The Heroes of Olympus The continuation of Percy Jackson from The Last Olympian.

vlad_todd_fan posted on Jun 14, 2011 at 08:45PM
For those who are looking for Son of Neptune or Mark of Athena, keep looking. These stories will tell what happened between Last Olympian and Lost Hero. These stories were originally individual articles and if you've read them already, your awesome. However from me being a perfectionist I will remove some parts of the story because...well...there sucky. But those are the only bad parts. Hopefully with the talent for these stories on such a high level on this particular site these stories won't be forgotten. Hope you enjoy.

Thank you for your approval greenstergirl

CONSTRUCTIVE criticism allowed!!!!!!

*raises right hand* I vlad_Todd_fan solemnly swear that I do NOT own Percy Jackson or it's characters. All rights of those go to Rick Riordan and all his genius. Or ANY of the music that I recommend to listen to while reading.

Genre-fanfic,action, adventure, (possibley) comedy, (possibly) romance

last edited on Oct 21, 2011 at 02:34AM

The Heroes of Olympus 180 replies

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over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
big smile
My name is Michael Gavin and I have been officially been confirmed as a son of Poseidon(YES) anyway I heard from a little birdy (literally) that Percy Jackson my older brother just saved all of olympus and I wasn't there to see it (darn it) so I knew I had to meet him in person for the first time. I always had a strong connection to water and i always felt at home in it but my mom never let me join the swim team (even though I could beat the lifegaurds in a race at the local pool) probably to keep my powers from getting to strong. I like seafood, (MMMMMMM) swimming, I'm not very good with horses but I don't know why, I love it when its cold and rainy because it makes me feel warm on the inside and i love the way rain feels on me but I'm getting side tracked.

I had just got out of the van with annabeth to go home (FINALLY) but Argus didn't have a good feeling about us going alone but we assured him we would be fine. So 48th street we got onto a crowded bus and sat with annabeth in the very back so no one could hear our business. But right when the bus was about to pull out a boy about my size with blond hair the color of annabeths and eyes as blue as the Caribean ocean, and he came back to where we were and sat next to me. Right after we came to the first red light he leaned over non-chalantly and asked "Where you two going" and I answered "Central Park" and he replied "Ahhh going to your apartment ehhh Percy?" and for a moment I was to stunned to answer and out of instinct I reached for Riptide but he said camly as if he knew I would that "I wouldn't", and I felt something as sharp as the side of sword right on my "Achiles heel" and I let out a startled gasp and Annabeth Zeus bless her she got out here dagger as fast as a blink of an eye and put it dangerously close to his throught and wispered as softly as she could "who the Hades are you"
"Ahhh two love birds protecting each other but can't two broothers meet together without his girlfriend getting in the way?"
over a year ago PJBRS14 said…
wooooaaahhhh!!! That was cool! How old is Mike?
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
big smile
He's 14 yrs old. I'm glad you like it.
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
big smile
Nice! I love it!
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
Cooliio!!!!!! Love it!!!!!! WRITE MORE!! It's soo fuggin good!!!!! PLEASE WRITE MORE!!!!!!!! Me like!!!! :P Lolz I'm so stupid!!! but anyways write more!!!! I'm adding this to my updates and favorites!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
big smile
Part two

So Me, Annabeth, and Michael were walking through Central Park just chatting and it was going peaceful at first until we were attacked by three hellhounds but Michael had it handled all he had to do was point the back of his hand at the hellhounds and they froze instantaneously and I thought whoa even though i'm invincible I don't want to mess with him. "how could you possible do that in the middle of central park?" Annabeth screamed "wel I pretty sure no one really saw what I did through the mist" he replied. As I tried to ignore Annabeths rant on how Michael should try to conceal his powers better I heard Michael talking but when I looked over his lips were'nt moving at all "what'd you say Michael?" Michael looked surprised as if he didn't expect someone to hear what he said "percy I didn't say anything is it to hot outside today?" "Michael it's freaking 56 degrees outside how are you not cold?" "well i'm never cold just like the water" and I pondered this for a while cause I was freezing and so was Annabeth because we were both shivering in the New York cold and clouds, but Michael was wearing a tangtop and shirts and I'm sure Annabeth was looking at his muscular arms because the second he got on the bus she hasn't taken her eyes off him, and since she was like up to his shoulder I was positive she was staring at his muscles. "Oh don't worry she isn't looking at my arms" it sounded like michael but no sound was coming from his mouth so i thought "oh my gods i'm going crazy" "oh your not crazy I'm just in your mind" "what do you mean in my mind" "since the brain is 93% water me and you can easilly read someones mind and maybe one day control that person" "are you in annabeths mind now what is she thinking?" "she's thinking how sexy I am... no just kidding she's thinking how I could possibly be such an air head and self-absorbed with myself" "now that I can beleive" suddenly I got a very bad headache" "that mouth of your can get you in a lot of trouble with a 14 year old Percy you should know this by now with Nico nearlly killing you" I was about to shout at Michael for real but the headache stopped and i felt a lot lighter. I knew michael had left my mind and he was staring at something intently and so was annabeth "what are you two looking at?" annabeth looked at me as if I was blind or something "how can you not see it" and then I saw it, it was ares and he looked ready for a fight... well he always looked ready to fight

PLZ comment

over a year ago YellowCow said…
Dattz Bommbz!! <3 Luvv It
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
a revised version of the Continuation of Percy Jackson, cool
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
OMG that was great didnt i read this some where before though?? Hmmm i just cant remember where tho!!! Stupid unknown memories!!!!
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
big smile
Part 3

ares was coming quickly over here no doubt looking for trouble the next thing i know i blinked and ares was in full greek battle armor and had double brood swords in each hand and then he shot a large blob of red energy at us three but michael he just pu up is arms and a massive wall of ice popped up from the grass, and the wall cracked into a huge ice spiderweb and then i saw that michael was sucking the water out of the grass and plants and the water was swirling around us and in a heart beat it froze and we were all in full greek battle armor as well completely made out of ice but it wasn't cold or heavy it was light and somehow... warm. "Get ready" Michael said he then hit the wall with his palm and all the shards went flying toward ares at blinding speed and then the trees around ares exploded into water at michaels command and then instantly flooded around ares and froze in a hollow orb around him freezing his feet in place and the ice shards passed easily through the orb and possibly injuring ares, but that hope quickly dissipated as ares brought a shield completly made out of fire out of thin air and completly melted all the ice instantly but me and michael then used the water to our advantage to continue sending waves at ares as michael sent arrows that exploded into hundreds of shards of ice once they left his bow at ares (he also made this out of ice from the grass) and as this is happening annabeth is slowly making her way behind ares to go in for the "kill" but michael must have sensed something that i couldn't due to his "special powers" and charged at ares full speed with his bow turning into a brood sword and i was pretty sure he was going to jump on ares but he completely side stepped him and blocked annabeth from ares double swords as ares swung at annabeth. With ares distracted i ran in with riptide drawn but ares kicked my sword away without even looking at me because he was still fighting michael and annabeth ferociously and I knew we were losing the fight. But then michael with his hand covered in water that then froze was flying towards ares but ares easily dodged then tried to kick him but michael caught his foot in between his legs and did a backwards flip with ares folling him and ares face landing straight onto a solid ice spot that I made this time. The impact should have shattered the ice and ares nose but ares somehow in a milisecond spun michael so that ares was on top and michael hit the back of his head on the ice. but luckily his ice helmet didn't break and he was okay but then me and annabeth stabbed ares in the back (literaly) and ares howled in pain. Then quick as a flash Michael spun on his head in a break dance move and kicked ares in the face twice. Knocking him back and we all put our swords on ares neck in silence and waited for... something else to happen.
"wow you got better you two" ares said
"well what do you want ares" percy said
"i came here asking a favor for you three"
"well why did you attack us then?" michael questioned
"to see if you got ant better in battle"
"well as you can we have" annabeth said
"then your perfect for the job and your friend can come to"
"sorry not interested" annabeth said
"well why not?" ares questioned
"considering what you've done to us over the years we can't really see eye to eye in helping you" percy scowled
"come on what are you doing that is so impotant right now"
"were catching up with percys brother michael" annabeth said
"oh great theres another one of you" ares sounded disgusted
"why what do you have against kids that can kick your ass ares?" michael joked
i think ares took this rather well he just punched michael in the face i expected total annialation for all of us but michael just took some water from his sword and healed himself right up.
"enough talk why'd you come?" annabeth questioned
"i've come to ask you if you can find my daughter i think you know her me and annabeth knew instantly Clarisse was in trouble.

Plz comment
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Nice, it's awesome
over a year ago YellowCow said…
All Of This IS BOMMBZ!!
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
big smile
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
I SWEAR TO POSEIDON, I'VE READ THIS SOME WHERE BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But i LOVE it!!! And vlad_todd_fan if you know what I'm saying then, can you please tell me?? Cuz i think I'm going crazy!!!!!!! BUT ANYWAYS POST POST POST!! LOVE IT KEEP WRITING!!!
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
Well I have written these in seperate articles so you might have read those and not remembered.
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
big smile
Part 4

"Why can't you do it yourself Ares?" I sneered
"Because we gods can't interfere directly with our kids so thats why I need your help to get Clarisse back" Ares said
"why should we help him? I mean he just attacked us" Michael said he did make a good point

"Well can't you just do it anyway just think of it like a quest back at camp were you just do it for no reason what so ever"
"We refuse" Percy said
"Please she's my favorite can't you just see it in your heart to do this for an old god?"
"Maybe we should I mean look at him he's practically begging us to do this for him." Annabeth said
Percy didn't plan to say anything but he did involuntary
"We'll help you just tell us where Clarisse was taken" Percy asked but then shot Michael an angry look knowing he was really the one talking
"oh thank you she was taken by Cetus to his underwater fortress in the Gulf of Mexico"

All four of us knew Cetus was the real reason for the oil spill in the gulf and we also knew Annabeth would not be able to come with us because his fortress may be 10 miles underwater and not accesible to people or in this case demigods that aren't sons/daughters of poseidon. So Annabeth would have to sit this one out or so I thought because Michael already sent me a telepathic message on how to get in with Annabeth also undetected.

Plz comment
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
big smile
Awesome!!!!!! :DDDDD
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
FUGGIN AWESOME!!!!! And I knew I read this some where before!!!!! but anyways post more!!! Soon!!!!
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
Cool I'm awesome because I already read them. Wait why I am reading them again? Oh well nice job :D
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
Ya i've read them too :D
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
big smile
Part 5

it took a while but its finally here

so after we defeated ares we got into a cab (we could've flied but zeus still held that annoying grudge and would shoot us out of the sky) to the subway on 32nd it was the closest we could get to louisian (thats where clarisse was) after that we were walking. Once we got off the cab we went into the train so far it was totally normal even for us. Out of the blue me and Annabeth both hear Michael whisper in our heads "were being followed"
"how do you know"? Annabeth questioned pretty loudly
"how can you not hear them?" he replied
"well, in case you didn't know we arn't fully equipped to hear tiny things" i shot back
"well since its pretty important thers a horde of goblins tailing us."
We both looked behind but couldn't see anything that resembled any goblins a large group of kids, a few hobos, two security guards sipping coffe, and a lot of people talking into there phones.
"i can't see any goblins." annabeth said
michael looked confused and turned in a hurry his eyes widened
"a whole lot more than i thouht!" he replied
"what do you mean, there arn't any monsters here" i said
unfortunatly i said it to loud and a little girl at most 6 years old heard me and told her mom "mommy there are monsters here i'm scared." she buried her face in her moms dress as her mom comfroted the little girl michael told us to look at the group of kids more closely and block out everything else around us we did this and we saw probably the ugliest monsters in the history of the world they were hunched over green... things, with full greek battle armor on, and blood-shot, squinty eyes with pointy ear, armed to their long and pointy teeth.
"just keep walking calmly they won't see us but they will smell us" michael said in a shaky voice
"great just what we need right now" i said
"we need to get to platform twenty-seven and fast before anyone gets hurt" annabeth said
"they could definetly hurt someone they have a steel sword and a celestial bronze sword." michael observed. that was an under statement they had every kind of close range weapon from swords to spears.

"I smell them they're close" said the captain
"well they've gotta be close now we've followed the tall one for some time now" said a liutenat

"GET DOWN" yelled michael as he tackled us and a hail of arrows wissed past our heads barely. "so much for playing it safe" i said "you can complain afterwards seaweed brain" annabeth scoffed next thing i knew they were upon us and we had michaels ice armor on us with everyone around us screaming "oh my god bombs" once they said that all hades broke loose and the styx overflowed,another barrage of arrows of steel and celestial bronze came flying michael and i willed the water out of peoples waterbottlesto make an ice shield to protect us,the wall caught the arrows and michael melted the wall again to invert the arrows and shoot them back at the goblinstakingout a few of the monsters and once michael did that theyall charged with swords and daggers drawn. Annabeth put on her Yankees hat and turned invisible, and a few of the goblins burst into dust with a surprised look, i ran in with Riptide drawn but michael took out a bottle of water with "glitter" in it and poured it on the ground making the sickest sword i have ever seen it looked like a persian simitar with carved birds flying around it going to the top he charged into the thick of it with his "glitter sword" raised high and taking out goblin after goblin with ease. It was going well until i heard a high pitched scream i knew that sound anywhere annabeth had been hit, "NOOOOOO" i yelled "ANNABETH WHERE ARE YOU?"
"look down next to you seaweed brain" she replied
i looked down and there she was, she had been stabbed in the back of the leg. "MICHAEL" i yelled, he looked over "what" he replied while kicking a goblin in the face, protect Annabeth for now. He ran over slashing two more goblins away from us "I can do better than protect her" he said "I just need cover for a second"
"how long exactly?"
"as long as you can go." he replied calmly
the next few seconds were a blur all i can remember is that i tottaly kicked some monster butt. Then a few seconds later michael yelled "DONE" then he and annabeth jumped up.
"how did you do that?"
"i'll explain later, first we need to get out of this mess."after he said that he took all the water from our armor and his sword and formed a large ring around us, i blinked and hundreds of sparkly icicles shot out in ever direction hitting all of the goblins at once they all dissolved into dust at the touch of the icicles. Me and Annabeth were amazed. "how did you do that" we said together "I'll tell you on the train"
"in case you have'nt noticed no ones here" annabeth replied
"never stopped me before." he replied with a slight chuckle "come on we'll miss the train"
After he returned his sparkly water to his water bottle we sprinted off toward the train, as we expected there was no one on it. "don't suppose you can drive a train?"
"no, but all you have to do is press on the gas and then you go"
"I hope" i thought
suddenly the train lurched forward
"was that you michael?" annabeth called
"who else could it be?" he replied

please comment

over a year ago percyLover101 said…
hehehhe awesome post more soon!!!!!!
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME did i tell u it was AWESOME cuz it is.
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
big smile
Yay!!! You posted!! :D
Good job!
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
big smile
Part five
the previously part that was the fifth sucks so it has been removed so I don't make you go insane from reading crap I wrote in seventh grade. :D

The next day music started if you could call it that it was just a trumpet going off like you would hear at a boot camp. "hmmmmmmmmmm its to early for this nonsense." Annabeth said like she just said up all night. (over the intercom) "Well its not my fault-" it was Michaels voice "we got here so early, welcome to the south." after he said that a jass tune started to play "come on Annabeth lets go see what there's to see." I said
"hmmmmmmmm okay" she replied. Once we left the quite comfy seats in the very back we saw that all the cars had been decorated with loads of raunchy gold green and purple feathers and masks and beads everywhere on the seats walls and windows. "what happened here?" i asked thinking michael could here me (he did) "this is louisianas version of a party... MARDI GRAS woooooooooooo not to mention its a party to get on the good side of demeter to give them a good harvest n the spring. Unfortunatley though its summer not spring so there is no need for these decorations ahhhhhhhhh." after he finshed whining all the decorations melted away into colored water and fell through the cracks on the floor.For a second i thought i was going crazy with stuff melting in front of me, but i was assured i wasn't because this came over the intercom next "don't worry it was just ice your not going crazy percy." that was all he said in that moment that i could here because we went through the next door into the second to first cart and a huge buffet was set up for us full of mine and annabeths favorite foods that we liked at camp me and annabeths stomachs growled we hadn't eaten in two days "how did you know these were our favorites?" Annabeth yelled "percy hasn't told you yet? well i'll just break the ice i can read minds as well as percy he just hasn't discored how to do it yet."
"what?" she said flatly
"thats right all children of poseidon can read minds because since we hear best in the water, and since the brain is 97 percent water there is no reason we shouldn't be able to "hear" thoughts."
"thats cool" she said but i think she was being sarcastic
"before you start eating make sure to pray to your parent or we won't get much further" once this was done michael came out and sat next us and we feasted on cinnamon rolls, waffles, pancakes, sausages, and biscuits with some white... sauce on it which michael was eating like he'd never had anything so delicious and at the end of the table there was a small white bag that smelled strongly of powdered sugar i looked into it and it looked like a snowman threw up in it there were mounds of powdered sugar in it and if you stuck your hand to the bottom there were small puffy squares of fried goodness.
"haven't you tried beignets before?"
"no we don't have these... watch you call them... these beignets in new york but there good."
"hmmmmmm" annabeth replied trying one as well
Once we finished eating we gathered our things (our weapons, a bag of golden drachmas, michael glitter water which was actually flecks of celestial bronze)
"well, are you ready to depart?" michael said in a fake english accent "i would suggest you put on some lighter clothes it's frightfully hot outside."
"i'm sure we'll manage" i said
"whatever you say. ready?"
"yes" me and annabeth said at the same time
"then let us be off" he said while jumping out of the trains door
me and annabeth followed and we were hit by a wave of heat i was disoriented for a few seconds
"i did tell you it was very hot"
"i'd like to change my clothes now." annabeth said
"you should've taken my offer up while you could."
"what do you mean the train's still behind..." i stopped talking because the train was moving back the way it came while tracks were melting away because they were made of ice. "what'd you do that for, stupid." annabeth said she seemed to have struck a nerve because michaels face was contorted with rage "don't EVER call me that again" his voice was so horrible then i hoped i never heard it again "well now that thats behind us" his voice had returned to normal "lets continue on... by the way annabeth monsters will still smell us on that train so it won't give away our position to the monsters okay, then lets go" he didn't wait for an answer as he started walking up a tall hill with lots of dead grass an absolutely no shade. It was so hot me and annebeth took our jackets off in the first 30 seconds and what felt like an eternity later the three of us got to the top of the hill a good quarter mile away from us was a small town with only 10 buildings on the small dirt road in it
"race you there" michael said with a cheery look as if he was already planning to win "winner gets 5 golden drachmas"
"your on" me and annabeth said at the same time
"on my mark... ready... set...GO!" we started running and boy did we run fast the hill must have been at least at a 50 degree angle and there were little bumps going down that were pretty easy to jump over but there were a lot but michael, he was doing freaking flips and cartwheels down the hill and it didn't look like he was tired at all, while me and annebeth were totally panting like dogs. Once we finally got to the little town and Michael got his five drachmas we saw that it was entire town of half-bloods there were little trinkets that would ward off monsters, and invisibility "potions" (i don't think they worked) though michael seemed to be pretty famous around the place because everyonee was all calling him over to there stands for them to look at there stuff and a few kids high-fived him. We walked for a few more minutes and stopped a little store with a hand painted sign on that said "Hecates Magic Shack"
"go on" michael told us and we obliged and the second we walked in a little bell over the door yelled across the room "customer" me and annabeth both jumped but we were calmed down by the heavy smell of roses and orchids becuase they were everywhere in vases on the ceiling fans over the walls and on the desk, and there were magical items of every kind vanishing blades, instant darkness powder, monster detectors, and an entire section of "potions", there were easily 50 different kinds invisibility potions, strenth potions, levitation potions, potions that made you smell like the exact way a rose does, potions that helped you take out monsters quicker, truth potions, I could keep going but, you know, so we walked around the store and michael was picking out a lot of random stuff like dragon leaf, and fairy wing, and salmander skin (which he used some heavy duty gloves to pick up which immediatley froze after he touched the skin), and empousa fang which brout back some bad memories of my junior year in high school. He brought these items up to the register and the cashier lady looked like she could be 14 at the most.
"michael is that you?" the girl said
"yep, how's it going jillian?"
"its going good." and when she finished talking she dissapeared and reapeared right next to michael and then hugged him and he hugged back and did a spin with her in his arms.
"i haven't seen you in so long." jillian said
"ditto. oh, intro jillian this is percy my brother and this is annabeth daughter of athena his girlfriend. and you two this is jillian daughter of Hecate goddess of magic."
"how do you do?" and she did a little curtsy
"were doing fine." me and annabeth said at the same time
"well back to business, jillian i need you to brew these into a transportation potion for us four."
"who's the fourth person?" annabeth asked
"jillian of course, she's been practicing her fighting magic for quite some time and she'd love to come on this quest with us."
"how do you know she wants to come she hasn't even... oh yeah"
"yeah" he replied "so how long would it take for the potion to be done?"
"at the most it will be done in two days." jillian said
"excellent, that will just give us three to take in the sights."
"okay i'll get started on this right now, bye michael." and with that she gave michael a kiss full on the mouth and vanished behind the desk and went into a back room behind ropes of rose petals
"huuuh she's a good kid,... well lets go get in some sight seeing before we go to cetus's palace"

Please comment if you like

over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Can I comment if I LOVE? XD
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
big smile
I would like that sure. :D
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Lol. Ok. I LOVE it.
There ya go! :D
over a year ago kokorosafu said…
omfg! dude dis is sum gud shit!! keep writing!!
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
yes...i agree with kokorosafu i LOVE it plzzzz post soon
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
big smile
Once we left the magic shack we started walking down the lane of houses and the further we went down the road the houses became more greek and more decorated. after a few minutes of walking there were statues of greek gods in specified areas, and after a few seconds i realized they were in the exact order of the thrones of the real greek gods.
"before we go any further" michael began "it's respectul to bow before our godly parents statue" once this was finished we walked on to some very ornate houses with perfectly white columns all around the buildings and the symbol of a greek god was on the front of the door with shiny gold paint.
"you have a question annabeth?" michael asked. annabeth looke extremely puzzled
"wha... oh right. Well i wanted to know where we were?"
"oh right, i forgot... well this is were most demi-gods come to live if a satyr can't find them or if their satyr died trying to get them to camp halfblood, or in most cases this is where they go when there not at camp. I've known most of these people my whole life i've never been to camp cause we train here ourselves, and ever since it was announced by Hermes himself who had come straight from Olympus. Everyone was doing there thing and i was reading a book on my porch when I heard a gasp in front of me."
"I looked up" he continued "and a lot of people had godly symbols ovet there head including me, right after that Hermes arrived in the square right over them" he pointed to a very ornate area were there were very detailed statues of the gods with there symbols hanging above each statue, just floating there. "He announced that the Big 3 pact was finally over and that Percy here had made the gods swear on the River Styx to do it. Very impressive"
"uh, thanks i guess" percy replied
"here's my favorite house, it's one of the Music God's kids house I always forget his name." The house was split up into 4 seperate sections on the outside, on the bottom right it was very dark black and red paint, and skulls all around the broken windows, this must have been the heavy metal section.On the bottom left was various props from movies, maybe it was the showtunes section. The top left was hot pink and bold red with heart cutouts around the heart shaped windows, it must have been the romance music area. The top right section was lots of strobe lights, LED lights, and flashing christmas lights, this one had me stumped. "Percy" michael began "it's the techno music. the house is split up into the childs favorite music. We can't get in unless the kid is with us only he can get into his house. But there's still more stuff to see." We must have passed by all the houses of the gods and each resident had there own house. "There's Jillians' house"
"There's no door." Annabeth observed "It's a magic house, you have to teleport in, only the Hecates kids can do it or you have to hold there hand while there teleporting to get in." The house had various magic objects on it like a top hat with a bunny in it, i chuckled a bit at the life sized Harry Potter cutout on it. "And here is my house" It was big and white like the others with a golden trident on the door, there was icicles on the door frame and there was frost on every window literally, it looked like something straight out of a christmas special on T.V.
"Let's go in" Michael said "every demi-god's got a special key to get into there house" he opened his celestial bronze water bottle and formed a "glove" of ice around his left hand he pressed it clean through the tridents middle point, and an invisible padlock openedand the sound o a padlock opening came from inside.
"Welcome to Gavin Manor." I was stunned at the stuff in his house. and at the A.C in there i felt instantly relieved of the heat.
"resume playlist, please." michael said "what?" annabeth replied i wondered what he meant too but i was answered immediatley, because a lively tune starting playing on a speaker system that i couldn't see. There was a spiral staircase going up to an open room that was covered in a spiral pattern of turquoise and lime green paint, there was a kitchen straight out of Martha Stewert's magazine all the apliances were stainless steel, there was a leather couch with a coffee table completely made ou of glass covered with magazines from Olympus and Time magazines. There were branching off hallways with pictures of Greece on the walls with a wave pattern on the golden picture frame,when we walked into the living room there was a large T.V hanging on the wall, and there was a door that led into another room with a black sword and bow crossed on the heavely shlacked door. "nice place you got Michael, who did the stereo for you?" I asked
"you knew him actually Beckandorf did it for me he went to camp with you, he did talk about your amazing adventures a lot."
a jab of guilt went through me at the name Beckendorf. He sacrificed himself to destroy an entire ship of monsters going toward New York while I fled like a... like a... like a thief. A thief that went because he wasn't man enough to face the music (which was getting louder in the room). "Percy" Michael began"you can not beat yourself up for what happend on that ship he wanted you to do that and it bought you a lot of time, I hear." "what do you mean?" annabeth asked looking up from a magazine from Olympus which was the greek version of the Time magazine. "I heard from another camp goer you know him to, a Mr. Nico son of Hades, but were not talking about my contacts right now. But there is a party happening now. I'm sure you'd like to go. "i just gotta take a shower first." Michael said
"we can wait." annabeth replied. He went up his spiral staircase. "look at this percy." annabeth said
"what is it?"
"it's a picture of ares crying"
"no way, serious?" the water started running
"really look." she showed me the picture Ares was on a bed looking totally depressed with three empty containers of chocalate ice cream.
"i had no idea he missed clarisse this much." i said
"neither did i, the photographer is probably dead right now."
"it says here 'ares the god of war is found crying his eyes out over the kidnapping of his favorite daughter Clarisse La Rue her whereabouts are unknown Ares has offered a large reward for her safe return to camp half-blood in long island sound he was not able to comment on who he has asked to save his daughter but he says the group is the very best and are close friends to Clarisse so we can only figure that ares has sent children to do his work for him. in this reporters mind this is not the smartest move.' brutal"
"i wonder how ares is taking it right now?" i asked
"i don't know but he must be angry about that scathing article about him." the water stopped running
"well almost party time peoples." michael yelled from upstairs
"ya know i've never actually been to a party that wasn't my own." annabeth said
"well it looks like were gonna find out how its done." i replied. Once i said that michael jumped off the second floor and landed perfectly "to go ya'll?"
"lets do it." i said and with that Michael opened the door and we were hit by a blast of loud music. Coming from the square with the statues. Time felt like it went much faster here because it was already dark out and all the lights on in each house illuminating the entire community they were playing Feel Good Inc. We all started to dance really stupid but i know i didn't want to, a feeling came over me to do it. And out of nowhere the music changed as if someone took off the record and a slow love song started. I remembered the song from somewhere and i grabbed annabeth in a lovers embrace and started to slow dance, it felt like i needed to do it. But i wasn't complaining it turned out everyone had someone they were slow dancing with. again the music changed to a very fast song and everyone including me started ballroom dancing i was lifting annabeth and twirling her and throwing her and then catching her as she fell and everyone did a final dip, and there was a kiss with me and annabeth and it was amazing i didn't care who watched. Thats what i thought when i looked up and aphrodite was standing there with a huge smile on her face. "i told you it would happen percy." aphrodite said and she exploded into a dozen doves and rose petals but no one seemed to notice but me and annabeth. "that was awkward" i said the music changed to techno but me and annabeth stayed together to dance this one out. The music changed from showtune, to jazz, to heavy metal, to pop, to alternative, to reggae, to some hannah montana song Michael actually ran up to the massive stereo and took out the CD and snapped it in half to cheers from the crowd because we all know she's a monster thats best at hypnotizing young kids. The music continued for regular intervals and for the next hour or so we danced the night away until the music stopped completely. The party was over. And i was exhausted michael walked up with jillian passed out in his arms. "i'm gonna take jillian back to her house i'll meet you back home percy just cover your hand in ice and push it through the center trident point on the door to get in okay?"
"sure thing." i replied.
Once we got inside me and annabeth crashed on the couch together with her in my arms and in about two seconds we were asleep.
Please comment
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
Oh yeah
Be sure to tell ur friends about this forum. My goal is for this to become popular content
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
Sorry but even with editing this part. Which is why no one is commenting yet.
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­! hehheheheh Percy (heart) Annabeth!!!!!!!!!! NO ONE BETTER CHANGE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
big smile
Part 7

I walked through an ornate mansion completely made of coral and limestone with lights made of pearls swirling around the ceiling like spotlights. "maybe i'm in my dads house" i thought "dad... DAAAAAD... POSEIDOOOOOOOOOON". there was no answer but someone appeared out of the wall (literaly) and walked towards me. I tried to go the other way but the floor moved towards the man. A sword melted away from the floor and jumped into the guys hand, he continued to walk towards me, and i kept sliding towards him.He was right in front of me and he smelled of bad fish and a gas station mixed together. His hair was black, shoulder length and greasy looking, his eyes were cat-like and blood red. "welcome Percy" he stabbed me through the stomach "good-bye percy" I blacked out in a pool of my own blood.
I woke up sweating and crying. I was on michaels coffee table and annabeth was sound asleep on the couch it was pitch black outside I'd say 5:30 meaning its 7:30 in new york my time zone. I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water and hoped i didn't bump into anything. I amazingly found the cups and poured myself a glass of water. Afer i finished my water i looked up and there was a "rainbow" type thing except it was different shades of silver coming in through the window. I had a sudden feeling to throw a golden drachma inside of it, I don't know why though. I walked as quietly as i could to my stash of drachmas next to annabeth. I could smell her hair now the smell of strawberries. The smell reminded me of camp half-blood and grover, and chiron, and mom i remembered all my friends and enemies at camp and school. It gave me a vision of clarisse be held captive at cetus's palace. Did I just see him in my dream? How long had I been standing there just looking at annabeth?
I got the drachma and threw it into the "rainbow" and the silver light spun into a swirling ball and said "Welcome to Lady Artemis's communications. The one place to "video" chat with friends and check up on people. How may I help you?"
"quiet down"
"No one can hear me I'm talking to you through your thoughts."
"oh," I thought "can I see Sally Jackson in Ney York City?"
"Of course sir."
A picture of Artemis's bow popped up and then mom came into view she was at work and it looked like she's been crying.
"Mom" I thought "can you hear me?"
"what" she said out loud atracting the attention of a nearby kid.
"mom it's me percy i'm sending thoughts to you just think words."
"oh percy were are, are you hurt, how are you talking to me through my thoughts, why didn't you send me and Iris message, why didn't you tell me were you were going?" I explained everything to her and she didn't interrupt at all.
Once i finished she said "I'm glad your okay, but why are you in louisiana?"
"ares gave us a mission to save clarisse from cetus in the gulf of mexico he's the reason for the massive oil spill, he's got clarisse as a hostage for ransom I bet."
"well, i'm glad your saving her promise me you won't do anything to dangerous even for you." the dream of me getting stabbed flashed in my mind I hoped mom didn't see that.
"i promise I won't do anything stipid or dangerous even for me."
"good, bye percy I got to get back to work kisses."
"the transmission and vision faded as well as the silver ball and it got evendarker outside. I walked to the window and saw a huge black cloud had covered the blood red moon. "i guess thats why the silver rainbow was in here, its the hunters moon tonight I wonder if Artemis is hunting well tonight?" I got really tired at that moment and walked slowly back to the couch but instead fell asleep on the chair next to it and drifted away to a dream of stabbing the red eyed man and him turning into dust. Maybe he was cetus?

Please comment
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
that was WOW i was WHOA and AHHHHH i LOVE it
over a year ago PJBRS14 said…
Cool! :D
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
big smile
Part 8

When I woke up again the next morning Annabeth was in my arms again on the fluffy couch. How do I keep moving while I'm sleeping? It was sunny as usual very cool inside but I knew the second I stepped outside I'd be drenched in sweat. It reminded me of Mt. Whitney. I smelled bacon and pancakes cooking, and I was starved. "Morning Percy." I heard Mochael's voice in my head. I sent him a thought of a smiley face and I heard a laugh fromthe kitchen behind me. I knew I had to get that food while it was hot but I didn't want to wake Annaneth. As I slowly moved my arms out from under her, I got hungrier and hungrier from the delicious smells from behind me. Closer... closer, yes, yes I was free I got up from the couch and ran into the kitchen. I was immeresed myself in the smell of bacon, pancakes and... strawberries? I opened my eyes and Annabeth was in my face and kissing me. I have to admit it caught me by suprise but I went along with it. "Good morning Percy, have pleasent dreams"? The picture of "Cetus" flashed in my mind, and Michael stopped smiling. "That's terrible Percy." Michael said "What happened Percy?"Annabeth asked concerned. She looked so cute when she was nervous. Her hair fell into her eyes, her lips tremble, looks like she's about to cry. Adorable. "Well I'm just feeling nervous and had a very bad dream where... Cetus stabbed me." I said the last part very fast and quiet but Annabeth absorbed every word. "I'm so sorry for that Percy but," "Aw, damn it" A fire had started on the pan of bacon Michael was frying. It was quickly doused in a lot of water and was dried up fast. "Well you're gonna feel nervous about stuff but wo imagined it would be fighting Cetus?" Annabeth said "I don't think anyone." Michael put in.
After we finished Michaels great breakfast, we stepped outside in our lightest clothese but were drenched in sweat in the first 5 seconds. As we walked towards town we saw that Jillian's house was extra sparkly today and occasional flashes came from the windows. "Let's check up on Jillian, shall we?" Michael said.
"Let's do it." Annabeth said
As Michael knocked on some random pieces of random furniture on Jillians porch. Once he was done though a loud clanging came from inside the house. Michael stopped knocking and waited patiently. The flashes from inside the house stopped and Jillian was at the door in an instant.
"Michael you came, and you brought your friends!" She sounded ecstatic that we came. "Come on in the place is well airconditioned." We walked in and Iimmediately felt better the sweat literally was taken off of me and flew out the door.
As we walked through Jillians house I saw lots of antiques regarding magic that were in glass cases with little bronze labels on plaques. I walked by the case with Harry Potter's wand in it. "Jillian," I asked she stopped and turned around with a grin the smell of roses and honey hit me like a spray of perfume. "Is this really Harry Potter's wand?"
"Yes he's my uncle, he lives in London and wrote those books about himself." Jillian said extremely calm. "Uncle Harry actually let Daniel Radcliffe use his wand."
"If you use it do you actually get magic?" Annabeth asked she sounded so excited. "No, the wand is used for precision."
"so there are really wizards?" I asked
"Well techniquly, no there just children of Hecate."
"oh." Me and annabeth said at the same time.
We continued walking through Jillians house passing by magical items like Houdini's Watch that not only kept time but also the rotation of the moon and sun, and gives a slight buzz to the person wearing it to tell them monsters are nearby. We passed Merlins hat as well which was pointy and blue but the stars on it spun around the hat slowly, and had a slight sparkle around it. Then we came to stop in the kitchen which had flowers burning to give light and the smell of orchids and honey. It had clear marble counter tops so you could see through to the drawers to find what you need easier. There was perfect oak cabinets with black knobs in the shape of a rose. It looked normal except for the flower shaped windows that showed shifting pictures from a beach to Jillians magic shack to a snowy mountain to the exact cliff Daedelus had his house on when me and Annabeth visited. It was now a black spot on adobe red cliffs. "Welcome to the Crystal Ball." Jillian said, "My sweet home but also a 'crystal ball."
"are these your favorite spots you've visited?" I asked.
"No, I haven't most of these places, The mountain is Mt. Helena, the beach is the Caribbean, that's obviously my store and the red cliffs are obviously Daedelus's old workshop. You've been there haven't you Percy, Annabeth?" Mt. Helena brought back bad memories. "Yeah we've been to the workshop. We got there through the Labrynth."
"Really?" Michael asked.
"Sure did, but it was burnt to a crisp." Annabeth said casually. A high pitched squeal came from a room in a side hallway.
"Oh, I'll get that." Jillian said and ran off to the sound.
"What was that?" I asked
"That's Jillians telliphone. It means someone needs to pick up an order at the store." I could some loud laughing and then some random blabbing about salamander skin or fairy wings. Stuff like that. I started thinking out loud for some reason.
"I wonder how JIllian and Michael got here?" I said, it was loud and blatant and I must've blushed really bad because I could see a red glow in a mirror over the jade fireplace. "Well here is the story, for both of you." Michael said almost whispering. My vision started to dim and a vision started to appear. A blonde boy and a brunette girl were playing together on a cute mini playground for toddlers. They were both sliding down a slide with the girl in the boys lap. Once at the bottom they laughed so hard they fell on the floor. "That's me and Jillian there. Oh, the memories." Michaels voice said. Michael and Jillian walked over to a nice looking woman with blonde hair that took Michael to a nice house while Jillian went to a nice looking dad with brown hair like hers and took her to a nice house. "Me and Jillian were both 9 at the time. Fastforward 3 years our parents got married." There was a vision of a nice wedding with Michael in a sweet white suit and Jillian in a adorable white dress with a vail over her head and a magnolia in her hair. "Our parents went on there honeymoon, they came back looking refreshed, you see my mom was a daughter of Hestia and Jillians dad was a son of Demeter. He was a gardener and my mom was a saleswoman. They were planning on sending us to Camp-Half Blood but they couldn't afford to fly us there and back evey summer. Since we lived in Louisiana they took us to were they learned there stuff. They called it Half-Blood Subarbs. Fastforward two months to were it was time to go to "Suburbia" but on the way our aura must have been pretty powerful because we attracted a whole pack of hellhounds and goblins." The vision shifted to a car being attacked by a horde of black and green. "My parents gave Jillian her wand that could turn into a sword and I got the water bottle full of celestial bronze water. My mom gave me a band with beads that looked exactly like fire and Jillian got a band made of grass and orchids, these represented our parents life forces, if they turned into gold dust, our parents were dead." The adults jumped out of the car and slashed, burned, and annihalated monsters and lead them off the street. While Michael and Jillian ran down the road with directions there parents gave them. They ran and ran only stopping to catch there breath there parents weren't dead yet. They finally made it to "Suburbia" and crossed the boundary of the town. At that moment Michaels mom died he broke down and cried. While the kids and teens came over to the children they asked who they were. Michael at the time was still crying but Jillian was still able to tell them the story, and at that moment Jillians band of plants withered and turned to dust. She broke down to and the crying children were sheltered in there current houses that were recently vacated. A timeline passed by and we could see them grow to today when Michael and Jillian were claimed and Michael was told by Hermes that I saved Olympia. We then saw how he got here, lots of hitch hiking and train rides. Then we see Michael meet us on the bus. My vision returned to normal and I see that Annabeth is crying and Jillian is still talking on the phone but then hangs up. She walks in the kitchen with a smile on her face is immediately frowning when she see's Annabeth crying. "Did you show them our bio Michael?" Jillian asked a little shocked.
"Yes, they asked I answered."
"Well since you know who we are you should know that we will be going to save Clarisse tomorow right when the potion is done. We'll need to be prepared and Annabeth I know ou want to learn magic, I"
"How'd you know? Did Michael teach you that mind reading thingy?"
"No I taught him and can easily teach you, come along you'll need full concentration so Michael and Percy will have to go do something elsewhere." She started laughing.
"Maybe I can go show you this awesome lake. Wanna come?" This all hit me with a surprise.
"Uh, sure. Heh why not." I answered with a smile.
"This'll be some good brother bonding time." He said putting a hand on my shoulder.
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
Wasn't Houdini a son of Hermes? I know I read that somewhere in the books before..anyways great as always.
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
Congratz for getting popular content!!! :D
over a year ago LoganLerman1001 said…
I thought Hestia was a virgin,like Artemis,and,Athena?
over a year ago LoganLerman1001 said…
oh great btw
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
Well yes but in a myth Hestia took some fire from her hearth and formed it into a child when she met someone she liked. So technically she can have children without having connections.
over a year ago bstras said…
I like your fanfic...
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
Gods!!!!! U write allot!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
big smile
Part 9

Jillian sheperded me and Michael out of her house. It seemed that the walls and hallways had changed because the wallpaper was different and it smelled of some exotic flower and cinnamon. We finally made it to the glass door. "Bye you guys I'll take good care of her." Jillian said as she pushed out the door, and closed it gently behind us. It was amazingly cool and breezy outside, but the sun was still shineing brightly. "So, where is this lake you were talking about?" Michael started walking, I followed. "You'll just have to see." he said with a grin. We walked down the center lane with people just going about there normal lives. This was the first place I really felt at home away from camp and my actual home. We made it to the end of the lane and it was a beutiful field of flowers and trees and knee high green grass. "This is just like camp!" I said in amazement. There was a big pile of boulders nearby to the right. "And that looks like Zeus's Fist!" I turned to Michael but he wasn't there anymore. "Michael...Michael?" It wasn't like him to just dissapear. "where ar... what are you doing?" I saw Michael knocking on a olive tree then taking three large steps forwards. I walked over to him. "What are you doing?" he looked ridiculous. "I'm looking for a special plant." he said sounding very focused on his work. "What's important about this plant?" I asked getting interested. "Once I find it we can get to the lake very quickly." he replied. "Is there anything I can do?" I asked. he looked up from the ground and smiled. "There's something special I need you to do." he started. Michael picked up a nearby grass with green flowers on it with blue pollen in the center. "I need you to imagine this plant turning it's petals blue and it's pollen green." He looked around as if looking for someone. "Do this on top of those rocks." he pointed to the top of Zeus's Fist. "What will this do exactly?" he continued looking for that plant. "you'll know when it happens." he said sounding tired "It sounds to me like you want me out of the way!" I said He looked up again. "I see, your trying to weasel your way out of doing something simple." he said while chuckling. I felt my face go red. "I am NOT!!!" I yelled in his face. He then pulled himself to his full height and he was a good four inches taller than me. He looked mad. "Now I know your my brother." He said smiling, and then chuckling. Going back to my height. "This is the plant that'll take us there we just had to switch the colors to activate the portal." he said
"wait, portal??"
"yeah it'll get us there fast and easy. Unless you want to walk?"
"Oh no, I'm okay with teleporting there."
"Okay then. I'll have you do it so you can learn how to control water in plants. You'll get the idea quickest on top of the
rocks." We walked to rock pile and climbed quickly. Once at the top I felt my mind open up to these new things I've probably never learn unless I came here. And the process for controlling water in all plants was easier than I thought it would be. But I can't say it here or it wouldn't be a secret. I got the plant colors changed quickly and we were at the "lake" in a moment. I'm nit sure you could call it a lake, more like a lagoon or oasis was more like it. It was in a cave with a water fall that smelled of the ocean, trees that were loaded with fruit, the water was crystal clear and there was a warmth that was radiating off of everything. It was hard to explain how I felt about that place, but it felt like getting a hug from a God. No weariness, no hunger or thirst, everything was perfect. Michael started snapping in front of my face. "Hey, hey Perc you okay man? I felt that same way when I first came here." I found myself in front of a peach tree. I wandered around the cave that was lighted from crystals in
the ceiling. Michael was climbing the wall to get to the waterfall. I walked over to the pond in the middle of the cave. It was perfectly round and clear. At the bottom of the pond something fishlike was moving. Moving towards the surface towards me. I jumped back and was about to uncap Riptide when Annabeth's head popped out of the water. I was totally confused now. "Uh, Michael, are you seeing this?" Michael looked down from the wall he was climbing he was almost to the ceiling now. "Yeah, it's just a mermaid. She won't bother you if you don't pull out any weapons. But she is a good person to tall to." he talked so calmly as if the mermaid didn't have Annabeths head. "But why does she have Annabeths head?" I looked back at the mermaid and it was now Rachel Elizabeth Dare's head. I let out a small scream. I immediately heard Michael jump down from the wall and land next to me. "Percy what's up?" he asked while helping me up. I was a little shaken. "The mermaids head ch,changed." Michael looked like he was going to laugh. "This mermaid shows you who your in love with, if her head changes than you don't know who you love yet. Do you still have feelings for another girl?" he asked while yawning. "I'm not sure."

Plz comment
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
WHOA! Awesome chapter!
I hope he and Rachel dont hook up... I'm a Percabeth shipper and always will be.
But this oughta be interesting...
over a year ago PJBRS14 said…
Hey, Hestia's kids are like Athena's only instead of using fire, Athena thinks up her kids. Also, the story is great as usual:D
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
Same as the two above :)