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The Heroes of Olympus Question

Among the new characters who are part of the 7, who do you not like the most?

I really don't like Jason, Piper, and Frank. For some reason, I really don't like them -______-
No offense to the others but..
I'm not buyin that Percy roman ver.
I've seen a lot of humble pretty and strong girls in other stories already..
And...I don't know why but I just not fond of Frank :P
Am I being too mean and picky? Maybe..but this is just my opinion, what's yours?

 hayaku14 posted over a year ago
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The Heroes of Olympus Answers

ohwoaaah said:
lol i don't really like piper, sure she's a rebel daughter of aphrodite. she isn't as different as she thinks, like oh my gods her thoughts are 99% about jason. and i hate her complaints they aren't sensible, it's as if she's suffering so much worse than everybody else.

((hey, percy once had to get his mom back too from the freaking underworld and he didn't complain as much.))

lol it's annoying. piper says she doesn't want to be that pretty. but she actually KNOWS it and is aware of it. if i were her i just wouldn't care and actually realize how fortunate she is.

and jason's...yeah he's quite boring. i'm not biased, but percy actually has a smart sense of humour :D frank's okay, i guess. it's acceptable, he's had a tough life.

okay there goes my opinion......((:
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posted over a year ago 
i domt like piper to much either sje does complain alot like she hasbit harder than everyone else while jason has no memory at all andannabeths boyfriend is missing
tristain714 posted over a year ago
i agree
somisista posted over a year ago
good points about piper and frank :3 i dont even mind frank complaining; its kinda funny xD
8xchristellax8 posted over a year ago
I totally agree with yuou. tottally agree about Piper.
lovespercy posted over a year ago
Spikegilfer1997 said:
Frank, he complains constantly and not for legit reasons like his mom dying he just generally complains till the end.
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posted over a year ago 
puggyluv17 said:
I honestly hate franks gutts first I think he is a pettifile I mean he is dating a 13 year old and then he can change into animals and finally his life line is a peice of wood. I can just see someone paying leo to kill him with his fire powers and he be done. But that's mean but I hate frank and the new characters are ok but not as bad as frank then there is reyna she may not be part of the 7 but is annoying bossy a huge flirt and I just don't I'm her !!!! Yep....
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posted over a year ago 
He's not a pedophile when it's a 2-3 year differnce
Spikegilfer1997 posted over a year ago
P.S calm down and expand your views
Spikegilfer1997 posted over a year ago
8xchristellax8 said:
hmmm...i dont particularly hate any of tha 7. jason, he's kinda boring, but his sister's thalia so he's alright :p
and frank's not my fave either. he's irritable. but ppl, what's wrong with frank and hazel?!? i've heard of couples who are twenty years apart age-wise!! my own parents are five years apart but who gives a fuck frank and hazel are only 2/3 years apart and they r both still teenagers.
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posted over a year ago 
Thalia's been around since book 3 so she's not new.
Spikegilfer1997 posted over a year ago
yeah i know i love thalia ever since titan's curse :D
8xchristellax8 posted over a year ago
^haha thanx! :3
8xchristellax8 posted over a year ago
lovespercy said:
I dislike Jason to the core.
Piper sometimes bugs me, she's always negative about herself and moping about Jason not liking her.
frank-- too . . . I don't know, he jjust doesn't seem epic enough, the whole animal thing is cool, but I don't see it being very effective in a fight.

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posted over a year ago 
percaboss said:
Jason i don't know why i just don't
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posted over a year ago 
NymphsOfOlympus said:
Well, I don't really like Jason. He hasn't got much humour and respects the rules too much.
And I think that Frank is a wimp. Sorry, but it's the truth! And when he's not a wimp, he boasts. So, yeah.
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posted over a year ago 
universalpowa said:
- derp face -

What the Hades? Why WOULDN'T we like the characters? Sure, they were a lot more 'rounded' in the PJO series, but stop focusing on the negatives of characters! Otherwise you're gonna end up being biased on one character and just hate on them for no reason. -_-
Jason- Why people hate you buddy? D: You don't see people hating on Leo, (that's because he's too awesome) but mostly people just like Percy better and don't give him a chance. I'm not a huge fan of him either, but I'm willing to give him a chance until we find out his life at Camp Jupiter. Then I can judge him. (LOL MWAHAHA)
Piper- Dude this girl has love life issues. I would be that way too if my boyfriend woke up and forgot me! Like really! I would more likely rip someone's head off than mope about it all day, but it's better to mope than go around killing innocent bystanders Lol.
Frank- WHY U HATIN ON DA BABY MAANN ? D: Jeez people, your as bad as the cliques. I've heard every excuse, or even some as "He's boring." "He's dating a girl three years younger than him." "He's fat." "He's Asian." Well uh, I've met friends with parents who are 10 years apart so I GIVE NO STYX. He's fat. WTF? No, tis the poof and his wrestler bulk. IT'S POOF I TELL YOU. As for the Asian thing, that, my good people, is frowned upon in most societies as something we call RACISM.

So yeah, maybe the characters aren't PJO, but this isn't PJO! Stop hating, and wait for the MOA! This is only the second book so far, don't give me any of this until the last book. Then go hate as you please when I won't care and most likely won't be here to read it.

~ Le universal out ~
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posted over a year ago 
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