Teen Titans Who has the most interesting backstory?

Pick one:
Robin: From a circus family, parents killed, became sidekick of Batman.
Starfire: Princess of Tamaran, rivalry with her sister, right to the throne.
Cyborg: Parents used him as test subject, accident kills mother/injures him.
Raven: Raised by monks, distant from mother, demon father.
Beast Boy: Bit by green monkey, parents died, forced into crimes, Doom Patrol.
Terra: Princess of Markovia, experimented on and given powers.
Slade: Given strength in army experiments, mercenary.
Jericho: Slade's son, kidnapped- throat slashed and became mute.
Argent: Half-alien, rebelled against her alien race and became a heroine.
Aqualad: Amphibious humanoid, heir to the Atlantean throne.
Kole: Her paranoyed father grafted her with crystal to survive nuclear disaster
Thunder & Lightning: Born from a Vietnamese woman and an American soldier.
Speedy: Raised by Navajo chief his father saved, sidekick of Green Arrow.
Plasmus: Only surviver of a nuclear mining accident, morphed by ex-Nazi.
 NightFrog posted over a year ago
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