The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air IMPOSSIBLE Fresh Prince Trivia

JPaulZ posted on Nov 23, 2011 at 12:09AM
Can YOU dig up the answer?

Hello, Fresh Prince Army. I've got a research project I need some help with. It involves a very arcane piece of trivia that would present quite a challenge to even the most knowledgeable Fresh Prince fan. There's an extra in the Fresh Prince episode, "The Big Four-Oh" that was once an acquaintance of mine in NY. I need to get in touch with her and I can't track her down on the web at all. Her name then was Cynthia Green, but who knows what it is now. I'm sure she's married. She's the tall brunette who had a line in the show about Lamaze class in a dance class scene. I can't say what it is, but there will be a prize for anyone who can help.

Good luck!!

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