The Heroes of Olympus Son of Neptune(continuing from first chapter)

chocol8smiles posted on Jun 16, 2011 at 01:14PM
This is a Son of Neptune fancic written by yours truly. There's a bunch of these already, but oh well here's another. Except this one will be written following the actual first chapter of the Son of Neptune written by Rick Riordan. If you have not read that yet here's the link:
My story will also be a rating of T instead of C, because of violence. It won't be vomit-worthy or whatever, probably just along the lines of The Hunger Games if you have read that. I'll try to post regularly & I hope you enjoy ^.^

The Heroes of Olympus 31 replies

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over a year ago Hestiarue39 said…
Can't wait :)
over a year ago 3rdCj2ndCJR said…
Can't wait to hear it. I bet the god who saw sledding tricks got offended when he called them stupid. I wish you luck for #1 best Fanfic.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cro0010 said…
I can't wait either!
over a year ago chocol8smiles said…
Thanks! & This is only the first part of the chapter by the way. There'll be more next time. Wish I could add pics but my iPod doesn't let me do that :/

~Chapter 2~
"Oof!" Percy groaned, falling head first into a thick patch of grass.
Being a child of a god and all, you would expect all those superhero moments that happen in movies to apply to you too. To crash through the window of a building's 86th story and land as graceful as a swan, plunge into raging waters from a cliff and emerge totally unscathed, sled a Cheese 'n' Wieners platter down a hill without stumbling over and looking like a complete moron in the process--you know, stuff like that. But apparently, Percy was learning, that was not how demigods worked. Automatically he touched his face, checking for any fresh scrapes or cuts, but thanks to what he now knew as "the mark of Achilles" there was nothing. He mounted himself on top of the platter, ready to give it another go, when he heard a throaty chuckle. Beano! he assumed. Could she gave regained consciousness already? Instead, a huge, muscular guy that Percy guessed was about 18 or 19 jumped up from behind a shrub with a giant grin on his face, and Percy realized the laugh had come from him. He also had a pretty good idea what Mr. Muscular was laughing at...
"If you're gonna go again, try pulling your legs INSIDE(by the way, I'm using Caps to replace italics) the thing instead of dangling them over! You looked like a total idiot!" the guy yelled before letting out a howl of laughter.
Percy felt his face turning red. Okay so that wasn't exactly his smartest move, but did he mention he'd hardly slept the past few days? And was living on JACK IN THE CRACK BURRITOS? He stood up. "I was thinking more along the lines of 'complete moron' but yeah, that works too." 
Mr. Muscular snorted and came forward so that he towered over Percy's 5'10" stature.
 "Aw Hazel and Reyna would love you! We don't usually have many people like that back at the Imperium. Everyone's so serious... and boring," he muttered, more to himself than Percy. He started babbling on again when the creature flung itself at him.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
good start for the second chapter;can't wait for more action
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
GREAT start i love it
over a year ago chocol8smiles said…
To those who have read this so far:
I changed the last part in that last chapter because, i dunno, what was going to happen next just seemed like something that would happen if I were in that situation instead of Percy. You'd like the revised version better anyway >.<
over a year ago daughterofTerra said…
omg this is really good when r u going to post again?
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Hey, this I good!! I made a forum like this a few dys back but neve got the chance to start, it's good!!! Keep it up
over a year ago cro0010 said…
big smile
Really good! I can't wait to read more. Do you have any idea when you're going to post next? (sorry if i'm pushy)
over a year ago Huntress100 said…
omg soo good please post soon!!!
over a year ago chocol8smiles said…
Prob once a week
over a year ago precious211 said…
big smile
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
This is so good
over a year ago chocol8smiles said…
I'm back! It took me forever to finish one chapter, I know, I know. Future chapters won't take as long ;) & can anyone show me how to use italics??

~Continuing Chapter 2~
"Watch out!" Percy shrieked, trying to shove Mr. Muscular out of the way, which was not an easy task(Seriously, it felt like he might as well have been pushing on a brick wall!), until finally, he budged. Not much, but enough. The creature that had sprung from behind reminded Percy of one of those wolf Pokémon from the cartoon. Fiery scarlet eyes made a sharp contrast against the pitch black of it's fur, and though it looked more like a big dog than anything else(and he a means BIG dog. Like, small horse kind-of-big.), it's stance was like that of a hyena; half-crouching, half-ready-to-pounce. 
"Hellhound," he whispered, shocked at how he knew this. It was as if all his memories were submerged in mud and the sight of the creature had triggered that single memory to float back up to the surface. With that he also knew that hellhounds were supposedly dangerous. And looking at this one, Percy could definitely believe it: with it's bared teeth, and it's flopping tongue, and it's wagging tail, and--wait, what? 
It trotted over and licked Percy full on the face, like it was any other house dog greeting someone who walked up on the porch.
It's EXCITED, Percy realized. Just to see someone--like a normal dog.
It wasn't baring it's teeth to eat him for lunch, or flopping it's tongue because it was hungry, or even wagging it's tail in anticipation for the whole mess. It was just happy.
"Wait, what did you say?" Mr. Muscular asked, completely ignoring the hellhound and the weirdness of it all. "Did you just call him a. . .?" 
"Hellhound?" Percy finished, scratching the spot behind the hound's left ear.
"How did you know that?"
"I'm not sure, I just do."
Mr. Muscular frowned and was about to say something else when the hellhound barked and an unpleasantly familiar voice rang out.
"Demigod child!" it screeched, and Bean-Stheno's rooster feet took her rushing down the hill looking the same as when he last saw her with yet another platter of Cheese 'n' Wieners. Except her creepy, oversized smile was gone, only to be replaced by a scowl that Percy was sure was just the smile twisted upside down. 
"You!" she said clearly looking at Percy as she said it. "You killed BOTH of my sisters and now I'm all ALONE! You will pay. . . Like the shoppers at Bargain Mart!" Her face fell. "Eurayle would have chided me for such a comment. . . but now she's dead!" Then she looked back up at Percy, anger returning, and lunged for his throat.

Since I can't give you pics I'll just give you links.
The hellhound(except with black fur & red eyes): link
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Cool chapter
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
mrs O'Leary seems to have found here mster. Beano watch out!!!!!
nice chap.
over a year ago chocol8smiles said…
Yes I took 11 days so post again, but I have full chappie this time :)

~Chapter 3~
Before Percy could bother telling Stheno that her sister was only dead for about another two hours, the hellhound beat him to it, and soon they fell into a dangerous pattern. The hellhound would strike. Stheno would deflect. Stheno would strike. The hellhound would deflect. Hellhound-strike. Stheno-deflect. Stheno-strike. Hellhound-deflect. 
Lather, rinse, repeat. . .
That is, until one of them actually hurt the other. The hellhound moaned as a smiling Stheno drew her talons back from its side, revealing a thick gash that ran from its right underarm down to the hip bone. Percy stepped forward, only to be stopped by a ginormous hand.
"Leave him," Mr. Muscular said, without taking his eyes off the fight.
"But he's hurt!" Percy protested.
"Max is trained for stuff like this. Besides, he's gone through a lot worse. He can take a gorgon, especially this one. I've always heard Stheno was pretty dim-witted."
No doubt Stheno is 'pretty dim-witted'. That was why Percy was surprised she actually managed to stay alive this long, let alone cut the hellhound. She had never fought HIM like that. She just tried to stuff Cheese 'n' Wieners down his throat. Why was she giving Max a hard time?
"MAX?" he thought all of a sudden.
The corner of Mr. Muscular's mouth quirked up . "Yeah, my brothers' and sisters' hellhound, but he's practically mine. You like the name? It's supposed to be ironic, because Max is a really common dog's name and all."
"You have a PET hellhound?"
"If that's what you want to call it. I know it sounds impossible, but I promise he's friendly. You saw how excited he was when he saw you. By the way, what's your name?"
But Percy wasn't listening. It felt like something was trying to emerge from the mud again. 
Pet hellhound. . . friendly hellhound. . .
Percy guessed something like that was involved in the life he forgot, but he didn't try to get more than that. It took a lot of work to think about it--like grabbing at something too out of reach. 
A small object lightly hit his side, jerking him away from his thoughts. Some must have hit Mr. Muscular too, because he irritably muttered "What are these?" Percy picked one up. "Cheese 'n' Wieners". 
They both looked up to where a messy Stheno was hurling handfuls of Cheese 'n' Wieners at Max while cursing in ancient Greek(which he somehow understood as 'die filthy mutt!').
"Never seen something like that before," Mr. Muscular mumbled.
"They're poisoned," Percy suddenly remembered. "The Cheese 'n' Wieners, I mean. She added her blood from her left side to them which makes them deadly to eat." 
Understanding dawned on Mr. Muscular's face as Max howled and ran toward Stheno, jaws perfectly parted.
"Max, no!" he yelled, but it was too late. The gorgon tossed a few Wieners at his mouth and, practically being a dog and all, he ate them. . . and collapsed to the ground. Percy stared, awe-struck. He felt sad and a little guilty. Stheno was there for Percy, not Max. If he hadn't been there. . . or if he at least did more than knock Beano out, Max wouldn't be like this. Stheno cackled evilly as Mr. Muscular glared at her with rage. But when he brung out a long sword from his side, she abruptly stopped, and soon enough talon and metal was clashed against each other. So Percy was the only one who noticed what was happening. 
"Mr. Muscu--look!" Percy called, pointing at Max. His body was still slumped on a mound of dirt, but he wasn't limp in the slightest. The gash on his side closed up, as did other small cuts and scrapes. His ears perked up and more of the fire returned to his eyes. He looked even more alive than before. Stheno gave a surprised squawk. "Wrong side!" 
Mr. Muscular took the opening and swung his sword. 
"Eurayle always said I 'ought to learn my right from my le--". And she was cut in half and turned to dust. Sounds pretty familiar if you ask him.
Max barked and ran to Mr. Muscular, wagging his tail as his owner scratched him and told him how good of a job he did. Percy stood to the side, feeling slightly uncomfortable as he watched their man's-best-friend-moment.
"Any idea what just happened?" Mr. Muscular asked when he finally looked back up at Percy.
"Like I said before, blood from her left side is deadly. But blood from her right side can cure anything."
"That's what she told me."
Percy watched him consider this for a while before wondering himself:
"How come you're taking all this like it's normal? The pet hellhound, the snake-haired lady, the bloody convenient store snacks. . . You act like stuff like this happens to you every day."
Now he smiled. "It kinda does. I'd guess that goes for you too. You're a demigod."
Percy hoped he didn't look as flabbergasted as he felt. "How did you know I was a demigod?"
Mr. Muscular pulled out the same sword he chopped Stheno in half with and twirled the hilt like a baton, before piercing the blade deep into the earth. "Robert Basch. Son of Mars. New praetor of the Mars quarters, actually." He held is hand out. "Call me Bobby."

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
loved it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
over a year ago princessofmagic said…
*gasps dramatically*.

over a year ago chocol8smiles said…
Okay, so this is a pretty crappy half-chapter but I thought it would be better than letting Writer's Block get the best of me or completely abandoning the Fanfic so here it is ;) Oh, and I finally learned how to use italics! Pff, and they said I would never get it. Well they is me but whatever, you get the point.

~Chapter 4~
Percy shook his hand. "Ares," he said without meaning to. 
"Well hello, Ares," replied Mr. Muscular er. . . Bobby.
"What--no. I mean. . . My name is Percy. Percy Jackson."
Bobby opened his mouth to say something when a very impatient voice shouting "Bobby Basch!" interrupted him.
Two girls were trudging up the hill, and Max and his wagging tail ran to them.
The shorter one had curly strawberry blonde hair and was wearing a dress that seemed to be made of leaves. Her big brown eyes glanced curiously between him and Bobby when she saw them. The other girl's eyes were fixed solely on Bobby, and Percy figured she was the one who had shouted his name. She looked young, maybe 14 or 15, but there was a moodiness to her features that made her seem much older. She had wavy auburn hair that could make her pass for either a brunette or a redhead and piercing blue eyes that focused angrily on Bobby. 
"We've been looking everywhere for you!" she yelled, and Percy was sure blue lasers were about to shoot out of her eyes and straight at Bobby. "Where in the Underworld have you been?"
Bobby sighed like this already happened a hundred times today.
"Sorry I scared you, Rey, but I've just been here on the hill the whole time. I found another dimideus[di-mid-eeh-us],'' he said gesturing to Percy, who realized he was the di-something. He decided to wave even though the girl, Rey or something, was looking down so that her hair covered her face.
 "Sorry for being paranoid," she apologized back to Bobby. "It's just that ever since. . ." She let her words fall and continued staring at the ground. Percy thought she might be crying, but when she looked back up her face was dry and she had put on a smile. "So who's this you found?"
"I'm Percy," he said, happy to change the subject, whatever it was.
"Reyna," she replied. Oh, Reyna. "I'm a demigod, like you. I'm the daughter of. . ." She broke off and bit her lip, a sign that that was another touchy subject. Thankfully, the strawberry blonde jumped in. Literally--she and her curls just hopped over so that she was right in front of him.
"Hi Percy, I'm Hazel," she greeted.
"Like the nut," he blurted out, and then flushed. 
Gods he must be hungry. . .
But she just laughed. And so did Bobby, and even Reyna brightened up, so he was glad he said it. 
"Yeah," Hazel allowed with a smile. "Or the color," she said, waving a finger at Bobby's eyes(before he lightly smacked it away) which, upon further inspection, were a greenish brown with tints of gold. Hazel.
"Or the tree that bears the nut," she continued, gesturing a hand to the forest. "See that one?" She pointed at a leafy tree growing from numerous skinny trunks instead of a one thick one. "That's a hazel. It's my tree!" 
These guys get their own trees? 
She went on at Percy's puzzled expression. "I'm not a demigod like Bobby, Reyna and you. I'm a wood nymph."
"Hazel!" Reyna admonished. "He just found out he's half god, no need to overwhelm him with the other stuff just yet."
"Actually," Bobby cut in. "Percy knew what he was when I met him. He knew what Max was."
"How'd you know?" Reyna asked Percy.
"I just did."
"That's not much of an answer."
He shrugged. "It's all I've got."


over a year ago Safree said…
loved it please post soon
over a year ago percy359 said…
Cool man
over a year ago theorder said…
Plz post!! It's really good!
over a year ago chocol8smiles said…
big smile
Whoa, haven't been here for a while. Guess I'll get to it though :) Thanks for the comments!
over a year ago cro0010 said…
It's really good. Post soon.
over a year ago Percy2 said…
That was amazing
over a year ago chocol8smiles said…
~Continuing Chapter 4~
"So you're saying you just woke up one day and decided you think that the gods in Roman mythology actually exist, and that one of those gods' blood flows through your veins?"
"Yes," Percy replied a little impatiently. Why did she even need to know? 
"You see, when I woke up, that was pretty much the only thing I knew about myself. I don't remember anything." Except for the Annabeth girl, he thought, but he felt like he should keep that to himself.
"How do we know you're telling the truth?" she asked, and to his surprise, pulled out a dagger the size of a hammer and held it to his throat. He clutched Riptide reflexively, and glanced at Bobby and Hazel. They looked back apologetically, but made no move to help him. Max didn't even pay attention. He was chewing on a bone. Percy turned back to Reyna's stormy eyes. She was fine and hospitable a few seconds ago, and now she was threatening him with a knife? Girls...
"I. . . I don't know how to prove it to you, but what I'm telling you is true."
She pressed the dagger harder against his throat. The movement took barely a centimeter, but it was enough to for him to feel a small sting of pain and draw the tiniest drop of blood.
That's it.
He drew Riptide out, his thumb playing with the edge of the cap, when Bobby said, "Stop."
Reyna shot Bobby a surprised look, but didn't move the blade from Percy's neck. "What do you mean 'stop'?"
"I mean stop. He's telling the truth. I'm sure of it."
"And how exactly are you so sure of this?"
"Quit the sass Reyna, and... I just know it. He's not lying."
She made a face at the 'sass' line.
"We don't go by feelings around here Bobby. Remember?" She said it like a sour inside joke, like she was throwing his words back at him. Hazel stood uncomfortably to the side, looking like she wanted to help but decided better of it.
Bobby met Reyna's stare coolly. "This isn't a feeling. It's instinct. Put the dagger down now."
She reluctantly moved her knife away, and Percy's hand went to his throat, where the shallow cut still stung a little, but had stopped bleeding. Reyna placed the dagger into a brown leather sheath on her belt. "What do we do with him then?"
Bobby then said a string of words that Percy could not understand, and Reyna and Hazel started speaking it too. Was it. . . Spanish? It didn't sound Spanish. French? That wasn't right either. It sounded kind of like English, but that wasn't it. Percy listened, and widened his eyes when he heard a familiar name.
"Lupa? That is what you said right? Where is she?"
All three pairs of eyes turned to him with a look of puzzlement.
"How do you know Lupa?" Hazel asked.
"I-the day I woke up I had a dream. She was in it, and she told me about this journey I had to succeed in. And then my instincts, which she told me to sharpen, took me here."
Bobby, Reyna, and Hazel turned their eyes on each other. There was no weird language this time, they just communicated with their eyes. Finally, Bobby nodded. "Let's go."
"Where are we going?" Percy asked Reyna as she grabbed a brown leather backpack that matched her belt. She looked at him like that was the stupidest question. (Which it wasn't. It wasn't his fault he didn't know how to eye-talk like them.)
"To Lupa."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Peracbeth2136 said…
wow. ur a RLLY good writer!!!!! loved the chappie. keep up the amazing work!!!:DDD