The Heroes of Olympus Heroes from Greece and Egypt: The Lost Light

XxDamOnStErxX posted on Jun 16, 2011 at 04:33PM

This story is right after the Giants War.

Annabeth has gone missing after doing a quest to save Morpheus. but something has gone wrong, and new enemy has raise. That enemy captutured them. After three months of searching, no one in Camp can find them. A great accident should have them dead. The survivors from Greece and Egypt to fulfil the prophecy. They need to find the new Uniter, Who will it be???

My Characters: Shane Sekar, Alexander Ramos, Eva Dawson, Zaria Powell, Cleopatra Castillo, and Romeo Encantez.

Disclaimer: I don't own characters from RR stories: Annabeth, Percy, Piper, Leo, Jason, Carter, Clarisse, and etc.

Shane: Indian (British)
Alex: Mexican
Eva: Hawaiian
Cleo: Puerto rican descent of Taino Indian
Zaria: Irish and British
Romeo: Itailan/ Puerto Rican/ Brazilian

Rated: Pg 13 and maybe Rated R for action

Alex p.o.v.

Hi, I'm Alexander Ramos. Well I just turned 14 a

few weeks ago; I lived with my Mother in

Hartford,Ct. My mom is a single parent, I never met my

father in my life. He's probably a homeless guy. Then my

mother sended me away to some boarding school in

New York City. Until all I know had just begun in the last field trip of school.....

Okay let me start off when I was in our Final Field Trip of the year for us 7th graders at the
Statue of Liberty. I was in Mrs.Mann group so she can guide us around. Sometimes students in
our school call her a "Man," but she thinks We're calling her, "Mann." I felt bad for her sometimes
because she the most nicest, wonder, and If i had to say very pretty teacher in My school.She a
women in her 20s. Mrs.Mann wore a lay back clothing today. She wore plain old jeans, that match
well with her blue top. She wore a Yankee's Cap, if she wored a Boston Cap everyone in New
York would have killed her. She wored hiking boots which oddly she wore everyday. She looks
like she is Native American becuase she has caramel skin and fine black hair that flow like waves.
I remember all her classes was very interesting. She'd teach History; Ancient Greece, Rome, and

One time she even brought in ancient swords, artifacts, and food from each culture. But today was very boring, Mrs.Mann is giving on of those lectures of "What to do" and "What not to do inside the Statue of Liberty." I was hardly playing attention because I have dylsexia and ADHD, and If you dont know what that means then I'm not going to explain it. I was kinda get sick becuase our school was on a boat going to Ellis Island, I thought a plane or a jet would be better because my mom is a pilot and I remember when she us to bring me to her job and so me every button who to fly a plane and stuff. Mrs.Mann caught me not paying attention from the back.
"Alexander Ramos!," I just jump and said, "Umm... Yes Mrs.Mann." I said. "Did you heard
what---," she stop as I cut her off, "I explain to the class, no." Some of the students in my group
started to giggle becuase they can tell when Mrs.Mann get mad when I cut her off in her
sentence. I dont mean to but it like I knew what she said before she'd finished her sentence. But
Mrs.Mann put a smile and said, "Sometimes Alexander you could be a psychic." "I'm not.'' I

Mrs.Mann smirked but it wasnt any nice smirk it's one of those evil ones that you could tell
something going to happen. Then my best friend Romeo nudged on my showder, I looked at him
for a moment. Romeo has long, soft, wave brown hair that is push back into a pony tail. He has
the most weirdest eye's, but I can't talk people say I have eagle eyes because there golden and I
have very good vission. But his eyes changed colors; Blue, Gold-ish Hazel, Green, Brown like a
kaleoscope. He was wearing a plain black t-shirt under his blue hollister jacket.He had on blue
short pants and had those new pair of black nikes shoes that never came out in america yet.
Romeo smiled that you can see all his braces, they looked like train tracks. Many girls teased him
and call him, "Ro! Ro! Roller Tracks." But it even more funny when Romeo talk trash about them,
like seriously is very funny. One time I remember This girl name Elisabeth that eats banana's
every day at lunch. So one time she called Romeo, "Ro, Ro, Roller Track.'' And he replied back,
"The one that stores Banana up her ass for hibernation is talking." But other then that Romeo is a
nice guy that likes to make people laugh. "Yo man are you alright, your not going to puke are
you?." Romeo asked in a worry expression. "I'm Fine." I said. Mrs.Mann was done with her
lecture and let us rome the median size boat. They boat had two floors. One floor was for the gift
shop and lunch room. And the second floor was only chair to tourist can see a higher view of Eliss
Island and New york city surrounding it.

"Soo you want to take pictures and put them on facebook, I'll tag you dude." Romeo said. "Mite as well do something, because we got no money for the gift
shop." I replied. "Well come on dude!," Romeo said with excitement and grab my arms. And he dragged me to the bow of the ship. As we got to the front of the ship, it was very winding out like it
was a tornado near by. As we was taking goofy pictures, and some ridiculous poses to look sexy.
Romeo pony tail got lose and his rub band flew into the ocean, "Nooo!!!," Romeo scream as we
ran to the pole. We looked down at the blank ocean. Then Romeo cursed. Then a mysterious
cough came from behind use. We quickly turned around to see Mrs.Mann with a furious look.
"You two never listen to my rule of going near those poles. Do you know what the punishment Mr.
Ramos and Mr.Encantez?'' " No," they both replied. Mrs.Mann crossed her arms, and sighed.
"Well you have to stay with me and the other three morons until we leave this boat." Alex was
surprised what gone over the sweetest teacher in his school, now he knows something is changing and it not pretty. So me and Romeo stay with Mrs.Mann un the lunch room with three
other students; Cleo, Shane, and Zaria. We where all sitting around a blue circle table. On my table

there was a girl name Zaria. She one of those girl you wish you could be. She a cheerleader
and the most popular girl at school, also she very very wealthy. I heard she a descent of Queen
Catherine court. Zaria has auburn hair that was short and pale skin. She also had on her
cheerleader outfit that had our school colors; blue, gold, and white. our school mascot is a
turkey, how embarrassing is that. She has silvery moonlight eyes, some people make rumors that
she turns to a werewolve every full moon. Zaria was filing her perfect nails and humming. She
maybe had a good day because she was smiling, maybe she was looking at herself in her nails
reflection. and there was Cleo rolling her eyes at Zaria with disgusted look. Cleo Castillo is a
tomboy at our school. She got suspended for beating up a boy because he check her out when
she bended down to pick up her pencil in class. She spent most of her time in the school library,
she must be a bookworm. Cleo is wearing a short black leather jacket, with a violet V- neck top.

image below is Alex
This story is right after the Giants War.

Annabeth has gone missing after doing a quest to save Mo
last edited on Sep 22, 2011 at 03:45AM

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