Smallville New season starts on E4 2morrow!! What's your fave season? xxx

lucyloo posted on Nov 10, 2008 at 10:17PM
I totally can't wait untill tomorrow night!! the New season starts in the uk on e4!! it sounds great, from what i've heard from off here! so come on tomorrow hurry up and come! lol!! so from what you have seen of the new season, do you think this is gonna be the best season they have done? or which one was your fave season? i'm not sure yet i'm gonna watch this season and then say which is my fave but i would still love to hear your opinion! I really hope this season's good, seen as its the last one they're doing! love lucyloo! xxx

Smallville 1 reply

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over a year ago small_h2o said…
from what i have seen season 8's first ten episodes are the best episodes i have seen episode 5 committed and 10 bride are my two favorite.