The Fanfic Fighting with Shadows

psalm1003 posted on Apr 21, 2012 at 01:33PM
Well this is my second fan fiction, so I will try to do better on this one.

Plot: You would think that going to Camp Half-Blood would be the greatest thing in the world, right? Not particularly. For Scarlett Young, it's her worst nightmare. When she is claimed by a mysterious sign, no one seems to know who her parent is. She doesn't fit in at all with the other campers, and her powers which have just started emerging have gone out of control. But when the camp is threatened by an army from Tarturus, it will take the whole camp to defeat them. Including every outcast.
Rating: T
Type: Adventure
Disclaimer: Rick Riordan owns Camp Half-blood
Characters: TBA (Haven't figured out all the characters)

*This story takes place after the time of all the RR characters

The Fanfic 6 replies

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over a year ago psalm1003 said…

My life was ruined the day I tripped over my friend Louis. Seems like no big thing, right? But when I fell, and he fell, and his shoes came off...well it was then I realized I didn't live in the world I thought I lived in. Louis told me he was a satyr who had sensed a demigod in this school, and had been drawn to me. He said that the fact that I could see his 'feet' proved that I wasn't a mortal.
After school that day, he wouldn't leave me alone. He seemed to be looking around for something, but he never told me what. As soon as I got to my house, he told my dad some story about how I got a tuition to a special summer school, and some other stuff. How he got him to believe him, I have no idea. My dad was probably too occupied with his annual fishing tournament to think things through clearly.
So now, here I was at this stupid camp. Camp Half-blood. The kids were stuck-up, always bragging about how they were so important because their mom was Athena, or their dad was Hades, or whatever. I sat sullenly at the Hermes table, trying not to fall off of the bench because it was so crowded. Dinner was fine, although when I tried to give an offering in the brazier, the ash flew back in my face, as offering had been rejected. Embarrassed I hurried back to my seat. I wasn't too hungry anymore.

Ok, so let me know what you think, I should start posting chapters soon!
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
big smile
THAT IS AWESOME!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!! POST SOON BUDDY!!!!! <3 Love ya!! Sorry for not commenting earlier. I got distracted. LOL.
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Im working on chapter 1 :)
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Chapter 1


Let me just say that in all of my life, I have never experienced anything more painful than the sing along we had at the campfire. The songs were annoying, yet somehow everyone was singing.
I slouched down in my seat, wishing to be anywhere but here. I thought over my time here so far. The classes were okay, but the teachers made you feel stupid. After a week i was enjoying it as much as I had on the first day. Not at all. Louis tried to cheer me up, but I could tell he was confused at why I hated camp so much. Honestly, I didn't know. Sure, it was aggravating, but something just felt wrong, like I didn't belong here.
I was starting to get the hang of archery, and the girl teaching was pretty nice. Her name was Sandra, and her dad was Apollo. We would talk for a little bit, but then we ran out of time, and our conversation would be over. I had waved to her a couple times, but that was about it. No one else made an effort at being friends with me, so i just spent my time focusing on the different activities they offered. Canoing was fun, but one time the Naiads knocked my canoe over. I avoided them after that.The lava climbing wall was hard, but I managed not to get fried.
Then there was the whole campfire thing, which freaked me out, especially when the flames were nine feet tall and bright orange. I briefly glanced a pudgy man in a leopard suit with a diet coke who glanced at the mass of demigods and wrinkled his nose in distaste. I avoided him too.
At the campfire that night, Chiron announced we would be having Capture the Flag tomorrow. Basically, it was like the regular version, except there were dangerous weapons, magic, and monsters. Not too different from the regular version of it.The alliances were announced, and Hermes was teamed up with Athena, Apollo, Demeter, Poseidon, Hecate, and Aphrodite. The other team consisted of Hades, Hephaestus, Ares, Zeus, Nemesis, and all of the other minor gods/goddesses.
In the Hermes cabin, we discussed strategies, and weapons. I realized I would soon need a weapon, but pushed the thought away for later.
Eventually, I grew weary of all the talk of battle and fell asleep.
I had heard of demigod dreams being weird, but nothing prepared me for what I saw that night.
At first, it seemed awfully dark and quiet, but then I realized I was underwater. The dream zoomed deeper and deeper until it entered a cave at the bottom of the sea. There were blue orbs floating around, giving the room an eerie glow. Shells were used as furniture, and strange creatures milled around. Not many plants were growing, but that didnt surprise me considering how deep they were, and the lack of sunlight.
Suddenly, there was a flash of light, and a woman in a green gown appeared. Her black and blue hair reflected my own, and her icy blue eyes stared into mine.
"I just love dances, don't you?"
Her voice sounded strange, but I realized she was talking to me.
"Um, sure, but, who are you, and what do you want?"
She smiled mysteriously,
"All in good time my dear, but right now, I am only talking to you so I can deliver a message. The camp you are in? Don't trust anyone there. You don't belong there. I'll bet you've sensed that haven't you? Yes, and whatver you do, tell no one of this dream. Especially not Chiron."
With that, she vanished, and the whole dream shattered, sending me into a disoriented state of sleep, unconsciousness, and questioning.
Who was that woman? What did she want with me? And not that I liked Chiron or anything, but why shouldn't I tell him?
I opened my dark blue eyes that morning, confused, and curious.
Questions paced around my head, haunting me all day, throughout all of the activities and exercises that we were doing to get ready for capture the flag.
I was tempted to ignore what the woman said, and tell some one, but i managed to hold my tongue. There was more to this than just a weird dream...
Soon, it was nightfall and everyone was getting into armor and gear. It was time for capture the flag.

Okay, let me know what you think, and chapter two will be up soon!
And any comments or constructive criticism is appreciated (:

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
big smile
This is great Sienna! I love it!! Post soon!!!
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Chapter 2


Everyone was suiting up and getting into armor, while I sat there dumbly trying to figure out how to put everything on. An Aphrodite girl noticed me, skipped over, and in two minutes I was decked out like a warrior.
"Heroes! You know the rules, no killing or maiming, flag must be clearly visible, and guards must be at least twenty feet away! All magic items and weapons allowed!" Chiron shouted.
The groups dispersed into the woods, and I ran alongside my team. I glanced down at the dagger they had issues me, and glanced at my reflection. My eyes stared back at me, reminding me of some one...I just couldn't remember who.
"Ok! You all heard the rules, now onto our strategy. We're taking a decoy party out first, and then a second one to the right. The offense force will leave third while the other team is distracted with the decoys. I'll be leading the offense force! Julie over there, in the black is leading the defense." Our cabin leader, Matt said. His light blue eyes were determined, and I could see everyone getting psyched.
A hunting horn sounded in the distance, and I was about to go over to the offense group, when a girl grabs my arm. Sandra.
"Scarlett, you're pretty new so why don't you hang out with defense?"
Before I could nod, she had taken off with the second decoy group.
I slumped down on a boulder, and took off my helmet.
Shouts came from the distance as our plan went into action. A few red helmeted kids ran past, but quickly disappeared into the woods again. My thoughts wandered to the strange woman. Something about her...was really familiar. Like I had seen her before. This seemed impossible, but hey, my best friend had hooves.
Feet pounding against the dirt jolted me up, and I quickly slipped the helmet back on and crouched behind the rock. A boy ran past me and towards the flag.
"No!" I cried, before realizing that I had just made myself a target.
He turned towards me and threw a net my way. I raised my hands in self-defense and closed my eyes, waiting for impact. Nothing happened. I peeked one of my eyes open, and saw the net lying on the ground next to me. Perplexed, I raised my hand and all of a sudden a gust of wind blew my hair back.
My eyes widened, and I threw my hands in front of me, blowing the boy ten feet away. He looked startled, and raced towards the flag, but I blew him away, and sent him careening into the forest.
My hands clenched into a fist as I felt my energy level going down.
"Scarlett! Are you okay?"
Sandra was the first to reach me. I suppose I passed out, but I didn't realize it. Sandra gave me some Ambrosia in concern, but I was feeling better already.
"What happened? Did...did we win?"
The campers looked at each other, and one of the boys stepped forward.
"No. Blasted Hermes kid teleported into the trees and heard our whole plan. We had no chance. What happened here?"
I shook my head, trying to clear my head.
"Here, watch."
I raised my hand, and a gust of wind blew the trees back. The campers eyes widened.
Chiron arrived then, having witnessed the whole thing.
"I don't...I don't understand." He said.
My eyes widened as I suddenly felt a surge of power.
I looked down and I realized I was in the creek. My hands clenched into fists, and then...the water exploded. It flew everywhere, drenching everything.
I began to pant, and then made a break for the trees. I had to get out of here. I had to figure out what was happening to me. I was so confused.

Chapter three will be ready soon, as always, all comments and constructive criticism is welcomed!