The Fanfic The Unknown Hero

darkrai6543 posted on Jul 15, 2012 at 06:05AM
Synopsis: after the fall of a great hero, a new group pops up as a new army governed by a new enemy is arising, and a mysterious group of demigods is about to help, and during all of this the leader of this mysterious group has a dangerous grudge with the goddess artemis, who seems determined to make him and those around him suffer. and throughout this chaos 2 new demigods try to overcome the diffrences of their 2 groups, save their camp, and discover why all of this hades is happening to them again, and the truth may just be more dangerous than they think, the secret has been gaurded by the gods for millenia, and now it is ready to be revealed, find out in my story, The Unknown Hero.

Rating:T cause' im paranoid. BUT NO SWEARING!!!

OC:Patrick Genary, Angelina Genary, PJ, amy, chaos, more to come.

characters by RR: Annabeth chase, thalia grace, leo valdez, piper mclean, phoebe rider, nico di angelo, chiron, the gods, others...

disclaimer:all rights to Rick Riordan.

just cause' this isnt about the series that RR is writing doesnt mean you cant bear with me. please do read this.

The Fanfic 20 replies

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over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
Annabeths pov

Annabeth was sitting at the beach, one of her favorite spots. when a bright light started to appear. the godess Artemis stepped out of it and said to her: "annabeth, join the hunt, your old boyfriend has deserted you and you can avoid the heartbeak that approaches." she froze.why would a godess lie to her?a godess wouldnt lie, would she? "yes, you know i wouldnt lie to you, he has found another, and he is only minutes away, join me." she had tears running down her cheeks by now.she felt like she was being torn in two.then she decided. "i will!" and she repeated the sacred lines she had heard when friend Thalia had joined the hunt. she had always thought of her as a sister and now that would turn literal.they were true sisters now."good, i would let your friend Thalia know that you have joined." a huge ship approached and at the helm, grinning happily, was her long lost friend. though now he wasnt a friend, he was going to be dead. she ran over to the Artemis cabin, all the way thinking on how to take her revenge, and when she arrived, quickly told thalia of the events that had just went down.she got an enraged look on her face. "we're going to get him!" shouted thalia, and the hunters all woke up and got ready, arming their bows with explosive arrows. they ran out to the beach, by now the word had spread and a bunch of campers had gathered and were arming themselves, thinking the ship was an enemy, which was only half true, they took aim and in the split second before they fired annabeth saw a look of fear, betrayal, and anguish spread across percys face. she let the arrow fly and she saw it hit him square in the chest, he went flying back, he shouted something incoherent, like: "geeeettttttttttt oooooooouuuuu....... oooooooooooooooooo.......... hhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeee...................­­..­.­.­..­­...­­..­.­y­yy­­yyy­­yy­y­o­oo­­ooo­­oo­o­o­ou­­uuu­­uu­u­u­uu­­uuu­­u uuuuuuuuuyyyyyyyyyyyysssssssssssss!!!!!!!!­­!!­!­!­&am­p;q­­uo­t­; and then the hunters let the explosive arrows fly and the ship went up into flames, and a pain filled cry let loose through the air. when the ship went down she could feel the tears come, and she walked back to the artemis cabin crying, with thalia and piper[who had heard the comotion and came to watch] comforting her.

let me know how good or bad it was! comment please!!!
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
2 years later...

over the next few years, the name percy jackson became a touchy subject, if you brought it up around the hunters you got put in the infirmary, and if you brought it up with the war concept you got sad looks, and a few grumbles about how fewer lives would be lost if he hadnt been killed. after some of his close friends, like grover and nico, found out, they disappeared. even leo, after the war, who didnt even know him, disappeared, leaving no trace. it grieved piper, and jason didnt find out until a few days later, as he stayed at the roman camp, which only a precious few knew about thanks to the gods...
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
Annabeths pov

over the next few years the grief and guilt got better.
though it didnt go completely away, she always thought about how if it was or wasnt good if he was killed because of that. but she started to forget about it. her memory gradually got fuzzier thank goodness. she hhad been trying to focus on hunting and not her old life, as almost everything reminded her of percy.
then on a normal night they were just setting up camp when a huge group of monsters came out from the woods. there were gegines and lastrygonians and dracanae, along with hellhounds and others. at least a hundred ugly, smelly, and probably very deadly monsters came charging out of the woods. they wirled into action and she brought out her bow and started to fire, but stopped and trained her arrows on a rogue dracanae that was setting fire to their supply tent. she shot it but it was to late, the blazing fire roared to life as the dracanae crumbled like o sand castle in a hurricane. the fire spread quicker than a normal fire, spreading through the whole camp and burning everything. after that she ran out of arrows and had to draw her hunting knive. it always felt akward in her hand compared to her other knive. she longed for that knive more than ever right now, but she had left it in one of her camps, she cursed herself for being so careless but it wasnt the time. she ran the last of the monsters through and backed up, totally exhausted.the hunters gathered up their remaining supplies. thank goodness no-one was more than a little cut and bruised. they started to march south, they were somewhere in oaklahoma, at least, thats what she thought. they walked for hours, grumbling and cursing and generally having a horrible time. theywalked untill they heard something like one of those summer camps. they always found those, they were annoying but they saw this as a chance to restock supplies and rest.they keppt walking and stopped when they saw the camp...
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
Annabeths pov

They immediatly stopped in their tracks when they saw the camp, it could be any tipical summer camp but they saw farmiliar faces like connor stoll, mark and his brother sherman from Ares cabin, chris rodriguez and a couple others, but what really freaked her out was Leo, grover and nico who had vanished, were sitting right there. though something was different, they all looked older, hardened, ready for anything. then she noticed the guy giving announcements. he was tall, had black hair, a good tan and had jeans and an aqua blue shirt that said: "The Half gods" on. His eyes were a dark purple, and had an oily look to them, always changing colors, they gleamed with sadness and pain, but had a happy look to them. she realized he was looking at her, and those eyes seemed to bore into her soul, reading her entire being. the look he gave her made her want to melt into her boots. she immediatly knew that he was stronger than many things, he also radiated power. We will start the sing along in 5 minutes, i have business to attend to." he knelt down to 2 kids who looked like brother and sister, she barely made out, "can you follow me real quick?" they nodded and got up with him and they started towards us. "guys, he knows we're here! and i dont know if thats a good thing!" he startled her and said in a hushed tone, "meet us over there." he pointed over to a clear spot about 100 yards away. he started towards it with the other two kids in tow. "who does he think he is blowing us off like that!" wispered Thalia angrily. "lets just go." said phoebe. we met up and started the conversation. "who are you?" we asked him. "I don't go by my old name anymore, but you may call me PJ." [guys, im gonna stop with the "" now its getting annoying. ;) ] but i do know you, and this is patrick. he said pointing at the boy who was around 16. and this is angelina. he said pointing to the girl who looked around 15 or 16. i started off with: okay now that we know who you are, what do you do here, i mean, we KNOW some of the people in that crowd over there, and 3 of those kids have been missing for 2 years!i said in an almost angry tone, she knew she should probably be polite considering they needed supplies from them, and she didnt think he would make a good enemy. well this is our secret training camp for those of who chiron thinks need more of a challenge or those of who figure out what this group is. we also pay our dues by working as a pretty good band. this bothered annabeth, she had been at camp for almost 10 years and she hadnt heard of this camp. she was burst out of her thoughts by him saying, we only started 2 years ago, if thats what your thinking. but im guessing from the looks of your packs, the fact you arent armed and the cuts and bruised... you were attacked and are out of supplies? okay now she was wierded out, its like he could read her mind. i guess i could get you the needed supplies, medical care and a good place to sleep if you dont mind if its in storage. what storage? was her first thought. thalia was apparently curious to, because she asked, what storage? im guessing your a mobile camp, right? so where could you keep a storage?i mean-if i may, before you start your annoying rant, my storage is all in here. he pointed to his suitcase, and then they all battered him with questions, he just ignored us, set the suite case on the ground and opened it up. we all gasped as the inside was a dark hole with a latter sticking out. well come on! he said when he realized we were still staring at him. when we didnt even move he sighed and began down the latter. we all looked at each other and thalia shrugged. nothing left to loose guys, lets go! and we descended into the magical mystical suitcase.

what they came into was so amazing it took her breath away, it was a huge storage room, like a warehouse, stacked shelves with labels everywhere, but the architecture was amazing, greek facades with roman decorations, all sculpted out of white marble. but he led them into a room that was still cool, same designs, but on a lower scale. there was a desk and a couple of boxes. he walked over to his desk and pulled out a packet of gum. ohhhh! are those hunters tents! shouted cielia, one of our newer hunters. no this is something called juicy fruit. he said in a tone that said: "are you kidding me?" he popped one in his mouth and walked to one of the boxes and pulled some of the same thing. these are the hunters tents. he said. he handed them a whole package and started out of the room. he shouted behind him: YOU CAN SET UP IN THE FIRST ROOM! IVE GOT A SING ALONG TO ATTEND! and he climbed the latter and left.thalia decided to voice what most of us were thinking. well he's definatly an oddly mysterious person. i figure hes a son of Hecate, you know, the eyes. so we set up camp. though while we were settling in we heard singing, a voice deep and melodious. a voice that made her think of better times in her past. she and a couple other curious hunters climbedup the latter to see PJ singing.

okay guys, listen to this link, it really reflects this story and just cause its christian dont not listen, listen to the words, they mean something in this story.

also you should listen to these songs:

over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
Annabeths pov

she stood there with the other hunters staring at PJ, he had a great voice, deep and melodious, like it could make anyone sit still and listen, it sounded like it could make anyone happy. they stood there for the rest of the song and through all of the sing along. those campers patrick and angelina were looking perfectly happy and content, but they still had a sad look in their eyes. by the time they had emerged from their thoughts the sing along was over and there was a massive cheer. PJ didnt leave the stage like the others but stayed and said:"well campers thats it for tonight, get ready for bed, its gonna be a long day tomorrow." the campers all trailed off into their respective tents.PJ bent over to the two twins patrick and angelina. "can you guys come over here?" they nodded their heads and got up. he brought them over to us and said: "close your mouths youll catch flies." she hadnt even realized her mouth was hanging open, it didnt look like the others had realized either and they all blushed and closed their mouths." ive got to give these guys a talk about being a demigod, but ill let you guys handle angelina and give her your offer or whatnot, do whatever. but ill handle patrick. they looked at him in fear, especially angelina, she looked like she'd have a seizure right there but finally nodded her head. he and patrick walked down to the latter and as we followed i saw them walk into PJ's office. "he'll be alright, right?" i didnt know if that was true or not but thalia answered with, "i think so, but we'll explain all about the demigod world." and as they sat down they explained all about the life of a demigod, how the monsters would never give up to destroy her and do whatever they could. angelina looked panicked and sad when we said the last part, i'd investigate later i told myself. we also explained all about the hunters. she looked like she wanted to join. but she looked like she was restraining herself, its because of her brother i thought. then PJ and Patrick walked back in the room, his expressoin read, im so confused, but i understand now. he looked at his sister like: do whatever you can, i'll be okay, annabeth knew hed also been told about the hunters. his sister apparently got the message. she looked at him and said:"are you okay with this?" he nodded knowingly. "then i would like to join the hunters." annabeth felt herself smiling, she looked at the other hunters and saw them smiling to. thalia, being senior hunter spoke up."since my lady Artemis si not present i will tell you the rites. she told her and she recited the ancient lines, "i pledge myself to the godess artemis, i turn my back onnthe company of men, accept maidenhood, and join the hunt." she took a deep breath as normal and opened her eyes and took a good look around, like she was seeing the world in a new perspective, which was technically true. her brother looked indifferent. he looked at PJ and said so we could all hear. "i would also like to join a group, but not the hunters." he loked at PJ. could it be possible for me to stay with you year round?" PJ looked at him with a blank expression. we will see in the morning, i must test you to see if you'll susrvive." they stared at him until he excused himself to go to his office.

during the night they were settling in, it turns out patrick and angelina were pretty cool. they told them why they had been so sad lately. their mother had been killed in an attack by a pack of hellhounds. they would have died with her but PJ had arrived to save them before they could get mauled. he had apparently woked a huge feat of magic to kill them, apparently fire had shot from his hands and that had covered the hellhounds and only them until they had burned away. this only reinforced her feelings that he was a son of hecate. they were sad, and we were all worried about what the test would be. if he had to fight PJ she was worried for him, even if he was a boy. but still, PJ radiated power like no other, it was like he was a god, that was the last time she had felt an aura like that. but he talked of the demigod world like he was one, so the daughter of wisdom was thouroughly confused.

after trying to fall asleep for what seemed like hours, she heard a loud BANG! she looked around, no-one seemed to have heard. she got out of her sleeping bag and exited the tent. she saw PJ on a latter that seemed to be endless. he was walking down to a box of assorted weapons. he bent down to pick up the box and then he saw her. he looked unsurprised she was there. "hey, whats up?" he went back to filling up the box. she replied with:"i just heard that bang and wanted to see what it was." he looked genuinely unsurprised at this, he said: "i was just looking through these crates for... aha! he picked up a dusty old farmiliar dagger. he brought it over to a table with a bucket and some other junk on it. he dipped the dagger into the bucket and when he brought it out she gasped. it was her old dagger, good as new. "h-h-how di y-you find that, it was in one of our other camps, i thought it was gone forever." he walked over, his face emotionless. "one of my jobs is to use this storage for anyone to hold anything, the gods like to keep a lot of their belongings here, your mother athena gave me this to keep for just this moment." he handed her the dagger, it felt just right in her hand. "thanks, but how did you get this job, and why have you been so secretive, finally, why have i never heard of this group before?" he sighed, with a patient look on his face, like he had gone through this before. "1, i got htis job 2 years ago when i was cursed by your mistress, my bane, Artemis. she cursed me so my scent would be twice as strong. and she took away my curse of achilles, and before you start on how you didnt know that, ill explain: many people have had the curse, everyone knows Achilles, percy jackson and luke castellan. but there are lesser known people who recieved it to. apartthere are about 3 others who recieved it, but never got credit for it, there was jared becker, he got it, and got killed because of it. then there was andrew fisher, he got it at age 50, but never got famous because he was old. and finally there was sienna partickum, she died in the styx. but then theres me, i never got really famous. she noticed he said that like he rehearsed it. she almost thought he was lying, but shook the thought out of her head."but then Artemis made it so i couldnt contact my family, no communictation, no meeting, no nothing. if i do, one of my loved ones would die, i also cant go anywhere i consider home. so i cant return to camp half blood or anywhere else, only here, but we're constantly moving so it doesnt count. she felt so bad for him. but he said he had things to do, and said goodnight. she went back to sleep and woke up the next morning and got ready to see patricks test...
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
Patricks pov

he was shaking, while having a sleepless night didnt help, he was worried, if he had to fight PJ he didnt like his chances. when he woke up in the morning he had found a note that said to come to a clearing in the woods. he and his sister were standing there when the hunters came over to them. he was not really disturbed that his sister had joined the hunters, in a way, he was relieved. he had always had to protect her, everyone always assumed that she was older. she was actually 14, but she looked 16, the same age as him, plus the fact that she was born in december, while he was born in june. what was wierd that they were both born on the 21st, the summer and winter solstice. he guessed that was the reason he always enjoyed the sun, while she enjoyed the cold winters. but that aside, they were making small talk, when a voice seemingly echoed from everywhere and nowhere. "patrick, do you accept the risk of this test?"he replied with: "bring it on!" a thick laughter echoed through the clearing. then a giant thing, lumbered out of the woods. it was formless, but it looked directly at him and changed into his worst fear: a huge snake person, with a wolf head, cobra fangs and a vipers hair, with skin like a fish tank that had not been cleaned for years, scaly, mucus green and dripping with wet gunk. it made him want to run, but the voice came back:"if you wish to pass, you must be able to control your fear."he stood his ground, though his will wanted him to run at all costs. the creature lumbered foreward. it came within 5 feet of him. he smelt it. it reeked like a rotten corpse mixed with rotting fish, left in the hot sun for a week. the reeking smell made him want to lie down and retch. but he stood his ground. the voice came back:"good, now you must demonstrate your natural skills with a sword now." he brought out a golden sword with a ruby hilt, it was given to him by PJ last night. the creature also brought out a normal steel sword with a bronze hilt. it was covered in sea slime, his mind was still telling him to bolt, but he slammed his sword into the creatures own blade, his instincts started to kick in, when PJ told him about how dyslexia and ADHD helped, he didnt believe him. but now he understood, his instincts made his vision like a hawk, he started to measure the creatures [who he would call sea-crud from now on] moves, predicting his style. he was all defense, so he started to try to roll around him, a strike he learned in a video-game, what was it, oh yeah, legends of zelda: twilite princess, it was called the back slice. but he tried it and it worked, he landed a hit and the creature stumbled forward. its rotten fish stench reeked in his nose. he slashed again and the creature burst into dust. the others cheered and a clap sounded as PJ emerged from the woods. "well done, Patrick, you are welcome to join me year round, this was a test not many would pass. Welcome!"
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
Annabeths pov

there was a stunned silence after the clapter stopped. we were amazed that patrick had the guts to actually face his fear, last night he had told us that his biggest fear is snakes, and seaweed, no idea why. but Thalia broke the silence by saying."well since you took the test and passed and your a newbee, can i take it to?" PJ looked at her unsurprised, and said. "yes, you may, but there is no backing out, if you try it, you pass or most likely die." Thalia almost looked panicked, but i saved her from backing out and seeming like a chicken by volunteering to."can i do it to, im curious about it." PJ simply nodded and went back into the woods.

Thalias pov.

we were waiting for that creepy voice to return, but instead the earth just opened up around her, it shifted and churned under her until she was in the midle of a 50 foot wide chasm, standing on a small ledge of rock.she froze, the pillar didnt look very stable, it was already crumbling. she started to panick, she couldnt see the bottom of the chasm. her friends were shouting their heads off. but their voices started to get farther and farther away, or maybe that was just her fear. that creepy voice returned. to pass your test you must cross this bridge and do so without dying. what bridge? she thought but then a thin golden bridge formed, it spanned the gap, but it was no thicker than her pinky. there was no way that was going to hold her. the edge was only aroud a foot to completely crumbling. she took this tiny time to think, fall to death or cross bridge that would probably crumble under her. she made a split section descition and stepped on the briidge, her fear really started right then, the pit looked deeper than the sea, and fear gripped her heart, she took a step foreward and another. she started shakily walking across the bridge. the entire thing crumbled behing her, wenever she took a step that spot became the edge. she kept thinking, the sooner you cross, the sooner you get back to land. she finally took the last step, and the earth closed behind her. her friends were looking at her, stunned. the voice returned. annabeth chase, prepare for your test!
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
Annabeth's pov

after seeing thalia being stuck in the center of a bottomless pit with her greatest fear being afraid of heights, annabeth didnt want to think what would happen to her, she was scared of spiders, but there was a lot of other things it could be. but she found out when a huge wall of energy surrounded her. then a searing light covered the field. and her literal worst fear appeared. a 20 foot tall spider with horrible clashing fangs dripping with yellow venom. it had a single redish green eye positioned right in the center of its large ugly face. the entire thing was a horrible orange color with green scars and cracks in the shell. she started strategizing. if she hit it in the eye with her arrows she could get in close with her dagger, and take out the eye so it couldnt see, then get it a couple times in the chinks in the armor... she took aim while the thing was still disorientated from the light. it sounded simple enough but she could barely look at that horrible thing with its horrible fangs and its huge disgusting eye... she was so distracted by the thought of the thing that she didnt notice when it started to scuttle over. she took quick aim and fired, she had meant to hit it with an explosive arrow, but it was just a flaming arrow, still effective, but it would only last a short time, she charged in, the smell coming off that thing was like dead rats that had been stuck in a garbage can for a week mixed with molding... she didnt think she should really focus on that, as opposed to getting bitten by that thing. as she neared the massive arachnid her hands strted shaking. this thing made her want to scream and curl up into a ball, but she kept going and slashed the eye repeatedly, the thing screeched like a lion mixed with the sound of xxxxsshhhhhhhh!!!!! as the thing was down, she charged a huge chink in the armor on its back and drew a short sword from her side, and drove it into the thing. it reared up and her sword snapped, she went flying and the barrier that separated her from her friends dissapeared and she smacked her head on a rock, hard. her vision blurred and she heard her friends talking over her, then the world went black.
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
Thalias pov

she sat by annabeths bedside, she had been there for the past hour watching while PJ did the medical work, she had gotten over the fact that he had put them through their worst fears when he reminded her about the fact that she had volunteered. but PJ stood up and said under his breath a VERY old language, the language older than greek, she realized he was doing magic. she asked:"are you a son of hecate? you have the eyes for it and you do magic." he sighed, put a finger to his chin, and said:"me and hecate are very closely related, she saved my life when i was attacked very badly. it was onlt because of her that i am still here, she taught me magic, she helped heal me, and for a while was my co-partner in this group." she considered this, who could have attacked PJ, and won, he had told her he controled those monsters, he had told them, but he didnt go all out, she could tell, but she still wondered if hecate was his mother, he had the eyes, she had helped him out a lot, and she healed him. but he seemed to be avoiding the question. he leaned down and took out a box of rubbery gunk and put a hand under annabeths head, right below were the injury had occured, even though it wasnt in the area, she still flinched hard, shivering and turning pale. Thalia shouted in protest, but he ignored her and put the gunk on the injury and a shudder ran through annabeths body, her face regained its color, and her face relaxed. her put his hand on her forehead in a kind of blessing. annabeths eyes opened and PJ got up. "my work here is done. i have to go speak with the campers for tonights concert." and he left the room. a weak annabeth asked:"what happened." Thalia told her how she had banged her head on a rock that had poison sprayed on it from the spider, and how PJ had healed her. "its wierd how whenever i ask about his past he always gives an answer that doesnt answer my question, like hes avoiding it." she nodded. she took a deep sigh and said,"thalia, the other night i found him going through his stuff, and he told me Artemis had cursed him a bunch of times with horrible effects. plus he found my knide." she showed her dagger, it was gleaming and well oiled, like it was well taken care of even though annabeth had lost it a year ago. "i dont know anything about his past and every time i ask i just end up with no answer and more questions." Thalia nodded, "same here annabeth, but lets get out of here, he said something about a concert and after hearing him the other night, even though im a hunter, i want in." annabeth grinned mischeviously, "yeah lets go."

Annabeths pov

She walked out of the medical room with Thalia and entered that warehouse room where the hunters were stationed. she had never really noticed but there were many doors that led everywhere, the majority of them were labeled STORAGE, but there were some with huge padlocks, one was labeled, DO NOT ENTER, AUTHORIZED PERSONEL ONLY. later annabeth, later. they walked over to the latter and started to climb. when they reached the top it said, PLEASE PUSH UP. she did so and and they exited the magical suitcase of endless mystery. she looked back and saw a bunch of golden charms shaped like gods emblems. she thought this to be wierd, but they had other stuff to do. they walked over to the campfire area where PJ was giving announcements. "we will be preforming a concert in a nearby stadium, if anyone wishes to preform a song, or play an instrument, they may do so after asking me or signing up. now go and train! its what we're her for after all." there was a collective cheer and everyone trailed off towards their activities. all except for patrick and PJ. they walked over in annabeth's and thalia's diection. "hey guys, wanna come train with us, better than the normal training, and we don't go easy." me and thalia looked at each other and made a silent descicion. "yeah, lets go!"

Thalia's pov

she and Annabeth follwed PJ and Patrick for what seemed like an eternity, they must have walked miles, but they finally arrived in a small meadow with a cliff rising high above them, there was a waterfall tumbling over the side where it met with a small pond, in all, it seemed like paradise after all the hades they had been put through. PJ turned to them and said mischeviously, "let us begin, since Thalia is the most experianced out of you three, she will go against me." I blushed a deep red, i was most experianced? annabeth helped in the war on Kronos more than me. "annabeth, your with patrick. use anything in your arsenal, no holding back until you have them in check." he looked directly at me with his intense black oil eyes and drew a sword made from black obsidian, with diamonds that changed colors encrusted in the hilt, it was so distracting she didnt even notice when he came charging at her, when she finally niticed him he had her dissarmed, sword at her throught. "ha, like my sword eh?" said PJ, he was looking at her amused. "wierd, i thought it would be harder than swinging a sword at you and having you stand there." thalia blushed fiercely. "sorry, cool sword by the way." he grinned and swung his pack off his back, and shuffled around inside, he pulled out a portable mace canister. "this is yours." he handed it to her, she recognized it as her old weapon that she had lost in a past fight. "now lets try this again."

Thalia's pov

She undid her portable mace canister that housed her old trusty spear. she and PJ lunged at each other and they locked weapons, sword on spear. they held that position a long time and she glanced at patrick and annabeth, they were fighting like demons, patrick, thalia had to admit, had skills. PJ took her distraction as his chance and backed up, and while she stumbled forward he put his sword at her throught. he grinned at her but she slammed her spear into his side and he barely winced, but she had enough time to get away. "nice thalia, i never thought you had it in ya'." she growled and lunged again. they went on like this for a long time, she never got chance to get him, if anything he got her, and she was beginning to tire out, he was frustrating her, she looked back at annabeth and patrick to see them still duking it out, they seemed to be a good match in a duel, but they didnt seem to like it, they kept on fighting, neither of them letting the other get the upper hand. she looked back at PJ, he wasnt even breaking a sweat. she although, was about to drop. finally, PJ shouted. "hey guys, trainings over!" she looked at him shocked, and then looked at the sky, the sun was setting and the sky was getting darker. they had been training nonstop all day, but she did feel as though she could go a lot longer. gods of olympus she thought, he really knows how to train, my stamina is definatly up. "lets head back said annabeth." and they walked over in silence. she looked over at PJ, he wasnt breaking a sweat, heck, he looked like he could have gone another six hours before he even broke a sweat. they walked that long walk back and saw the campfire sing along was already in full swing, PJ startled her out of her thoughts. "hey guys, ill meet you back here, its hot cocoa night, and ive gotta make it. see ya!" and he ran off. Patrick looked at them, he was drenched in sweat like the rest of them, "hey guys, im gonna go get a shower, and i suggest you do the same." we nodded and then parted. annabeth and Thalia had a conversation on the way over to the suitcase. "its wierd how during the, what was that, seven hours? of fighting, PJ didnt even break a sweat, and afterwards, i felt stronger, like just fighting him can make you a lt stronger, and he had me at sword point a billion times, and i couldnt even get close." annabeth nodded. "same thing with Patrick, though we were pretty even." and they let the conversation die after that. and walked back down to the suitcase and found the bathroom, where they took a long, much needed shower. after they were comfortable and rested, they climbed the latter and went to the campfire. at the moment dinner was going on, they had missed that yesterday, and it was wonderful. it was a huge feast with all of your favorite meals. Thalia grabbed two cheesburgers, a mound of fries, and a huge pile of chips and guacumole. annabeth got a couple legs and a couple other parts of a roasted turkey with gravy and some stuffing, all with some cranberry sauce and sweet potatoes. "ive missed thanksgiving." was all she said. and they dug in. she went through half of her dinner before remembering to breath. it was all delicious, after a day of training, she could have eaten twice that much and she when was done with her first helping she grabbed another helping of the same size. she finished her second helping and desert appeard on the plates and she dug in, grabbing a bunch of brownies, and she didnt believe her eyes when she saw some blue chocolate chip cookies. she grabbed around twenty and they were so good, they brought back memories of sally, and she wondered guiltily about how she took percys death. she shook the thought out of her head. and when everyone was full and content, PJ stood up and announced "well, great feast as usual, and i shall formally welcome the hunters of artemis!" there was a huge round of clapping and cheering, which the hunters returned gratefully. "and they have been tested so they are welcome to stay as long as they like, now, for cammpfire tonight we will be holding movie tonight!" there was an overwelming amount of cheering and it took 5 minutes for them to settle in. "yes, well as usual, it will show your favorite movie, and its hot cocoa night to! geez! this is the one day a year that everything combines, hot cocoa night, movie night, and special training day! well, either way when you head to the campfire remember to stop by the cocoa table for it, and remember, its piping hot, im tired of having to heal burned hands or tongues." everyone shuddered, and the mob walked off over to the campfire. anabeth turned to her, still slurping her dinner drink. "well lets move, i want to get a good spot!" and they walked over to the campfire where they got their hot chocolate, which was excellent. then the sing along started PJ came out and started singing. it was really good as usual, and when it was someone else singing, he played the drums pretty well. thalia turned to annabeth and said, " this is an awesome place."
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
Thalia's pov

The hunters stuck to traveling with PJ's group for a while, they trained with them until they were much more skilled with any weapon, so they wouldnt be stuck with bows all of the time, and they started to get used to life with boys, but they still stuck clear of them most of the time, and when the concert arrived even some of the hunters signed up, as most of them hadnt did anything like that in almost any amount of time, some dont even remember the last time they had some fun non-hunter related. and annabeth and thalia were watching the concert....

"hey thalia, i think its over." said annabeth after no-one had come out for 5 minutes. "yeah, i think your right." and about five seconds later there was an announcement saying and i quote:"well thats it, now if you dont plan on staying until next year for our next concert here, then get out, we dont tolerate freeloaders." annabeth and thalia looked at each other and cracked up. "that has got to be the most wierdest announcement ever!" Thalia gasped. "annabeth not using proper grammar, what has this world come to!" nico who was sitting behind us snickered, "i agree thalia, its a sign of appocolypse!" annabeth turned dark red as Thalia and nico cracked up. PJ walked over, "hey guys, the mortals are gone, can you help me pack up the instruments? ill teleport them over here." we all nodded and he raised his hands over to the stage, his eyes glowed a dark purple, and the instruments all floated over to their respective cases and closed, ready to pack, and the stage shrunk until we were looking at a toy sized platform. we all looked at him surprised. he smirked and said:"hey, you dont expect a son of hecate to do a whole heck of a lot of grunt work when he could just teleport and shrink it, do you?" we all laughed. "well, lets pack it up!" and we set to work.

Thalia's pov

They worked for around half an hour before it was pitch black out. it was impossible to see more than 3 feet ahead. Annabeth shouted at PJ, "you got a magic solution to the darkness problem?" he shouted back in return: "yeah, LUMOS, MAXIMA!" and a blinding white light filled the area so well that it looked like day. the only thing anyone said about the sudden burst of magic was, "isnt that a spell from harry potter?" PJ laughed, "J.K. Rowling was a grandaughter of hecate and daughter of caliope, muse of epic poetry, she knows real spells and she put them in her books, but yeah it is in there." now we all laughed. "he PJ, how long has it been since we arrived?" he said almost immediatly "it is going to be the winter solstice tomorrow, so its the 23rd." Thalia's eyes widened, "that means we've been with you guys for 2 weeks!" annabeths eyes widened with her at that. "what?! that m-m-means that we have been out of contact with artemis! she said to keep in contact all of the time! we are so dead!" they were freaking out and then PJ yelled, "ESGUCALMUS!" and she suddenly felt calm, like she could fall a billion feet and not even breath fast, even with her fear of heights. "what the heck, i feel so calm." said annabeth as calmly as possible. PJ snickered, "i cast the calm charm on you, you looked about ready to pass out. it will wear off in about a couple hours, also, your fears are gone, i thought it to be easier for you later on." she and annabeth looked at each other in shock. then undescribable happyness overcame her. no more fear of heights? it seemed to good to be true. Thalia stammered out: "how do you do that? does it wear off? how can i ever thank you?" PJ started laughing at the last one. "one, its a really complicated spell that normally would kill most who cast it. two, it does not wear off. and three you dont need to thank me because when you join the group even for a short time, you always exit without your old fears, they are destroyed by me, as a gift." and at that moment a harsh war horn like the one they had heard when they were attacked sounded, and the sound of monsters jeering sounded throughout the valley. PJ looked at them sternly. "we are under attack, get your weapons, and join in the battle, remember, you must hurry!" and he ran off to the area where the monsters were. patrick turned to us and said without fear, "meet you in the battle, and round up the hunters and campers and tell them what to do." and he ran off to. annabeth turned to her and using the hunter telepathy they had, like sister telepathy, "lets go."

Thalia's pov

She and annabeth ran for the campsite and charged to their tent, they tore through their bags and pulled their weapons out, along with some nectar and ambrosia. they tore out to the forest where the battle was raging. the first dead man charged at them, it was a lastrygonian giant, and it weilded an mega hammer and a bronze cannonball. he lobbed it at them and they gracefully jumped out of the way and wirled their bows out. wait, thought thalia, she didnt have to constantly use a bow anymore. she shoved that back on to her back and undid her spear, she jabbed the giant through the middle just as another plowed into him, she now had a giant shish-kebab. they looked down and the bigger one said "baby cakes isnt gonna be happy." and he burst into dust. she charged into the woods and met up with annabeth. "hows it going?" "good, now lets see if this training paid off!" and they wirled into the fray, slashing anything in their path. one time they saw patrick who was definatly stronger since training with annabeth. they fought for what seemed like hours, there were hundreds of monsters and more of them deemed to be coming. after a while, thalia started to wonder how she had managed to fight so long, the sun was rising and she hadnt broken a sweat. wow, she thought, the training really did work. she looked over at annabeth and saw she was doing fine to. they finally started to push the monsters back, they were growling and snarling, but all of the campers [who numbered about 50, plus the extra 30 for hunters] started to push the monsters into a circle, PJ stepped into it and started to rip them apart casting spells and slashing like a maniac. but as he slashed a giant through the middle a dracanea drove her knife right into his arm. he wirled and the hilt snapped, leaving the blade sunken in his arm. he winced but kept fighting. the monsters numbers eventually thinned and the last telkhine was blasted to dust. they all cheered as PJ staggered to the campsite. they followed and he climbed down the latter they followed after him, patrick in pursuit. they followed him into a small room. and he looked up, "the blade is poisoned, anyone know how to heal cause im gonna pass out in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and he fell to the floor.

Patricks pov

they started to panic, PJ was on the ground with a poisoned blade stuck in his arm, and bleeding, and they didnt know healing. they all heaved him onto the medical bed and started to get even more paniced. "what are we going to do! we dont know healing and here is a really bad wound that gonna kill him any minute!" then Patrick got an idea, "guys, miranda gardener is in this campsite!" they tore out to the hecate tent. they saw miranda whose eyes lit up when she saw them. "hey guys whats the rush?" they quickly explained the situation to her and they ran to the suitcase. when they got to the medical room PJ's arm around the wound was a horrible dark green. miranda looked troubled. "well lets see here." she pulled the dagger blade out of his arm and rummaged around the medical cabinets, she pulled out a bunch of vials and bandages and set to work. they waited in anticipation as miranda did her work. she finally got up. "well that was some bad poison but its gone now, any longer and he would lose his arm, but he should wake up in a couple minutes." they all sighed in relief. miranda sighed and said: "well im tired, im going to bed." and she walked out of the room. as the minutes ticked by they didnt talk, they had just fought a major battle and it was even more odd for patrick because he had never ever participated in one, so it was a different experiance. "well Pat, how was your first battle, easily not as bad as the titan war." they all jumped. PJ was awake and smiling at them. "and before you ask, i know about the titan war because i was one of the poor demigods that were caught being hunted by kronos. i remember his monsters saying, "if you dont join you will die, demigod scum. he was annoying but i escaped unscaved." they all stared at him and after a while he frowned and said, "gods guys, i got stabbed, thats no reason to stare." annabeth and thalia blushed beetroot red and patrick laughed. it was all good.

The next day...

Annabeths pov

they woke up as usual, getting dressed, forcing themselves out of the nice warm sleeping bags, and going up to a delicious breakfeast consisting of anything you want. she loaded her plate with peanut butter waffles, poached eggs, bagon, sausage, and orange juice. the scent wafted into her nostrils, a smell you almost never get. she dug in next to thalia and after her first helping she got another. PJ stood up to give announcements. "well, first of all, happy solstice everyone!" they all cheered but annabeth felt a twinge of guilt, they hadnt contacted artemis for 2 weeks, she must be worried, or angry, or both. "second of all, tomorrow, we will arrive at camp, and the christmas break will comence!" another round of cheering fell upon the crowd. she felt another twinge of guilt and pity for PJ, he probably wasnt able to celebrate christmas because of artemis's curse. she felt almost angry at her mistress, cursing him like that. "and finally, tonight, being christmas eve, we will be watching the christmas specials like rudolph the red nosed reindeer and all that." the cheering went up again. wow, she thought, they like to cheer. "well thats it everyone, now lets get on with training!" and the breakfeast crowd dispersed as they headed to training. PJ walked up to them. "may i have a word with you guys?" they nodded. "okay, meet me in the magic suitcase." and he headed towards the crowd and dissapeared. they looked at each other, shrugged, and followed. they finally made it to the clearing to find the suitccase was gone. "where is it!" then she noticed a note on the ground, it read sorry but the suitcase has been moved to the tent of hecate, for further info talk to PJ. they looked at each other. "are you kidding me?" and they stalked over to the hecate tent. they moved the flap and found the suitcase sitting open in the middle of the tent. they descended the latter and found the inside a wreck, the shelves looked damaged, and some boxes had their contents spilled out onto the floor. but nothing fixable. they found PJ pacing around. "hey guys, i guess you noticed the damage right?" they nodded and she noted he looked deeply troubled, but partially annoyed. "well the damage was done by my bane, artemis." it took a minute for this to set in. when it did realization hit her. "she did this because of us right?" he nodded, and clenched his fist around something in his hand. he saw her looking and opened his palm. right there was a golden charm, the size of a base ball, it looked like the moon with a silver bow in the center. "this here is a charm that is used to open some of the more private rooms of this place." he pointed his hand at a door saying, AUTHORIZED PERSONEL ONLY. " but anyway artemis did this because i have helped you guys out. as ive said, she hates my guts, and the feeling is mutual. but she doesnt wat anything to do with me, and she doesnt want you guys knowing about me or my group either, thats why you havent found out about this group until now." realization dawned on her, then anger. "so she destroyed a lot of your hard work because you helped us! thats a load of styx!" he looked at her wierd, "never thought id hear that from you annabeth, i mean, not about artemis. but she said she'd send another group of monsters at my group unless i let you guys go. which is a load of styx considering im not forcing you here." she got angry again. "so she sent that army against us because we were here training!" he said, "calm down, like i said she'd do anything to kill me, besides,she was going to send those monsters after me at christmas time, i'd be all alone." now she was furious, this almost didnt seem like artemis, she must really hate him. "but either way we're gonna have to split up when we reach camp. oh! look at the time! we've gotta pack up, we're a couple miles away and it'll take a while to pack. so lets get going!" he said this in a way that suggested that he didnt care about the fact that artemis had tried to kill him, or maybe he was used to it. but as he left the room thalia roared, "i cant believe artemis did this! i mean, i know they hate each other but sending an army of monsters because he helped us!" annabeth felt the same way but she knew they had to pack so they set to work.

The next day

Still Annabeth's pov

they had packed up, and were walking to camp half blood. last night was a blast, she didnt remember the last time she had seen christmas specials, and they were fun, they reminded her of her past life. she missed her family but she put the thought aside. they were walking along when they finally saw thalia's pine atop the hills of camp. a cheer roared from the campers as they arrived. chiron rode up and his eyebrows shot up when he saw them. he didnt say anything but he looked at PJ and said, "we must have words."
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
Thalia's pov

as chiron and PJ walked off, the campers mobbed each other, friends embraced, couples kissed, [which made the hunters gag] and basically had a good time. even the hunters hugged some of their close friends and half brothers and sisters. annabeth recieved some annoyed glares, mostly from the aphrodite and venus kids, but she returned them with the same amount of loathing. she turned to her with defiance in her eyes, "lets go talk with chiron, he's with patrick and PJ." thalia nodded and they walked through the formiliar sights. over the two years they had been gone camp had grown, it had a senate building, all of the cabins had been built, there was even a temple to the greek and roman gods. it appeared that the camps had survived the merge, she had expected that there was a 50/50 chance they'd kill each other. but they walked to the big house, which was now green instead of blue. they enteredto find chiron and PJ in a heated conversation. "i know PJ, but she is furious, and you can only be here so long, im sorry and ill speak to her, but you will have to leave before she gets here." PJ sighed, and left with Patrick behind him, they watched as he exited the borders with his pack slung across his shoulders, and he dissapeared from sight. they entered the room and chiron simply said, "your mistress will be here any moment." and he cantered outside. they turned to exit when a blinding light filled the room, artemis in her adult form stepped out and looked at them annoyed, "we will depart from here in 5 minutes, round up the hunters." and she left to. annabeth looked at her panicked. "why is everyone annoyed with us?" she shrugged in response, and they gathered the hunters, and they departed with artemis, off hunting, back to normal.

as time goes by

as time went by the hunters slowly began to forget the new group led by PJ. they began to adapt to their old schedual, and started hunting, even though this went on, Thalia grace and Annabeth Chase never forgot the way Artemis had tortured and pestered PJ, the way she cut him off from his own life, and how she destroyed his advanced storage and sent an army against him, just because he'd helped them. but after the first year out of contact even they began to forget. but during the second year, strange things were set afoot, the monster attacks began to decrease, and Artemis seemed to be getting worried, and traveled to olympus almost more than twice a month. and along with that, strange letters warning Artemis of destruction keep arriving.

Thalia's pov

she and annabeth were leading the hunters along the countryside, hunting for the monsters that had eluded them for so long when that glow that always appeared in the wierdest places, always when artemis was gone to olympus. as usual, a letter the color of obsidian. she growled. "why do letters always appear when we're chasing monsters!" she grabbed the letter and examined it, she'd been through the process before, she grabbed the note attached, and read it: dear hunters, instead of normal, this is to thalia, annabeth, and angelina, do not get rid of this, this is very important. she looked at annabeth and angelina. "i guess its for us, hey guys, its almost nightfall, let's set up camp!" they at once whipped out the tents and set up the fire. she motioned for annabeth and angelina to follow her. when they were all gathered inside the tent they gathered around the letter, "what is it? who's it from? whats it about?" she scowled at them. "lets read and find out, yes?" she ripped the envelope open and took out the letter enclosed.
Thalia's pov

she started reading the message as soon as she opened it.

dear Thalia annabeth and angelina,

i hope this message reaches you as of the circumstances, and if you dont know then you really have changed as i expected. on the slight chance you dont know, Artemis has been captured and chained by someone ill keep secret. but please, meet me at the old roman grounds, the fate of demigods and the world is at stake!

sincerely yours

they stared at the letter that had given them the absolute last thing they wanted to hear, artemis, their leader, was captured and now they were gonna have to save the world! it was now one of the worst days of her immortal life. but on the other hand, they were finally going to see PJ, their lost friend, again after 2 years, what scared her was that she was almost forgetting him, her memory was fuzzy at best about him. "guys, we have to meet up with PJ! first because of artemis, second because i want to see PJ again, and dont take that the wrong way, but we are friends." they nodded. "so lets go tell the hunters the bad news, eh?"

Angelina's pov

Thalia stood in front of the hunters, "hey guys, attention please!" the crowd fell silent. "i am sorry to say that the letter we recieved was an imformant of the worst, artemis was kidnapped." there were multiple reactions, zelda fainted on the spot. tetra, miya and pheobe started breaking into uncontrollable sobs, and the rest just turned pale and didnt say anything. she herself was feeling scared, what on earth could kidnap artemis now that the titans and gaea were gone? but at the same time she couldnt be happier. she was going to meet her brother, who she hadnt seen for 2 years. she wondered how he would be, stronger? possibly, PJ showed he could strengthen up anyone a lot. "so guys, we're going to the old roman grounds! lets go!" and they set off to san-francisco.

Thalia's pov

They arrived in San-franscisco in the morning, and the found the caldecott tunnel within an hour. they recieved wierd looks from the mortals and after a while noticed smoke coming from the old roman area's. the reached the burned out rubble of Camp Jupiter, the war on gaea had destroyed the grounds and thats why everyone had transferred to camp-half-blood. they were about 100 yards from getting out of the woods when the kids with bows loaded came out. "who dares pass through our grounds?" they noticed who had spoken and gasped, it was patrick, older, more serious, and well built. he held the bow straight at them with a harsh look in his eyes, "i said who tresspasses on our grounds!" we shook ourselves out of our dase. "its us, Thalia, Angelina and Annabeth." he flinched for a second and regained his angry composure. "of the 3 in question, i only see one." we looked at him really wierd. "has your sight been impared? cause im here, me, thalia!" he shook his head, "i wish to see proof as thalia doesnt have brown hair and yellow eyes." now she got extremely confused, she ahd always been a brunnet, and had yellow eyes. "i dont know what your talking about, ive always looked like this!" he looked even madder at that. then, at their right, the bushes shivvered and out came a guy with hair blacker than night, and eyes that shifted and changed color like oil. "PJ! please tell patrick that its us! and you summoned us!" he shook his head, "okay so-called-thalia, what was your old shield called, and you should answer this right off the bat." she thought and thought but she pulled a blank, she didnt even remember what it looked like. "ummm, i cant-" she was cut off when patrick shot an arrow straight at her, right before it hit her it blasted apart with the force of a bomb, and she blacked out from pain.

Annabeth's pov

she watched helplessly as thalia was blasted by an extremely explosive arrow, and before she could run to her aid, patrick loaded another arrow and aimed at the other hunters, he let it fly and the too, went unconscious. "why would you do this patrick!" shouted angelina who was tearing up at this point, a look of pure disbelief plastered on her face. "i am trained to destroy enemies, and we summoned you, thalia and annabeth, and they are not them." he said this all calmly, like he did this all of the time. he turned to her, "well, as for you, same thing, you should be able to answer this instantly if you are annabeth chase, now what is the name of your brothers?" she racked her mind but couldnt find the answer. what was wrong with her, not being able to rememeber her own brothers name? "i dont kno-" she was cut off by the arrow hitting her straight in the chest, and she was taken into the clutches of the black nothing of unconsciousness.

Angelina's pov

She looked in terror as her brother hit one of her best friends straight in the chest with the explosive arrow, and as he put away his bow. "i know you are the real angelina because you look the same unlike the others." she looked at him in a mix of emotions, anger at him for being so cruel, sadness to see her brother tis cruel, and happiness to see hm again and have him recognize her. "little bro, what happened to you?" he looked her with that same stiff look. "i have been training for 2 years, not recieving an answer from all of those letters i sent you, and thinking you forgot your own brother. dont say who changed." and he stromed off. PJ, who had been silent all this time, looked at him with pity and gave her the same look. "im sorry, he's been annoyed by you for awhile. but he did his job. he also proved my theory about the hunters, now can you help me get your friends to the infirmiry?" she looked at him in fear, and picked annabeth to her feet and carried her as PJ did the same with thalia. they continued wordlessly to pick up and carry the hunters down to the infirmiry until they were all safely in a bed. only then did she see the extent of their injiries, they had 3rd degree burns and were unconscious, and by the looks of it they also had concussions. PJ cracked his fingers and said, "lets get to work then, shall we?"

Annabeth's pov

she woke up expecting to be collasped in the forest, but saw she was in a formiliar infirmiry. she sat up groggily and immediatly felt like she was on fire, her muscles turned to jelly and she collasped on the bed. "well the sleeper awakes." said a formiliar voice, wait, that was... PJ's head came into view and put a hand on her head. he muttered a couple words under his breath, like a blessing, and her pain dissolved a bit, so it wasnt like sitting in a lava pit. "well the sleeping beauty has woken but must be put asleep again." and he muttered an incantation under his breath and he glowed with power, a golden aura around him. and he put his hand right below her neck, where the arrow had hit her, and she felt herself pass out, but different. she felt her conciousness move, and she was sucked into the aura around PJ and the world went black, and just before she went into the darkness she heard an angry gasp.

Angelina's pov

she watched as PJ reapetedly sucked the hunters souls into that golden aura around him, in his words: "i have to do so because the healing spell im gonna use is very painfull, ill put them back." and as he sucked annabeth's, who had probably taken the biggest hit, soul out. she went totally limp and her chest stopped rising and falling completely, and she went deathly pale. she was obviously creeped out, and extremely confused about her brother. she had never gotten any letters from her brother. but she was interrupted from her thoughts when she saw thalia take her hunting knive out of her pocket. she raised it above her head and angelina knew she had seen annabeth get her soul sucked out by the look on her face. she brought the knife down as angelina shouted, "no thalia no!" and the second the knife touched PJ it turned to dust, but thalia's hand kept going and as she slammed her hand into PJ's back, she went limp, and PJ was knocked forward, the golden aura faded to nothing, and he shivered. "what just-where am-why can i see myself on that be-GUYS SHUT UP!" okay, angelina was officialy freaking out. PJ, annabeth and thalia's souls were stuck together.

Thalia's pov

Thalia was officially creeped out. she had already been attacked by her so-called friend patrick, had her soul sucked out, and been stuck in PJ's body with her best friend. but her worries were gone after she had been put back into her own body. she watched as he sucked annabeths soul out again, and as he healed her with a purplish gray colored ball of darkness. he muttered the final spell and annabeths soul, a tiny blue sphere, floated down to her lips, and she immediatly woke up. "well now that it doesnt feel like im on fire, can i get up?" PJ nodded slowly. "well you guys can rouse the hunters, im gonna go talk to our little prisoner." he said this darkly. and he left. Thalia looked at her in an almost scared way. "what prisoner?"
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
Thalia's pov

we followed PJ out of the suitcase, which had changed since it was trashed by Artemis. they emerged in a huge tent with absolutly nothing in it except them and the mystical suitcase of wonder. "well guys, i summoned you to discuss my bane, that wretch artemis." she lunged forward thinking, im going to murder him. he easily sidestepped her and aimed a kick at her feet, and she collasped clutching her badly bruised leg. "now, thalia, you may respect that stubborn idiot. but i dont, so dont try to attack me for it because i can destroy anyone in my way. now get up." she growled at him menacingly. he looked at her sternly, and sais in a tone thta suggested he was correcting a naughty puppy, "thalia, if you keep being hostile i will do the same, and considering all of your hunters are injured in the infirmiry, you may not wanna go up against us." she reluctantly got up and annabeth passed her some ambroisia. it tasted like sally jackson's fresh baked cookies, warm and buttery, the chocolate chips still melted. it was a luxury she hadn't had for 4 years. she was suddenly struck with the thought of what sally was doing. she remembered the look of horror and heartbreaking sadness on her face when she was told the news of percys death, the look of betrayal on her face when she found out about how he was killed. but thalia forgot all about this when she saw the prisoner. her patron, sister-in-arms, Artemis."hello thalia, i am sorry to say that ive been captured once again." she felt horrible sadness when she saw the one she had shared a life with for 6 and a half years. "a-ar-temis. who did this we will take them down." she looked at her knowingly and then her expression soured. she looked at PJ who was looking quite at ease, almost triumphant."the one who imprisoned me is that one there, my bane." Thalia, annabeth and angelina suddenly froze. and then when they snapped out of it they whirled on him. "Y-YOU! YOU CAPTURED ARTEMIS! YOU DID THIS! I WILL DESTROY YOU! I WILL-" he cut her off with a look of absolute anger, she saw in his eyes what he'd do to her if she so much as spoke another word. she saw herself being turned into a wombat and thrown to her own wolves, him planting a disease in her head that would make her go blind, insane, and never walk again. she shrunk away and shut up against her will. "i did this for reasons that artemis have brought upon herself. i sent her letters asking politely if she could allow contact so patrick and some other kids could actually talk to their friends and family. i also asked her to appologize for destroying my life, for cursing me multiple times, for trying to destroy my new life and what ive worked for for 4 and a half years. she ignored them all, not an answer. then she went to the absolute breaking point. she caused the death of 2 of the kids in this very camp, and this is my vengance, my long held back anger, my revenge. now if you so much as say that this is unreasonable then you can either leave now or be destroyed." thalia was still trembling from what he showed her. he started speaking again. "in order to free her, certain things must be in order. there will have to be a quest..."

Angelina's pov

she was completely furious at PJ for capturing artemis, but when he made thalia back down in fear, that rage immediatly dissapeared. she remembered how he took her and patrick in without question, how he trained them, comforted them when their mother was dead, and how he had helped the hunters the first time. then she also thought about why he did it. she could relate to him why. if a godess had cursed her multiple times and ruined his life once, and then tried to do it again, she would be absolutly murderous. but as he told them there was giong to be a quest everyone but him and artemis froze in shock and fear. annabeth who looked the most confused [irony anyone?]asked "why a quest? if you captured artemis can't you just release her?" he looked at her with a strange look. "you really arent a very good thinker are you miss daughter of the wisdom goddess." she looked at him with murderous rage, then she got a confused look of fear and confusion. "i cant just free her, and i wouldnt do it anyway. in order for the chains to break you must figure out who i am, why i hate artemis truely, and what she did to me to try and kill me the first time. and neother me or patrick will tell you until you figure it out. he is bound by an oath to not tell." we looked at him with... well she couldnt tell, it was sort of like a mix of anger, disbelief, malice, and fear. "i dont care how you feel about this, and you cannot just cut down the tree to release artemis, it holds most of her power, and it will all dissapear forever if the tree dies before she is released." he looked at artemis in triumph. he went on, "and just for a little motivation..." he waved his hand and an iris message appeared out of nowhere. and what was inside it made angelina's insides writh with fear. an army of monsters, more than she had ever seen before was marching foreward, and leading them were a procession of different things.there were a couple of 50foot tall giants, and some men that radiated power. "yes, an army of monsters led by the giants and titans are marching towards camp. but this is more monsters ever all together before. tartarus has been emptied, and now all of the monsters in existance are going to camp. artemis is needed because she is very good in war and will be the only way to the gods to call a council to help." we were still looking at the image in horror. "finally, the only way to find out who i am and release Artemis is to get into this suitcase," he pointed to a suitcase in his hand that 'convenaintly' just appeared. "all of my past is in here. but the only way to get in is to collect little golden charms in the symbols of the gods, and put them into the little slots."he opened up the suitcase and pointed to the little indentations in the side. "the only way to get the charms is to do favors for the gods, they will, if you ask them, give you them and you are one step closer to getting in. understand?" we nodded. "well get to it, you'll have to go to camp first and do the quest stuff. bye, ill be fighting an impossible fight if you need me." and he dissapeared in a flash of purple light.

Thalia's pov

They all stared at the place where PJ had been just 3 seconds ago. "well if we only have a small time to get to camp, then how? we cant teleport like PJ and we've gotts hurry! we're in san-franscisco for zues' sake!" everyone looked at her in fear, she wasnt helping the mood right now. "thalia, calm down, i have enough power to teleport you to camp quickly, but you must not waste time. you have only a couple days to free me and help with the battle, it will be the biggest army ever faced by the gods. now good bye, do not fail me." and the world turned blisteringly silver, and the scenery changed to the background of Camp Half Blood, where the kids were all staring at them, then they all blacked out.

Patricks pov

they woke up in the infirmiry, feeling like they had just been to tartarus and back, so to speak, like hades. he shakily got to his feet and saw thalia, annabeth,? the rest of the hunters, and his sister lying on their own respective beds. he got up and examined his surroundings. he was in a clean white room, there was a poster of a creepy fat satyr saying "dont let sickness get your goat!", he shivered at the sight of it. he looked around and saw no-one else in the infirmiry. he walked over to the supply closet and grabbed some ambroisia and nectar and brought it over to the hunters, and started healing them. he had picked up a lot of magic spells and healing powers, along with his normal training, during his 2 years with PJ. after giving each of them enough ambroisia, they started to stir. "uggh what happened?" finally, thalia, annabeth, and angelina woke up. "wha-a-what are we doing in here!" then she regained her composure and stood up. "well we've gotta talk to chiron." then one of the Apollo kids walked in and nearly passed out. "hey i thought you guys were unconsious! well i guess your awake so.... okay then i guess you guys should hit the senate house for the meeting." he got a worried look on his face, then wirled around andd walked out of the room. "well lets hit the meeting then shall we!" too much enthusiasm for the situation annabeth." she frowned while blushing scarlet. and they walked to the meeting.

Thalia's pov

they walked into the senate hall and straight into a heated argument between Rachel the oracle of delphi, chiron, and lupa. "i wont speak with them, and you arent going to force me no matter what!" chiron looked like he was being torn in two, while lupa was snarling at rachel, which worked well considering she's a 5 foot tall wolf. "you dont have a choice oracle, the spirit of delphi can and will force you!" at this Rachel just snorted and sat down. finally someone noticed them staring at them with barely contaned laughter. "well if it isnt the back-stabbing hunters of Artemis." she craned her neck to see that it was one of Percys old friends Gwendolyn. "shut it gwen we're here on a peace mission." she said it with malice, they had been enemies since they met, but she knew Gwen had been close friends with percy. "we are here to recieve a quest to rescue artemis, who has been captured by a friend of ours PJ." there was a round of gasps heard everywhere in the hall. "artemis has called a quest and we are the members that will embark on said quest, we just came for the prophecy." again more gasping. suddenly Rachel Elizabeth Dare stood up her eyes not that creepy glowing green, but they blazed with anger. "i will not give a prophecy to backstabbing traitors like you jerks, bye." and she stormed out of the hall, shoving them out of the way. "what in hades name is wrong with her!?" said annabeth in an enraged tone she reserved for people she hated. chiron sighed, "the poor girl is still enraged on the terms that you killed persues jackson. and she's refused to speak to you and to give you your prophecy." suddenly she got really mad at Rachel, "why is she mad at us about that!? and she dare calls us traitors? percy was the one wo betrayed annabeth!?" she recieved horrible glares from nearly everyone, especially percys old friends and the aphrodite girls. Lupa growled angrily, "even if he did betray the girl, it was on no terms a good reason to kill him. anyways, we will supply you with the basics." and suddenly stupidity hit her like a hard brick. "wait, i almost forgot! there is a huge army coming here, we were told its every monster in existance all in one!" at this a couple kids fainted, and there was guess what? more gasping. "if you would save your gasping for later, then we will start building fortifications. disperse!" and the counsel ended.

Angelina's pov

they were packing up in the artemis cabin, the nesscescities like ambroisia and nectar, clothes, toothbrushes, and their bows. "hey has anyone seen my canteen?" then annabeth threw it straight at her head. it clunked her right between her eyes. "ow ow ow ow.... gods annabeth that was filled!" thalia and annabeth snickered. "oh woman up, no that sounded stupid..." this time angelina snickered. then Patrick burst in. "gods! ever heard of knocking we could have been changing!" he smirked. "i dont care about THAT. what im actually worried about is PJ. we need to iris message him before we go." she was still angry about the first sentence and was still blushing furiously along with annabeth and thalia but decided it was a conversation for another day. "okay then. where are we going to find some mist for an iris message?" annabeth looked grim but said nevertheless. "lets head to posiedon/neptune cabin."

Annabeth's pov

she walked out of the artemis cabin, still furious at patricks complete uncare about barging into their cabin, and over to the posiedon cabin. over the years everything had cobwebs all over. but the salt water fountain remained the only item still in use. the abalone still gleamed, and the water made mist in the unheated cabin, just what they needed. she tossed the drachma into the mist and chanted the incantation to get the goddess iris' attention. "Oh Iris goddess of the rainbow, accept my offering! show me PJ, errr.... wherever he is!" the image rippled and changed until a dark wood appeared in the fog. PJ was barely visible in his dark clothes. he appeared to be holding a quiver of arrows and was moving slowly to the right. then she saw the monster. it wasnt and uncommon monster, just a common earthborn. but PJ stalked up behind it and pulled out a golden arrow, and put it right around the monsters neck, and the idiot didnt even notice the arrow right across his chin. PJ whipped the arrow down straight into the earthborns heart and instead of bursting into dust it glowed golden and all of the light flooded into the arrow, and it gleamed like the sun, and PJ stuck it into the quiver. then he looked up at them like he had been there all along. he said in a hushed tone, "hey guys, fill me in on past events." and they told him about how artemis had teleported them here, he beamed at patrick when they told about how he healed all of the hunters. and how the meeting went. "well thats it? well then, i am just preparing to slow down the enemy as much as i can, but start your quest as soon as possible! i can slow them down as long as possible but theyll eventually make it to camp. i gotta go now. good luck." and he whipped his hand through the mist and the image dissapated. after that no-one really spoke, they just left the cabin and went to bed, dreading morning when the quest would start.

Patricks pov

he waited as the sleepless night ticked on and on, the howling in the woods was unnerving and he heard waves splashing on the shore. he didnt want to rest because sleep meant dreams, and dreams meant visions, and visions just made him want to punch the wall. the hunters allowed him to sleep in the artemis cabin so they didnt wake up anyone in the other cabins. the quest was supposed to be a secret kept to the questers and the people present at the counsil meeting. but the artemis cabin on the inside was nothing special, just your regular old cabin but with a bunch of silver instruments and weapons. there were transparent wolves, hawks, and deer prancing all along the ceiling. but as the night wore on he decided to go to the forest, he was always so calm in the forest, the wind rustling the trees and the animals and monsters made oddly luring calls that made him want to grab a bow, knive, or sword and go hunting. so he picked up his bow and strode out of the cabin.

Annabeth's pov

as soon as she layed down on her soft fluffy bed the lull of sleep caught her and in no time she was asleep. and of course with the sleep came dreams. instead of the normal demented dreams that normally found her when there was a threat and iminant war, she was out on a quiet feild. her mind was blissfully clear, and the fragrant wildflowers scent caught her and she layed down upon the soft cool grass. she sat there, and without her notice a huge clock ticked away, minutes going by as she slept, and she just layed there, content with nothing, not a thought in her head [irony anyone]. and as the hours slipped away she took no notice of the little hand wirling around faster, and she just layed there, and then her stomach rumbled, and to ease this a warm tart shapped like a flower apeared out of thin air. she took a bite and her bliss grew twice as large, her mind grew numb. and as the hour hand wirled away as fast as once every 20 minutes she took no notice. and she eventually grew thirsty, and to her great happiness a fruity flower shaped cup appeared and she took a wonderful sip. finally she felt as though she was being moved, not in the dream, like another conciousness was slamming into the sides of her head. then the spell broke. and she jumped up and ran backwards, back towards the entrance where the dream began. and she woke up in the infirmiry with thalia, patrick, and angelina at her side. they looked at her, with a mix of relief and annoyance. "well, morning sleeping beauty, been a long time since you slept in a real bed? cause you've been out a full day." at this her mind seemed to blank out, as if the blissful dream took over again and she passed out.
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
Thalia's pov

she watched as annabeth passed out once again. they had pretty much panicked when she wouldnt wake up, and after she had been by her bedside for the entire time, annabet hadnt moved until she woke up. in fact she looked downright peaceful and content. but patrick had been pretty annoyed at annabeth, the calm peace of camp-half-blood seemed to bother him, being stuck in the woods as much as he had. "i think i have an idea." thalia jumped and saw angelina coming into the room with a bucket that thalia guessed was filled to the brink with ice water. she smirked as she said, "well i see your point, dump it all on her." she restrained a laugh as she dumped the whole thing over annabeth's head. "SPLURGE!" she was rolling on the floor laughing while annabeth fumed above her. "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR!" clutching a stitch in her side, still breathing heavily to restrain her laughter, she answered. "well one, you've kept us waiting for a full day, two it was halarious, and three... well there isnt a three." and she lost control and started laughing when she saw the look on annabeths face.

angelina's pov

she and thalia rolled on the floor as annabeth had the most comical look on her face that you can imagine. but when they looked at patrick the smiles melted off of their faces. "whats up sour-puss?" patrick had a very impatient and annoyed look in his eyes that told them he was ticked. and the look just got worse when she called him the name, "well, we're a day behind on the quest and you guys are just sitting there laughing, i'd go right now if i could, i dont like the fact that PJ and the others in our group facing that huge army alone." he said that all in a sentence, and that was all they needed before they got up with looks of seriousness glinting in their eyes. "good, now lets go to olympus, thats where we start." suddenly she felt really stupid, they had'nt planned at all for the quest. apparently patrick knew what he was doing, so they grabbed their packs and set out from camp.

Thalia's Pov

they set off for olympus the moment they left the borders of camp. not a word was said between the group as they each tried to envisage the tasks the gods might set them. each of their thoughts were as unlikely as the last. they hailed a cab in manhatten and the driver charged them double for accidentally ripping his seat with the "incredibly sharp credit card." as they exited the taxi and got cussed at by the driver, they recieved a bunch of glares from people as they shoved through the crowd to the empire state building, and over to the clerk at the desk, who, after having a dagger point under his neck, waved them into the elevator, and up towards the fabulous city of the gods.

they walked across the newly repaired walkway (which now held no fear for thalia) up to the throne room of the gods, al the while having minor gods and nymphs gape at them. when they finally reached the doors of the throne room, they knocked on the doors, but it seemed pretty useless concidering they were the size of 20 fully grown elephants. theyopened up silently and they walked in to face the mix of angry, happy, furious, and indifferent expresions of the gods. zues was the first of which to speak, "well demigods, we have heard of your quest and the means of which you need to finish it." aphrodite, hermes, posiedon, and ares grinned malicously from their thrones. "so who wishes to try our little friends first?" and they all looked at each other and posiedon stood. "bring me brass feather crafted by the greatest inventor who ever lived, that should suffice to the challenge and give you some grief all at once." and he grinned evilly at them. watch yourselves demigods, many of those here would love to blast you to pieces but they will try to do it here, beware. and they all shifted uncomfortably as the voice of hestia spoke inside their heads, and they left the throne room without even uttering a single word.

Thalia's pov

they left the throne room of the gods and on their way down to the elevator, they noticed some leering people. "guys being here makes me nervous, its like everyone here either hates us or wants to see us dead." she muttered to the others. patrick glared at them again, "speak for yourself annabeth, i'm fine."and in fact he wasnt, the people of olympus leered at him in apprehension, but it didnt seem like he was bothered in any way. thalia glanced and angelina and saw she was looking at her brother in an almost scared way, as if he would freak out on them again. they were glad when they got to the elevator, but their moment of relief was shortlived, as they saw a figure walking over to them. hestia herself walked over to them, her expression calm but a little pained. "i did not approve and still dont approve of the way you handled that situation 4 years ago." they gulped. "normally i am a gentle goddess, and so i do not have much of anything that wont be a waste of time,and so i bestow upon you my piece of the key to you." and she held out her hands and a golden charm appeared, glowing like hot coals in a bonfir, a minature little golden hearth, and it floated into a leather case. "take this too so you dont lose track of them. this case will never be lost, and the same goes for whats in it. good luck heroes on your quest for the Unknown Hero's past.

Annabeth's Pov

after hestia left them, the group left olympus in a hurry. "why do i get the feeling over half of everyone in the demigod world wants us dead?" patrick snorted and whistled for a cab, and paid the driver in advance to avoid extra charges. "i dont know what you guys are talking about, noboady wants me dead other then our monster friends." then he frowned, "maybe we should iris-message PJ, i mean, last we saw of him he was preparing his shadow arrows." they all looked at him quizickly, "shadow arrows?" thalia was first to voice her thoughts, she had never heard of the term before. patrick mimed being exhasperated, but secretly he felt pretty good lecturing his sister, a girl who had years of experiance on him, and the daughter of the wisdom goddess. "a shadow arrow is a normal arrow that contains a single soul, and the destructive power that comes with the destruction of said soul." once again they looked at him questioningly. "the way you make a shadow arrow is that you take any arrow, the more destructive the better, and you put it somewhere near some poor doomed monster, mortal, demigod, and then you perform a bit of magic that steals the soul of said victim. its the same concept he used on you when he healed your burns a while ago." annabeth and thalia shuddered when they remembered when they got caught in a [i]boys[i/] body. "these arrows have the destructive power that is equal to a small bomb." they looked at him impressed. "and only PJ ever uses them or even knows how to make them. "geez what else has he come up with?" he grinned evily at them, "ill tell you guys when the time is right." and then they exited the taxi, and the driver made the mistake of asking for payment. "i already paid you ya deadbeat!" the driver cursed at them and sped off.

angelina's pov

theyn decided to start looking for the feather in the garden pf the gods, annabeth had said she vaguely remembered throwing away some of deaudelus's wings a few years prior, and, to save time they took a plane. unfortunately the plane didnt take off for a few hours. so there they were sitting in the terminal looking over their shoulders every 5 minutes, meanwhile, angelina's mind was racing. her brother was ticked at her because she didnt reply to letters she didnt recieve. in her head she was wondering how he could even get the letters to her. fianlly, curiosity triumphed over her willpower to keep what little connection with her brother alive, "patrick?" he grunted to show he was paying attention, "i was wondering about these letters you tried to send me, how did you try to get them to me anyway?" he looked at her malevonlently, then apparenly decided it couldnt hurt, "i gave you the letters by going into your tent and placing them where you would find them, on your bedroll. i dont know how you couldnt have gotten them, and thats my problem." he gave her one more angry look, and turned back to chatting with thalia about where they could find those feathers. angelina's mind seemed to go into a blur, how couldnt she find those letters? she never saw anything different around her tent ever. just one more thing she could add to the annoyingly unanswerable questions, she could make a list:
1. where did patricks letters go?
2. who resurrected the monster army and the titans?
3. how would they find a single feather whose last clue about its whereabouts is a trashcan almost 7 years ago?
4. who was PJ really?
5. what the hades did PJ do to tick off artemis so badly, and vice-versa?
6. why didnt patrick recognize annabeth and thalia?
she had a feeling that all of these were connected, but she couldnt figure out why. she was abruptly cut off from her managerie of confusion, terror, curiosity, and anger by the intercom blaring out, "flight 212 will be taking off in 10 minutes, and we are sorry for the delay." thalia sighed in relief, "thank godness, i thought we were gonna be stuck here forever." patrick gave a contented sigh, "yeah i agree. lets go."

angelina's pov

the plane ride was uneventful. no spontanius mortal turning into some crazy random monster jumping at our throats, threatening war on the gods for whatever reason, threatening the wrath of some master that will kill them. "guys i dont get it, during our whole quest we havent heard from one monster, i dont get it!" patrick looked at annabeth, then scowled. "why are you looking at me?" "well for one i am wondering why the daughter of athena hasnt uttered one annoyingly informative comment whatsoever. thats why i am looking at you wierd." she looked at him odd, "what the hades are you talking about? " patrick cursed. "what i mean is that i remember that you used to never stop going on about factoids and other stuff about architecture." annabeth looked at him stunned, "what do you mean i dont remember that!?" patrick cursed again, and thalia looked like it was time to intervene, "woah there pat, there are kids here and i didnt even know those words till now. but anyway, what in hades name are you talking about? annabeth never used to talk about architecture, are you feeling ok?" he adopted a calculating look, "well then, i guess artemis has been trying to curse PJ again, he is trying to erase every last trace of your guy's past lives, you dont look the same, you dont talk the same, you dont even remember your families, and you have lost all of your past traits. and you dont even remember enough about each other to tell the differences." they looked at him completely stunned, "are you sure? i dont feel different?" he sighed, "of course i am sure, you dont look the same, thalia you used to have black hair and blue eyes and used to be a punk rock queen. annabeth you used to be blond, grey eyed, inquisitive, and never stopped blabbing about architecture. you've changed. thats why i shot at you back then, you didnt look the same and couldnt answer my questions." the three huntresses looked at each other in a freaked out sort of way, "can we go back? and how did this happen and why?" patrick looked at them with...pity? "i dunno i dunno and i dunno guys, we'll figure it out." and then they heard that annoying little loudspeaker say to them pointlessly, "please fatsne your seatbelts, we will be landing shortly." and then the plane shuddered and hit the pavement, probably way faster tha procedure indicated. "umm guys i got a feeling this'll be our first monster."

thaia's pov

oh gods oh gods my persoanlity is dissapearing! it was all thalia could do to keep a calm expression on the outside as her mind was in turmoil. "guys maybe we should go check out what made us land uncomfortably." angelina, stuck in her thoughts replied with a blank expression, "wha....huh?" "just follow me."

they found their monster shortly after exiting the plane. "the hades is that...thing?it looked like a boar had been fused with a storm spirit, and then given bull horns made of fire and its sides looked like pure stormcloud and all over its body were spikes that looked like pure ruby with a greenish tinge, like they were poisoned. "i dunno, never heard of that in the myths and i have read every single one more than a few times." they looked at it warily, and then it saw them. its war cry sounded like a wild boar squealing, and the second they locked eyes thalia froze, it was like she couldnt move even if she wanted too. her insides froze with terror. she felt the malice within that thing, the almost primal force that drove it, it scrambled her mind and made her think of everything, terrifying, happy, sad, joyous, and every other type of memory. her mind was chaos. it was so bad that she didnt move or notice when the thing charged her. it made solid contact and she finally felt the scrambling stop but it was only to be replaced by pain, and she went unconscious.

annabeth's Pov

she watched as her best friend and companion go down under that monsters charge. she too had felt the pure madness that the thing caused when it looked them in the eyes, and when the thing finally broke eye contact annabeth bolted for safety on the wing of the plane, and she took out her bow as the monster charged at patrick, who had not looked into its eyes yet, but seen the effects. she took careful aim, she nocked a smelters arrow, it melted whatever it touched, and let it fly. the arrow hit the boar in the side and dissovled the stormy barrier for a few seconds and then it returned. she knew she would have to be precise, she took 2 arrows out of her quiver, one smelters and an explodable.she nocked, fired and fire again and the smelter hit the boar, dissolving its armor, and then the exploding arrow hit it in its fleshy side, and the boar-like-thing went down squealing, and dissloved. it didnt doe normally though, it didnt turn into gold dust, but it just dissloved into nothing. "the heck was that!?" patrick, who had been distracting the thing rubbed his head, "i have heard stories about what chaos is like, no real form, no real order, just random manifestations, not all good, and it think this was on of these chaos creatures." annabeth nodded, and turned to thalia. she had a broken arm and some laceraions. " it think we should get a motel in the next town, and let thalia heal a bit." angelina nodded, she had been another to freeze but wasnt attack, and so stayed stuck in one place the whole time. they picked up thalia and started walking over to the small town, their heads still spinning from todays events.

Annabeth's Pov

they walked a still unconscious thalia into their motel room, it was a small dimly lit room with 2 beds, and enough space for a couple matresses on the floor. "well this is a pretty ridiculous room for the price we paid for it, i guess ill just give it a bad review, like anyone else would care." patrick snickered, "ya and then we'll take the mini soaps in protest, along with all the mini shapoo's." they cracked up and layed thalia down on one of the beds. "best thing for her is rest. she only got trampled. nothing terrible." so they settled into the dingy little room. "hey guys they have a mini-fridge! now i see why they charged us so much its loaded!" thalia's eyes shot open, "must. have. snacks." they all cracked up. "ransack the place, that boar trampled my pack and it had most our food in it." she looked dead serious. "besides i havent had a peanut m&m since before i was a hunter." they cracked up again. "hey guys we still need to IM PJ." they looked at the sprite. "i think i know where we'll get our rainbow." patrick looked from thalia to the sprite bottle and back again. "if it does ill give you a drachma."

turns out sprite did make a good rainbow, also turns out that patrick cursed when he lost a bet. "oh iris goddess of the rainbow, accept our offering." they tossed in the drachma and some skittles, "show us PJ wherever the heck he is." they rainbow shivered and PJ came into view standing on a hillside, nocking a golden arrow and shooting at some tall buff and glowing dudes. "hey PJ." he flinched and missed his shot, and ended up hitting some monsters. "dangit guys i was about to take out krios and hyperion!" they looked at him guiltily, "sorry man, but we got our first charm from hestia and posiedon gave us our task, we gotta find a feather from deadelus's wings." PJ looked at them grinning, "i know a gal named amy who has just that. she normally hangs around a motel in colorado, really low rent place. in fact only reason she hangs there is cause they always stock the mini fridges." they looked at him disbelivingly. "your serious cause we're there right now. what room?" he raised his eyebrows in mock surprise. "room A12. have fun guys." "wait!" but he waved his hand through the sprite mist and they were left alone, stuck in a low rent motel room.

Angelina's Pov

they went down to the front desk to check if PJ wasnt really just messing with them. she couldnt figure out how he would know about their hotel's quality. but before they left their room the jampacked their bags with the fridges stuff. "excuse me sir, but i have a friend who is staying here in what i belive is A12, and i want to check, her name is amy." the manager looked at their bags odd, "excuse me sir but do you have any motel property in that bag?" patrick looked at the guy, and snapped his fingers and the manager's eyes misted over. "our motel room was actually empty, i think you should send somebody to restock it." the manager nodded in a daze, and didnt even ask how patrick even knew about how the room was stocked up. "yes sir, we have an amy at room A12, she has taken up residence there for the past year." patrick looked satisfied. "thanks sir." and they walked up the stairs to the 3rd floor. they knocked on A12 and they heard a shuffling inside, "hey amy we need help, PJ sent us." the door flew open, and a girl standing there looked like she hadnt seen the light of day for weeks. "PJ sent-oh hey patrick." "hey amy whats up?" they chettered on for the next few minutes and only stopped when thalia cleared her throat, "um guys, we didnt spontaneusly dissapear into nothingness." they turned annoyed eyes on them. "yeah we know but we just dont care." amy turned an amused eye on him, "well i guess it seems just plain stupid to just stand around here, come on inside to my little peice of...never mind must not swear. so what do you guys need? er, helloooo?" but they were to preoccupied with looking around to notice her. the room was average sized, but filled to the brink with the coolest things, a huge bow, a golden sword, what looked like a celestial bronze missile launcher, or bazooka to our more 'mentally incompetant people, like leo.' but nearly everything looked like it was in the works, the bow was unstrung and several snapped strings were laying on the ground near it. the sword was unassembled from the hilt. and the jetpack looked like it had crashed and burned multiple times. "guys? guys! GUYS!" they all shook themselves out of their shocked daze. "like my place? i am sort of a scientist...not really. more like i mess around with old junk and try and make it into something useful to fellow demigods or mua." patrick nodded. "its been a while, you left our camp what, a year ago?" she shrugged, "9 months, 30 days, anniversary is tomorrow." patrick gave a sigh of exasperation, "gods, why so literal? ugh never mind ill just get a sarcastic response-" "darn right you will" patrick adopted an annoyed look, "down to buisiness. we need one of daedelus's feathers." amy shrugged, "sure, i've already copied down the design. its over on the shelf there." and she walked over and opened a droor, and she cam back holding a battered bronze feather. "thanks amy, we'll be seeing you later. FWI there's an army marching to camp to destroy the world again." amy looked truly amused. "well i am really not surprised since its only the 3rd time in a decade. good luck." and she shoved them out and shut the door, they heard locks click, "one can never be too careful." said thalia grimly. and suddenly they were on olympus again, with posiedon glaring at them as he grabbed the bronze feather. then he huffed and Zues said, "heroes, your next task is from apollo." they turned to apollo, who said with much enthusiasm, "your task from me is to...."

Thalia's pov

they looked at apollo waiting for their next venture. "... ok i just want a burrito from senior froggy's." they looked at him mouths hanging on their hinge. "ooh ooh oooh! i want one!" they wirled around to look at hermes. he was on the edge of his seat like a little kid and about as hyper as one. then aphrodite popped in, "well no burrito for me, but can i have the mexi fries and a lemonade?" and then demeter shouted over the others, "while your out pick up some cheerio's from the store for me!" patrick started looking amused as he shouted over them, "ok everyone who's put in their order shut up. anyone else who wants anything?" the gods who didnt act up like little kids normally just reclined in their thrones. they also looked really amused at that show of kid like attitude. "kk, we're out." and they left the throne room of the gods by the elevator, which played "Over The Rainbow." thalia looked like she was gonna puke, "geez when this is over remind me to ask for new elevator music, this really is just plain terrible." patrick still had an amused look plastered onto his face, "get used to it thals, we'll be going here and back for a while. now lets go to the grocery store to finish up our godly quest."

Angelina's Pov

they walked out of the empire state building and imediatly asked for directions to the nearest senior froggy's. when they arrived, they decided to eat lunch. "wow i cannot believe aphrodite didnt want one of these burritos, they're not bad." the other nodded their agreement, "probably to much carbs or something else." thalia looked down at herself odd, "do you think i should cut down a bit?" patrick looked at her, as if asessing her, "um nope, but why the hades do you care? i mean, you dont really date so there's not really a reason that you would care." thalia decided to look indignant, and try and annoy him, "well just cuz im not dating doesnt mean i cant take care of myself can it?" patrick sighed and looked resigned to the worst and said with hesitation, "umm you have no idea how out of character you sound, i am reminded of a certain goddess of love when your talking about this." thalia lunged at him, knive in one hand and burrito in another, and they had to hold her back to keep her from probably killing patrick, "dont ever compare me to that annoying lover!" she said that as if it was an insult, but pat looked very amused. "well you do, PJ's mocking saying of artemis is, "the one who doesnt love who still cares about their appearance, doesnt care about one or the other." fianlly thalia settled down, but still glared at pat with molevolance. "well lets wrap up our food and bring the gods their burritos.
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
Angelina's pov

they took a cab over to the empire state building, but they didnt get a chane to talk about what would happen to them next much because patrick and the driver were argueing about how much he should charge for a ride, or how the economy was doing, or pretty much stuff that i just plain didnt care about whatsoever. "i still say you should charge $3 for a ride to the empire state building from where we are, i mean its only a mile!" the driver shouted back at him without looking back, "well i gotta go through heavy traffic at this time of day and its none of your buisiness what i charge kid!" "yeah well it is my buisiness cuz i'm the one coughing up aint i!" thalia looked at the driver, and back at pat, and then at annabeth and angelina with a hint of annoyance and amusement, she held up her hand and counted down her fingers, 3,2,1, "SHUT UP!" the driver jumped out of his seat and hit his head on the ceiling, and drove on rubbing his head and muttering curses at them. the occupants went the rest of the ride without speaking. when they exited the cba the guy sped off, or tried too in the heavy traffic. as it was he scraped by a news van and they shouted abuse at each other, typical New Yorkers. since the clerk with the key knew them pretty well now, they didnt even have to threaten him knives out this time, he just handed them the card without looking up from The Rangers Apprentice book he was reading. [A/N, btw thats a series i read after finishing harry potter, had to include it :D] the ride up to the 600th floor went as per normal, thalia cursing at the musak, this time some3 annoying dubstep song that made her head hurt. finally they reached the grounds-er, sorry clouds, of Olympus. they walked into the throne room after bypassing some nymphs and dryads, and greeted the gods. "hey apollo catch!" they tossed his burrito at his head and apparently apollo wasnt that quick. it smacked him in the forehead with a satisfying splurt! "you didnt have to throw it you know!" patrick repied as if he had planned for this to happen, "well you didnt have to miss it did you?" apollo murmed something i didnt make out and snapped his fingers, and the burrito fell back in place, into his hand. hermes shouted, "ill just have you hand me mine thanks!" they all chcukled as patrick stood on his tiptoes to hand hermes his extra large fachita. A/N sry about spelling there. "hey where's my tots!" apparently if you didnt specifically ask how you wanted it given to you, you were bound for trouble, and pat lobbed the taters and lemonade at aphrodite, who promptly shrieked and got soaked. "this was a brand new dress!" she complained. "we did our part now hold up your end of the bargain!" hermes tuted, "cliche` man. here ya go." and a sparkling winged foot token appaered at theor feet. "aphrodite grumbled at them as she made her charm appear, a golden dove, and apollo gave up a golden lyre, while from demeter they recieved a golden oak tree. "hey wait a minute, you never gave us yours posiedon!" he sighed in resignition and made a miniture golden wave, seemingly frozen, appear at their feet. "thanks, anyone wanna just save time and just hand theirs over?" the gods just shook their heads, but surprisingly, ares snapped his fingers together and a golden mini spear appeared in front of them. "there will be a fight as soon as you get these and i want it ASAP, so get this done so i can watch it, your friend and his little twig with the string on it is getting boring, no matter how much damage he is doing." they picked up their charms, and set them in the case, a total of 7 so far, about half of what they needed. zues rubbed his hands together, "ok, my request is you go and bring me that whip alecto carries, it seems a good enough weapon and i need something for ares' birthday." ares roared at him sudenly, "SPOILERS MUCH!?" zues shrugged, "to make it easier ill teleport you to the underworld, cya in a bit demigods." and they felt a rushing feeling engulf them, and they found themselves near a gigantic pit.

annabeths pov

they appeared near an enormous black pit, it radiated evil so powerful it sent shivers down her spine. it made her think of things she shouldnt have known about, the world ending in so many ways, the horrible stench of death, the madness of a murderer. "guys why are we here?" patrick looked troubled, like something was going on in the back of his mind, "i think zues sent us here for a reason, doesnt this feel sort of...different?" now that he pointed it out, she did notice something odd. there werent any tortured cries from the pit like normal, no pleads for mercy from some random being. it felt...empty. "yeah, it feels like there isnt anything left here." patrick nodded. "PJ said in the iris message that tartarus had been emptied. now we know he is right." then he went silent and studied the pit some more. meanwhile annabeths mind was reeling, if tartarus had been emptied then their worst nightmares had been released, Kronos, typhon, the giants, and countless monsters were free and marching towards camp. the thought of what would happen if they got there was insurmountably horrifying. "lets get out of here and go talk to alecto, i just wanna get outta here, like now."

after trudging up the slope towards the black walls of erebos they noticed the fields of punishment were quiet, apparently whoever did this wasnt very origional. they must have marched for hours but they finally reached the gates, and the furies swooped down from their perches. the furies were a terrifying sight to behold, they looked like old ladies mixed with bats, add on the yellow fangs a the evil look they gave you and they truly were monstrous. but this time they didnt look hostile, they just looked exhausted. "hello heroes, have you noticed the emptiness of the underworld yet?" annabeth shifted nervously at their voices but answered nonetheless. "well yeah, its sorta hard to miss. by the way, can we have your whip and let this be done with?" the middle fury, probably alecto glowered at them, "if i werent so tired from trying to keep escaped souls here i would rip you to shreds little hero. but i am in no condition to kill you. here, take it and be gone!" she voice reached such a high pitch that the group winced horribly, and then she shoved the white hot whip right into her hands. "OW!" alecto looked on with contempt, almost amusement at her predicament. "so long little heroes, the task you will face is much more than you think, oh i cannot wait to see our other masters form, it has been so long and he looks absolutely ridiculous!" she cackled in delight and swooped up towards the parapets of the fortress of hades. they looked at each other in pure creeped-out-demigodishness that only half bloods knew the feeling of. then they werent here anymore.

thalia's pov

they appeared back in front of the doors to the throne room on olympus, and when they hit the ground she landed wrong and twisted her ankle. "OW!" then, "thalia? you ok? are you hurt?" she got up and winced but waved them off, sshe would take some ambroisia and nectar later. then slipped inside the doors into the magnificant throne room of the gods. they bowed as was the custom and then she tossed zues the whip, who then tossed it to ares, who then yelled OW when it hit him in the face. "good job demigods, here is my seal." and then with a flash of light, a token shaped like an eagle with a thunderbolt floated to the ground. thalia grabbed it and stuffed it into the slot in the case. "while you're here we have something to show you." he waved his hand and an iris message burst into existance and they saw a blood-chilling sight. the army was nearly at camp, and leading them was a tall guy in red armor, he had a wand in his belt and he swung a sword with ease, slashing campers weapons out of their hands and then blasting them back across the border. the campers were barely holding back the army itself, and PJ was nowhere to be found. the thought really caused a bit of pain, he had gone down fighting for a bunch of kids who he didnt know, for a camp he couldnt go to. patrick seemed to come to the same conclusion and he looked devestated. "as you see demigods, we dont have time to end you on erratic errands, the other gods have agreed to give you our seals so you can save the camp, but first, you must find your friends past so you can free artemis and save camp, go now." and the suicase appeared, and it opened.

Angelina's Pov

they bent over the suitcase and opened their seal book, and inserted the seals, zues's, posiedons, ares's, aphrodites, hestia's, demeters, athena's, apollo's, hepheastus's, hera's, dionysus's, hermes's, and then they noticed the last notch, it was shaped like a coin with a little ine through it. "what? i thought we had them-" she was cut off by the charm falling on her head, annabeth seemed to recognize it. "thats what PJ showed my a couple years ago, artemis's seal. how did he get that?" thalia shook her head and grabbed it, and shoved it into the indentation. the boxed clicked, and the trap door vanished, leaving that latter visible. "well down we go then eh?" thalia shut up you sound like that stupid stereotype for canadians." annabeth snickered and climbed down the latter, thalia followed, and angelina follow patrick, who had been ominously silent.

when they reached the floor they noticed 2 things, one, the damage was still present from before, and 2, the doors were all open for some reason. they walked to the closest door, which held weapons. there were wands that looked like boomerangs, staffs, swords, and was that rope? in the next room they found some twine, wax, paper, chalk pencils, pens, more paper, some books, and assorted school supplies. "PJ sure keeps some weird stuff in this place." the next room seemed to be more storage, and the next room was the same. eventually they found a small room with some scrapbooks. what shocked them was THEY were in some of them. most of the pictures looked old, and showed the time after the first titan war. "wow i almost forgot what percy looked like before... before it happened." her face darkened and they kept looking. there was one scrapbook with PJ and a curly haired kid and a girl with blue eyes, and highlights in her hair, they all held wands and they looked like they were ready to have a good time. "wow i havent seen PJ this happy before. its sorta out of character nowadays." the others nodded and they moved on to the next room, in which they gasped. it was a tiny room the size of a broom closet, but it had this odd glow, patrick stepped in and yelped as he promptly dissapeared. angelina screamed and lunged after him, and she dissapeared too, thalia and annabeth looked at each other, shrugged, and jumped in after them.

later on angelina couldnt describe the feeling the followed, like that feeling you get when you drop from really high, or when you are moving extremely fast, that tingling feeling all over. then it turned into nausea, and when she felt like she would implode at any second, they fell into a big room with a bunch of instruments on the walls, and a statue that looked like a scholar with a clipboard, ready to test them on what country something came from or whatnot. then they looked at the gapping faces all around them, and then the weapons pointed at their faces. a kid a little younger than them stepped forward and pointed a curved sword at thalias throat, "who the heck are you?" thalia slipped her mace canister into her hand and replied defiantly, "i dont know what i am doing here, we were checking out the insides of a friends suitcase when we got stuck in here." the kids face paled, and a girl stepped next to him and whispered something in his ear. he nodded and helped us up. "i am Carter Kane, this is my sister Sadie Kane, and how do you know our friend PJ?"

patricks pov

they explained to the egyptians what had happened lately over breakfast. how the greeks and romans had existed apparently with them, unnoticed, and how they were under attack from all sides the kanes explained the egyptian house of life and how the followed the path of the egyptians gods, and why they had a 12 foot long albino aligator in their swimming pool on the terrace. "so basically your under attack and you need help?" summed up the odd girl with the highlights in her hair, sadie, her name was. patrick nodded, "yup that pretty much puts a cap on it. any chance you can help us?" sadie and her brother carter both nodded. "well we cant let PJ's friends die can we? and afterwards we can figure out how he got in contact with both of us." the questers nodded their heads in agreement, and they followed the kanes to the rooftop. and then they jumped at the sight of the huge griffin/hummingbird [i]thing[i/] that screamed at them, "why do you have a psycotic hummingbird up here?" sadie snickered as she answered, "well carter here can get its help since his patron god horus is the griffins patron too. now get in the sand portal sarcastic boy." he scowled at her and jumped into the vortex full of sand.

they popped out on half blood hill, and were followed by sadie, carter, and the rest of their troop, about 20 kids. they looked out onto the battlefield and it didnt look good. chiron was shooting into the ranks, aiming for the leaders, and the kids from camp were each alone in the sea of smelly, large, armed behemoths, while lupa and her pack were snarling and launching into the weakest ranks. the biggest enemy on the battle field was that big guy in the red armor. his helmet was off and his back was turned, but when he looked at them, patricks blood turned cold. it was PJ.

Thalia's Pov

impossible, totally impossible. there was absolutely no way that that guy attacking the camp was PJ. then he turned to us again and she felt shivers run down here spine. it was definitely PJ, but it wasnt, if that makes sense. he had an expression that looked alien on PJ's face, pure anger at the fact the campers kept fighting back. she turned out of her dase and looked at the others, patrick looked devestated and confused, he kept muttering, "but h-he helped us....i-i dont g-get it." angelina tried comforting him and annabeth looked just plain shocked. carter and sadie looked horrified, like their worst nightmare came alive. then carter said under his breath, "we told him to find another, not to study him."thalia looked at him and asked, "who's the him your talking about?" he looked at her with the grimness of the situation in his eyes, "when PJ was training with us he chose the path of the gods like the rest of us, and he chose one god in particular, one he could channel very well."thalia motioned for him to continue. "he chose this god to follow even after we toild him he was messing with dangerous forces. the path he chose was the path of isfet, or Chaos. and it appears that Chaos himself has control of him and is about to break your camp."

Thalia's Pov

thwey stared at the two magicians horrified. "can he be fought? cuz isnt he like, invincible?" they looked at PJ/chaos. "well he isnt invincible, cause he has a couple arrows in his hide." "all i needed to hear", patrick said as he brought out his sword, which was gleaming like bright white like moonlight, and charged chaos. thalia annabeth and angelina brought out their bows and rained arrows at chaos and carter and sadie started blasting the hades out of the monstrous army [pun intended] with beams of light and the odd ravenous tiger. chaos roared at them and brought his sword down at patrick, and even at this distance started mesmerizing thalia. oh styx i let that thing get in my head AGAIN thought thalia, then her world went black as she felt that sword come downward in a slash into her.

Patricks Pov

he felt his forst blows make contact with chaos's sword as he parried them with near contempt. patrick had felt a blinding rage and sense of loss when he heard that chaos had taken control of PJ, who had been more of a father and a brother than anyone else. he had given counsil and advice to patrick when he had been having troubles with his training and when he felt his sister had forgotten about him. he was shocked out of his thoughts when he felt chaos's sword pierce his arm, and he stumbled back, and in that second he saw chaos lunge at thalia, who was staring at his sword with glazed eyes. oh styx she let that effect get her patrick had built up an immunity to that sword, but in his first few weeks that sword had led to many lacerations and bruises. he saw thalia crumple to the ground and he lunged at chaos again as he ddrew back from his attack. his sword rang down in a downward slash and chaos barely parried, and then he rained blows down on chaos. upercut, lefthand slash, parry, diagonal hilt smash. then chaos started fighting back. his attacks were, to be exact, and with the absolute best of patricks english, chaotic. they went in a totally onorthodox style and flew in diferentiating speeds, one attack fast enough to cut a flys wings off then to a cut that would make a turtle jealous. both of them ended up getting hit many times, and soon enough even patricks unending endurance was being put to the limit. finally chaos landed a side slash that made a deep gash in patricks chest. he gave a cry of pain and sank to the ground, dropping his sword. chaos laughed. "i must admit boy, you are one of the best swordsmen i have ever had the pleasure to meet. i have never met a person that has delt so much damage on me. your mentor taught you well." patrick heard all of this as if it was coming through a tunnel, it echoed and bounced around in his head, making his brain pound and in the process gave him a splitting headache. suddenly he felt strengthe flow back into him and he lunged upwards in an upercut that had all of the power behind his rsiing body, his back, and hs arms, added onto the fact that his blade was wickedly sharp, chaos didnt stand a chance. he collapsed to his knees, clutching at the horrible wound in his chest, and he flickered, and suddenly he gasped, and patrick knew in that instant that chaos was gone and PJ was back, but then he fell foreward, and all of his newfound strength left patrick, and he rushed towards his friend. he was deathly pale, and the cut was horrible to look at, patrick pulled out some nectar and poured it on the wound, and it closed a bit and the cut grew a bit shallower. then he shoved an ambroisia square into his mouth and the cut closed completely, leaving a scar behind as long as his forearm.PJ's face turned from a painful expression to a more peaceful one, and some of the color returned to his features. then a cheer broke out as the last monster in the army turned to dust., and patricks world went black as he sank into unconsciousness.

Patricks Pov

patrick woke up in a room full of medical equiptment, on a soft bed. he rubbed his eyes and groaned softly as he felt an enormous ache in his chest where chaos had slashed him, and he suddenly jerked up, blowing off the fact that he felt some of his cuts opening back up, he looked around, his eyes searching the rows of people and he found PJ lying on a bed covered in bandages that seemed to be hurriedly thrown on. Patrick got up and immediatly collasped, one of the appollo kids ran over and eased him into a chair. "the hades are you doing? your injured, that means you sleep and rest and heal." patrick glared daggers at him, "yeah well PJ over there is more injured than i am, why does he seemed to be the least cared for?" the kid suddenly seemed to develope an obsession with checking another campers pulse. patrick kept glaring at the kid, "well?!" the kid fidgeted as he replied. "well he is a t-trait-traitor." the kid got no further as patrick punched him. the other appollo kids swarmed around him and tried to restrain patrick who was ready to beat the styux out of the kid, injuries or no injuries. suddenly appollo himself appeared in a golden flash. he knelt by his kid and fed him some ambroisia. then he stood and looked at patrick sternly. "calm down. you'll over-exert yourself. i am here to help your friend." patrick didnt like the way appollo said 'your'. he looked at PJ's cut and winced a bit. patrick got up and looked at the wound himself and nearly passed out, both from the sight of it and from his own injuries. the wound was a nasty red color and the bandages were a dark red color. plus PJ's face looked really pale and he still had lots of smaller cuts and bruises. appollo set to work using salves and other assorted medicines to start healing PJ. fianlly after what seemed like an eternity, he sighed and leaned back in his chair. "well thats the best i can do for now. now lets take a look at you then eh?" finally after a slightly shorter eternity, appollo picked up his tools and moved on to thalia, then some of the worse off campers, then he wiped his brow and picked ujp his work bag. "well in a few minutes i am supposed to take you guys to olympus, but i have to wait for PJ to wake up so lemme know when that happens.ill be speaking with chiron." he got up and left, his kids following him. patrick got up and sat next to PJ, and then he heard something moving behind him and he saw thalia struggling to get up. "just relax thalia, its good." she wirled her head to face him and relaxed slightly, then tensed as she saw PJ lying on the bed next to him. "um is PJ alright?" patrick turned a worried glance at him and answered, "physically yeah he is alright, but i have no idea about his mental state." earlier carter and sadie had told him about how when gods took control of a mortals body completely it could shatter their minds. thalia looked at PJ worriedly. then they saw him shift. "you alright PJ?" he stirred and turned his head towards patrick, and opened his eyes. the normal oil shifting colors were shattered. the eyes showed pain. he seemed to struggle to find words but he finally spoke, "yeah, i'm fine. just have a headache." immediatly he knew he was lying. it didnt take an idiot to tell his mind was in turmoil. but he didnt push him. "well appollo wants to take us to olympus. can you walk?" he nodded and got up and limped towards the door, thalia and patrick following closely to catch him if he fell. they reached the big house and chiron and appollo were talking on the porch. annabeth and angelina were standing behind them. chiron turned a worried gaze towards PJ and helped him up the steps and into a chair. "are you ok my boy? you were in pretty bad shape when we got you to the infirmiry." appollo swelled his chest and said smugly, "well he was pretty bad until i healed him." PJ looked at him one eyebrow raised. "well if your so good at healing why do i feel like hades is throwing lava at me and my leg still feels broken." appollo's swagger immediatly died and he started whistling to "here comes the sun." um well anyways i gotta take you guys to olympus, you included chiron, we need a camp representative." chrion shrugged his shoulders and a powerful golden light engulfed them.

they appeared in the throne room of olympus, with the gods gathered on their thrones. appollo joined them and zues called the council to order. "well then, after our little quest and the battle, i believe we have some, ahem, matters to attend to." he looked really akward. "first we have to reward our heroes who saved camp, and freed artemis!" patrick jumped as he realized artemis was beaming at the group from on her throne, then she saw PJ and her expression went neutral again. "well i think since the circumstances called for so much effort, i think each of you shall have one gift from the gods. anything." angelina, patrick, annabeth, and thalia looked at each other at once and they knew there was really nothing holding them back. "well since there isnt anything really tyinng us down to much, i think i speak for all of us when i say we would like immortality." the gods all nodded and they took out their symbols of power. a bit of golden light from each came from each and combined to create a platter of golden apples. "these are from the garden of the hesperides, eat them and become immortal." they each took a bite and the crunch kept going till he ran out of apple to bite, it was delicous. the juice ran down his face and the flavor was like ambriosia and nectar multiplied by 100. suddenly he felt full of power. "rise patrick god of the summer night, angelina goddess of the winter night, annabeth chase goddess of architecture, and thalia goddess of static and darkness." he suddenaly felt a hand on his shoulder and he saw PJ absolutely beaming with pride at him. "wow i feel so strong." the gods nodded. "you'll get used to it. now on to some other....unpleasant business." patrick turned an unwavering gaze onto him. "what do you mean, unpleasant?" zues started to fidget. "well... um... ok ill just say it." he paused for a second. "PJ, for betraying the gods, the penalty is death, and since you helped chaos rise, you must die." the newly-made-gods looked at him stunned for a moment and then patrick felt rage start to build in his chest. "you mean, that because PJ got possesed by chaos, risked his life fighting a monster army, and then got badly injured, he. HAS . TO. DIE!?" the room started to grow darker. "control your anger atrick the mortals are wondering why the night has gotten so dark." PJ was still standing shakily as he stared at zeus in a calm unwavering gaze. "they're saying you have to die and your ok with that!" he smiled at him and walked up to the olympians, stumbling slightly as he stopped where they could all see him. "would you like to know what i think of you olympians sometimes?" they kept looking at him wincing slightly at the emotionless gaze he gave them. "you olympians are egotistical, prideful, spiteful, full of yourselves, and a bunch of other 'fuls', but you wanna know why i betrayed you to chaos?" his voice was rising ever so slightly as he kept speaking, and the first sparks of anger were begginning to kindle in his eyes. "i betrayed you olympians because you turned my family against me, you tried to kill me, you wiped my name from the history books, you put me out in the open at the mercy of the monsters when i was at my worst, and when i found a new family, you and your counterpart gods shoved me out of there for studying a forbidden path. and then after i started my own family you are now trying to destroy that." the gods were starting to tremble at the hatred in PJ's eyes, and the room was darkening, the floor shaking ever so slightly. "only a few of you are exempt from what i have described, hecate found me, healed me, and i became her adopted son, she taught me her arts and showed my to the brooklin house, and isis helped me from there. hestia was my patron and helped me when i was on my own. and they also helped me kindle my new group. those are the gods i consider worthy." the sparks were now ablaze and the room was shaking like there was a point 3 earhtquake, and the room was dark as dusk, despite the torches. "now i help you AGAIN and you want to kill me. well i am leaving for a while, i'll come back, but far away in the future. so long olympian scum" and the rooms earthquake hit its peak and the ground shattered around PJ and the darkness turned pitch black, and when it ended, PJ was gone, and the gods looked absolutely stunned.

No-ones Pov, for the moment.

they stared in shock at the place where PJ had been. "where did he go?" artemis rolled her eyes, "if we knew that then we wouldnt still be here then, right?" paatrick glared at her and she seemed to back down a bit. thalia noticed what seemed like.... hurt? in her eyes. "well try an iris message then. if you cant find him." the tossed the drachma in and the image sprang to life. PJ was standing at the brooklin house, talking to the others....

Carters Pov

they were tending to the wounded with Jasmine guiding some of the less able people *cough* saidie *cough*. when an un-earthly glow appeared in the center of the living room. which really surprised some of us, the gods had retreated to the heavens and we hadnt heard a lot from them lately. then PJ walked through the golden portal and it dissapated. me and saidie immediatly marched up to him. i tried to look like a confident leader but considering PJ was like half a foot taller tha me the effect was ruined. "hey carter, good to see you saidie." i glared at him, "wat are you doing here? i thought you and chaos were trying to destroy all that we stand for again." he looked at me like i punched him, and only then did i notice his eyes were fractured. i had seen that look once before and that was hen our uncle Amos had been possessed by set. he was also hunched over and when he walked he stumbled a bit. like he was ill. i immediatly felt bad. "sorry, got caught up." he nodded. "yeah well i dont mean to be rude but is there anything to eat i have a lot to discuss with you guys then i have to leave." i grabbed his arm, [which again made me feel akward since he was taller and older.] and led him to the balcony, where he greeted Philip. i turned bak inside and called out the the initiates, "hey guys dinners early, get out here!" they all rushed out and to the table, sensing that there was somehting going on. PJ cleared his throat then coughed a bit, then spoke. "well as you know when i trained here i studied the path of chaos." we all nodded. it was extremely dangerous work and he did, he didnt bother keeping it a secret. "well i told you guys that i had my family turned against me, and that family was my first, when i stayed with the greek demigods." most of the younger students looked confused, while the older ones who had been at the battle were nodding and frowning. "well when i came here my thoughts were to study chaos and then take revenge on the greeks, but later on i thought better of it. but my work was half finished and chaos was already half awake before i started, trying to levy some power." i sat forward, this was new info and i wanted to take it in. "well when i stoppe it was already to late and chaos freed himself a few weeks later, and he started mustering an army. he started invading my mind, and i fought him. eventually when he and his army reached camp he broke my consciousness and you saw the consequences." we all winced, when chaos gets in your head it isnt very fun. "well now i am here because i need you to aid the greeks and romans when chaos frees himself again, becaise if i try they'll kill me." i sat back in my chair thinking. "if we help them, didnt they try to kill you? i really dont like people i dont trust. i learned that lesson." sadie nodded. "well you dont need to help them immediatly. i started this as evenge, and chaos took a lot of power from me, and he isfeeding off the chaos that my dissapearence is caousing, along with the chaos that was created when he realeased those monsters. he is still going to be stuck for a long time, but i need help on this and i dont thik ill be around long enough anyways, ill try for sure but i might not be." sadie spoke up for the first time [surprisingly] "well where are you going? you siad the olympians are trying to kill you, but your fine here." then a voice spoke from behind her. "i'm afriad sadie that thats not true." we turned to see isis, horus, and set standing there, all with grim looks plastered on their faces. "PJ is a convicted servant of chaos, the olympians are right, i dont think its a good idea. in fact i think its a terrible idea, but our laws state that the punishment for treason is death." i got up a so did saide, and we looked the gods directly in the eyes. "whos side are you on? i'm pretty sure PJ just. SAID. whose side he is on, he tried to stop chaos but he wasnt able too, so your-." PJ stood up. "carter, i have already had patrick say the sme thing on olympus. gods are foolish and dont know when to bend the rules, they're too stuck in their own ways. besides they dont like somebody with more power than they have." the gods wirled on him. "you think you have as much power as we do?! insolance!" PJ snorted. "yeah, and i bet you brought set here to have a cup of tea? maybe catch up on the basketball game with Khufu?" stes face turned amused. "you got spunk, plus you know me kid! ah the wonder having such chaostic things in your head can do!" horus and isis along with the rest of us eyes him wierdly. "whaaaaaattttt?" "never mind" horus muttered. "anyway, we can take you by force or the easy way. either way, you cant escape." PJ laughed easily. "brng it on horus, always wanted to duel toe-to-toe with you, ill bet your bird brain cant process me when i win though, mayb you'll just zap me the un-honorable way instead of the classic swordfight." horus growled and smashed the table aside, so some initiates had to dive to avois being thrown off the terrace. he drew a 4ft long steel sword, and PJ his obsidian sword, which made me sway when looking at it, like i was being drawn in... bad carte, no looking at the hypnotizing sowrd. PJ, despite his injuries, lunged with unhuman speed, and horus arely parried. he started fienting and horus started to waver as many long cuts appeared around his torsa and legs.isis and set charged in and they began to be given the same treatment. finally, the all sank to the ground and slumped unconsious. we al stared at him in awe. then he winced as he felt one cut that he had sustained, even from here it looked deep. then around 20 glows appeared and they saw the olympians, and some egyptian gods appear, enscircling PJ. he growled and suddenly said, "if you olympians are so strong, look at this sword for a good minute." they all looked insulted, as if this was a ridicualous task to prove their worth. then their expressions turned glazed as they looked at the sword, then dreamy. then PJ glowed. i dont mean like a faint glow, but this was powerful, it was a dark purple glow, and it filled the room, and the gods were blaasted away. and PJ was nowhere to be found. then an earthquake shook brooklin house, and probably all of new york. on the richter scale it probably measured an 8 and the house trembled. then it ended and a bunch of scared looking intiates peeked though the wreckeage, wondering what happened next.

No-ones Pov, for the moment.

they stared in shock at the place where PJ had been. "where did he go?" artemis rolled her eyes, "if we knew that then we wouldnt still be here then, right?" paatrick glared at her and she seemed to back down a bit. thalia noticed what seemed like.... hurt? in her eyes. "well try an iris message then. if you cant find him." the tossed the drachma in and the image sprang to life. PJ was standing at the brooklin house, talking to the others....

Carters Pov

they were tending to the wounded with Jasmine guiding some of the less able people *cough* saidie *cough*. when an un-earthly glow appeared in the center of the living room. which really surprised some of us, the gods had retreated to the heavens and we hadnt heard a lot from them lately. then PJ walked through the golden portal and it dissapated. me and saidie immediatly marched up to him. i tried to look like a confident leader but considering PJ was like half a foot taller tha me the effect was ruined. "hey carter, good to see you saidie." i glared at him, "wat are you doing here? i thought you and chaos were trying to destroy all that we stand for again." he looked at me like i punched him, and only then did i notice his eyes were fractured. i had seen that look once before and that was hen our uncle Amos had been possessed by set. he was also hunched over and when he walked he stumbled a bit. like he was ill. i immediatly felt bad. "sorry, got caught up." he nodded. "yeah well i dont mean to be rude but is there anything to eat i have a lot to discuss with you guys then i have to leave." i grabbed his arm, [which again made me feel akward since he was taller and older.] and led him to the balcony, where he greeted Philip. i turned bak inside and called out the the initiates, "hey guys dinners early, get out here!" they all rushed out and to the table, sensing that there was somehting going on. PJ cleared his throat then coughed a bit, then spoke. "well as you know when i trained here i studied the path of chaos." we all nodded. it was extremely dangerous work and he did, he didnt bother keeping it a secret. "well i told you guys that i had my family turned against me, and that family was my first, when i stayed with the greek demigods." most of the younger students looked confused, while the older ones who had been at the battle were nodding and frowning. "well when i came here my thoughts were to study chaos and then take revenge on the greeks, but later on i thought better of it. but my work was half finished and chaos was already half awake before i started, trying to levy some power." i sat forward, this was new info and i wanted to take it in. "well when i stoppe it was already to late and chaos freed himself a few weeks later, and he started mustering an army. he started invading my mind, and i fought him. eventually when he and his army reached camp he broke my consciousness and you saw the consequences." we all winced, when chaos gets in your head it isnt very fun. "well now i am here because i need you to aid the greeks and romans when chaos frees himself again, becaise if i try they'll kill me." i sat back in my chair thinking. "if we help them, didnt they try to kill you? i really dont like people i dont trust. i learned that lesson." sadie nodded. "well you dont need to help them immediatly. i started this as evenge, and chaos took a lot of power from me, and he isfeeding off the chaos that my dissapearence is caousing, along with the chaos that was created when he realeased those monsters. he is still going to be stuck for a long time, but i need help on this and i dont thik ill be around long enough anyways, ill try for sure but i might not be." sadie spoke up for the first time [surprisingly] "well where are you going? you siad the olympians are trying to kill you, but your fine here." then a voice spoke from behind her. "i'm afriad sadie that thats not true." we turned to see isis, horus, and set standing there, all with grim looks plastered on their faces. "PJ is a convicted servant of chaos, the olympians are right, i dont think its a good idea. in fact i think its a terrible idea, but our laws state that the punishment for treason is death." i got up a so did saide, and we looked the gods directly in the eyes. "whos side are you on? i'm pretty sure PJ just. SAID. whose side he is on, he tried to stop chaos but he wasnt able too, so your-." PJ stood up. "carter, i have already had patrick say the sme thing on olympus. gods are foolish and dont know when to bend the rules, they're too stuck in their own ways. besides they dont like somebody with more power than they have." the gods wirled on him. "you think you have as much power as we do?! insolance!" PJ snorted. "yeah, and i bet you brought set here to have a cup of tea? maybe catch up on the basketball game with Khufu?" stes face turned amused. "you got spunk, plus you know me kid! ah the wonder having such chaostic things in your head can do!" horus and isis along with the rest of us eyes him wierdly. "whaaaaaattttt?" "never mind" horus muttered. "anyway, we can take you by force or the easy way. either way, you cant escape." PJ laughed easily. "brng it on horus, always wanted to duel toe-to-toe with you, ill bet your bird brain cant process me when i win though, mayb you'll just zap me the un-honorable way instead of the classic swordfight." horus growled and smashed the table aside, so some initiates had to dive to avois being thrown off the terrace. he drew a 4ft long steel sword, and PJ his obsidian sword, which made me sway when looking at it, like i was being drawn in... bad carte, no looking at the hypnotizing sowrd. PJ, despite his injuries, lunged with unhuman speed, and horus arely parried. he started fienting and horus started to waver as many long cuts appeared around his torsa and legs.isis and set charged in and they began to be given the same treatment. finally, the all sank to the ground and slumped unconsious. we al stared at him in awe. then he winced as he felt one cut that he had sustained, even from here it looked deep. then around 20 glows appeared and they saw the olympians, and some egyptian gods appear, enscircling PJ. he growled and suddenly said, "if you olympians are so strong, look at this sword for a good minute." they all looked insulted, as if this was a ridicualous task to prove their worth. then their expressions turned glazed as they looked at the sword, then dreamy. then PJ glowed. i dont mean like a faint glow, but this was powerful, it was a dark purple glow, and it filled the room, and the gods were blaasted away. and PJ was nowhere to be found. then an earthquake shook brooklin house, and probably all of new york. on the richter scale it probably measured an 8 and the house trembled. then it ended and a bunch of scared looking intiates peeked though the wreckeage, wondering what happened next.
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
third person Pov

the second PJ dissapeared, the room stayed silent for a long while. the purple aura seemed to have shor circuited their sense of time. fianlly artemis stood up and looked terrribly shocked. "come on lets go people monsters are not gonna ignore the chance to attack us while we stand looking at a crater." Patrick got up and glared at are with his self perfected evil-eye. she backed up with that hurt expression again. he opened his mouth as if to say something, but then he clenched his fist and shut his mouth, and then he bt his lip to prevent himself from saying something he'd regret. the other olympians go up and helped up the egyptians, who looked worse for the wear. "well after these events i doubt we can stay separated." isis mumbled. the others nodded, and posiedon tried to stand but swayed a bit, then he tried to take a step and stumbled. Hors managed to stutter out a sentence "lets get back to olympus, carter, sadie, you come too, we have matters to discuss." then they gods began to glow, and they all teleported.

Patricks Pov

they all reached olympus at the same time, and they walked/stumbled up the mountain to the throne room, and some guest thrones appeared for patrick, angelina, annabeth, thalia, and the egyptians. zues rose and face carter and sadie, "well magicians, i believe we do need a few egyptian gods to protect the brooklin house, now that chaos has enough power to throw forces at us. i assume you accept immortality?" they turned pale and looked at each other, and isis and hous rose painfully and walked over to them, patrick managed to make out, "its ok, your ready." they turned back to Zues and they bowed their eads as the gods began the immortality process. carter and sadie glowed gold, and when it subsided they looked different. now that patrick looked closely, he noticed that thalia, annabeth, and angelina looked different as well. thalias hair was longer and it stayed down more, and same with annabeth, their hair a richer brown then before, and their yellow eyes glittered. angelina's pitch black hair looked like a deeper black than tartarus, and her silvery grey eyes shown like the moon, with bits of green flecks in them contrasting like you were looking up at the moon in a forest through some branches, they brought a forest like setting to mind. plus they all looked taller. patrick would have to see what was different with him later on. but carter was about a foot taller, and his hair was basically the same, his eyes crackled with more intensity, and sadie's hair ws longer and the highlights were more well defined, and her blue eyes brought thoughts of the deep ocean to mind. they rose uncertainly and Zues said to them, "rise, Carter Kane, god of egyptian combat technique, rise Sadie Kane, godess of Paint and partial goddess of divine words." they said their thank yous and they walked over to the new gods and the egyptians. "so... immortality huh?" patrick nodded. "everything seems so different, like the world is mne right now." thats cuz its a summers night patrick." [A/N, i forget the seasn right nw so if i said it wasnt summer sometime before bear with me. patrick suddenly sent his mind out and he noticed all the different aspects of the night. the amount of darkness everywhere, the time of night, the lfe forms wandering around olympus. et cetera, et cetra, and some more et cetera. thalia twirled around suddenly and asked patrick, "so, we all seem different, how do i look?" patrick shifted uncumfortably for second and then stood erect and said, "well i cant say fine but ill say a lot better than before." thalia slugged him. "well you dont look to shabby yourself, but say that to me again and ill hit you a lot harder." patrick winced and noticed the others smirking at the two of them. oh great ill never hear the end of this "well i guess we should go and fix up brooklin house i guess. dang its gonna be hard finding things to do for the next eternity." the older gods smiled at them. "its less broing than you think, what with the wars every couple years." the tone as light hearted but it sounded ominous at the same time. "well lets go then" and they teleported away
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
Title: pending. i need more time to mull over this.
OC:Patrick genary, angelina genary, PJ, chaos, amy, more to come [i think]
Cahracters by RR: well if you have read PJO and HoO then you know these guys but i can list em till my cp gives out.
Rating T cuz of violence and cuz me paranoid, BUT NO swearing, comprende?
Synopsis: after the disspearence of PJ, the egyptian and greek/roman gods combined so they could battle the ever-present chaos, who continues to try and rise to destroy creation, and when strange earthquakes start to plague the US immediatly, the western civilization is degrading, and so the heroes of olympus [yeah i know it sounds unnorigional but it sounds better then what i started thinkiing of] need to stop the threat.

btw guys sorry for my horrible copy paste job. this story is origionally from the heroes of olympus fanclub but i thought id move it here so people can find it easier.
over a year ago fireyes said…
Okay that explains it
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
explains what?
over a year ago fireyes said…
About putting the same story here
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…