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The Heroes of Olympus Question many of you people wish this whole demgiog/ god thing were real? And do you think you would be one? (be honest) and if u do think u would be one who's ur godly parent?

And don't just chose poseidon bc he's the main character's dad. Choose one on your personality.
in my opinion my godly parent would be either: Apollo, Poseidon, or Hepaestus( i'm not ugly, i like to take apart broken things and put them back together)
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
 Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
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The Heroes of Olympus Answers

NicoDiAngelo4 said:
Aphrodite. Kay, I know that may make me sound stuck up but I'm really not! I lovvveeeee to shop, I'm not very athletic(with the exception of volleyball), my favorite colors pink, I'm not dumb, but I'm not super smart either, I would most likely suck with a sword or a knife, but I can honestly be pretty persuasive. Like, anytime I want someone to do something for me that I'm too lazy to do, I just ask in a sweet voice, and they usually do it for me:) oh, but if I were to have a sword, I'd kinda want it to be like Percys in a way...but a little different. Like it could be a golden tube of lipgloss (it's name would be Kallos, for beauty) then, when u uncap it, it turns into a pink, sparkly, VERY DISTRACTING, sword:) mkay, yep:)
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posted over a year ago 
Haha cool !,
percyposeiedon3 posted over a year ago
haha yeah, yuo must be jealous
NicoDiAngelo4 posted over a year ago
Sparkle sword ftw
Spikegilfer1997 posted over a year ago
Plumitcha said:
If it was real, I would be the happiest person in the entire universe. I think maybe my godly parent would be Athena, I'm not that inteligent, but I'm really smart and I hate not knowing anything. I'm always looking for something new and I'm a great reader.
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posted over a year ago 
You're smart but not intelligent? You do realize that means the same thing right?
Casey-Jackson posted over a year ago
LeoV44 said:
Yes, yes, and Athena because I can't stand not knowing things and I always want to correct people. Wouldn't say I'm wise but still...
Btw, this is more of an opinion based question than a factual one. Just saying. :P
^^See what I mean? Always correcting.^^ XD
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posted over a year ago 
that remind me of my best friend. she's extremely smart and if i make one little mistake she'll nag me abt it like my mom. But she's my bestie and i love her and just gotta deal with it. And thanks to her i'm going to make it into the high school that i want to go to.
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
Oh, either Athena or Phobos, god of fear (fun fact: that's where the word phobia comes from) since everyone fears me! Muhahahaha!, yeah...
LeoV44 posted over a year ago
Sounds like my lil sis
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
TheMagicWord said:
I wish, but I honestly have no clue who my parent would be. I have traits from almost all of them. Hmm...
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posted over a year ago 
me to
thilahector posted over a year ago
ik it gets tough doesn't it. I would think abt my main traits then i would decide
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
Me three :P
Artemis_8 posted over a year ago
thilahector said:
i really would love that to happen
my godly parent is:
and yes i would be a demigod
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posted over a year ago 
Zues, huh? Egotistic much? O.o
LeoV44 posted over a year ago
thilahector posted over a year ago
good one ;)
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
thank you thankyou
thilahector posted over a year ago
darkling_menace said:
I would probably be the son of Janus because most of the time my personality is very "two-faced" like sometimes I feel I should be bad, but sometimes I feel I should be good. (or I'm just crazy)
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posted over a year ago 
Biancadi said:
I wish it was all real and I think Nemisis cause I like revenge but all so balance I could even take away someones luck because they have it to much, or Nyx cause I love the night,well nemesis also loves nightime.and my weapon would be a black whip!disguised as a tattoo that can change in to any weapon and can disguise it self as a jewelry.
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posted over a year ago 
Oohh dats cool huh !!
percyposeiedon3 posted over a year ago
kayleeluvsbooks said:
you have no idea how much i wish for all of it to be real, but with the movie and the lame excuse of camp half blood for mortals...i cant really see it being totally real. =( But if I were a demigod, i'd be daughter of Nyx (night) luv her soo much!
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posted over a year ago 
athenaparthenos said:
I'm not sure if I am a demigod, but according to the Internet, my friends, my family, the ultimate guide, and my opinion, I'm a child of, well, Athena. I'm very advanced, you see. I'm 13 and in 3rd year high school. Not that wise, but I think I'm getting there. Emphasis on think. And of course I wish this whole thing was real!!!
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posted over a year ago 
Oh, btw, it's demigod, not demgiog :)
athenaparthenos posted over a year ago
yeah ik, i realized tha after i posted the question, my bad oops
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
you must be a genius if your that young and in your third year in high school
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
cott4eva said:
I wish it WAS real, cuz Greek myth would actually apply to me. Hmm . . . I think my parent would be Athena or Kronos, depending on who I like more. . . .
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posted over a year ago 
yeah i was thinking kronos...but Athena would not be he one to chose for someone like me lol
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
Blazingstar said:
I kinda wish it was real and I kinda don't I mean it would be a good adventure but people I'n those books had hard lifes but my life could use a little of excitement. I would be the daughter of hephaestus because I always love to make things and craft things . I always like to sketch things on paper too
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posted over a year ago 
i have a rough life. I'm not a bad kid and my dad threatened to send me to a school for juvanile delinquints. Yeah so what if i'm ADD/ADHD doesn't mean u gotta put me a devil's trap. i've made it 9 years so far at the same school and i'm going to make it to my 10th year.
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
polux1002 said:
i would pick atrmis cause i like the whole hunter thing but since she never married and she hates boys il settle for apollo. guess i better start studing hiku ( groans)
- so many spell phails
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posted over a year ago 
Thaliaman said:
My godly parent would be Hephaustes.Im not ugly but Ihave nack of taking a part stuff. The over day I took a part my sisters phone then put it back together without her noticing
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posted over a year ago 
haha cool dude. I put together a guinea pig cage and i took apart my dad's computer while he was at work and put it back together before he got home. I didn't tell him but he said that his computer was running faster now. lol
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
Aphroditeskid21 said:
My friends nicknamed me son of aphrodites because i am a ladys man(i'm not they just say that) but i feel that i would be Roman and i would most likly be son of the Victory Goddess
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posted over a year ago 
no offence who is that?
thilahector posted over a year ago
The victory godess's name is Nike.
brittanyloves posted over a year ago
I love nike
percyposeiedon3 posted over a year ago
thaliahuntress9 said:
I would be Poseidon's daughter not because he is Percy's dad because I love swimming, being in water also because im supper good with horses!! But I would also be A huntress of Artemis because I love to hunt and I would dedicate my life to Artemis! But I would be Athena's daugther or Nike's daughter or Nike's daughter!
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posted over a year ago 
Sorry wrote Nike twice I meant Aphrodite because the girly girl in me loves Fasion!! But I hate pink!!
thaliahuntress9 posted over a year ago
How do u hate pink? It's the best color of like life!
NicoDiAngelo4 posted over a year ago
wow did i say hore...i meant horse LMAO
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
eyal10 said:
i think i would be athena cause im pretty smart im awsome at srtategys and i usually take charge when omething goes wrong, but then again sometimes i charge without thinking things (thats a trait of a son of a poseidon) through so maybe i would be a son of athena but with poseidon as a grandpa.
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posted over a year ago 
UnoriginalName said:
No, and No. I would not want this whold god thing were real because I would pretty much be dead. And there is no way I could be a demigod. However if I was a demigod I would be a child of Hades. I am fasinated with death. *edit edit* On second thought I might be a child of Nike/Victoria because I am bi-winning, just like Charlie Sheen *done editing*
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posted over a year ago 
haha o wow
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
seashell7 said:
I really wish this was real. My life is so boring! I think I would be a daughter of Athena because I'm pretty smart and I LOVE architecture! Etheir her or maybe Apollo because I'm good at music and archery.
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posted over a year ago 
PiperLunaPotter said:
Maybe Athena? . . .Since my idea of fun is putting Post-its in all my PJO/HoO books and puzzling out the prophecy. I always get annoyed if I get anything lower than an A in school and I LOVE puzzles. And reading. And drawing. And. . .yeah, pretty much anything else nerdy like time-travel or synesthesia (which I don't have, but I think it's reaaally cool and I kinda wish I did) or dreams/lucid dreaming. Celebrations for me are birthdays (mostly of Harry Potter/PJO characters) and May 2nd (Victoire's birthday and the day of victory of The Battle of Hogwarts).
But on the other hand, I can have a really hard time making decisions and I hate admitting that I need help after I've started something. I can be really stubborn, but I'm usually pretty quiet at school. When I get mad (which isn't often, thank gods--but someone will eventually push me over my breaking point) I start yelling or I raise my voice--I've never hit or slapped anyone, though--and everyone kinda backs off. My friends say I'm scary when I'm mad ^.^
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posted over a year ago 
my best friend has to tell me to calm down ALOT! i literally slammed this kid against the bathroom wall becasue she was annoying me and i almost got expelled. I think i woud be a daughter of poseidon bc i'm really unpredictable like the ocean bc one day i'll be shy and nice and helpful and calm and the next day i'll want to throw u into the street in front of an oncoming car. my friends get scared of me sometimes and start feeling all guilty and sad
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
Ahhh! Please don't throw me into the street! *cowers in fear* ;)
PiperLunaPotter posted over a year ago
lol.....i would never!!!!
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
Awww, thanks <3
PiperLunaPotter posted over a year ago
Lightning98 said:
I dont really know... I always had the ersonality of mostly all of the gods... (except for Ares)
So... i was talking to acouple of very close friends (on this site and off) and we have all agreed on one thing... that I am amazing
So... my friends and I have come to a conlusion
I am not a real person... I am a thought... of all of the gods combined... even the bad ones... so I am not person... more of a combonation of gods
But... sadly... they had to send me out in the real world so that (because of my awesomeness) I would not over power them but... they will never be ably to get rid of me... I have a pice of everysingle one of them... hahahaha *skips away*

If you are cmfused about my idenity... please contact me :)

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posted over a year ago 
Ahaha! I <3 it lightning!!!
NicoDiAngelo4 posted over a year ago
lmao dude....ur funny
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
lol very funny u could be apollo
thilahector posted over a year ago
Hahaha! Nice! Apollo, certainly hard to forget like him, or Hermes... You DID steal a piece of each of them hahaha! I vouch for what Corgilover183 said!
Aponimisae posted over a year ago
halfblood963 said:
my parent would be poseidon/neptune becase my friends say i smile to much and have dimples and oh. laugh lines even though im a kid.And i love the beach and love water and my friends say im unpredictable like the sea and i love being in cool water
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posted over a year ago 
ikr dude! diddo. i'm am a nonstop smiley person! People ask me y i smile so much and i'm like," IDK life just rocks dude!!!! How bout you try smiling for once!" Beaches are like a center of life for me. Its soooo hard for me to describe how much i like water and beaches and chiz!!!
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
Haha! I know! I love the beach too! And in first grade, someone described me: smiley. I just blushed, itt's funny now! And I can be a BIT unpredictable too! Not terribly so, but hey. And yay! Others that read the series!
Aponimisae posted over a year ago
lol im going to fan you!
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
AnnabethGranger said:
Ya i think it is and im just waiting to be taken to Camp any day now. My godly parent would be Athena because i love to read even tho im dyslexic so it takes forever and i love knowing about everything going on and my friends say i give pretty good advice, or Posiden becuase i love the ocean i love just sitting in the water or surfing ,im great with horses and im so unpredicatble ill love you or ill hate you its just the way it goes. (and its not jsut becuase he is percy's dad)
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posted over a year ago 
diddo, but i'm ADD/ADHD...don;
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
AmazingPercy said:
I wish it was real but it's not. I would probably be Apollo, Venus, Artemis. Cause I like looking pretty but I my birthday is in the summer and I love being out in the sun. I like anything to do with nature and would love to be an archer. I do like poetry and like to know what would happen in the future. Even though I not very good at medicine. But yeah, roman Apollo.
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posted over a year ago 
y venus and not aphrodite?
percyjrulez posted over a year ago
She's a roman dude.... GET HER!!! jkjkjkjkkjk but i pic greek. but its just an opinion for me. Everyone has their reasons...even if it applies to romans *sigh*
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
You would have a god parent and be a huntress of Artemis?? Cuz if u would me too!!!
thaliahuntress9 posted over a year ago
guys annoy me too much. i think i would be a huntress of Aretmis too.
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
Jas55jar said:
yes I really want it to be real, and umm...probably Athena even though I'm not that smart, though I did get top of the class in maths which has to count for something right??
Or Apollo, cos I like poetry, not that I actually write any and I love watching the sin rise!!
or possibly Aphrodite...but then that would be awkward because I would totally join the Hunters of Artemis!!!
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posted over a year ago 
that would be cool
thilahector posted over a year ago
I hate poetry. I'm horrible at it. We're working on peotry in Literature Class and my teacher told us to write a four line poem. And i wrote this suckish poem about what my dog did the night HE ATE CHOCOLATE AND MIRACUOUSLY IS STILL LIVING
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
tracytracy2000 said:
I would be Persephones girl because I have a "thing" with nature
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posted over a year ago 
vlad_todd_fan said:
I would totally be a son of Poseidon, because I am a total swimmer. I love ebony in the water and horses love me. So... yeah!
And I totally wish it was real.
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posted over a year ago 
kidofhades97 said:
Yes and yes. Well I would most likely be a child of Pluto because I enjoy reading about the Romans more than the Greeks. I don't really have an abundant amount of friends but I have a few close ones. And I've been told I have a "wicked" since of humor. O.o
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posted over a year ago 
TheGreekBadAss said:
Well... i love being by the sea and in rivers, i'm very smart and good but somtimes bad. i'm also atheltic so... Poiseidon, Athena, Nemesis or the god of illness and cures because i am always ill and will probs neva be ill im constanly down the GP'S so yh...
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posted over a year ago 
annabethxchase said:
oh i wish it was real !!!
id like to be a daughter of athena because im pretty clever and if someone says a word wrong i just have to correct them !!!!!!! :)
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posted over a year ago 
Dah2o25 said:
Well My godly parent would be Aphrodite. Well becuz ppl say im pretty n cute etc. Also Im greek, cherokee, and puerto rican. also i hav adhd. Finally my eyes change color every season. hazel in fall, grey in winter, green in spring, and blue in summer.And Also not being mean but im very persuasive like i made 5 girls do my project without trying. n i never kno how was my mom. n my dad told me i was born in Paphos, greece in da sea. idk my parents wanted me to be born. n i was born on valentine day. n my middle name is Aeneas cuz that was my dad favor. greek hero
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posted over a year ago 
( air high five ) we have a cool day to be born on dont we
TheGreekBadAss posted over a year ago
dude thats freaken cool!!!! I'm atlantic islander as in my family is mainly from the bahamas, i'm Seminole indian (near the florida region) and i have so much european blood its not even funny. I've lived by water for all my life and my parents don't like me being around it because i'm ADHD and i tend to cause alot of trouble when i am around it ( not give me a super soaker and a buch of 10 and 11 year olds) i was named after julius caesar (my middle name is jules) and almost every name in my family has a greek or latin origin and they usually have some kind of meaning of royalty or power and stuff. And my family can do almost anything from art and music to boat sailing and almost any sport to modeling and acting( my cousin is Rick Fox....believe it or not) and deaning high schools and colleges and some of us are theives and builder and maybe even a few illegal immigrants but that was like 100 years ago so no worries lol
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
i_luv_percy said:
i would be a daughter of apollo because i like to sing and i think i'm pretty good and im also good at archery.
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posted over a year ago 
cheekydevil said:
i wud either be Poseidon's daugher. mainly becuz i loooooooove water and cant stand ppl who pollute it. or Anthena's duagter becuz i jus love to knw everything and awlays looking for more knoledg! :)
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posted over a year ago 
Isabella121797 said:
Okay. Hopefully this wont be super long or goes nothing!

I really wish this was real. I dont mean to sound like a phyco but I someimtes think about it. When I was reading the books I would think about it even more than I do now.

I love all the Gods and there powers, so this is really hard. My taste in things changes everyday. Like my favorite songs, my taste in style, my attitude.
So i'll tell you based on the day...and to bad if im not picking exactly one! ;P

On days when I am feeling girly...Aphrodite. I am really into fashion and trends. I set most of them. I dont mean to sound...prissy or full of myself, but I like to think that im pretty.
Im certainly not ugly. I can be persuasive when I want something. I puppy dog face or the blink of my deep, dark brown eyes. But if theres one thing I have nothing in common with the Aphrodite kids is im so not full of myself....

Apollo kid. I am very active like an Apollo kid. I play a lot of sports. Like Volleyball, Ice Skating, Soft Ball. Just to name a few. I am also a very good singer and instrument player. I play the Violin, but I have played the piano and such.

Zue kid. I love to fly and I also love lightning. I think I would be a good Zeus kid because Im a good leader. I know how to lead and guide people on the right course. Even though you dont have to be just a Zues kid to do that.

Athena kid. I am very smart, or so I think. I also love to correct people. I get carried away sometimes by telling people what to do, because I think I know better. I am usually never wrong but once every blue moon I am. I am good at making up strategys and plans. And dont worrie I have one goddess left.

Aretmis Kid. This is the one I think I would be the most often. Even though it is irrational, because she is a maiden goddess...I dont care! I love being in the outdoors. I wish I could live out doors minus the bugs. Sorry! There I go sounding like a Aphrodite kid again! I would probably love the thrill of the hunt. I quiet and stealthy...

Sorry this actually was long. I get carried away like I mention, but whatever.
I hope you liked it and if you want...Vote It As The BEST! And remember if you dont...

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posted over a year ago 
thats cool. and i like the long explanations...keep it up
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
yeah same here but lose the vulcan, zues (or i would be like thalia i f****n affriad of hights
WatchYourBack posted over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 said:
Yeah it'd be cool!
And who I think my parent would be?
Athena, Poseidon, Apollo, or Zeus.
Who do I wish it could be? (More like who is my favorite Olympian.)
Artemis. Not that I don't love those guys ^^^ but Artemis is FRIGGIN EPIC. (Just because she's a maiden doesn't mean a girl can't dream!)
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posted over a year ago 
Aponimisae said:
In ways, I MIGHT, and this a big might, but maybe a daughter of Aphrodite. Probably because I tend to care about my appearance, what people think, I gossip too much probably for my own good, sometimes I'm persuasive without trying too, and I'm prissy; I hate bugs! Love outside, minus the creepy crawlers!
Another possibility could be Athena. I HATE being wrong, I can come up with reasons to make people believe my side, occasionally even when I'm wrong! :P I also can't stand spiders! Unnatural with their 8 legs! *shivers at thought* I've also found out recently that I know things, but I have no memory of EVER learning about them, like psychology. I know a few probably more basic things of it, just kind of stored in my brain somehow. I'm also what you may or may not have heard of; a GRAMMER nazi. I correct people's speech subconsciously, and it usually involuntarily comes out of my mouth. And despite how terrible school is, I LOVE learning new things, preferably on my own free will. And reading is one of my favorite past times!
If neither of them, I would say, being a Hunter of Artemis would be EPIC! Haha! Sucks for you boys! I like outdoors, again if I could subtract the bugs, because of the guys I know, giving up men for an eternity sounds just dandy to me! Sayanara (Grrr, sp?) boys! <-The only part that makes me believe, 'hmm, maybe not Aphrodite' I've also taken quite the liking of silver preferred to gold lately, and I've been up late nights, it's 1:55 am right now, just because I can.

I might just be a demigod in general, considering, one, I ABOSUTELY CANNOT sit still! And two, sometimes, about two, three times a week, I feel dyslexic for nearly an hour!
That's my thoughts and, yes, I do, call me crazy, kinda wish the Greek gods are real!
<3 Aponimisae :)-+~ hope you like my thoughts! (vote for mine! :P)

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posted over a year ago 
dude..YOU ARE MY IDOL...all of those things remind me of me! minus the aphrodite
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
Lol! Really? Hmm... Wonder if we're related? *hint hint* LOLo I'm somebody's idol, LOLS on that too.
Aponimisae posted over a year ago
i'm mixed so i wouldn't be surprised if we were related say lol alot :D
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
cro0010 said:
Well I for one would love it if it were real. But I know that wouldn't be a demigod. If I could be one, I'd like to have Athena, Artemis (if it were possible), Apollo (I suck at artery though)or Posiedan.
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posted over a year ago 
Alex13126 said:
I would love it if it was real. My parent would be Hermes.
Yeah I'm a huge klutz like my bros :)
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posted over a year ago 
Percy___Jackson said:
My parent would be Poseidon.
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posted over a year ago 
pjfan1 said:
I will probably be a daughter of Poseidon because I love water, the sea and swimming. Or maybe a daughter of Athena. I'm not the smartest but people say I'm very wise. Or maybe I could be a daughter of Ares. I hate him but I ALWAYS want to fight.
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posted over a year ago 
Come to think of it Athena also likes to fight so...
pjfan1 posted over a year ago
daughter-ofzeus said:
Okay... so...
eh Kinda.. i might want it to be real... but all those monsters?!
but I would most likely be a Daughter of zeus.... not cause hes the king or anything like that but because... well ill explain...
I LOVE storms! They AMAZE me! Lightning is awesome! the clouds look SO pretty when theyre grey! rain is definitly my thing! im just amazed by it all...
I LOVE hights...Flying... climbing.. anything that has to do with up high.. is my thing... and im scared of going underground...weird right? i ahte underground tunels... you know... like in New york with the underground stations *shiudders* i feel like im beeing barried under there....
Ha i hate swimming...never been very good at it... horses... eh they dont neccisarrily HATE me...but they never listen...
and Zeus is known for his big ego...well....i have a huge ego okay not HUGE huge but still pretty big... i talk myself up alot... but hey not my fault... so yes... i think i would be Zeus's Daughter
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posted over a year ago 
I like your reasons as to why you think Zeus is your father, they make a lot of sense, they're reasonable, as in not outrageous, and with your reasons why, you backed them up with detail, from that description, I think I would agree, nicely said!
Aponimisae posted over a year ago
i think its good that you give the reasons why you should be the daughter of Zeus and how there is not possible way that you can't. And if camp half-blood were real...we'd be perfect opposites. I love horses, i LOVE swimming,surfing,and body boarding. I can't stand to be away from the beach. I think its my life source or something cause i'm dying here in the fricken inland state!!! So daughter of Poseidon if you get where i'm coming from. And my mom might buy me a new horse. We had to sell the farm so this is so exciting to get something back.
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
HA thats hilarious i live in an inland state in Tornado ally! its the best!
daughter-ofzeus posted over a year ago
ugh that sux! i live like right next to tornado alley! but i don't need to deal with tornadoes....too many hurricanes threatening us and im sick and tired of new orleans flood warnings
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
bstras said:
Okay, for one thing OMFG YES I WANT IT TO BE REAL! Okay godly parent, Athena? I don't know I love to swim. I just don't know. Probably Athena though because for one thing, I get A's on my report card, and I'm in the advanced math. Wise, yeah pretty wise. I'm good at strategy games, but I don't think that counts.
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posted over a year ago 
A's! Nice! And strategy games could count! Think of Annabeth planning for Capture the Flag! That's a game, and she's strategizing! But the water... I don't know what that would have to do with ATHENA...
Aponimisae posted over a year ago
I just learned how to study man. And strategy games do count. I suck at strategy but i some how come up with good games plans in soccer...shocker there...i almost failed the 6th grade. And if this were real...I CALL YOU ON OUR CAPTURE THE FLAG TEAM! you'r definitely an Athena
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
lebowitzso said:
I would have to say either Apollo or Posiedon because one, I think Apollo is the nicest and he rocks. Posiedon because I am totally comfortable and relaxed in water. If I had to chose a boat or an airplane, I'd go with a boat because I hate airplanes. I think Apollo would be my most likely parent because I really like archery
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posted over a year ago 
nymph_tonks said:
i am to smart not to be a child of athena! or maybe im a child of apollo, cause i have a really good singing voice. or maybe even ares, cause sometimes i just feel like killing something.
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posted over a year ago 
O.O dude....killing? Creeper...but OK!!! Thats fine with me! Whatever you say bro...
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
percyposeiedon3 said:
Yes I would be a demigod and I think I would be a daughter of Athena cause I'm good at strategies , and making plans, and I'm not a smartypants but I can sort out stuff. Also I think I would be a daughter of Apollo or hermes , or even hades or Hephaestus .. . See I can fix things , I'm not scared of ghosts .. I just know that I'm a demigod !!!
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posted over a year ago 
Idunn said:
Yes, it could be cool. I don't think so, but if I was I think Hermes would be my godly parent, like I can make my friends laugh, but I also like to read so, I really don't know.
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posted over a year ago 
RachelDare14 said:
I do wish this was real and I think I would be a daughter of Hestia because I am really good at tending fires and I love watching the flames and embers, I'm not really sporty, I am quite smart though, and everyone in my group of friends at school say I'm the (I know this sounds weird but...) sturdy one in our group like Hestia is within the gods.
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posted over a year ago 
haha I play with fire....i make things blow up and i'm a goof off and i wouldn't cal me intelligent but I have street smarts..atleast until a car hits me...then nvm XD
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
Spottedpool said:
I would be a daughter of Hades, to prove that not all of his children are bad(i love proving people wrong) not to mention that i would so piss off the other gods with the same air of cockiness. Hades gets very mad at me though. he's attempted to blast me at camp a couple of times and the times i went to visit him. i can't imagine why. *innocent smile*
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posted over a year ago 
book-worm said:
It would be amazing! But, terrifying, but still amazing!!! I would want to be a daughter of Apollo or Demeter. It would be sooo cool! Can you just imagine us all at CHB or better yet can you imagine CHB?
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posted over a year ago 
ConnerandTravis said:
I honestly have no clue.
Apollo or Hermes
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posted over a year ago 
Lt_Pupster said:
I wish this was real. it would give more excitement in my life. You know how they are always like you dont wanna be me. fuck id pay a million dollars to be a son of Poseidon. I like being in the adrenaline rush if fighting. I play paintball and with air soft guns and I love it.
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posted over a year ago 
Spikegilfer1997 said:
Hells yes, that's the thing everyone wants to be normal but they have no idea how boring it is. Nemesis clearly, my entire perception of reality is based on justice.
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posted over a year ago 
Demigodgirl123 said:
ok i think yes this whole god/demigod thing were real,yes i want to be a demigod and my godly parent would be poseidon
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posted over a year ago 
WatchYourBack said:
athena ( at the right time with the right light my eyes are gray), artemis (i am good at hunting ), aphrodite (normally no for aphrodite but i had my first two kisses on the lips in second grade and he did not run away) nemesis (i LOVE getting revenge), hermes (i can put on a good prank), hades (i LOVE death), and ares (i can freak out the people that live right across from us even though i am like 4' 8)
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posted over a year ago 
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