like my picture of hudson
segafan posted over a year ago
keirathewolf posted over a year ago
Aimee147 said:
I have a King Charles Spaniel called Wellington who is 13 1/2(that is really old in dog years). He loves to chase things and loves sleeping on the sofa. This is the closest pic I could find to him ^_^
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I have a King Charles Spaniel called Wellington who is 13 1/2(that is really old in dog years). He loves to chase things and loves sleeping on the sofa. This is the closest pic I could find to him ^_^
posted over a year ago 
segafan posted over a year ago
i hope u like my picture of hudson
segafan posted over a year ago
Awesome! My dog's part King Charles Spaniel!
pufllys posted over a year ago
keirathewolf said:
yer 2 dogs a hamster and 2 ginnie pigs
srry the no pics and srry if I spelt the pigs wrong and I want a wolf or a fox

*im not ritch*
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posted over a year ago 
atkathewolf said:
yes! i have 3, well sorta.their names are Jessie(male), Sam(male), and Muffin(female). and here is a pic of Jessie, kinda. ^_^' my mom sais when we move i can get a chinchilla!! ^_^
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yes! i have 3, well sorta.their names are Jessie(male), Sam(male), and Muffin(female). and here is a pic of Jessie, kinda. ^_^' my mom sais when we move i can get a chinchilla!! ^_^
posted over a year ago 
segafan posted over a year ago
they're all liver colored dachshunds. Muffin and Sam r short-haired.
atkathewolf posted over a year ago
oooo, i'm so scared.......DON"T HURT ME!!!!!!
cocothefox posted over a year ago
cocothefox said:
yeah, the same as wat my older sis atka said. Heres a picture of Sammy as a puppy. hes SOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!!=3
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yeah, the same as wat my older sis atka said. Heres a picture of Sammy as a puppy. hes SOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!!=3
posted over a year ago 
Awwwww! He's a dashund, isn't he?
segafan posted over a year ago
yep!!! that's our Sammy!!!^_^
atkathewolf posted over a year ago
sry, i got carried away...^_^'
cocothefox posted over a year ago
crazysonicfan said:
I haven't got a pet I used to have a puupy called Angel I haven't got a picture of her though
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posted over a year ago 
shadowcat111 said:
i have a pit bull named prince and i did have two goldfish.......but one died in the shell in the bowl and the other died all fat an junk
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posted over a year ago 
the_depressed said:
yes 2 dogs, 3 hamsters, 2 ferrets, and 16 fish. that pic is the ferrets. the one on the right is dory and the one on the left it kitty :)
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yes 2 dogs, 3 hamsters, 2 ferrets, and 16 fish. that pic is the ferrets. the one on the right is dory and the one on the left it kitty :)
posted over a year ago 
OMG! LUCKY! Apparently they smell bad... Well I don't care! They are so cute!
pufllys posted over a year ago
no they dont smell bad... they do looks soooo cute when they swim around in the bathtub though. :)
the_depressed posted over a year ago
Twilightfan710 said:
I have a dog named frankie he's a chiwawa (srry 4 horrible spelling), cat named oreo , cat.named savahna, bearded dragon named crusher, a fish named uno, and another fish named allie. 0_o
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posted over a year ago 
i have a cat named Frankie!
animegrl52p posted over a year ago
animegrl52p said:
Mines a pomeranian and escimo mix. His name is Comet.

Reading this kinda shocked me. I have a friend (well sometimes she's my friend) named Mina, but she doesnt have a fanpop. She has the same type of dog! Then I noticed that the dog's name was Hudson. Her dog's name is Baby. I was so relieved!

Oh and sorry! It's hard to find a pic that looks like my dog and my dog never holds still so I couldnt post a pic!
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posted over a year ago 
kodithehedgehog said:
ive got a dog named molly a cat named cammie and a hamster named ivan
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posted over a year ago 
Tdseriesgwen said:
yesh a cat his name is silver and I named him after silver bcas he has silvers little furry patch, yellow eyes, and is silver :P
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yesh a cat his name is silver and I named him after silver bcas he has silvers little furry patch, yellow eyes, and is silver :P
posted over a year ago 
segarainbow posted over a year ago
O_O! there's a naked doll in the background XD!!
segarainbow posted over a year ago
Cx that is his chewtoy
Tdseriesgwen posted over a year ago
imma gunna fan u cuz u seem cool o: fan back
Tdseriesgwen posted over a year ago
IntrepidKeris said:
One cat named Daphne. She's sweet and patient. <3 her! ;D
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One cat named Daphne. She's sweet and patient. <3 her! ;D
posted over a year ago 
segarainbow said:
i have cats: mr man, fuzz, and precious
a bunny: peanut butter "butters" (like on south park)

and 2 hamsters: peety and pablo
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posted over a year ago 
gigitygoo said:
I have a cat. Her name is snowy she is white with green eyes ohh she is FAT XDXDXDXD..... we spoil her some times
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posted over a year ago 
shadira said:
why because he likes playing with socks
chasable dog
he is a chow mix brown eyes
black and alittle gray fur
and than on his foot
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why because he likes playing with socks
chasable dog
he is a chow mix brown eyes
black and alittle gray fur
and than on his foot
posted over a year ago 
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