The Heroes of Olympus Heroes of Olympus, Percy Jackson, Kane Chronicle

LeoValdez456 posted on Jun 19, 2011 at 05:26AM
i just wrote this today will post the first chapter soon!!

The Last War

The three groups United Egyptians, Romans & Greeks! With the Egyptians given thrones on Olympus and the roman gods combined with their Greek forms the gods are stronger than ever before! But so is Gaea she has given birth to her last sons the most powerful beings to ever walk the earth Otus & Ephialtes their plan: to storm Olympus and take Artemes & Hera for their wives! Even Zues & Ra the most powerful gods are woried. Only the most powerful monsters demigods & gods can win The Last War

The Heroes of Olympus 16 replies

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over a year ago LeoValdez456 said…
Pleas feel free to give ideas!! and coments
over a year ago RachelDare14 said…
I like the idea. Maybe you could off with a council meeting on olympus with both gods and demigods?
over a year ago LeoValdez456 said…
Thanks for the idea ill use it
over a year ago RachelDare14 said…
big smile
over a year ago LeoValdez456 said…
heres the first chapter

Chapter 1
Jason hated monster especially early in the morning!
Jason had woken up at 6:00 am to a knocking on his cabin door he got out of bed and slowly walked towards the door “who is it” he called no answer he opened the door and staring at him was a hydra! Jason pulled out his sword and chopped of eight of its heads. “Ssstttopp” it hissed. Strangely Jason obeyed. “I have a message: Gaea has given birth to her last sons Otus & Ephialtes they are more powerful than any of the gods and are planning to storm Olympus and take Artemes & Hera for their wives. Then they will destroy the gods and the demigod the monsters & the mortals! We must work together”! “Why should I trust you” Jason asked. “Because we the monsters are your only hope”! “Ill take you Chiron said Jason and then he can decide what to do” .
When they got to the big house Chiron was sitting in his wheelchair just inside the door as if he had been waiting. The Hydra told him the message and he replied “Just as I had feared”. He looked at Jason and said “I think its time to visit Rachel”. As Jason walked up the hill to Rachel’s cave he noticed someone following him “who is it” he called. “Just me” replied pipers voice “What are you doing” she asked. “Going to see Rachel I need a prophecy”. “Can I come” piper asked. “O course” replied Jason. When They got to the cave Rachel was asleep but she got out of bed immediately.
And said her prophecy:

10 half bloods, monsters and gods
Will reach the gates against all odds
A dove an owl a forge as well
Will open arms to deaths deepest well

Next chapter soon hope you like it!!
over a year ago RachelDare14 said…
big smile
Ooooooooooo! I love it!

Can I just say one thing. I think Artemis is like this rather than Artemes. Also are you going to feature the gods now we've had 'THE PROPHECY OF DOOM!' *cough cough*. I mean the prophecy, though it is fairly doomy!
over a year ago LeoValdez456 said…
Yes i am and thanks artemis
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
i LOVE it plzzzzz post soon great start!!!
over a year ago Huntress100 said…
Really really good!!!
over a year ago RachelDare14 said…
big smile
Well I actually started my fanfic called SoN my version!!! I would be really happy if you could read it and give me advice on it!

Here's the link - link

Loving the story at the moment too LeoValdez456!
(Can I just call you Leo?)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LeoValdez456 said…
over a year ago Huntress100 said…
When are you going to post next???
over a year ago LeoValdez456 said…

Chapter 2 Gods
Ra woke at 15 to sunrise every morning!
After all she was the sun god and she had to help Apollo rise the sun!
She walked out the door of her house and down to he courtyard on Olympus Apollo was waiting. “7 seconds late” he said shaking his head. “Does it make a difference” asked Ra. “Probably not” replied Apollo. So together Apollo & Ra rose the sun.
Ra walked back to her house but on the way there she saw a shadow following her “Who’s there” she asked. Set walked out from the shadows. “Hephaestus would like to give you something” he said. “follow me”. Ra wasn’t sure if she could trust Set after all he was the god of evil! Ra followed Set to Hephaestus’ forge in the middle was a golden chair. “A chair for the most powerful god” Set muttered. Ra sat down in the chair and felt all her power draining away. In the sky the sun skidded out of control. Apollo who was eating breakfast collapsed onto the floor screaming in agony. Even for a god the weight of the sun was hard to lift by yourself and Apollo only carried about a 1/3 Ra usually did most of the work! Apollo crawled to Zues’ cabin and told him “there is only one explanation Ra has been captured” said Zues “call a council meeting on Olympus! ( there you go RachelDare14 I used your idea)

Small chapter but I didn’t have much time hope you like it!!

over a year ago Huntress100 said…
That was awesome! But I thought Ra was a guy.
over a year ago RachelDare14 said…
^Me too. And thanks for using my idea Leo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago LeoValdez456 said…
well i diddnt no if she was a guy or girl so i just used a girl