Shadow The Hedgehog Obsessed Fangirls Taking Over the Club? ~Mina's Rant(ish)~

segafan posted on Mar 04, 2012 at 11:57PM
First of all, if you can read properly you can tell that this is an opinion. If you have a problem with me expressing my opinions, then you can kindly go fuck yourself.

Fangirls, (not all, only the obsessors) are blind and ignorant for visualizing Shadow as their "own". Shadow is a fictional character. He'll never be real, you'll never have him, nor will your Mary-Sue of a fan character.

Pop Quizzes

The pop quiz section of this club is, by far, the most horrendous section of this fanclub. All it is, basically, are the insane (well, everyone is mad, so why should I say insane? We'll just say ignorant) fangirls' identical questions, "Who is Shadow's GF?"

Answer: ME!!!!!!!!!111

And then when somepony with common sense comments, telling the ignorant user that Shadow isn't real, what usually happens is that the obsessed fangirl says, "Fuk u were marryed!!1111!1 or something involving no knowledge of grammar and spelling whatsoever like such.


This category as to be the most stupid section ever, asking things like "What would u do if shadow was a hobo? LOL!!!11, "What would u do if shadow was in ur bathroom naked in the shower and told u to join him", or other revolting questions.


Basically, these are all stories about the fangirls' fan characters having sex with Shadow.

They aren't even good! They're like one paragraph long, dammit!

Enough said.





And don't even get me started on the fan picks. *shivers*

I could go on and on, but I really don't feel like wasting my fucking time. It's not like the fangirls are going to stop. They're too ignorant to actually realize what I just said.

last edited on Mar 05, 2012 at 12:07AM

Shadow The Hedgehog 2 replies

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over a year ago PhoenixRoyale said…
All hail Segafan. =w=
over a year ago segafan said…
Yay. C|