Sonic Fan Characters Darkhorn's Aftermath RPG

darkkhorn19 posted on Dec 02, 2011 at 11:46AM

Darkhorn's Indulgent Ennui
Pages 1-30

Darkhorn's Aftermath
Pages 30-XXX

Darkhorn's Indulgent Ennui Description:

Yes, Darkhorn is an actual pessimistic bastard in my mind. No, I am technically not Darkhorn, he's just one of the people who live inside me.

Onward with main plot, Darkhorn has used his power of biological manipulation to spread a powerful disease reigning across planets called Quis Damnum, which causes hysteria, hallucinations and ultimately driving the person to suicide from their mind not being able to cope with or understand the disordering disease. Ultimately, he lives in an abandoned and wrecked castle-like area on a distant asteroid said to be near planet size near Earth, Mars and Jupiter. The disease is highly contagious, with the power to jump from one to another with mere contact.

Darkhorn's Aftermath Description:

Darkhorn's Indulgent Ennui was a great success! :D And so, I bring you the sequel: Darkhorn's Aftermath

Now, this is completely improvisational, so have fun with this no plot crap, kids!

As always, I have prepared the character sheet.


Let the RPG commence, yet again!
last edited on Feb 15, 2012 at 05:10AM

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