The Heroes of Olympus Bookeater's version of THE SON OF NEPTUNE

bookeater posted on Jun 16, 2011 at 07:05PM
K so this is 4 my friends on my other topic of pj + ac getting back 2gether. This story is gonna be cool!! it will be finished b4 the real son of neptune comes out. and btw i dont mind spam. i kinda like it. it flatters me that some1 is at least on my part of this page. and i might not include my version of pj + ac getting back 2gether. i probably will change it to fit in with the rest of the story. i alrady have a few different ideas. and 4 perfectionists on my page "i dont like ever capitalize my words but i use correct everything else. it just takes to long and i dont usually have a lot of time to write. and plz comment to anything add parts or even write what u think would or u want to happen next. 4 hecateA "i am not in race or anything with u" or with any1 elso 4 that matter. HOPE U LIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!

The Heroes of Olympus 39 replies

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over a year ago athena305 said…
Cool. Can't wait! And I will honor you by spamming all the time. JK :)
over a year ago bookeater said…

My head hurts, was the first thing I thought when i woke up. My head was on a desk. i heard a teacher talking about something about the french and indian war. I looked around. i saw a typical high school classroom with bored students pretending to lisen to the teacher while really playing on their phones or daydreaming.
I looked around and saw a brown eyed, red haired, girl looking at me. She waved and whispered "hey percy. after school right?" Before i could firgure who and what she was talking about, the teacher said loudy "Percy Jackson if you wont pay attention you can go to the principal." Mrs. Dodds i thought alarmed. Then i stopped. I was confused. Who was Mrs. Dodds. all i remember was that she liked leather.
While i was wreasling with my confusing I heard a loud growl that made my hair no my neck and arms stand up. the side of the classroom exploded and dust flew everywhere.
i looked up in shock. there in the front of the building was the biggest dog i have ever seen. It was like a ix between monster and rotweiler. it was barking. the brown eyed girl screamed and the teacher yelled "EVERYBODY GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i didnt complain, i ran outta the classroom and down stairs i hoped lead to the back exit of the school. the brown eyed girl was behind me.
Just my luck, the stairs lead to the cafeiterria. i was breathing hard and couldnt reply when the girl asked me "WHAT WAS THAT?!?" i chocked out "are you talking to me?" her face changed from the expression of shock and fear to annoyance and sarcastic."Yes i am talking to you, your name is Percy right?" "i dont know," i answered back confused again. " well then no name i will clarify this for you. ur name is Percy jackson. i've known u for 8 years. duh, really nice joke percy."
I was just about to ask the girl what was she talking about when i thought is percy my name. i tried to remember my name and got nothing. I tried to remember anything else. i counldnt. i was freakin out now. i was hyperventilating.
The right wall of the cafeaterria exploded and the rumble and debris fell on the girl. she was hit on the head. i watched helplessly as she fell to the ground with blood on her scalp. i looked out the hole in the wall and saw the dog.
up close it wasnt any prettier. i saw now that its fur was streaked with blood and it's eyes were blood red. it glossy black and red fur was gleaming in the light of the cafeaterria. My hand went to my pocket and pullled out a pen, as if i did it everyday. as a reflex i dont remember i grabbed the the top of the pen and pulled it off.
over a year ago bookeater said…
k how u like? lol i see i need to indent. i will do that next time. :)
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
That was good. Glad you finally came back!
over a year ago bookeater said…
lol me 2 thxssssss :)
over a year ago athena305 said…
It's really good! Keep posting!
over a year ago sweetbluesea said…
i liked it was awsome post more plz
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
Awesome. I luved it ckeep postin
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
Awesome! genius, something that could only have come from the dark depths of a mind such as yours though I do have two suggestions correct format (which you mentioned/apologized about already :D) and spelling, make sure you reread your work before to cancel out any unnoticed typo or mistakes, and yes you are an insanly fast typer but you need to watch those typos! Anywho love your ideas and can't wait for the next post

have an exciting and writing filled summer Bookeater!
over a year ago bookeater said…
lol thxs guys :D a little bad news tho. my laptop is getting slower. but i will still work. btw HAPPY FATHERS DA TO MY DAD. we r celebrating it early this year cuz my dad wont b here 2morrow. ( mom + dad not 2gethe anymore, i don't mind ) well i guess i get into tehe story all already.
over a year ago bookeater said…

The red ball point pen in my hand expanded and transformed, to my horror, a long glowing gold sword. I didn't have time to figure out if I smoking or on something because the dog from hell jumped.

A million things were going through my mind. One was "oh gods" the other was "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH­HHH­HHH­HH.­&qu­ot; As I was lost in thought the dog jumped and landed on me. my hands tremembled on the sword and i lost my grip and the sword clattered uselessly to the ground.

I saw the dog's teeth and almost passed out and i felt an unusual feeling to go get a bisquict. I didn't have much time to inspect my death's teeth because just then three people leaped into the cafeteria and one of them yelled "HEY UGLY! LUNCH IS OVER HERE!" The dog growled and bounded over to them and started to bark.

The bark was so loud I had to cover my ears. I looked for the pen/sword but found nothing. Then a strange urge washed over me. I wanted to check my left jean pocket. I did just that and found a sticky note, a picture, a necklace, and my pen. I grabbed my pen and pulled off the cap and while the dog while distracted I stabbed the sword into the dog's hind leg but instilly felt bad and thought of a torn apart dummy.

I watched stunned as the dog fell and turned into sand and i covered in it too. The three people, that now i could better, walked up to me cautiously and said something I didn't understand. Like in a different language. I said in a voice like butter "What was that? How did I know how to do that? Who are you?"

They looked at me and the red head girl and asked "Where did you get that sword?" I anwsered back "I don't know. I can't remember anything." I heard them mutter "Cursed Juno."

My knees buckled from all the emotion and a girl caught me. She said "He's about ready to pass out! Get him some nector!" Then a guy of the three said "We don't know if hes a half blood!" The other guy said "He must be. Did you see him fight?"

The girl put a canteen of something to my lips and motioned me to drink it. i didn't object, I drank it and felt like a warmth was spreading all around my body. My vision stopped being fuzzy and I could breathe again. I stood up and said "Who are you?" A guy said "I am Bobby son of (sorry, i don't remember the name. the roman form of Athena)." The guy had brown eyes and dark brown hair and was about my height, a little shorter. The other guy said "I am Michael son of Hermes," this dude had black hair and blue eyes. The girl said "I am Reyna daughter of Mars." She had brown hair, green eyes, and a firece expression on her face. But i could tell there was a softness under there.

The girl that got hit was stirring. I said to the others "Should we get out of here?" I heard sirens and saw flashes of light. This seemed to wake up the girl. She sat up, hand to her head, and said "Percy? What is this?" Reyna said "This girl knows you. Your name is Percy." I said "I don't know her." I saw tears fill up her eyes as she said "How could you not? I am Jamie. Your best friend. i have known you since I was five."

I felt bad but didnt get the chance to speak because Bobby grabbed my hand, Reyna grabbed Jamie's, and we headed out of the builing into the back alleys. We ran and ran. I was getting tired as Reyna pulled out a big coin and asked Bobby "Do you have a hose or something?" I asked "What are you doing?" She said "Trying to contact camp before we die of some monster."

When she said camp a chill went up my spine and i asked "What camp?" She said "Camp Half Blood. Its where all the kids of the Roman gods live, and train." Jamie said "Oh," in a small voice.

Bobby found a facucet and turned it on and Reyna said something i didn't understand and threw in the coin and said "CAMP HALF BLOOD!" Unless my eyes were lying, i saw a field with hundreds of kids in full armor fighting. I rubbed my eyes. It was still there. I saw the three people speak but didn't here them. I was thinking of the camp. Something was nagging at my mind. It was like at the tip of my toungue. But I lost the train of thought when Jamie shook me and asked "Percy are you alright?" i said "Yeah," even though it was a total lie.

Reyna said "We need transportation to camp." "We are stuck here until we are picked up," Bobby said. A wave of panic crossed over me and i thought "Annabeth will kill me." It was like a explosion in my head. I was wresling with a huge ball of confusion, panic, and excitment.

I passed out then.
over a year ago bookeater said…
ok so sorry but that is it today. cuz i am going bowling, watching green LAtern and celebrating Father's day. G2g. bye see ya. b back 2morrow if i can.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
That waz good!!! Really and annabeth!!
over a year ago TheRedQueen said…
OMG OMG OMG he remembers annabeth!! keep posting!!
over a year ago athena305 said…
I'm in love. And tied on a string. Good work!
over a year ago bookeater said…

One again i woke up in a strange place. First was a classroom and now it is a hammock. I got out of the hammock to discover that all around me is a sunny, grassy medow filled with hundreds of people in Roman battle armor fighting and climbing trees, in a blacksmith building swords, daggers, arrows, and other battle items that i had no idea what they were. I felt for my pen and found that I was wearing different clothes.

My old ruined jeans and yellow shirt were gone and instead was a dark purple t-shirt and navy blue shorts. My perfectly fine pair of shoes were missing too. I am now wearing tan sandals. "What the?" I said under my breath as Bobby ran up to me. For no reason his gray eyes seemed to make me want to protect him. Like i already know him. But i don't.

He said "Hey are you okay?" i had the strangest feeling that i have already been though this. I said "I think so." "Good. So now we can start your training," Bobby said. I said back "Okay. What type of weapon?" Then i stopped and thought to myself "wait. why didnt i get confused when he said training. somehow i knew that we are training to kill monsters." Bobby seemed to notice my hesitation after I said that and said "percy. . . how did you know that?"

I said back in panic "I don't know!" He must have taken my panic the wrong way because he said "Yes you do. You are a faker. You know every thing there is about monsters, the gods, and this camp. You are a enemy," he raised his voice and yelled "HES A SPY! HE PROBABLY IS FROM THE MONSTER'S SIDE AND KNOWS WHERE JASON IS!" He drew his sword as Reyna ran over grabbed my arms and pulled them behind my back and i said "WAIT! YOU GOT THIS ALL-" i couldnt say anything anymore, Reyna tied my hands together as Bobby shoved a piece of cloth in my mouth.

With my eyes pleading with them Bobby hit me on the top of the head with the hilt of his sword. The pain was unbearable but oddly i could handle it. Bobby swore and used a shield to hit me on the head. I couldnt take it, i was knocked unconscious.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
agh!! Bobby!!! Stupid Bobby!! Nice way of makInh the story,'post soon I luv it a spy, wats up with the romans
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
big smile
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Bobby he is not a enemy!! stupid Bobby!!! AWESOME chapter!!
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Chapter it was really good !!!! Can't wait till you post !!:DDD
over a year ago bookeater said…
@everybody lol well if u think of it, he is sorta like the enemy. plus i got a question 4 all u: I WANT LEO + PIPER 2GETHER. DO U? cuz jason already has a gf. it would b wrong to give him another. like percy getting a another gf!


Okay so its the third time today that I woke up in a strange place. I was in a cold, wet, hard, dark, stone room. The only source of light was through a window with bars on it. i got up. I sat down quickly due to the fact of that i was so dizzy and wanted to throw up.

I looked around and saw a door. The door had no handle and a hole big enough to fit food in. I tried to get up again and fell back into water. I jumped up with the feeling that I just had 10 coffees. i looked at the water and thought "special water?"

I had the strangest feeling when i looked at the water. I remembered how Reyna and the others used water to contact camp. I thought maybe i could do that too. But then than i realized, i dont know anyone who would help. plus i dont know how to do that.

i thought about my pen and my hand went to my pocket and pulled it out. "no way." I then i thought about a horse/man saying "no matter were it goes it will always come back to you." I was confused again. I thought i had something but then lost it.

I threw it across the room and just as i thought it disappeared and i checked my pocket but i felt something different this time. It was a necklace. It was leather with 5 beads on it. One bead was a green trident in black. I put it on. I thought if this is the remains of my life, i want to wear it. Maybe then i remember something. i pulled out a picture from my pocket. I couldnt tell who was in the picture because of the dim light.

I put back the picture and grabbed my pen and uncapped it and turned to the bars of the window. "Where are you going now?" I heard someone say from the doorway. The door was open and there was in the doorway Reyna looking murderous. She said in a deadly whisper "Where is jason? what have you done to him? If you have harmed him i swear you wont live to see the light of day." I said back "I'm sorry. I dont know who Jason is or where he is. I hardly know who I am. So how can you expect me to know where he is?" She yelled "I DON'T CARE IF YOU DONT KNOW WHO YOU ARE! I JUST WANT MY BOYFRIEND BACK!" I watched stunned by her outburst as she turned and ran out of the room. If my ears werent lying i thought i heard her cry as she ran out.

The door was open. OPEN! I was just about to run out of the room when Micheal came in the doorway and said "Oh I wouldnt do that if i was you. You would be in even more trouble. Dont give Reyna another reason to hate you." I answered "I'm sorry but i dont know who Jason is. I dont even know who I am. I think i am 'Percy Jackson' or that is just what Jamie said. Why does Reyna hate me anyway?" As i was saying this i was looking for a way to get out despite of Michael's warnings. With a sad face Michael said "Our camp leader Jason Grace was kidnapped a day ago. He just disappeared out of thin air. We just won the titan war and he got his girlfriend so its doubtful that he ran off. She was hoping that you had the answers. And when you didnt she was really mad and disappionted."

"Why are you being so nice to me? I mean dont stop but everybody else hates me so i was wondering why dont you." He strained a chuckle and said "I dont hate you. But that doesnt mean i trust you. I am only being nice to you because i was first recauted in this same room and i know how it feels. I do believe what you say. About not remembering yourself even though it is farfetched." I replied back uncertainly "Thank you."

A horn sounded off a long ways off and Micheal said "I must go now. I have to go before anyone kinds out i was nice to you." "bye," i said as he turned and left the room and shut the door. I looked around again and thought "How and I going to get out of here?"

over a year ago athena305 said…
This is good. And by good, I mean GOOD. I would do italics but it takes too long. Loving it!
over a year ago bookeater said…

My stomach growled. I am hungry i thought miserably. I stood up and paced the room. I paced for about 30 minutes until some one shoved a tray of food into the room through the hole in the door. I looked at the food and said "Thank you!" I grabbed a apple off the tray and started eating. I will leave the sandwich for later.

As i was eating the door opened again. I was expecting Micheal or Reyna but i saw Bobby with a huge Dog. The dog wasnt like the huge bloody one i fought but with dark brown eyes and black fur about 6 feet high. But both dogs have the fierceness to them.

I heard a voice say "Leave us Bobby." The voice was like velvet but had authotity to it and a edge. Bobby bowed and left with one mean glance to me. I glared back at him. Probably not my smartest move but i tind to return whats given.

The dog said "I am Lupa. Guide of this Camp. Director of this camp. Leader of this camp." I was about to say that jason was the leader but thought that would be rude. I said in a rush "Hi I am Percy Jackson. I think? I am sorry but I dont know where this 'Jason' is." I heard the voice again "I know young hero," a chill went up my spine as the she/dog said hero, as if it was of some great importance to me, "that you dont know who this camp's number one fighter is. I know where you came from. Where you live. Where you sleep. Who you love and wouldnt want anyone to harm."
over a year ago partypony said…
Overall, it's great so far!
But how about using capitals and stuff? Makes it way easier to read.
over a year ago athena305 said…
I really like it!
over a year ago bookeater said…

My heart stopped. I said slowly "How do you know all that about me?" She said in her dangerous voice "I know everything you don't." "Could you tell me?" I asked excitedly in a rush. Lupa said "No, or i will ruin the prophecy. You have to find it all on your own. As much as i would love to kill you, I can't because once again the gods are relaying on you. And i would be a fool to get in their way." My head was splitting open with the words gods, kill, relaying, and with the images of war.

I couldn't understand where all these things are coming from. I slumped to my knees and Lupa watched and said "Good somethings are already coming back to you," i tried to stand up and look her in the face, "Good, you shall get out of this room and go to the Hermes cabin and start train in the morning at 05 00. No being late or early." I stood up and looked at her and said "I am willing to take whatever anything throws at me." She smiled and turned around with difficultly because of the limited space and ran from the doorway to a big house.

"Does any one around here walk?" I thought to myself. Just then Reyna came up to me and said "I know you are off the hook with Lupa," "thats off the hook? i would hate to see whats on the hook!" i thought, "but that doesnt mean that you're off the hook with me. I'll be watching you." I said "Okay I believe you. But can you PLEASE show me where the Hermes cabin is? Lupa said i had to sleep there."

She turned and said shortly "Follow me." I did as she walked to the end of the field. Along the way we passed other cabins. The first was a huge white building made of marble, it had a lightening bolt on the top of its doorway. I thought "Thats Thaila's cabin." then a million images of a girl at the age of 15 with punk style clothes with a bow and arrow. My head hurt as i fought to remember something, anything.

I couldn't. I just knew that this Thaila was a friend. "Here it is," Reyna said. I realized that we had walked for a long time after that cabin. I asked "Whos cabin was that? The one with the lightening bolt?" A pained expression crepted on her face as she said "It was Jason's cabin." I felt bad and said while putting my hand on her shoulder "I's sorry. But if this Jason is as smart as everyone is saying then I am sure that hes okay." She shrugged off my hand and said with some new found kindness "Thanks Percy," then she stopped and looked at me curiously and said softly "You really have no idea who you are."

"yeah," i said getting uncomfortable. Reyna said as she walked into the cabin "Well anyway this is your cabin for now, until you are determinded, then your get your own cabin depending on your godly parent. Breakfast is at 04:00 and lunch at 12:00 and dinner at 19:00. You will start training tomorrow with Bobby." She walked over people and showed me a bunk and said "Sleep here," and left the room. I looked after her and thought "I am sorry for her."

I looked out the window and saw the sea. Somehow I knew it was there, even without the moonlight i just . . . felt the sea there. I lisene to the sounds of the waves and climbed into bed and pulled out my pen and held it in my hand just in case Lupa changes her mind and quickly fell asleep.


I woke up to the sound on tapping. I sat up and looked for the source of the sound and saw a guy with curly blonde hair with impish features. He was polishing a shield. I looked to my right and saw a guy with brown straight hear using a wetstone to sharpen a blade. I asked anyone who would lisen "What time is it?" The guy polishing the shield said "Time to
over a year ago bookeater said…
@ everybody sorry i dint mean to do that. this continues the last chapter.

get up up and wake up." He threw me full body armor and a shield. He said "Put it on if you want to live." Everyone laughed. I put it on feeling discouraged.

"Now its time to train," Bobby said from the doorway. He turned and walked and motioned me to follow him. I grabbed the shield and walked out the door. "You missed breakfast," Bobby said. "What?!?" I asked alarmed. "You slept in," Bobby said with a smile on his face. I asked mad "Why didnt anyone wake me up?" "Dont expect anything of that sort from the kids of Hermes," Bobby warned. Well okay then I thought. We walked for about another fourth of a mile and then I saw it.
over a year ago bookeater said…

I walked up to it. It was a staduim. But not like those new football ones but like the old fashion Roman, marble and stone one. Like the ones the gladilators fought in.

I walked inside of it in a daze and looked all around me. I saw a rows upon rows of marble benchs cut into the sides of the arena. Every 5 feet or so there was a enterence with a wooden door to floor of the arena. The "floor" was all dirt and mud. There were scars on the ground. From past battles I thought. Bobby ran into the center of the arena and yelled "Come on Percy! take out your sword and fight me!"

I looked into the stands and saw that Lupa was watching. I asked Bobby "Why is Lupa here?" He said "She always watches everyones fights. To make sure that no one dies." I asked "And to make sure that its a fair fight?" Bobby said with a cruel smile "I wouldn't say that."

I walked over to him cautiously and took out my pen. He eyed it wearily. I took of the cap and his eyes widdened as I took off the cap. "its likes Jason's," i heard him say as he did something i didn't expect. I stopped as he bowed to me.
over a year ago athena305 said…
Love it! Just one thing: try to keep track of the Greek/Roman gods' names. Other than that, it's really really good! Keep writing. And don't tickle sleeping dragons.
over a year ago bookeater said…
lol ok then? but isnt Hermes called that in both roman and greek? i thought apollo and hermes were called the same thing. correct me if i am wrong.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
No it's only Apollo, Hermes is Mercury. And good job!!! Apollo is the only god in Greek that stays it's name like pompona is pompona and bla bla bla as Aphrodite is Venus.
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Awesome chapter !!:DDDD LOVED IT can't wait till you post again !!:))
over a year ago bookeater said…
opps . . .
over a year ago bookeater said…
k i think i am, done 4 today. but idk. i am rereadin harry potter and kinda at a writer;s block but i might write some more late at night. see ya when i see ya. :P
over a year ago PersesJr said…
Gud the way thats not the way percy acts,and he is invincible.
over a year ago sweetbluesea said…
i love it post more plz take your time that way it is better ok goodmorning bye
over a year ago sweetbluesea said…
Ok guy (and girls) I have little ? for bookeater do u have writers block . O and I am very sad because bookeater has not posted and I have to go goodnight
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
Did you include that bowing part because it's in Harry potter before a duel?
over a year ago percy359 said…
athena is minerva
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
oh and earlier one of the guys you said was a son of hermes its roman name is mercury