HillbilleeChick posted on Sep 19, 2007 at 05:18AM
k, i watched this all the time when i was little. and i want to find it again so bad. my little brother asked me about it the other day. so i asked this same question on myspace, on the bulliten and noone knew what it was lol.. here goes...

its an old movie... i watched it in like 86 or something. could have been made earlier though... there is two boys in the movie, like 11 years old or somehting. and, one of the boys father is a king i think. they all have english accents too. the kings son, the young boy has to go into some woods and find an evil guy that lives in a castle. i remember he puts on a cape that is like magic, and makes him invisable, and there are all these knights after him, i remember them running around trying to find him, but the boy and his friend was under that cape... ummm what else.. oh yeah, i remember they go into a cave to hide i think. and there is this old guy in there that is makeing swords for the evil man in the castle. i remember the old guy was chained to the caves wall... he makes the boys a sword that will kill the evil man, and the boys end up finding the castle, and killing the bad guy. i remember they stuck the sword in his heart and the bad guy turned into a rock. lol somthing like dark heart was his name. lol this is all i got yall. heheheh i have tried to remember all i can.. lol oh yeah at the end, the boy finally gets home, and he is in this big english like rose garden... and he hugs his dad..

do yall know what this movie is? i want soooooo bad to get it for my lil brother for his birthday! he would loooove it! let me know yall. sorry if this is hard to understand, i never re read anything ... lol love yall! muahhhh

The 80s 5 replies

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over a year ago kathiria82 said…
Are you talking about the movie Fortress?
over a year ago HillbilleeChick said…
i dunno lol ill look it up and let you know. i hope thats it.. it sounds like it could be. thanks babe!!!!
over a year ago HillbilleeChick said…
nope =( that wasnt it.. thanks for tryin!!!! =)
over a year ago megloveskyle said…
If you go to yahoo answers and submit that it will get answered in like 5 seconds with a million replies. If I don't know something I always go there and usually find it quick.
over a year ago movies4theblind said…
So I know the last post was 2 years ago and the original post was in 07...But I have been looking for the name of this movies for years. And at one point when I worked in a video store I knew it and forgot it. The original post help me remember more about it. What stood out for me always was the black or rock heart of the bad guy. After reading this post I searched more and found it!! The movie is Mio in the Land of Farway link. I can sleep at night now that I know what movie it is. And i know there are a lot of people out there who have been looking for this as well... Enjoy