The Fanfic Jupiter/Half-Blood Library

partypony posted on Oct 15, 2011 at 11:47PM
Hello people of The Fanfic! *crickets chirp*
Ahem. I was thinking one night, when a thought came to me. "If I can't manage to write chapter stories and finish *cough*-Reads The Lost Hero*cough, then I should just write one-shots!" And me being the totally-awesome person I am, decided to exercise my writing skills by following my idea. Seeing all those people writing their own fanfics revitalized my writing spirit. Or maybe it's because I've been reading a lot.
Anyway, I will be posting one-shots randomly, since my days are TOTALLY BUSY and I have no idea when I'll get free-time. It may b the next day, or the next month, you never know...
Here goes...

Title: Jupiter/Half-Blood Library
Rating: T 'cause I'm paranoid.
Genre: It depends. After all, this is a collection of one-shots. Most of them would probably have humor in it, though.
Characters: The cast of Percy Jackson and the Olympians; the cast of Heroes of Olympus; a few minor OCs here and there.
Summary: A collection of unrelated one-shots (unless they're two-shots or three-shots) - all in one forum.
Disclaimer: I own everything. Also, I see purple centaurs flying across my window. Maybe I'm hallucinating...

A/N: I just want to say that these stories would never be possible without my English teachers. Without them, I never would have learned how to write stories. Heck, I won't even know how to speak English.

last edited on Nov 11, 2011 at 10:14PM

The Fanfic 31 replies

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over a year ago partypony said…
Be nice, people. I know this isn't very funny, but I haven't written in a long time, I'm out of practice, I'm typing on an iPad, and I think I've lost touch with my sense of humor.


Title: Is It Me Or Does This Look Familiar?

-Leo's PoV-
I stared at it. "Oh my gods, this is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."
Nyssa punched my arm. "Shut up and eat. We still have to finish fixing that bathroom leak at Argo II"
I scowled at her. "But this is a work of art! A piece worthy of the Louvre!"
"I'm surprised you even know what the Louvre is," Harley snickered.
"Hey! I'm educated, you know! That is why I can appreciate this masterpiece."
"Leo," Nyssa said, "it's a burrito."
"An awesome burrito! Plus, it was given to me by Holly. It doesn't get better than that."
Harley snorted. "You don't stand a chance with a dryad."
"A man can dream. Not that you'd know."
Harley narrowed his eyes at me. "Is that a challenge?"
Nyssa's eyes widened. "Guys..."
I grinned mischievously. "Why, yes, Harley, it is!"
Time slowed down.
I threw my burrito at Harley. It spun, around and around, like a hypnotic pinwheel. Harley ducked, and the burrito slammed into the back of Clarisse's head.
The whole of Hephaestus's cabin gasped. The other campers turned to watch.
Clarisse was still. I couldn't see her expression. The Ares kids looked like they just saw a monkey in a drag. Doing the kankan.
Then Clarisse's was shaking. With surprising speed, she stood up, spun, and threw her burrito at me.
I ducked, watched the burrito sail past my head and into the pristine-white shirt of Drew.
Drew looked down at her shirt in shock. "W-w-what... WHAT THE HADES!"
Clarisse snickered. "Wasn't aiming at you, but it's better this way."
Drew drew in a breath [Yes, haha, no pun intended]. She snatched Lacy's burrito and aimed it at Clarisse's. This is not gonna end well.
But Clarisse wasn't one of the best warriors in camp for nothing. She dodged the burrito, lightning-quick, and it hit Connor Stoll's face, point-blank, with so much force that the burrito exploded into chunks of beef, cheese, and wrap.
Connor and Travis stood up, and they yelled the inevitable yell. "BURRITO FIGHT!" They grabbed their siblings' burritos and showered everyone with beef, cheese, and wrap, still warm.
Chaos ensued.
Malcolm threw his Guacamole Grande at me. For a son of Athena, he had really bad aim. The flying projectile hit Nyssa's brand-new camp shirt she got yesterday.
Her eye screamed MURDER! She threw a bowl of nacho chips at Malcolm, hitting Jason instead.
Jason whirled and threw a bowl of salsa at me.
"Man!" I cried, wiping the red globs off my face. "It was Nyssa!"
"TRAITOR!" She pushed my head into a bowl of sour cream. The stench overwhelmed my senses.
"For the love of Hephaestus!" I felt the table, grabbed a plate of something, and launched it blindly through the air.
Just my luck, it hit Holly the dryad.
Holly screamed, yelled something incoherent, and threw a burrito at me.
My mouth got the brunt of the attack. I bit down and savored the flavors of the burrito. "Wow, this is awesome!"
Chiron stomped his hooves. "Stop this instant!" He promptly got hit by an uncontrolled bowl of salsa.
Clarisse grabbed my collar and hauled me up. "This is for the burrito, Steve."
I managed to say, "I'm not Steve," before I got thrown into the middle of the burrito fight.
Immediately, all my sides were covered in food.
I picked a nacho from my hair and dipped it in some salsa in my arm.
Should I?
I should.
I popped it in my mouth, just as Will Solace's burrito came slamming into my stomach. Lemme tell you, that burrito knocked the air out of me. Damn son of Apollo.
While I was trying to get my breath back, Jason ran up to me and hissed, "Where's Piper?"
I drew in some air. "If you think I'm helping you stop this, you're crazier than Dionysus's followers!"
Jason sighed and disappeared through a haze of salsa.
I stood up and randomly threw all the food off the Hephaestus table.
A bowl of nachos covered in cheese hit Miranda Gardner's back, a pitcher of juice drenched Thomas Gamma's jeans, and a particularly hard piece of bread smacked into Vivian Caraway's forehead. She went cross-eyed, and fainted to the ground. Oops.
I went over and looked at her unconscious face. There was a piece of pita bread stuck inside one of her nostrils. I wonder how it got there?
I dragged her behind Hecate's table and scanned the crowd.
Total destruction. Food flying everyone. Demigods close to battle-mode. Chiron breaking apart a fight between two campers who were using toothpicks to kill each other.
It was beautiful.
I saw a flash of black in the corner of my eye. Piper.
Before I could stop her, Piper stood up on the Aphrodite table, covered in food, and charmspoke.
Piper's shout echoed through the Mess. Her charmspeak-voice made everyone stop and look at her.
Piper flicked a piece of nacho off her shoulder. "Do you have any idea how many times I have to wash this to clean my shirt?"
I stifled a laugh. "Wow, Beauty Queen, you sounded just like an Aphrodite kid."
She pulled Katropis out of her sheathe and charged at me.
I closed my eyes and prayed to Hephaestus. Dad, we may have our differences, but please don't let Piper gut me like a fish.
Thanks gods, Hephaestus must have been listening. Jason pulled Piper back and spoke calming words in her ears.
I resisted the urge to sing the K-I-S-S-I-N-G song.
"What the...!"
I turned.
Annabeth and Grover, back from trying to contact Percy with his empathy link - or something like that - looked around the ruined tables.
"Is it me," Grover said, "or does this look familiar?"

1) Does anyone know what Grover was talking about? (Everyone knows, of course. We're all PJO freaks, after all)
2) Did anyone get the "Steve" thing that Clarisse said?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago athena305 said…
Yay! You're writing again! And I do this kind of thing a lot, writing totally random scenes and not doing anything with them.

1. The Titan's Curse, the skeletons are after them and they have guns and Grover starts a burrito fight in the cafeteria and in the end the fighting is so thick that the skeletons can't take aim, let alone catch them. It was wonderful. Sigh.

I'm blanking on two...
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
This is a very good story. And funny :D
Best of Lucky!
over a year ago wierdo2 said…
over a year ago venus143 said…
big smile
^^^ whats wrong with jason and piper and ur writting again awsome love the chapters their funny and amazing can;t whait untill the next one and this was a great idea:)
over a year ago partypony said…

Title: Half-Bloods and Amazons
Summary: Reyna and Hylla's journey; from Circe's spa, to the Amazon's office, to Camp Jupiter. A three-shot

Reyna's PoV

"Aahh!" Hylla burst through the doors, her normally-perfect hair in a disarray. "Reyna, go!"
"What?" I stared at her.
My sister rubbed her forehead, like she had a migrant coming on. "You know those two kids?"
"Um..." I tried to remember their names. "Perry and... Anna-something...?"
"Percy and Annabeth. Them. They released the pirates."
I jumped out of the armchair. "Circe!"
Hylla gave me a small dagger. "Protect yourself."
Together, we ran out of our rooms. I saw some of the other staff trying to put out fires that spontaneously appeared in the building.
The waiting room was in total shambles. One wall was completely destroyed, the sofas overturned, the potted plants stomped in the ground.
"Circe is not gonna like this," I muttered.
Suddenly, Hylla tackled me to the ground.
"What in Circe's name was that about?" I groaned, rubbing my eyes.
Hylla didn't answer.
My eyes shot open. In front of me, Hylla was fighting two pirates with her knife. She was clearly out of her depth. I struggled up, but another pirate jumped and flattened me to the ground.
These people really need a diet.
"Try to fight us, lassie?" the pirate growled. His breath stank of century-old meat and, for some reason, celery.
I squirmed, trying to roll over. The pirate laughed. "Oi! Are you two finished or what?"
I looked up just in time to see Hylla knee a pirate where it hurts.
That has gotta hurt.
The pirate howled and sank to the ground.
"Hylla!" I screamed.
The remaining man snuck up behind Hylla and slammed the pommel of his sword behind Hylla's head. My sister's eyes rolled back, then crumpled to the floor.
I howled like a wolf. I thrashed, but the pirate was strong, and he held me firmly underneath him.
"Gimme one of yer swords," he grunted. "This one's squirmy."
I saw one of the pirates grin at me, his yellow-and-black teeth in full view.
My last thought before I blacked out was, Damn it, I swear Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase will pay for this.
"Wake up, Reyna."
I groaned. My head felt like someone dug a hole in it, and left the drill stuck inside.
"I'm awake, I'm awake! Stop shaking me..." I sat up.
Hylla and I were inside a small room. A small lantern swung back and forth from a hook, basking us in an eerie light. Aside from that, there was nothing else but a few pieces of timber and rags.
Hylla smoothed my hair. "We got captured."
"The pirates?"
She nodded.
I rubbed the back of my head. I felt something sticky.
"Yeah," Hylla winced. "They hit you quite hard."
"Ow," I muttered. "You?"
She shook her head. "I'm fine."
I picked at my skirt. It was frayed and smelled of tobacco. "Are any of the other staff here?"
She hesitated. "As far as I know, we were the only ones they captured. The others... Made a last stand with Circe..."
I digested that information. "Is Circe..."
"I overheard that they left her tied up in the island. Didn't want a sorceress aboard the ship."
"I don't suppose Circe will come and rescue us?"
I sighed. I stood up and walked the perimeter of the room, Hylla watching me. I knocked on the wall, looking for a weakness. It didn't take me long to find one. One board seemed a bit flimsy. When I pushed at it hard, it fell down with a thump!
I winced.
I peeked out, looking for pirates. None.
I picked up the board and carefully fitted it back on the space. "Well, at least we have a means of escape from this room."
"Which is of no use since we are out in the sea," Hylla pointed out.
Hylla stood up and paced back and forth. "If we are going to get out of here, we need to either wait until they find land, or go up and steal one of the small boats."
"We can't wait until they land." I shuddered. "Who knows what they might do to us 'till then?"
Hylla pursed her lips. "The boats are normally put up in the deck, in case something happens, for a quick getaway. We can assume that there will be at least one pirate in the deck at all times. After all, someone needs to steer the wheel. But the good news is that he will most likely only look one way, out in the sea. It will be easy to bypass him. But if there are any other men walking around..."
I nodded. "We need to know their routines."
"We also need to know what time of the day it is. We should get out of here at night, under the cover of darkness and the least chance that there will be extra pirates milling around."
Not waiting for her permission, I took out the loose board and slipped out of the room. I heard my sister hiss my name, but I ignored it. I sneaked down the hall, trying to make as little noise as possible. I heard footsteps.
My heart thudding, I looked around for a dark nook. At the end of the hall, there was a broom closet.
I ran quietly, looking back if the man is in sight. I saw the shadow looming around the corner.
I quietly opened the door.
I froze. I felt sweat running down my neck.
"'enry! Thought ya were with Blackbeard!"
"Narr, 'e jus wanted me opinion on that new sword of his."
I slipped in and closed the door.
One of the men laughed at some joke Henry said.
"Yarr, that he is. 'Ere. Give this to the prisoners. Them lassies'll be crying out fer water by now."
"What am I, yer slave?"
"Imma tell Blackbeard ye disobey his orders."
I heard Henry grumbling, then his voice faded.
Footsteps came nearer.
I tried not to let him hear my heartbeat.
"... Har, har. So stupid," the pirate muttered. He sounded like he was just on the other side.
I held my breath.
I heard a voice from the deck shout something.
"Keep yer nouth shut, Eddie, I'm gettin' it!"
The pirate flung open the door.
I smiled back at his shocked face. "Hi."
I heard another pirate curse as he finds Hylla all alone in the room.
Time to go.
Not edited yet, so there might be a few minor mistakes.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wierdo2 said…
over a year ago Asmadasahater said…
Yaaa, your posting again.
Loved it by the way. The whole steve thing, hahahaha.
Amazing. It completely rocked. And thanks for following the rules.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
you have not lost your touch of humor AT ALL! i was laughing so hard! please keep posting!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago luvseaweedbrain said…
:D !!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!
over a year ago venus143 said…
big smile
great loved it you havn't lost your touch at all ur an amazing writter laters;)
over a year ago luvseaweedbrain said…
are you coming back? *sniffles*
over a year ago neptune3 said…
I enjoy food and party pony's writing👌😃
over a year ago wierdo2 said…
^ mee too!
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
These shirt stories are awesome !!!!! I love em :DDDD
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
That shirt is supposed to be short
over a year ago partypony said…

Title: Half-Bloods and Amazons
Summary: Reyna and Hylla's journey; from Circe's spa, to the Amazons' office, to Camp Jupiter. Part 2 of a three-shot.

Reyna's PoV

"Ha!" I kneed the pirate where it hurts and, as he doubled over, grabbed the sword from his sheathe. I adjusted my grip and attacked.
The pirate jumped back from my first swipe, but my second one caught him in the arm, drawing blood. He growled, and tried to tackle me. I sidestepped and swung the flat of the blade on his face. His nose broke with a satisfying crunch!
I ran away from him, yelling for my sister. I rounded a corner, and saw Hylla knocking out the pirate Henry using the loose piece of wood. She looked at me, relieved. "Up. To the boats."
Together, we sprinted through the corridors, looking for the stairway that would take us to the deck. [AN: Hey, I'm not very good with the parts of the ship: I never wanted to be a pirate. So forgive me if I get some names wrong.] After a minute, we saw a staircase. But descending down was another pirate. Blackbeard.
We had a stare off for a second, then Blackbeard growled, "What're ye doin' 'ere?!"
"Escaping," I said innocently, then proceeded to head-butt him in the gut. Fortunately, Blackbeard didn't work out, therefore he had a massive gut, which cushioned my head quite well. It felt like hitting Jell-O. Blackbeard stumbled back, obviously surprised by the force of my head. He cursed, and drew his sword. I felt like doing a face palm. I should've stole it from him when I was closer...
As I was recovering, Hylla swung her board and hit Blackbeard on the cheek. He spat, then slashed at Hylla. Blood burst from the wound, and Hylla clutched her side.
I yelled, then kicked Blackbeard from behind his knees. He fell. I took the opportunity to grab him into a full-Nelson.
He grunted. "Tough one, are ye?"
"You already knew that." I reached for his sword, but it was nowhere to be seen.
A flash of silver.
I broke the hold and rolled away just in time. Blackbeard's sword struck the wooden floor. He stood up, swinging the weapon back and forth."Ha! Not so-" He stopped. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, and fell face-first.
Hylla stood there with a strained grin, obviously still in pain, clutching her piece of wood loosely. "Let's go before more pirates come."
"Are you ok?" I asked, concerned that she might faint.
She snorted. "We are daughters of Bellona, sister. This is nothing." With that, she strode to the stairs, climbing up with almost no difficulty.
I followed.
On the deck, pirates were milking around casually, oblivious to the events that just happened below deck.
"Oi, gimme some mead!" A pirate turned to refill a mug, and saw my sister and I hiding in the shadows. His eyes widened, and dropped the mug. It shattered, a foreign sound among the boisterous laughter of pirates. "Prisoners!"
Every single head turned to the pirate, then to where he was pointing.
By then, Hylla and I were already halfway to the boats.
A pirate got in the way, smirking and brandishing his sword.
Hylla snarled.
The pirate quailed.
I punched.
The sword fell from his grip as he held his nose. I noticed that I had a knack of breaking people's noses. I picked up the fallen weapon and faced the oncoming pirates. "Hylla, you untie one of the boats. I'll hold them off."
"No, I'm elder. More skilled. I hold them off."
I was about to object, then changed my mind. She had a bloodthirsty look on her face. She always wore that expression when we were about to be decimated into tiny pieces, and she was prepared to not let that happen.
I turned to the boats. One of them seemed to be sturdier than the others. I cut the ropes securing it to the ship. Then I started to haul it to the side.
I paused and looked at the fight. Hylla was holding off four pirates at once. Her back was to me, so as to not let anyone slip in behind her defense.
I prayed to Bellona, then continued hauling.
Finally, I reached the side. I recognized the plank where pirates make prisoners walk off the ship. I hoped that there weren't any sharks below. I pushed the boat forward to the plank, and watched at it fell, then settled into the water, thankfully upright. And undamaged.
I called to my sister. She looked back for a second.
One of the pirates used the opportunity to disarm her. She jumped back and raised her fists.
"Come on!" I screamed. "Leave them!"
She ran to me. She stumbled.
I stared in horror as a bloody blade protruded from her stomach.
A red haze filled my vision. Rage consumed the remaining feeling I have left. I picked up a sword, yelled a raw-throated war cry, and charged at the pirates.
I don't actually remember the fight. It was like I was in a fighting rage, just hacking and smashing and basically destroying everything that dared fight me, a daughter of the war goddess. I saw the pirate that had stuck the blade into my sister. I didn't think. I just lopped off his head.
A fine mist of blood surrounded me as I fought. Soon, the pirates were either knocked out or dead.
I panted. I lowered the bloody sword in my hands and stared at the havoc I had caused. The bodies were just lying there, so... still...
I looked down at myself. Not a single scratch. I noticed a faint red glow emitting from my skin, then it vanished.
Hylla groaned, which jolted me out of my stupor. I ran to her side. I examined her wound. It was deep, so deep that I could see the floor on the other side.
I tried not to barf.
"Reyna..." Hylla grabbed my hand.
"No," I said fiercely. "It's not over."
Hylla murmured, "Stubborn as always... Do you really think I will... Survive this wound?"
"You have to," I whispered.
Oh Bellona, goddess of war. I know we have rejected you, tried to live our life without violence. But... My sister, your daughter, is dying. If you save her, I swear I will fight for my siblings, live as one of your child should. Please...
Nothing happened. Tears threatened to fall.
Hylla's grip lessened.
A tear dropped. It landed on the wound.
Then the strangest thing happened.
The tear, the small insignificant salty water, stared to glow. The light encompassed the wound. I stared in wonder as Hylla's damaged organs healed itself. Then the muscles started to knit itself back to where it was before. New skin grew, until the once-fatal wound faded into nothing more than flawless skin.
Hylla sat up. She looked down and poked at her stomach. A laugh escaped out of her.
I sighed in relief. I saw one of the soldiers stir.
"C'mon. let's get out of here."
As we literally walked the plank, I sent a silent thanks to Bellona. We landed on the boat, and we rowed away. A pirate yelled at us, but he didn't seem inclined to chase after us. The crew was in no shape to capture us.
We rowed. Rowed. Rowed.
Row, row, row your boat, gently up the stream... Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream...
The lyrics came to me as we rowed.
Rowing. The most boring task anyone can do. I don't understand why some people enjoy it.
We rested. Hylla found a small chest of provisions. Dried meat and fruit, waterskins, blankets, and a pistol.
We ate.
Hours passed.
Everything was routine. Row. Rest. Eat. Row.
We can't even rest properly. Every time we tried to sleep, the sun got in our eyes, no matter which way we turned. As a result, we were cranky and depressed.
I closed my eyes. Ok, Bellona. I promised you that I will live like a true child of the war goddess if you save Hylla. But I can't live like that if we're stuck in whichever sea this is. I know I keep asking your help, but I really have no choice... We have no idea where we are. So please, guide us...
Time was hard to measure. We couldn't tell the time using the sun, for it always seemed to be there. We can't even navigate by it.
At one point, this instinct told me that we should head west... Or at least, west from my perspective.
"Hylla," I said, "can we go left?"
Hylla looked at the sun, then her shouldered slumped. "I don't see why not."
She was discouraged. I pursed my lips, but didn't say anything.
We rowed.
I saw something floating in the sea. Something dark, and oval...
I rowed toward it. I stared at the object in confusion. How in Tartarus did this get here?
I fished it out of the water.
Hylla looked at me, then at the item I was holding. She blinked. "Reyna. Where did you get a Dr. Pepper?"
"It was floating there."
I took a sip. It was warm, but still good. It was better tasting than our stale water. I passed it to Hylla.
Soon, we came upon what looked like a shipwreck site. Pieces of metal, furniture, and clothing floated on the water. A backpack drifted by.
"I wondered what happened here," I said.
"Lord Neptune probably got angry," said Hylla.
We rowed.
After a long time, Hylla gasped. "Reyna!" She pointed at the sun.
I looked up, not sure what she was saying. Then I realized.
We could navigate by sun. [AN: if you're wondering about Charybdis, the monster only picks on people going in, not out. At least, in this version.]
We headed west.
It took days to finally catch sight of land. By that time, our supplies were dangerously low. Only two strips of dried meat were left, and almost no water. The Dr. Pepper was long gone.
Buildings rose out of the land. People were milling around, too busy to take notice as we docked on the pier.
I read a sign that said, "Neah Bay."
We travelled on land. It was more eventful than out at sea.
We walked, hitchhiked, snuck onto buses. We survived by snatching pieces of food from restaurants and bakeries.
It took us a couple of days, but we reached Seattle, where Hylla knew for a fact that the Amazons' headquarters was stationed. She read it from one of Circe's modern books.
We hoped that the Amazons would take us in, possibly invite us into their order. After all, we were daughters of the war goddess. Besides, we had nowhere to go.
But first, we have to find the Amazons.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago myth-freak214 said…
over a year ago wierdo2 said…
Nice Job P.P!!(looking back on it that might not be a great nickname)Oh Well, Great Job!!
over a year ago partypony said…
Reread the chapter again. It wasn't finished before, I had to leave before I finished typing. So now, the chapter is finished.
over a year ago venus143 said…
that was a great short and the way reyna battled epic love it i hope you post soon:)
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
I like it but I liked the burrito fight better!!!
over a year ago partypony said…
By the way, guys, I'm accepting ideas. Sooner or later, I'm gonna run out of idea for which to write. Actually, I can't think of any right now...
By the way, my American geography isn't the best in the world, so forgive any mistakes I make, and kindly point them out. I won't throw peanuts at you, I swear.


Title: Half-Bloods and Amazons
Summary: Reyna and Hylla's journey; from Circe's Spa, to the Amazon's office, to Camp Jupiter. Part 3 of a three-shot

Reyna's PoV

Hylla stopped in front of a building. "Here?"
I checked the mapvwe got from the Internet cafe. Thank gods for Google Images. "I think so, yeah."
"You said that last time," she grumbled.
"I have dyslexia," I said defensively. "I didn't know it was a strip club."
"Whatever. This better be right." Hylla pouched through the doors, and I followed.
There was a girl in the information desk. "Hello, may I help you?" she asked lazily.
"Yes," Hylla growled. "Where's your Queen?"
The girl blinked. "I'm sorry?"
"The Queen of the Amazons."
The girl's eyes narrowed. "And you are?"
Hylla stood up straight. "I am Hylla, and this is Reyna. We are daughters of Bellona."
The girl smiled. "The war goddess. Welcome, daughters of Bellona. Are you here to join the Amazons."
"Yep," I piped.
The girl nodded, then typed something in the computer. "An Amazon will take you to the Queen shortly."
Literally one second later, a tall woman strode out of a nondescript door and beckoned at us. "Come."
We followed the tall woman into a long hall, then emerged into a chamber. It was filled with everything you can possibly imagine. I guess these were the Amazon's products. I saw a few of their merchandise: a perfume called Wonderstruck, a stainless steel pan, a book called The Son of Neptune -
"In here," the tall woman said gruffly. "The Queen is waiting for you. You will address her as Queen Delaria [AN: I didn't know the name of the Queen before Hylla, so I just made one up.]."
Hylla and I walked into the room. It was spacious, and there was a throne in the middle. Sitting on it was a stocky woman with intelligent eyes. Beside her was a girl.
I stared at the ground, my stomach churning.
Hylla and I bowed. "Queen Delaria."
Delaria nodded. "Stand tall, please. I don't really care about formalities right now." She seemed distracted.
I stood up and caught the eye of the girl. She smiled. "I'm Kinzie."
"We are Hylla and Reyna," Hylla said. "And we want to join the Amazons."
I shifted uneasily.
"Yes, yes," Delaria murmured. Her head snapped up as a blonde woman with braids ran into the room. "How is he?"
"He's fine, just woke up, in fact." The blonde had a Texan accent. "He's asking for you."
Delaria chewed her lower lip. She glanced at us. "Stay here. Kinzie, would you mind explaining to them as to what our goals are?" Without waiting for an answer, she strode to the open doorway and disappeared with the blonde.
An awkward silence.
Then Kinzie said, "Sorry about that. We just had a visitor from Camp Jupiter."
"Visitor?" Hylla asked.
"Camp Jupiter?" I asked.
Kinzie said, "Yeah. Jason Grace, the only son of Jupiter. He was sent here by Lord Jupiter to recover after a fight with some sea monster."
"I thought you didn't like boys?" I questioned.
Kinzie smiled. "You're thinking of the Hunters. Us Amazons like boys, but we think that women are better."
"Anyway, Jason did an amazing thing, and if there's one thing us Amazons admire, it's feats of bravery. We are, after all, warriors." She pursed her lips. "I'm supposed to be telling you our goals."
While Kinzie talked about how the Amazons were so much greater that guys, women are going to take over the world, et cetera, I was thinking of another thing.
What is Camp Jupiter?
Just then, a boy with blond hair and blue eyes charged into the room, followed by a furious-looking Delaria and a wide-eyed Amazon.
"How dare you?!" Delaria bellowed.
The blond kid, who wasn't any older than twelve, faced the Queen of the Amazons. "It had to be done."
The boy sighed. "I had to. Jupiter commands it."
Delaria simmered. She looked like she was ready to strangle the kid.
Kinzie stepped up. "What's the problem?"
Delaria said, "This brat killed the egg!"
Kinzie glared at the boy. The boy sighed again. "I killed that sea monster for a reason -"
"For glory and honor?" Delaria snorted.
"-and there's no way I'm letting it's egg hatch and have a whole 'nother sea monster on the loose."
"Jason Grace, do you have any idea how many lives were sacrificed to retrieve it?" Delaria screeched.
Jason cocked his head. "No, and I don't want to know, since I suspect it would make me feel guilty."
Delaria took a deep breath. "You say that Lord Jupiter commanded it?"
"Then... Then I guess it's justified. But," she raised a finger, "I will be sending the bill to your father."
"Fair enough."
For the first time, Jason looked at me and my sister. "Who're they?"
"New recruits," Delaria said quickly. "Now get out."
Jason studied us. "Who are your parents?"
I said, "Bellona."
"The war goddess, huh?" He paused. "You know, there's another option besides joining the Amazons."
Hylla's eyes narrowed. "What do you -"
"Camp Jupiter. It's a camp for demigods and legacies." He glanced at Delaria. "We're always looking for new recruits, to make Rome stronger. As children of the war goddess, I think you two will be respected. Maybe you'll even get invited to the First Cohort."
Hylla snorted. "Thanks, but no thanks. We'd rather be Amazons. Isn't that right, Reyna?" She looked at me.
I hesitated. The Amazons seems nice, but...
I just don't agree with their views. The Amazons think that they're much better than guys, but I believe that both genders are equal. That totally went against what Circe told me, but that had always been my mindset.
Plus, there was something about this Jason kid... Something that draws me to him...
Hylla glared. "Well?"
I looked at Jason. "This Camp Jupiter... What do you do?"
Hylla gasped. "Reyna -!"
"We do all sorts of things," Jason said. "But mainly, we do all we can to preserve the glory of Rome. It's where most demigods go to when their time comes."
"Hylla..." I turned to my sister. "Will you-"
"No." She glared at Jason. "I will not let you go running off with a boy who killed an egg."
"A sea-monster egg," he corrected.
"Hylla," I said, "please... It's my choice. Ever since we got here, I've always felt that I'm not supposed to be here. I don't fit in. I don't believe in the Amazon's goals." I looked at Jason hopefully. "Will you ake me to Camp Jupiter?"
He grinned "Sure." Then his grin widened. "Gwen's gonna be so pissed off that I managed to recruit a child of war before her."
I smiled.
Hylla grabbed my shoulder. "Sister-"
"It's ok, Hylla." I shrugged off her hand. "It's time to part. You're the best sister ever, but... our destinies are in different places. Goodbye."
I nodded to Jason. "Let's go."
I hugged Hylla. "Keep in touch."
Before she could say another thing, I grabbed Jason's arm and dragged him out of the room.
"Went on a quest, defeated a sea monster, pissed off the Queen of the Amazons, and recruited the war goddess's child," Jason mused. "Best quest ever."
I rolled my eyes. "Cmon, take me to Camp."
This is sort of the end, but I might go back and change stuff a bit. I'm in a hurry so it's not as well-written.
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
Awesome !!!! Awesome chappie:DDDDDDD
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
There so awesome! I love them!! Post when ever you can! Good luck!
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
You Haven't posted in forever!!
over a year ago partypony said…
Sorry guys... I took the Vow of Silence (that means no form of communication whatsoever) and now I'm ready. I really need ideas though.


Title: The Vow of Silence
Summary: Ever wonder what would happen if Percy Jackson, ADHD-diagnosed son of Posiedon, took the Vow of Silence?

Percy's PoV

Rachel poked me. "Are you even listening?"
"No," I muttered. I fiddled with a piece of string. Rachel and I were in Math class, and Mr. Garrett just won't shut up. He was lecturing us -something about how we don't give him enough respect- but even then, his voice is just making me want to sleep.
That went on for the rest of the class.
Finally (finally!) the bell rang. Te students hurried out of the class, me in the lead.
Rachel caught up with me. "So, are you doing the Vow?"
"The what?" I was instantly on guard.
Rachel rolled her eyes. "Haven't you read the posters?" She seemed to realize what she said. "Oh."
"Oh," I agreed.
"Well anyway, you can sort of read it if you concentrated really hard and read backwards, right?"
"Rachel, what in Zeus's name are you talking about?"
"The Vow of Silence. That means no form of communication, at all for the next 24 hours. It's on November 30th. Tomorrow."
I blinked at her. "No communication? Who made that up?"
"It's by Free The Children. They also participate in Me to We day, you know?"
"Never heard of it."
"It takes place in Canada, I've never been to a Me To We day concert before... There are some famous people who support and perform in it, like Justin Beiber, Hedley, The Jonas Brothers... Anyway... They do the Vow of Silence every year, to stand up for the children around the world whose rights are being abused, those who don't have a voice. We stand up for them, and join them in their silence. A lot of cities are participating, actually. Vancouver, London, California..."
"So basically, it's like a raising-awareness campaign?"
"So... If they want to stand up for those kids, why can't they just, like, go to Africa and, I don't know, help them?"
"They are helping them!" Rachel protested. "We raise money, raise awareness, and all the money goes to their benefit."
"Well, that's great and all, but I don't think I can shut up for 24 hours."
"Cmon," Rachel persisted, "I'm doing it too. It'll be fun! Most people can't truly keep their vows, you know. They always break after several hours. It's gonna be fun to see who breaks first."
"I don't think shutting up is fun..."
"Of course," Rachel murmured. "Figures. You don't care about the children."
"What? No, I mean -"
"You're heartless, you know?" With that, she stomped away.
"Rachel!" I called. She turned and glared. I closed my eyes. I was already regretting the next words that would come out of my mouth. "Fine... I'll take the Vow."
She glared some more. "You better not break it."
"I won't." I promised.
She turned and walked away, but not before I saw the smile curving her lips.
Damn it, I thought. I fell for that.
Rachel and I were in the middle of a line for tapes and signs.
It was quiet. No one was talking. The people manning the tables had tapes over their mouths and signs hanging from their necks. I couldn't read the signs though.
Hannah Frieda, a senior student who was apparently on her way to being valedictorian, handed me some duct tape on a piece of wax paper and a small sign to hang in my neck. I looked at Rachel. She had tape across her mouth. I tore off the tape and stuck it the same way.
I really want to open my mouth and yell at her fir making me do this, but I can't. I can't ever break a promise, and this one is for all the children suffering in the world from abuse.
Gods, I think Rachel is getting to me.
We made our way to English class. I swear, the subject was invented by monsters in teacher-disguises to torture dyslexic demigods.
Mrs. Quintet was taking attendance. "If I don't hear your name, I'll just look up."
Half and hour later, Mrs. Quintet was asking us to find out some of the themes of a story we just read -in my case, stared at.
"You better think up quick, you'll be saying them in front of the class."
My heart sped up, and I would've groaned if it wasn't for the tape in my mouth. As it was, I emitted a strange muffled noise. Rachel looked at me weirdly.
Mike Roberts, was wide eyed. He was Mrs. Quintet's star student.
I almost laughed.
He can't speak.
Mrs. Quintet offered a small smile. "Its all right, I know you can't speak, what with the tape and all..."
I sighed in my head. Looks like this vow wasn't as useless as I thought.
All throughout the day, I couldn't speak. I was tempted to quite a few times, especially when Tyler Vann, jerk extraordinaire, kept making snide remarks about the silenced people.
I wanted to strangle him though.
At home, Mom and Paul tried not to make me talk. They knew what I was doing.
Of course, it got irritating and I went out for a walk.
As I walked down the street, I'm pretty sure the people were thinking, Why the hell does that kid have tape in his mouth?
I sighed mentally. I seem to be doing that a lot.
I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Something familiar. Something blonde.
I saw Annabeth in her school uniform, holding a bunch of books in her arms, striding towards the library two blocks away.
She had tape in her mouth.
Of course I couldn't call put to her. And even if I were with her, I wouldn't be able to talk to her.
Yeah... I don't really care...
I pushed my way through the crowd, trying to keep the blonde head in my sight.
After much pushing, shoving, and almost-cursing, i reached her side. I tapped her shoulder, and she jumped, dropping her books. I had barely managed to dodge the knife.
Annabeth's eyes widened. Then she looked at the tape. Her eyes widened even more. I saw her smile underneath the tape.
She pointed at the library, looking at me questionably.
I hesitated, then shrugged. She's not gonna talk about structures, so might as well enjoy her silent company.
She picked up her books, and I took some of it.
Walking uphill with books is no easy task, I can tell you that.
She was ahead of me, and even she was struggling with her load. I wanted to help, but I'm already having trouble with my own.
A huge hand snatched my shirt and dragged me into a dark alley.
The books tumbled out of my hands.
I stumbled to my knees, then looked up.
There, the Minotaur, in all his underwear glory.
It was disturbing, really, up close.
I reached for my pocket. I couldn't call for Annabeth. I know, it's stupid, but I took the Vow and I'm taking it seriously. With all the experience I have with promises and oaths and the things I did to fulfill them, I'm not about to break this one just because some stupid monster decided to wake up beef-boy and torment me without even clothes on.
I took out Riptide and charged.
The Minotaur roared, then slapped away my sword.
He's stronger than when I last saw him...
I stepped back, fully aware that his horns were sharper than ever and seemed to be baying for blood.
I saw a blonde blur run past me and strike at the monster.
I dove for my sword as she distracted it. I heard a muffled cry, and saw Annabeth get slapped in her cheek. The Minotaur -I can't believe he did this- snapped his fingers and moved his head side to side. I imagined him saying, What do you say to that, b*tch?
Annabeth was staring at the Minotaur in bewilderment, like she couldn't believe what she saw too.
The Minotaur seemed to realize what it did, then lowered his head and charged at me.
I dove sideways, one of his horns grazing my side. It wasn't major, but it still hurt.
I swung my sword downwards and cut off one of his horns. He didn't like that very much. He bellowed and charged at me again, his arms outstretched.
Ah, good times, good times...
I jumped, spun in the air, and landed on his back. He shrieked, and started to shake his head. I got a good grip on his horn, then snapped it right off. The Minotaur gave an ear-piercing howl, then shook with renewed vigor.
I dropped to the ground.
The Minotaur ran at me with frightening speed.
Annabeth ripped the tape from her mouth and yelled out my name.
I stepped up, and stabbed it with it's own horn. It disintegrated.
Can anyone say deja vu?
I looked at Annabeth.
I couldn't help it.
I ripped away the tape and said, "You broke the Vow."
Annabeth glared daggers at me.
But I didn't care,
For once, I did better than her.

Next year, you guys should take the Vow of Silence. It's just an awareness campaign, you don't have to fundraise, but you can if you want to. For more info, go to the Free The Children website.
I took the vow, and I can honestly say that I did it without breaking it. My strategy: I kept my tape on at school, only taking it off to eat or drink, and at home, I locked myself up in my room.

Give me ideas, people! I know that wasn't a good story.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
ThT was cool I'll do the vow next year btw
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
over a year ago myth-freak214 said…