The Fanfic Natures Cure a PJO/HoO fanfic

pink-bookworm posted on Nov 22, 2011 at 07:23AM
title: Natures Cure a PJO/HoO fanfic by kronos429 and pink-bookworm
gengre: adventure, sad, exciting (not to sure what else to do)

rating: T just to be safe

synopsis: Katie Gardner becomes ill and will not survive if they don't find a certain flower that lies in australia. Travis is issued the quest to save her and picks Percy and piper (sorry I'm not to sure yet) to go with him. So Percy, Travis and mystery girl set out to find this flower and meet someone on the way there. Can they succeed in finding the flower or will they fail and let Katie die, Read and find out.

characters : piper McLean, Percy Jackson, Travis Stoll, Katie Gradner, Chiron and Shailee (yes that's me if your wondering)

a/n: Sorry for the delay for the next chapter but it will be up eventually and thank you to those who are waiting patiently.

links to some of our work

Pink bookworm MoA

Kronos429 MoA

I'll post more later.
last edited on Aug 21, 2014 at 06:12AM

The Fanfic 106 replies

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over a year ago Kronos429 said…
hmm you forgot the links :p
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
^true dat
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Btw, did you see the combined forum Hollister and I made? It is called "Heroes of Olympus Talk Show!" and it is on the HOO CLUB!
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Umm yea sorry about that I was leaving for school but I'll post them okay.
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
Yeah Alex, I did ;) It's epic btw
The one you did of Frank was HILARIOUS!
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
post soon :) i agree with nicecatch :)
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Okay I'm going to post today sometime.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Here is the first chapter and Kronos I think I'll have to make it up. Thank you to those that have already commented on the story when we didn't even have any chapters up yet any way here goes nothing.
Chapter 1: Katie pov
Katie was in the strawberry field picking some strawberries with Travis and Connor Stoll although they weren't doing to much work.
All they were doing was throwing strawberries at each other, trust the Stoll brothers to do that.
"Connor, Travis stop wasting perfectly good strawberries".
"What if they were moldy, we were just trying to help".
"Your certainly not doing that".
I shook my head, at least they were trying their best.
"Alright I'm going over to the far end to collect some more and please don't destroy to many".
"Okay we got it".
I made my way over to the back end of the strawberry field and when I made it there I heard a growl.
It must have been my imagination I thought.
There it was again but what was it?
Curiosity taking the better of me, I walked slowly and quietly over to the bush and as I got closer and closer I could hear the growl growing louder and louder and I could tell that it was becoming more agitated and closer.
What I saw was definitely not what I was expecting.
It was huge with a lion like face that was big, round and pure white like the snow.
When I looked down towards its body it was like snake with legs like a lion and the body was the same white color as the head except with the body it looked like the lion-snake had just shed it's scales.
I backed away a but hearing an angry growl that sounded a bit like a warning howl.
The lion-snake lunged at me sinking it's long, sharp fangs into her leg.
I screamed in pain.
My leg was on fire and I felt boiling hot as though I had a fever and I can tell you now it wasn't pleasant.
I crumpled in a heap on the floor holding my leg trying to stop the pain but it wasn't helping at all.
I started seeing stars dance in front of my eyes and heard a voice screaming at me and it sounded awfully like Travis but didn't.
"Katie, Katie!"
That was all I heard before darkness engulfed me.
how was it? Hope you enjoyed the chapter. @kronos429 was that monster I made up okay?, I called it the snion. well gotta go.
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
lol pink, :P that monster reminds me of the Chimera, just saying.
And one other thing, you switched from third person to first person
so which one are we doing?
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
great story :)
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
cool chapter :) post soon guys
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
im sorry i havene't posted yet
had a lot of homework :/
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
its okay take your time :) cant wait till you post though!
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
The good old homework hmm speaking of that I probably should be doing mine.
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
im gonna change the name from snion to scion okay?
over a year ago Kronos429 said…

I laughed as I ducked the strawberries Connor had just thrown. I picked one up off the ground and threw it at him. He ducked out of the way and threw a handful at me. I tried to dodge them, but one splattered onto my arm. I picked one up quickly and threw it into Connor’s laughing face. Needless to say, his laughing abruptly stopped. Meanwhile, I stood there, laughing so hard, tears were streaming down my cheeks.
“Ha!” I yelled. Connor scowled up at me. I prepared to throw some more strawberries when I heard something. I froze in his tracks, and turned toward the sound slowly. I saw Katie doubled up near the bushes, clutching her leg. She screamed again. I looked at Connor worriedly. We both rushed toward Katie as fast as we could. I reached her first, and shook her arm, yelling her name.
Katie’s screams died out abruptly. I looked at the now unconscious Katie. Only now, I saw the deep cut in her leg. I felt dizzy as I looked at the cut. It was a sick, pale shade of green. I tried to haul her up onto my back, but she was too heavy. I looked at Connor, who was staring at Katie in shock.
I bit back a curse. “Don’t just stand there,” I snapped. “Help me get her to Chiron!”
Connor helped me carry her to the big house. My vision was getting fuzzier by the second. With one last effort, I hauled her up onto the porch, and collapsed.

I woke up in a bed. I looked around. Why was I here?
Then I remembered. Katie. I tried to sit up, but a hand urged me down.
“Easy child,” Chiron murmured.
I glared at him indignantly. “Katie-,”
“Shush child,” he said quietly. “There is nothing you can do for her right now.”
I stopped when he said that. “What do you mean?” I asked nervously, fearing the answer.
Chiron sighed. “She was attacked by a scion,” he said, with concern in his voice. “One of the oldest, and most dangerous monsters ever. The last time it was seen was in the first Titan War. It caused a great deal of strife as well as death.”
I gulped. No, I had to help Katie, no matter what.
“Is there a cure?” I asked.
Chiron glanced at me curiously before saying, “The only known cure is a flower.”
“Where is it?” I asked eagerly.
“In Australia.”
My hopes deflated. How the heck was I supposed to find a flower in Australia? How would I get to Australia?
Chiron was watching me closely. “Travis, we could issue a quest. That is, if Rachel gives you a prophecy,” he said hastily, as I perked up.
“Yes,” Chiron said slowly. He looked at me fleetingly and said, “Go consult Rachel, Travis.”
With that, he rose up, and left.
I took a deep breath. I had to go to Rachel. I had to help Katie.
It’s now or never. I stumbled out the door, looking around for the cave that belonged to Rachel Elizabeth Dare.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Awesome chapter Kronos and yea I don't mind it being scion also I won't be able to upload till Friday or Saturday.
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
thats okay
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
oohh awesome chapter! cant wait til you post pink!
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Okay posting today everyone.
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
just to let you know everyone, it's saturday for pink, they're a day ahead of us
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
Yes! We're on popular content!
and my MoA is still 2nd
and somehow my fanpick question for the best metal's name is there o_o
ohh and the talk show is on there
but the combined MoA is off D:
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
What's up with the popular content...?
The Talk Show me & nicecatch didn't even post on the Fanfic, we posted on HoO... weird..
anyways, post soon :)
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Okay here is my chapter hope you enjoy.
Chapter 3: Rachel POV
I was sitting in my cave drawing some pictures.
One showed a creature from the first war, the scion and I had no idea why because it died many years ago along with a few other monsters.
The second one showed a field of strawberries that looked suspiciously like the one at Camp Half-Blood.
The last picture was of a girl bent over pinking strawberries and I could just not place what they meant.
I wondered who on earth would be visiting my cave unless someone was issued a quest but that hadn't happened in a while.
I looked around and saw Travis Stoll standing there.
"Travis Stoll am I correct?"
"Yes you are Rachel".
"what are you here for Travis?"
"well I'm here for a prophecy because Katie Gardener was poisoned by a monster called the scion and I need to go get the flower that is in Australia to cure her".
I went wide eyed, now my pictures made sense it was Katie getting bitten in the strawberry field why didn't I relize this before because it was obvious.
"I see".
Travis smiled.
All the sudden I was consumed by the same thing that usually did when I was giving a prophecy then it came the prophecy.
"You will reach your destination on the third day
or suffer the consequences along the way
The ill one shall die if you fail
to find the cure only nature can hail

I snapped awake and collapsed in the arms of Travis.
"Good or Bad", I mumbled.
"Neither because it doesn't make sense at all".
That was the last word I heard before I fell unconscious.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Okay Kronos if you want you can change the prophecy because it's terrible and wasn't sure if you were planning on doing it or not. Sorry about the short chapter but I was a bit stuck on what to write.
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
hmm i MIGHT change the prophecy, i dunno yet

and hollister, that is beyond weird o_o
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
ohhh hollister
the popular content one IS one this club, the one you didnt even post anything........ fail
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
^ wait what? lol I didn't understand what you said
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
Well anyways, post soon! :)
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
you know, how you had the talk show here before but you moved it
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
OHHH yeah we did
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I've seen it on here to.
over a year ago Kronos429 said…

I collapsed on my bed, ready to sleep. I was exhausted. I had just saved another aquatic animal from death. Only took about 5 hours, involved about 700 monsters and a ticking bomb, no biggie. All in a days work. Just as I started to doze off, the door to my cabin burst open. In the doorway I saw Piper, a little breathless. I sighed, and sat up on my bed. She had helped me defeat Gaea, exactly one year ago. Then I remembered what had happened, and drove the thought from my mind. Jason and Frank had both perished in the Giant War. I noticed my fists clenched, my knuckles white.
No, don’t think about it, I told myself. It’ll only bring back memories best forgotten.
I looked up. Piper stood there, catching her breath. I surveyed her. Ever since Jason had died, she hadn’t been herself. Now, with her clothes tattered and breaking off, she looked terrible.
“Percy,” she gasped out. “Chiron says he needs us at the big house. He says it’s urgent!”
That was enough for me. I swung my legs over my bed and onto the floor. If Chiron thought it was urgent, it was urgent.
I walked quickly with Piper towards the Big House. All thought of rest had evaporated at the prospect that something was happening.
If Rachel had issued a prophecy… no, she hadn’t so much as coughed up green smoke in the past year.
I walked into the Big House. To my surprise, all of the counselors were already there.
Chiron stamped his hoof to get everyone’s attention. Everyone was quiet, evident curiosity etched upon their faces.
“Counselors,” he said, the fire crackling behind him. “This is a matter of utmost importance. Katie Gardner, Daughter of Demeter, has been attacked.”
At this, a lot of shouting broke out.
Chiron held up his hand sternly. “She was attacked a few hours ago, while picking strawberries in the garden. I believe that she has been attacked by a scion.”
Annabeth stood up, wide-eyed. “But-,” she began. I saw Chiron shake his head slightly. Annabeth took notice of this and sat down.
“There were two demigods with her when this occurred, Travis and Connor Stoll.”
Every single head turned silently to where Travis and Connor sat. Travis looked sick and downcast, Connor looked defeated.
“And Travis has been issued a prophecy.”
Everyone was speechless. Rachel hadn’t given a prophecy in a year. I was eager, and frightened, to hear what she said.
Now, all the heads turned toward Rachel, who now stood up.
“The prophecy goes like this,” she said softly, the fire crackling into dead silence.
You will reach your destination on the third day
or suffer the consequences along the way.
The ill one shall die if you fail
To find the cure only nature can hail

I stared at her, trying to make sense of what she had just said.
“Now then,” Chiron said grimly. “As is tradition, Travis shall take two companions with him.”
Travis stood up, surveying the crowd sourly.
He looked in my direction quickly and said, “I want Percy and…”
He thought on it for a minute.
“Piper,” he said, as slowly as he could.
I was struck dumb. Travis went everywhere with Connor. And Connor just sat there, unmoving.
“Very well Travis,” Chiron said. “You shall depart immediately, and may the gods be with you.”
“Where are we going?” I interjected.
Chiron looked at me gravely before answering, “The realm of the unknown, Australia.
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
wooaahhhh he took PIPER with him?! wooaahhhh! and jason & frank died?! wooaaahhhh (not that i care, theyre my one of my least favorite characters)
post soon :)
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Lol. I liked it Kronos and I see you decided to do both.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I'll post Tuesday afternoon AEST.
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
Kk :)
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
sorry i didn't comment earlier lol
But it is awesome
so Percy/Piper pairing, right? lol
but that would be cool....something different....
Post soon pink
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
Percy/Piper is.. weird. Lol
Wouldn't it be Perper? Wait that sounds weird. lol
I hate Piper.
All the girls in this series suck -.- (well, Annabeth's okay...ish)
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
lol, Alex is gonna kill you for that hollister
Piper is sad, D: she has no one left
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
Who cares about Piper -.-
Lol.. And he's gonna kill me for what?
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
I mean I admit it's sad (cuz when I read that Jason died and Piper was sad I was like "awwww...") but I don't like Piper..
Well anyways, post soon
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I don't like Piper either. Okay my chapter will most likely be up later because I only just got back from Luna Park but I wish I stayed there longer cause I didn't go on all the rides.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Piper pov
"Australia did you say Chiron or did I miss read you?"
"I very well said austraila Piper".
Woah Australia, I had visited there with my Dad once but how are we going to get there and how many days have we got?
Questions ran through my head like crazy and I just didn't understand anything but one thing was clear we had to do this quest or Katie will die, another innocent person dying I certainly don't need that especially after Jason.
My thoughts turned to Jason, his last breath really and those words he said to me were etched in my brain from then and still are now and those words were simple but yet took a great toll on me.
I sighed I wish he was hear at this very moment and I wish I could be his girlfriend but oh no he went and died but he died as a hero and I was very grateful as well for he died saving me from dying.
"Alright I suggest you three get packing because you will be leaving very soon".
"Of course Chiron", I replied.
Me Percy and Travis went our separate ways to pack and as I walked back I started to wonder why on earth did Travis pick me?
Maybe he was sick of Connor but he couldn't be they did everything together or maybe it's because he wanted more experienced people to go on the quest so he wouldn't fail?
I entered my cabin looking around.
Nobody else was there except me because all the other kids had gone back to doing their daily routine.
The cabin was very pink and smelt of bubblegum flavored perfume.
There were pink fluffy love seats lined across the back of the cabin.
I went over to my bed where my things were and began to pack.
I shoved some clothes, nectar, ambrosia, some drachmas and mortal money because it could come in handy.
I also put some sunscreen and a hat in and your probably wondering why a demigod has sunscreen well my Dad gave it to me last year with this bag and I forgot about it till just now but it'll come in handy especially since it's summer there and most likely very hot.
I picked my bag up and headed outside where Travis and Percy were waiting for me.
"Geez Piper what took you so long?"
"I was preparing for Australia".
"Huh but you don't need anything else except clothes ambrosia a few prank stuff and drachmas".
"Clearly Travis you didn't know it's Summer there".
"Oh man".
"Not that it matters now".
"Stop arguing and let's get this quest started".
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Sorry if I described the Aphrodite cabin a bit different but it's hard to remember minor details like that when you like read something new basically everyday.
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
Lol cool chapter! Post soon :D
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
i cant post pink, my computer only lets me on for like 5 min at a time
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Okay I'll see if I can write next chapter later.
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
big smile
This story is good! Will it end up being a tratie? I love those...
over a year ago sparkles3 said…